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  51 <h3><a name="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
  52 This package specifies five standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> interfaces.
  53  All five extend the 
  54 <a href="../RowSet.html">RowSet</a> interface described in the JDBC 3.0
  55 specification.  It is anticipated that additional definitions
  56 of more specialized JDBC <code>RowSet</code> types will emerge as this technology 
  57 matures. Future definitions <i>should</i> be specified as subinterfaces using 
  58 inheritance similar to the way it is used in this specification.
  59 <p>
  60 <i>Note:</i> The interface definitions provided in this package form the basis for
  61 all compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Vendors and more advanced
  62 developers who intend to provide their own compliant <code>RowSet</code> implementations 
  63 should pay particular attention to the assertions detailed in specification
  64 interfaces. 
  66 <h3><a name="stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a></h3>
  67 <ul>
  68 <li><a href="JdbcRowSet.html"><b><code>JdbcRowSet</code></b></a> - A wrapper around 
  69 a <tt>ResultSet</tt> object that makes it possible to use the result set as a 
  70 JavaBeans<sup><font size=-2>TM</font></sup> component. Thus,
  71 a <tt>JdbcRowSet</tt> object can be a Bean that any tool
  72 makes available for assembling an application as part of a component based
  73 architecture . A <tt>JdbcRowSet</tt> object is a connected <code>RowSet</code>
  74 object, that is, it 
  75 <b>must</b> continually maintain its connection to its data source using a JDBC
  76 technology-enabled driver ("JDBC driver"). In addition, a <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
  77 object provides a fully updatable and scrollable tabular 
  78 data structure as defined in the JDBC 3.0 specification.
  79 <p>
  80 <li><a href="CachedRowSet.html">
  81 <b><code>CachedRowSet</code>&trade;</b></a>
  82  - A <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> object is a JavaBeans<sup><font size=-2>TM</font></sup>
  83  component that is scrollable, updatable, serializable, and generally disconnected from
  84  the source of its data. A <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> object
  85 typically contains rows from a result set, but it can also contain rows from any
  86 file with a tabular format, such as a spreadsheet. <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> implementations 
  87 <b>must</b> use the <tt>SyncFactory</tt> to manage and obtain pluggable
  88 <code>SyncProvider</code> objects to provide synchronization between the
  89 disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object and the originating data source. 
  90 Typically a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation relies upon a JDBC
  91 driver to obtain connectivity to a particular data source.
  92 Further details on this mechanism are discussed in the <a
  93 href="spi/package-summary.html"><code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code></a> package
  94 specification.
  95 <p>
  96 <li><a href="WebRowSet.html"><b><code>WebRowSet</code></b></a> - A 
  97 <code>WebRowSet</code> object is an extension of <tt>CachedRowSet</tt>
  98 that can read and write a <code>RowSet</code> object in a well formed XML format.
  99 This class calls an <a href="spi/XmlReader.html"><code>XmlReader</code></a> object 
 100 (an extension of the <a href="../RowSetReader.html"><code>RowSetReader</code></a>
 101 interface) to read a rowset in XML format. It calls an 
 102 <a href="spi/XmlWriter.html"><code>XmlWriter</code></a> object (an extension of the 

  51 <h3><a name="pkgspec">1.0 Package Specification</a></h3>
  52 This package specifies five standard JDBC <code>RowSet</code> interfaces.
  53  All five extend the 
  54 <a href="../RowSet.html">RowSet</a> interface described in the JDBC 3.0
  55 specification.  It is anticipated that additional definitions
  56 of more specialized JDBC <code>RowSet</code> types will emerge as this technology 
  57 matures. Future definitions <i>should</i> be specified as subinterfaces using 
  58 inheritance similar to the way it is used in this specification.
  59 <p>
  60 <i>Note:</i> The interface definitions provided in this package form the basis for
  61 all compliant JDBC <code>RowSet</code> implementations. Vendors and more advanced
  62 developers who intend to provide their own compliant <code>RowSet</code> implementations 
  63 should pay particular attention to the assertions detailed in specification
  64 interfaces. 
  66 <h3><a name="stdrowset">2.0 Standard RowSet Definitions</a></h3>
  67 <ul>
  68 <li><a href="JdbcRowSet.html"><b><code>JdbcRowSet</code></b></a> - A wrapper around 
  69 a <tt>ResultSet</tt> object that makes it possible to use the result set as a 
  70 JavaBeans&trade; component. Thus,
  71 a <tt>JdbcRowSet</tt> object can be a Bean that any tool
  72 makes available for assembling an application as part of a component based
  73 architecture . A <tt>JdbcRowSet</tt> object is a connected <code>RowSet</code>
  74 object, that is, it 
  75 <b>must</b> continually maintain its connection to its data source using a JDBC
  76 technology-enabled driver ("JDBC driver"). In addition, a <code>JdbcRowSet</code>
  77 object provides a fully updatable and scrollable tabular 
  78 data structure as defined in the JDBC 3.0 specification.
  79 <p>
  80 <li><a href="CachedRowSet.html">
  81 <b><code>CachedRowSet</code>&trade;</b></a>
  82  - A <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> object is a JavaBeans&trade;
  83  component that is scrollable, updatable, serializable, and generally disconnected from
  84  the source of its data. A <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> object
  85 typically contains rows from a result set, but it can also contain rows from any
  86 file with a tabular format, such as a spreadsheet. <tt>CachedRowSet</tt> implementations 
  87 <b>must</b> use the <tt>SyncFactory</tt> to manage and obtain pluggable
  88 <code>SyncProvider</code> objects to provide synchronization between the
  89 disconnected <code>RowSet</code> object and the originating data source. 
  90 Typically a <code>SyncProvider</code> implementation relies upon a JDBC
  91 driver to obtain connectivity to a particular data source.
  92 Further details on this mechanism are discussed in the <a
  93 href="spi/package-summary.html"><code>javax.sql.rowset.spi</code></a> package
  94 specification.
  95 <p>
  96 <li><a href="WebRowSet.html"><b><code>WebRowSet</code></b></a> - A 
  97 <code>WebRowSet</code> object is an extension of <tt>CachedRowSet</tt>
  98 that can read and write a <code>RowSet</code> object in a well formed XML format.
  99 This class calls an <a href="spi/XmlReader.html"><code>XmlReader</code></a> object 
 100 (an extension of the <a href="../RowSetReader.html"><code>RowSetReader</code></a>
 101 interface) to read a rowset in XML format. It calls an 
 102 <a href="spi/XmlWriter.html"><code>XmlWriter</code></a> object (an extension of the