--- old/src/java.corba/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/spi/monitoring/package.html 2018-01-30 20:22:23.000000000 -0500 +++ /dev/null 2018-01-30 20:22:23.000000000 -0500 @@ -1,302 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - package - - - -General Information -

Monitoring Framework SPI's is used internally by the ORB to instrument -for JMX based Management and Monitoring. The -
framework is very generic and easy to use and acts as facade to retrieve -the information from the running CORBA system. -

This framework helps in building a nice Hierarchical Structure of Monitored -Objects that contains Monitored Attributes. -
com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB has an API to get the RootMonitoredObject -and then User can traverse through the tree to -
either instrument or retrieve the information for Monitoring. -

-Code Snippet to Instrument Connection Monitored Object

-This example shows on how to instrument CorbaConnectionImpl 's attributes. -It exposes two -
attributes, namely -

1. Connection State -
2. Response time statistics to Appeserver Admin Console or CLI -

-1. Instrumenting Connection State

-/** -
 *  Code Snippet to Instrument Connection Monitored Object -with -
 *  ConnectionState Monitored Attribute. Steps to follow -
 * -
 *  Step 1: Define a Monitored Attribute (ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute) -Class by extending -
 *               -StringMonitoredAttributeBase -
 * -
 *  Step 2: Create Connection Manager Monitored Object and -add that to -
 *                -Root Monitored Object. -
 * -
 *  Step 3: Create Connection Monitored Object  and -add it to Connection Manager Monitored Object -
 * -
 *  Step 4: Instantiate Concrete Attribute (ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute) -Class and add that to -
 *                -the Connection MonitoredObject -
 * -
 *  Step 5: Adds ConnectionMonitoredObject to ConnectionManagerMonitoredObject -
 * -
 */ -

/** -
  *  Step 1: Define a Monitored Attribute Class by extending -
  *                -StringMonitoredAttributeBase -
  */ -

/** -
  *  ConnectionState gets the value on demand. -
  */ -
#import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.LongMonitoredAttributeBase -
#import com.sun.corba.se.spi.transport.CorbaConnection; -

public class ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute extends StringMonitoredAttributeBase -
{ -
    CorbaConnection connection; -
    public ConnectionInUseMonitoredAttribute( String -name, String desc, -
        CorbaConnection con ) -
    { -
        super( name, desc ); -
        connection = con; -
    } -

    public Object getValue( ) { -
        // Delegate the getValue -call to connection -
        // so, there is no state -maintained in this attribute object itself -
        // and also the locking -will be the responsibility of Connection -
        // Object. By doing this -we will avoid global locking and possibly -
        // avoiding the bottleneck -
        return connection.getState( -); -
    } -

    // IMPORTANT: In this case we don't have to implement -clearState() method -
    // If there is a need to implement this method like -for POACounter, the -
    // call again can be delegated to the Object which -maintains the real -
    // state. clearState() is invoked whenever there -is a call to CORBAMBean.startMonitoring() -
} -

/** -
 *  Step 2: Create Connection Manager Monitored Object and -add that to -
 *          Root -Monitored Object. -
 */ -
import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoringFactories; -
import com.sun.corba.se.spi.monitoring.MonitoredObject; -

private static MonitoredObject connectionManagerMonitoredObject; -
private static MonitoredObject connectionMonitoredObject; -

    private void instrumentConnectionManager( ) { -
        connectionManagerMonitoredObject -= -
            -MonitoringFactories.getMonitoredObjectFactory().createMonitoredObject( -
                -"ConnectionManagerMonitoredObject", -
                -"Used to Monitor the stats on All IIOP Connections " ); -
        orb.getRootMonitoredObject().addChild(connectionManagerMonitoredObject -); -
    } -

/** -
  *  Step 3: Create Connection Monitored Object  and -add it to Connection Manager Monitored Object -
  * -
  *  Step 4: Instantiate Concrete Attribute (ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute) -Class and add that to -
  *                -the Connection MonitoredObject -
  * -
  *  Step 5: Add ConnectionMonitoredObject to ConnectionManagerMonitoredObject -
  */ -
private void instrumentConnectionObject( CorbConnection connection -) { -
    // Step 3 -
    MonitoredObject connectionMonitoredObject = -
        MonitoringFactories.getMonitoredObjectFactory().createMonitoredObject( -
            -connection.getName(), -
            -"Used to Monitor the stats on one connection" ); -
    // Step 4 -
    ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute connectionState -= -
        new ConnectionStateMonitoredAttribute( -"Connection_State", -
            -"Provides the state of the IIOP Connection ...",  connection ); -
    connectionMonitoredObject.addAttribute( connectionState -); -
    // Step 5 -
    connectionManagerMonitoredObject.addChild( connectionMonitoredObject -); -
} -

