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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this

@@ -79,14 +79,17 @@
  * the application can then catch and use to retrieve the
  * <code>SyncResolver</code> object it contains. The following code snippet uses the
  * <code>SyncProviderException</code> method <code>getSyncResolver</code> to get
  * the <code>SyncResolver</code> object <i>resolver</i>.
  * <PRE>
+ * {@code 
  *     } catch (SyncProviderException spe) {
  *         SyncResolver resolver = spe.getSyncResolver();
  *     ...
  *     }
+ * 
+ * }
  * </PRE>
  * <P>
  * With <i>resolver</i> in hand, an application can use it to get the information
  * it contains about the conflict or conflicts.  A <code>SyncResolver</code> object
  * such as <i>resolver</i> keeps

@@ -95,23 +98,23 @@
  * conflicts can occur while the current conflicts are being resolved.
  * <P>
  * The following kinds of information can be obtained from a <code>SyncResolver</code>
  * object:
  * <P>
- *    <LI>What operation was being attempted when a conflict occurred<BR>
+ *    <h3>What operation was being attempted when a conflict occurred</h3>
  * The <code>SyncProvider</code> interface defines four constants
  * describing states that may occur. Three
  * constants describe the type of operation (update, delete, or insert) that a
  * <code>RowSet</code> object was attempting to perform when a conflict was discovered,
  * and the fourth indicates that there is no conflict.
  * These constants are the possible return values when a <code>SyncResolver</code> object
  * calls the method <code>getStatus</code>.
  * <PRE>
- *     int operation = resolver.getStatus();
+ *     {@code int operation = resolver.getStatus(); }
  * </PRE>
  * <P>
- *    <LI>The value in the data source that caused a conflict<BR>
+ *    <h3>The value in the data source that caused a conflict</h3>
  * A conflict exists when a value that a <code>RowSet</code> object has changed
  * and is attempting to write to the data source
  * has also been changed in the data source since the last synchronization.  An
  * application can call the <code>SyncResolver</code> method
  * <code>getConflictValue</code > to retrieve the

@@ -120,11 +123,10 @@
  * <PRE>
  *     java.lang.Object conflictValue = resolver.getConflictValue(2);
  * </PRE>
  * Note that the column in <i>resolver</i> can be designated by the column number,
  * as is done in the preceding line of code, or by the column name.
- * </UL>
  * <P>
  * With the information retrieved from the methods <code>getStatus</code> and
  * <code>getConflictValue</code>, the application may make a determination as to
  * which value should be persisted in the data source. The application then calls the
  * <code>SyncResolver</code> method <code>setResolvedValue</code>, which sets the value

@@ -191,11 +193,12 @@
  * through the columns of that row in both <i>resolver</i> and <i>crs</i>, the conflicting
  * values can be retrieved and compared to decide which one should be persisted. In this
  * code fragment, the value in <i>crs</i> is the one set as the resolved value, which means
  * that it will be used to overwrite the conflict value in the data source.
- * <PRE>{@code
+ * <PRE>
+ * {@code
  *     try {
  *         crs.acceptChanges(con);
  *     } catch (SyncProviderException spe) {