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   1 #
   2 #
   3 # Copyright (c) 1996, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   5 #
   6 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   9 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  10 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  11 #
  12 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  15 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  16 # accompanied this code).
  17 #
  18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  19 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  20 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  21 #
  22 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  23 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any

  25 #
  28 #*****************************************************************************
  29 #*                    Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1998                     *
  30 #*                                                                           *
  31 #* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998                                              *
  32 #*                                                                           *
  33 #*****************************************************************************
  35 # To add a generator sun.rmi.rmic.Foo which is invoked via the -foo option:
  36 #
  37 #   1. Add "foo" to generator.args list.
  38 #   2. Add line: generator.class.foo=sun.rmi.rmic.Foo
  39 #   3. Update rmic.usage string to include new arguments.
  41 # For each available generator, list the command line argument used
  42 # to invoke it.  The value can be a single item or a comma separated
  43 # list.
  45 generator.args=v1.1,vcompat,v1.2,iiop,idl,xprint
  47 # For each generator, specify the class to invoke, using the following
  48 # syntax:
  49 #
  50 #     generator.class.{arg}=fullClassName
  51 #
  52 # The 'default' entry is required and will be used if none of the args
  53 # specified in generator.args is passed. Note that {arg} is compared
  54 # using String.equalsIgnoreCase().
  56 generator.class.default=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  58 generator.class.v1.1=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  59 generator.class.vcompat=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  60 generator.class.v1.2=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  61 generator.class.iiop=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.StubGenerator
  62 generator.class.idl=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.IDLGenerator
  63 generator.class.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.PrintGenerator
  65 # If a generator needs a BatchEnvironment other than
  66 # sun.rmi.rmic.BatchEnvironment, specify it as follows:
  67 #
  68 #     generator.env.{arg}=fullClassName
  70 generator.env.iiop=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  71 generator.env.idl=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  72 generator.env.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  74 rmic.usage=Usage: {0} <options> <class names>\
  75 \n\
  76 \nwhere <options> includes:\
  77 \n  -keep          Do not delete intermediate generated source files\
  78 \n  -keepgenerated (same as "-keep")\
  79 \n  -v1.1          Create stubs/skeletons for 1.1 stub protocol version (deprecated)\
  80 \n  -vcompat       Create stubs/skeletons compatible with both\
  81 \n                           1.1 and 1.2 stub protocol versions (deprecated)\
  82 \n  -v1.2          (default) Create stubs for 1.2 stub protocol version only (deprecated)\
  83 \n  -iiop          Create stubs for IIOP. When present, <options> also includes:\
  84 \n\
  85 \n                   -always           Create stubs even when they appear current\
  86 \n                   -alwaysgenerate   (same as "-always")\
  87 \n                   -nolocalstubs     Do not create stubs optimized for same process\
  88 \n\
  89 \n  -idl           Create IDL. When present, <options> also includes:\
  90 \n\
  91 \n                   -noValueMethods   Do not generate methods for valuetypes \
  92 \n                   -always           Create IDL even when it appears current\
  93 \n                   -alwaysgenerate   (same as "-always")\
  94 \n\
  95 \n  -g             Generate debugging info\
  96 \n  -nowarn        Generate no warnings\
  97 \n  -nowrite       Do not write compiled classes to the file system\
  98 \n  -verbose       Output messages about what the compiler is doing\
  99 \n  -classpath <path>      Specify where to find input class files\
 100 \n  -bootclasspath <path>  Override location of bootstrap class files\
 101 \n  -d <directory>         Specify where to place generated class files\
 102 \n  -J<runtime flag>       Pass argument to the java interpreter\
 103 \n
 105 #
 106 # Generic Messages
 107 #
 109 rmic.cant.read=Can''t read: {0}
 110 rmic.cant.write=Can''t write: {0}
 111 rmic.option.unsupported=The {0} option is no longer supported.
 112 rmic.option.unimplemented=The {0} option is not yet implemented.
 113 rmic.option.already.seen=The {0} option may be specified no more than once.
 114 rmic.option.requires.argument=The {0} option requires an argument.

