1 ;
   2 ; Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 ;
   5 ; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 ; under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 ; published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 ; particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 ; by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 ;
  11 ; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 ; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 ; version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 ; accompanied this code).
  16 ;
  17 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 ; 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 ; Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 ;
  21 ; Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 ; or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 ; questions.
  24 ;
  25 ("com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging" "OMGSystemException" OMG
  26     (
  27         (BAD_CONTEXT
  28             (IDL_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUND          1  WARNING "IDL context not found")
  29             (NO_MATCHING_IDL_CONTEXT        2  WARNING "No matching IDL context property"))
  30         (BAD_INV_ORDER
  31             (DEP_PREVENT_DESTRUCTION        1  WARNING "Dependency exists in IFR preventing destruction of this object")
  32             (DESTROY_INDESTRUCTIBLE         2  WARNING "Attempt to destroy indestructible objects in IFR")
  33             (SHUTDOWN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION_DEADLOCK    3  WARNING "Operation would deadlock")
  34             (BAD_OPERATION_AFTER_SHUTDOWN   4  WARNING "ORB has shutdown")
  35             (BAD_INVOKE                     5  WARNING "Attempt to invoke send or invoke operation of the same Request object more than once ")
  36             (BAD_SET_SERVANT_MANAGER        6  WARNING "Attempt to set a servent manager after one has already been set")
  37             (BAD_ARGUMENTS_CALL             7  WARNING "ServerRequest::arguments called more than once or after a call to ServerRequest::set_exception")
  38             (BAD_CTX_CALL                   8  WARNING "ServerRequest::ctx called more than once or before ServerRequest::arguments or after ServerRequest::ctx, ServerRequest::set_result or ServerRequest::set_exception")
  39             (BAD_RESULT_CALL                9  WARNING "ServerRequest::set_result called more than once or before ServerRequest::arguments or after ServerRequest::set_result or ServerRequest::set_exception")
  40             (BAD_SEND                       10 WARNING "Attempt to send a DII request after it was sent previously")
  41             (BAD_POLL_BEFORE                11 WARNING "Attempt to poll a DII request or to retrieve its result before the request was sent")
  42             (BAD_POLL_AFTER                 12 WARNING "Attempt to poll a DII request or to retrieve its result after the result was retrieved previously")
  43             (BAD_POLL_SYNC                  13 WARNING "Attempt to poll a synchronous DII request or to retrieve results from a synchronous DII request")
  44             (INVALID_PI_CALL1               14 FINE "Invalid call to forward_reference() when reply status is not LOCATION_FORWARD")
  45             (INVALID_PI_CALL2               14 FINE "Cannot access this attribute or method at this point")
  46             (INVALID_PI_CALL3               14 FINE "Cannot call set_slot from within an ORBInitializer")
  47             (INVALID_PI_CALL4               14 FINE "Cannot call get_slot from within an ORBInitializer")
  48             (SERVICE_CONTEXT_ADD_FAILED     15 FINE "Service context add failed in portable interceptor because a service context with id {0} already exists")
  49             (POLICY_FACTORY_REG_FAILED      16 WARNING "Registration of PolicyFactory failed because a factory already exists for the given PolicyType {0}")
  50             (CREATE_POA_DESTROY             17 WARNING "POA cannot create POAs while undergoing destruction")
  51             (PRIORITY_REASSIGN              18 WARNING "Attempt to reassign priority")
  52             (XA_START_OUTSIZE               19 WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_start() call returned XAER_OUTSIDE")
  53             (XA_START_PROTO                 20 WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_PROTO"))