Code Snippet to Instrument A Statistic Type Monitored -Attribute -

/** -
  *  Assuming ConnectionMonitoredObject is already added -to the MonitoredObject Hierarchy. -
  *  This example code shows how to instrument ConnectionMonitoredObject -with a new -
  *   StatisticMonitoredAttribute. -
  * -
  *    IMPORTANT: StatisticsMonitoredAttribute -is mostly write mostly and read sparingly, i.e., -
  *    the frequency of writes(Collecting samples) -is high.  It is the responsibility of user to synchronize -
  *    the sample() method and the StatisticMonitoredAttribute -will synchronize clearState() and -
  *    getValue() using the mutex object sent. -
  */ -
private void instrumentStatsToConnectionObject( MonitoredObject connectionMonitoredObject  -) { -
     // Step 4 -
    StatisticsAccumulator connectRequestStatsAccumulator -= -
        // Microseconds is the unit -used for statistics measure -
        new StatisticsAccumulator( -"Micro Seconds" ); -

    // Pass Name, Description, Statistic Accumulator -Instance, Mutex (The -
    // Object on which we need to synchronize for stats -sample collection) -
    StatisticMonitoredAttribute sm = new StatisticMonitoredAttribute( -
        connection.getName() + "Stats", -
        "Connection Request Stats", -connectRequestStatsAccumulator, this ); -

    connectionMonitoredObject.addAttribute( sm ); -

    // Now, The user can accumulate the samples by calling -into -
    // connectRequestStatsAccumulator.sample( <value> -); -
    // Finally When ASAdmin request for the value of -this Stats Monitored Attribute -
    // by using standard getValue() call. It will return -a formatted Stats Value like -
    //  For Example -
    // -
    //  Minimum Value = 200 Microseconds -
    //  Maximum Value = 928 Microseconds -
    //  Average Value = 523 Microseconds -
    //  Standard Deviation = 53.72 Microseconds -
    //  Sample Collected = 435 -

} -

Caution On Global Locking (Synchronization): -

It's important to make sure that collecting Stats and other state information -for monitoring doesn't impact performance. Please look at the following -don'ts -
to understand better. -

Do not add a special mutex for synchronizing MonitoredObject: -
Let's take an example of exposing a counter that counts Requests on -this connection and 2 possible ways of doing this -
1. Define Counter by extending LongMonitoredAttributeBase -
     public class Counter extends LongMonitoredAttributeBase -{ -
        private long counter; -
        Counter( String name, String -desc ) { -
            -super( name, desc ); -
        } -
         public synchronized -void increment( ) { -
              -counter++; -
         } -

          public synchronized -Object getValue( ) { -
              -return new Long( counter ); -
          } -
    } -

2. Or Define a RequestCounter by extending LongMonitoredAttributeBase -again, but no special -
    synchronization is done -

    public class RequestCounter extends LongMonitoredAttributeBase -{ -
        private CorbaConnection -connection; -
        RequestCounter( String name, -String desc, CorbaConnection con ) { -
            -super( name, desc ); -
            -connection = con; -
        } -

        public Object getValue( ) -{ -
            -return connection.getRequestCount( ); -
       } -
    } -

    The problem with Alternative (1) is that there may -be unneccesary extra synchronization happening for every method and it -may become a bottle neck -
     particularly if this object is accessed quite -often. In Alternative (2), the synchronization happens only in the Connection -object and no special sync -
     is required in the RequestCounter object. -

Important Thing To Know On StatisticMonitoredAttribute -type: -
The clearState() and getValue() call will be synchronized using the -mutex passed by the external object, but sample() method in StatisticsAccumulator -
is not synchronized. It is the responsibility of user to synchronize -to make sure that the samples collected (The mutex passed into the StatisticsAccumulator must be the one used to synchronize calls to sample() ). -

@since JDK1.5 @serial exclude - -