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 172     virtual MsgRouting WmMove(int x, int y);
 173     virtual MsgRouting WmSize(UINT type, int w, int h);
 174     virtual MsgRouting WmSizing();
 175     virtual MsgRouting WmPaint(HDC hDC);
 176     virtual MsgRouting WmSettingChange(UINT wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection);
 177     virtual MsgRouting WmNcCalcSize(BOOL fCalcValidRects,
 178                                     LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpncsp, LRESULT& retVal);
 179     virtual MsgRouting WmNcHitTest(UINT x, UINT y, LRESULT& retVal);
 180     virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseDown(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button);
 181     virtual MsgRouting WmGetIcon(WPARAM iconType, LRESULT& retVal);
 182     virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 183     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanging(LPARAM windowPos);
 184     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanged(LPARAM windowPos);
 185     virtual MsgRouting WmTimer(UINT_PTR timerID);
 187     virtual MsgRouting HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic);
 188     virtual void WindowResized();
 190     static jboolean _RequestWindowFocus(void *param);
 192     virtual BOOL AwtSetActiveWindow(BOOL isMouseEventCause = FALSE, UINT hittest = HTCLIENT);
 194     // Execute on Toolkit only.
 195     INLINE static LRESULT SynthesizeWmActivate(BOOL doActivate, HWND targetHWnd, HWND oppositeHWnd) {
 196         if (doActivate &&
 197             (!::IsWindowVisible(targetHWnd) || ::IsIconic(::GetAncestor(targetHWnd, GA_ROOT))))
 198         {
 199             // The activation is rejected if either:
 200             // - The toplevel is not visible
 201             // - The toplevel (or its embedder) is minimised
 202             return 1;
 203         }
 204         return ::SendMessage(targetHWnd, WM_ACTIVATE,
 205                              MAKEWPARAM(doActivate ? WA_ACTIVE : WA_INACTIVE, FALSE),
 206                              (LPARAM) oppositeHWnd);
 207     }
 209     void moveToDefaultLocation(); /* moves Window to X,Y specified by Window Manger */
 211     void UpdateWindow(JNIEnv* env, jintArray data, int width, int height,
 212                       HBITMAP hNewBitmap = NULL);

 172     virtual MsgRouting WmMove(int x, int y);
 173     virtual MsgRouting WmSize(UINT type, int w, int h);
 174     virtual MsgRouting WmSizing();
 175     virtual MsgRouting WmPaint(HDC hDC);
 176     virtual MsgRouting WmSettingChange(UINT wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection);
 177     virtual MsgRouting WmNcCalcSize(BOOL fCalcValidRects,
 178                                     LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpncsp, LRESULT& retVal);
 179     virtual MsgRouting WmNcHitTest(UINT x, UINT y, LRESULT& retVal);
 180     virtual MsgRouting WmNcMouseDown(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button);
 181     virtual MsgRouting WmGetIcon(WPARAM iconType, LRESULT& retVal);
 182     virtual LRESULT WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
 183     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanging(LPARAM windowPos);
 184     virtual MsgRouting WmWindowPosChanged(LPARAM windowPos);
 185     virtual MsgRouting WmTimer(UINT_PTR timerID);
 187     virtual MsgRouting HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic);
 188     virtual void WindowResized();
 190     static jboolean _RequestWindowFocus(void *param);
 192     virtual BOOL AwtSetActiveWindow(UINT hittest = HTCLIENT);
 194     // Execute on Toolkit only.
 195     INLINE static LRESULT SynthesizeWmActivate(BOOL doActivate, HWND targetHWnd, HWND oppositeHWnd) {
 196         if (doActivate &&
 197             (!::IsWindowVisible(targetHWnd) || ::IsIconic(::GetAncestor(targetHWnd, GA_ROOT))))
 198         {
 199             // The activation is rejected if either:
 200             // - The toplevel is not visible
 201             // - The toplevel (or its embedder) is minimised
 202             return 1;
 203         }
 204         return ::SendMessage(targetHWnd, WM_ACTIVATE,
 205                              MAKEWPARAM(doActivate ? WA_ACTIVE : WA_INACTIVE, FALSE),
 206                              (LPARAM) oppositeHWnd);
 207     }
 209     void moveToDefaultLocation(); /* moves Window to X,Y specified by Window Manger */
 211     void UpdateWindow(JNIEnv* env, jintArray data, int width, int height,
 212                       HBITMAP hNewBitmap = NULL);