  54         (BAD_OPERATION
  55             (BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER_TYPE       1  WARNING "ServantManager returned wrong servant type")
  56             (OPERATION_UNKNOWN_TO_TARGET    2  WARNING "Operation or attribute not known to target object "))
  57         (BAD_PARAM
  58             (UNABLE_REGISTER_VALUE_FACTORY  1  WARNING "Failure to register, unregister or lookup value factory")
  59             (RID_ALREADY_DEFINED            2  WARNING "RID already defined in IFR")
  60             (NAME_USED_IFR                  3  WARNING "Name already used in the context in IFR ")
  61             (TARGET_NOT_CONTAINER           4  WARNING "Target is not a valid container")
  62             (NAME_CLASH                     5  WARNING "Name clash in inherited context")
  63             (NOT_SERIALIZABLE               6  WARNING "Class {0} is not Serializable")
  64             (SO_BAD_SCHEME_NAME             7  WARNING "string_to_object conversion failed due to bad scheme name")
  65             (SO_BAD_ADDRESS                 8  WARNING "string_to_object conversion failed due to bad address")
  66             (SO_BAD_SCHEMA_SPECIFIC         9  WARNING "string_to_object conversion failed due to bad bad schema specific part")
  67             (SO_NON_SPECIFIC                10 WARNING "string_to_object conversion failed due to non specific reason")
  68             (IR_DERIVE_ABS_INT_BASE         11 WARNING "Attempt to derive abstract interface from non-abstract base interface in the Interface Repository")
  69             (IR_VALUE_SUPPORT               12 WARNING "Attempt to let a ValueDef support more than one non-abstract interface in the Interface Repository")
  70             (INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE            13 WARNING "Attempt to use an incomplete TypeCode as a parameter")
  71             (INVALID_OBJECT_ID              14 WARNING "Invalid object id passed to POA::create_reference_by_id ")
  72             (TYPECODE_BAD_NAME              15 WARNING "Bad name argument in TypeCode operation")
  73             (TYPECODE_BAD_REPID             16 WARNING "Bad RepositoryId argument in TypeCode operation")
  74             (TYPECODE_INV_MEMBER            17 WARNING "Invalid member name in TypeCode operation ")
  75             (TC_UNION_DUP_LABEL             18 WARNING "Duplicate label value in create_union_tc ")
  76             (TC_UNION_INCOMPATIBLE          19 WARNING "Incompatible TypeCode of label and discriminator in create_union_tc ")
  77             (TC_UNION_BAD_DISC              20 WARNING "Supplied discriminator type illegitimate in create_union_tc ")
  78             (SET_EXCEPTION_BAD_ANY          21 WARNING "Any passed to ServerRequest::set_exception does not contain an exception ")
  79             (SET_EXCEPTION_UNLISTED         22 WARNING "Unlisted user exception passed to ServerRequest::set_exception ")
  80             (NO_CLIENT_WCHAR_CODESET_CTX    23 WARNING "wchar transmission code set not in service context")
  81             (ILLEGAL_SERVICE_CONTEXT        24 WARNING "Service context is not in OMG-defined range")
  82             (ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE              25 WARNING "Enum value out of range")
  83             (INVALID_SERVICE_CONTEXT_ID     26 FINE "Invalid service context Id in portable interceptor")
  84             (RIR_WITH_NULL_OBJECT           27 WARNING "Attempt to call register_initial_reference with a null Object")
  85             (INVALID_COMPONENT_ID           28 FINE "Invalid component Id {0} in portable interceptor")
  86             (INVALID_PROFILE_ID             29 WARNING "Profile ID does not define a known profile or it is impossible to add components to that profile")
  87             (POLICY_TYPE_DUPLICATE          30 WARNING "Two or more Policy objects with the same PolicyType value supplied to Object::set_policy_overrides or PolicyManager::set_policy_overrides")
  88             (BAD_ONEWAY_DEFINITION          31 WARNING "Attempt to define a oneway operation with non-void result, out or inout parameters or user exceptions")
  89             (DII_FOR_IMPLICIT_OPERATION     32 WARNING "DII asked to create request for an implicit operation")
  90             (XA_CALL_INVAL                  33 WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_INVAL")