 132 rmic.resource.not.found={0} not found.
 133 rmic.no.output.dir=\
 134         Cannot find suitable output directory for {0}. Use the -d option to specify a root directory.
 135 rmic.cannot.create.dir=\
 136         Cannot create output directory {0}.
 138 #
 139 # JRMP Messages
 140 #
 142 rmic.cant.make.stubs.for.interface=\
 143         {0} is an interface; stubs are needed only for remote object classes.
 144 rmic.must.implement.remote=\
 145         Class {0} does not implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; only remote objects need stubs and skeletons.
 146 rmic.must.implement.remote.directly=\
 147         Stubs are only needed for classes that directly implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; class {0} does not directly implement a remote interface.
 148 rmic.must.throw.remoteexception=\
 149         {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw java.rmi.RemoteException.
 150 rmic.must.only.throw.exception=\
 151         Method {0} is not a valid remote method implementation because it throws {1}; implementations of remote methods may only throw java.lang.Exception or its subclasses.
 152 warn.rmic.tie.found=\
 153         An IIOP "tie" exists for class {0}:\
 154         \n  {1}\
 155         \nIf you use PortableRemoteObject.exportObject, you should remove this file; otherwise, your server object will be exported to IIOP rather than to JRMP.
 156 rmic.jrmp.stubs.deprecated=\
 157         Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP\
 158         \nis deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have\
 159         \nbeen superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are\
 160         \nencouraged to migrate away from using {0} to generate skeletons and static\
 161         \nstubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.
 163 #
 164 # RMI-IIOP Messages
 165 #
 167 rmic.generated=[generated {0} in {1} ms]
 168 rmic.previously.generated=[previously generated file {0} is current]
 169 warn.rmic.member.not.mapped=\
 170     Data member {0} of class {1} was not mapped to IDL.
 172 rmic.iiop.constraint.1=\
 173     {0} is not a valid interface: does not inherit from java.rmi.Remote.
 174 rmic.iiop.constraint.2=\
 175     serialPersistentFields array of class {0} is invalid: references non-existent members.
 176 rmic.iiop.constraint.3=\
 177     {0} is not a valid remote interface: {1} is not a valid primitive or String constant.
 178 rmic.iiop.constraint.4=\
 179     {0} is not a valid value: serialPersistentFields must be private static final.
 180 rmic.iiop.constraint.5=\
 181     {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw RemoteException or a superclass of RemoteException.
 182 rmic.iiop.constraint.6=\
 183     {0} is not a valid remote interface: inherited interfaces {1} both declare method {2}.
 184 rmic.iiop.constraint.7=\
 185     {0} is not a valid type: {1} differ only in case.
 186 rmic.iiop.constraint.8=\
 187     {0} is not a valid remote implementation: has no remote interfaces.
 188 rmic.iiop.constraint.9=\
 189     serialPersistentFields array member {0} of class {1} is invalid: type does not match declared member.
 190 rmic.iiop.constraint.10=\
 191     {0} is not a valid value: implements java.rmi.Remote.
 192 rmic.iiop.constraint.11=\
 193     {0} is not a valid value: does not implement java.io.Serializable.
 194 rmic.iiop.constraint.12=\
 195     {0} is not a valid value: invalid parent.
 196 rmic.iiop.constraint.13=\
 197     {0} is not a valid interface: the idl name for method {1} conflicts with another method.
 198 rmic.iiop.constraint.14=\
 199     {0} is not a valid abstract interface: not an interface.
 200 rmic.iiop.constraint.15=\
 201     {0} is not a valid abstract interface: implements java.rmi.Remote.
 202 rmic.iiop.constraint.16=\
 203     {0} is not a valid remote interface: not an interface.
 204 rmic.iiop.constraint.17=\
 205     {0} is not a valid remote implementation: not a class.
 206 rmic.iiop.constraint.18=\
 207     {0} is not a valid interface: method {1} may not pass an exception which implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.
 208 rmic.iiop.constraint.19=\
 209     {0} is not a valid interface: the idl name for constant {1} conflicts with another constant.
 210 rmic.iiop.constraint.20=\
 211     {0} is not a valid class: the idl name for member {1} conflicts with another member.
 212 rmic.iiop.constraint.21=\
 213     {0} is a remote implementation class and cannot be used as a method argument or return type in {1}.
 214 rmic.iiop.constraint.22=\
 215     Internal failure: (Method) exception {0} not a class type.
 216 rmic.iiop.constraint.23=\
 217     Internal failure: (Method) caught null pointer exception for {0}.
 218 rmic.iiop.constraint.24=\
 219     Class {0} contains an invalid return type.
 220 rmic.iiop.constraint.25=\
 221     Class {0} contains an invalid argument type in method {1}.
 222 rmic.iiop.constraint.26=\
 223     Could not compile {0}.
 224 rmic.iiop.constraint.27=\
 225     Could not load class {0}.
 226 rmic.iiop.constraint.28=\
 227     {0} is a remote implementation class and cannot be used as a data member in {1}.
   1 #
   2 #
   3 # Copyright (c) 1996, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   5 #
   6 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   9 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  10 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  11 #
  12 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  13 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  14 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  15 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  16 # accompanied this code).
  17 #
  18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  19 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  20 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  21 #
  22 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  23 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any