  91             (UNION_BAD_DISCRIMINATOR        34 WARNING "Union branch modifier method called with bad case label discriminator")
  92             (CTX_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_NAME      35 WARNING "Illegal IDL context property name")
  93             (CTX_ILLEGAL_SEARCH_STRING      36 WARNING "Illegal IDL property search string")
  94             (CTX_ILLEGAL_NAME               37 WARNING "Illegal IDL context name")
  95             (CTX_NON_EMPTY                  38 WARNING "Non-empty IDL context")
  96             (INVALID_STREAM_FORMAT_VERSION  39 WARNING "Unsupported RMI/IDL custom value type stream format {0}")
  97             (NOT_A_VALUEOUTPUTSTREAM        40 WARNING "ORB output stream does not support ValueOutputStream interface")
  98             (NOT_A_VALUEINPUTSTREAM         41 WARNING "ORB input stream does not support ValueInputStream interface"))
  99         (BAD_TYPECODE
 100             (MARSHALL_INCOMPLETE_TYPECODE   1  WARNING "Attempt to marshal incomplete TypeCode")
 101             (BAD_MEMBER_TYPECODE            2  WARNING "Member type code illegitimate in TypeCode operation")
 102             (ILLEGAL_PARAMETER              3  WARNING "Illegal parameter type"))
 103         (DATA_CONVERSION
 104             (CHAR_NOT_IN_CODESET            1  WARNING "Character does not map to negotiated transmission code set")
 105             (PRIORITY_MAP_FAILRE            2  WARNING "Failure of PriorityMapping object"))
 106         (IMP_LIMIT
 107             (NO_USABLE_PROFILE              1  WARNING "Unable to use any profile in IOR"))
 108         (INITIALIZE
 109             (PRIORITY_RANGE_RESTRICT        1  WARNING "Priority range too restricted for ORB"))
 110         (INV_OBJREF
 111             (NO_SERVER_WCHAR_CODESET_CMP    1  WARNING "wchar Code Set support not specified")
 112             (CODESET_COMPONENT_REQUIRED     2  WARNING "Codeset component required for type using wchar or wstring data"))
 113         (INV_POLICY
 114             (IOR_POLICY_RECONCILE_ERROR     1 WARNING "Unable to reconcile IOR specified policy with effective policy override")
 115             (POLICY_UNKNOWN                 2 WARNING "Invalid PolicyType")
 116             (NO_POLICY_FACTORY              3 WARNING "No PolicyFactory has been registered for the given PolicyType"))
 117         (INTERNAL
 118             (XA_RMERR                       1  WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_RMERR")
 119             (XA_RMFAIL                      2  WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_RMFAIL"))
 120         (INTF_REPOS
 121             (NO_IR                          1  WARNING "Interface Repository not available")
 122             (NO_INTERFACE_IN_IR             2  WARNING "No entry for requested interface in Interface Repository"))
 123         (MARSHAL
 124             (UNABLE_LOCATE_VALUE_FACTORY    1  FINE "Unable to locate value factory")
 125             (SET_RESULT_BEFORE_CTX          2  WARNING "ServerRequest::set_result called before ServerRequest::ctx when the operation IDL contains a context clause ")
 126             (BAD_NVLIST                     3  WARNING "NVList passed to ServerRequest::arguments does not describe all parameters passed by client")
 127             (NOT_AN_OBJECT_IMPL             4  WARNING "Attempt to marshal Local object")
 128             (WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_SENT    5  WARNING "wchar or wstring data erroneosly sent by client over GIOP 1.0 connection ")
 129             (WCHAR_BAD_GIOP_VERSION_RETURNED 6 WARNING "wchar or wstring data erroneously returned by server over GIOP 1.0 connection ")
 130             (UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_VERSION     7  WARNING "Unsupported RMI/IDL custom value type stream format")
 131             (RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE1 8 WARNING "No optional data available")
 132             (RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE2 8 WARNING "Not enough space left in current chunk")
 133             (RMIIIOP_OPTIONAL_DATA_INCOMPATIBLE3 8 FINE "Not enough optional data available"))
 134         (NO_IMPLEMENT
 135             (MISSING_LOCAL_VALUE_IMPL       1  WARNING "Missing local value implementation")
 136             (INCOMPATIBLE_VALUE_IMPL        2  WARNING "Incompatible value implementation version")