  25 #
  28 #*****************************************************************************
  29 #*                    Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1998                     *
  30 #*                                                                           *
  31 #* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998                                              *
  32 #*                                                                           *
  33 #*****************************************************************************
  35 # To add a generator sun.rmi.rmic.Foo which is invoked via the -foo option:
  36 #
  37 #   1. Add "foo" to generator.args list.
  38 #   2. Add line: generator.class.foo=sun.rmi.rmic.Foo
  39 #   3. Update rmic.usage string to include new arguments.
  41 # For each available generator, list the command line argument used
  42 # to invoke it.  The value can be a single item or a comma separated
  43 # list.
  45 generator.args=v1.1,vcompat,v1.2,xprint
  47 # For each generator, specify the class to invoke, using the following
  48 # syntax:
  49 #
  50 #     generator.class.{arg}=fullClassName
  51 #
  52 # The 'default' entry is required and will be used if none of the args
  53 # specified in generator.args is passed. Note that {arg} is compared
  54 # using String.equalsIgnoreCase().
  56 generator.class.default=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  58 generator.class.v1.1=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  59 generator.class.vcompat=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator
  60 generator.class.v1.2=sun.rmi.rmic.RMIGenerator

  61 generator.class.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.PrintGenerator
  63 # If a generator needs a BatchEnvironment other than
  64 # sun.rmi.rmic.BatchEnvironment, specify it as follows:
  65 #
  66 #     generator.env.{arg}=fullClassName
  68 generator.env.iiop=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  69 generator.env.idl=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  70 generator.env.xprint=sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironment
  72 rmic.usage=Usage: {0} <options> <class names>\
  73 \n\
  74 \nwhere <options> includes:\
  75 \n  -keep          Do not delete intermediate generated source files\
  76 \n  -keepgenerated (same as "-keep")\
  77 \n  -v1.1          Create stubs/skeletons for 1.1 stub protocol version (deprecated)\
  78 \n  -vcompat       Create stubs/skeletons compatible with both\
  79 \n                           1.1 and 1.2 stub protocol versions (deprecated)\
  80 \n  -v1.2          (default) Create stubs for 1.2 stub protocol version only (deprecated)\

  81 \n  -g             Generate debugging info\
  82 \n  -nowarn        Generate no warnings\
  83 \n  -nowrite       Do not write compiled classes to the file system\
  84 \n  -verbose       Output messages about what the compiler is doing\
  85 \n  -classpath <path>      Specify where to find input class files\
  86 \n  -bootclasspath <path>  Override location of bootstrap class files\
  87 \n  -d <directory>         Specify where to place generated class files\
  88 \n  -J<runtime flag>       Pass argument to the java interpreter\
  89 \n
  91 #
  92 # Generic Messages
  93 #
  95 rmic.cant.read=Can''t read: {0}
  96 rmic.cant.write=Can''t write: {0}
  97 rmic.option.unsupported=The {0} option is no longer supported.
  98 rmic.option.unimplemented=The {0} option is not yet implemented.
  99 rmic.option.already.seen=The {0} option may be specified no more than once.
 100 rmic.option.requires.argument=The {0} option requires an argument.

 118 rmic.resource.not.found={0} not found.
 119 rmic.no.output.dir=\
 120         Cannot find suitable output directory for {0}. Use the -d option to specify a root directory.
 121 rmic.cannot.create.dir=\
 122         Cannot create output directory {0}.
 124 #
 125 # JRMP Messages
 126 #
 128 rmic.cant.make.stubs.for.interface=\
 129         {0} is an interface; stubs are needed only for remote object classes.
 130 rmic.must.implement.remote=\
 131         Class {0} does not implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; only remote objects need stubs and skeletons.
 132 rmic.must.implement.remote.directly=\
 133         Stubs are only needed for classes that directly implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; class {0} does not directly implement a remote interface.
 134 rmic.must.throw.remoteexception=\
 135         {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw java.rmi.RemoteException.
 136 rmic.must.only.throw.exception=\
 137         Method {0} is not a valid remote method implementation because it throws {1}; implementations of remote methods may only throw java.lang.Exception or its subclasses.

 138 rmic.jrmp.stubs.deprecated=\
 139         Warning: generation and use of skeletons and static stubs for JRMP\
 140         \nis deprecated. Skeletons are unnecessary, and static stubs have\
 141         \nbeen superseded by dynamically generated stubs. Users are\
 142         \nencouraged to migrate away from using {0} to generate skeletons and static\
 143         \nstubs. See the documentation for java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.

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