 137             (NO_USABLE_PROFILE_2            3  WARNING "Unable to use any profile in IOR")
 138             (DII_LOCAL_OBJECT               4  WARNING "Attempt to use DII on Local object")
 139             (BIO_RESET                      5  WARNING "Biomolecular Sequence Analysis iterator cannot be reset")
 140             (BIO_META_NOT_AVAILABLE                 6  WARNING "Biomolecular Sequence Analysis metadata is not available as XML")
 141             (BIO_GENOMIC_NO_ITERATOR        7  WARNING "Genomic Maps iterator cannot be reset"))
 142         (NO_RESOURCES
 143             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED1    1  FINE "The portable Java bindings do not support arguments()")
 144             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED2    1  FINE "The portable Java bindings do not support exceptions()")
 145             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED3    1  FINE "The portable Java bindings do not support contexts()")
 146             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED4    1  FINE "The portable Java bindings do not support operation_context()")
 147             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED5    1  FINE "The portable Java bindings do not support result()")
 148             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED6    1  FINE "The object ID was never set")
 149             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED7    1  FINE "The ObjectKeyTemplate was never set")
 150             (PI_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED8    1  FINE "ServerRequest::arguments() was never called")
 151             (NO_CONNECTION_PRIORITY         2  WARNING "No connection for request's priority"))
 153             (XA_RB                          1  WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_RB")
 154             (XA_NOTA                        2  WARNING "An OTS/XA integration xa_ call returned XAER_NOTA")
 155             (XA_END_TRUE_ROLLBACK_DEFERRED  3  WARNING "OTS/XA integration end() was called with success set to TRUE while transaction rollback was deferred"))
 156         (TRANSIENT
 157             (POA_REQUEST_DISCARD            1  WARNING "Request discarded because of resource exhaustion in POA or because POA is in DISCARDING state")
 158             (NO_USABLE_PROFILE_3            2  WARNING "No usable profile in IOR")
 159             (REQUEST_CANCELLED              3  WARNING "Request cancelled")
 160             (POA_DESTROYED                  4  WARNING "POA destroyed"))
 161         (OBJECT_NOT_EXIST
 162             (UNREGISTERED_VALUE_AS_OBJREF   1   WARNING "Attempt to pass an unactivated (unregistered) value as an object reference")
 163             (NO_OBJECT_ADAPTOR              2  FINE "Failed to create or locate Object Adaptor")
 164             (BIO_NOT_AVAILABLE              3  WARNING "Biomolecular Sequence Analysis Service is no longer available")
 165             (OBJECT_ADAPTER_INACTIVE        4  WARNING "Object Adapter Inactive"))
 166         (OBJ_ADAPTER
 167             (ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION    1  WARNING "System exception in POA::unknown_adapter for POA {0} with parent POA {1}")
 168             (BAD_SERVANT_TYPE               2  WARNING "Incorrect servant type returned by servant manager ")
 169             (NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT             3  WARNING "No default servant available [POA policy]")
 170             (NO_SERVANT_MANAGER             4  WARNING "No servant manager available [POA Policy]")
 171             (BAD_POLICY_INCARNATE           5  WARNING "Violation of POA policy by ServantActivator::incarnate")
 172             (PI_EXC_COMP_ESTABLISHED        6  WARNING "Exception in PortableInterceptor::IORInterceptor.components_established")
 173             (NULL_SERVANT_RETURNED          7  FINE "Null servant returned by servant manager"))
 174         (UNKNOWN
 175             (UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION         1  FINE "Unlisted user exception received by client ")
 176             (UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION   2  WARNING "Non-standard System Exception not supported")
 177             (PI_UNKNOWN_USER_EXCEPTION      3  WARNING "An unknown user exception received by a portable interceptor"))))