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1372   int l = 0;
1373   int h = len - 1;
1374   while (l <= h) {
1375     int mid = (l + h) >> 1;
1376     Method* m = methods->at(mid);
1377     assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1378     int res = m->name()->fast_compare(name);
1379     if (res == 0) {
1380       return mid;
1381     } else if (res < 0) {
1382       l = mid + 1;
1383     } else {
1384       h = mid - 1;
1385     }
1386   }
1387   return -1;
1388 }
1390 // find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1391 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const {
1392   return InstanceKlass::find_method(methods(), name, signature);

1393 }
1395 // find_instance_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1396 // and skips over static methods
1397 Method* InstanceKlass::find_instance_method(
1398     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
1399   Method* meth = InstanceKlass::find_method(methods, name, signature);
1400   if (meth != NULL && meth->is_static()) {
1401       meth = NULL;
1402   }
1403   return meth;
1404 }
1406 // find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1407 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(
1408     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
1409   int hit = find_method_index(methods, name, signature);

1410   return hit >= 0 ? methods->at(hit): NULL;
1411 }
1413 // Used directly for default_methods to find the index into the
1414 // default_vtable_indices, and indirectly by find_method
1415 // find_method_index looks in the local methods array to return the index
1416 // of the matching name/signature

1417 int InstanceKlass::find_method_index(
1418     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
1419   int hit = binary_search(methods, name);
1420   if (hit != -1) {
1421     Method* m = methods->at(hit);
1422     // Do linear search to find matching signature.  First, quick check
1423     // for common case
1424     if (m->signature() == signature) return hit;

1425     // search downwards through overloaded methods
1426     int i;
1427     for (i = hit - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1428         Method* m = methods->at(i);
1429         assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1430         if (m->name() != name) break;
1431         if (m->signature() == signature) return i;
1432     }
1433     // search upwards
1434     for (i = hit + 1; i < methods->length(); ++i) {
1435         Method* m = methods->at(i);
1436         assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1437         if (m->name() != name) break;
1438         if (m->signature() == signature) return i;
1439     }
1440     // not found
1441 #ifdef ASSERT
1442     int index = linear_search(methods, name, signature);
1443     assert(index == -1, err_msg("binary search should have found entry %d", index));
1444 #endif
1445   }
1446   return -1;
1447 }
1448 int InstanceKlass::find_method_by_name(Symbol* name, int* end) {
1449   return find_method_by_name(methods(), name, end);
1450 }
1452 int InstanceKlass::find_method_by_name(
1453     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, int* end_ptr) {
1454   assert(end_ptr != NULL, "just checking");
1455   int start = binary_search(methods, name);
1456   int end = start + 1;
1457   if (start != -1) {
1458     while (start - 1 >= 0 && (methods->at(start - 1))->name() == name) --start;
1459     while (end < methods->length() && (methods->at(end))->name() == name) ++end;
1460     *end_ptr = end;
1461     return start;
1462   }
1463   return -1;
1464 }
1466 // uncached_lookup_method searches both the local class methods array and all
1467 // superclasses methods arrays, skipping any overpass methods in superclasses.
1468 Method* InstanceKlass::uncached_lookup_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const {
1469   Klass* klass = const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(this);
1470   bool dont_ignore_overpasses = true;  // For the class being searched, find its overpasses.
1471   while (klass != NULL) {
1472     Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->find_method(name, signature);
1473     if ((method != NULL) && (dont_ignore_overpasses || !method->is_overpass())) {
1474       return method;
1475     }
1476     klass = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->super();
1477     dont_ignore_overpasses = false;  // Ignore overpass methods in all superclasses.
1478   }
1479   return NULL;
1480 }
1482 // lookup a method in the default methods list then in all transitive interfaces
1483 // Do NOT return private or static methods
1484 Method* InstanceKlass::lookup_method_in_ordered_interfaces(Symbol* name,
1485                                                          Symbol* signature) const {
1486   Method* m = NULL;
1487   if (default_methods() != NULL) {
1488     m = find_method(default_methods(), name, signature);
1489   }
1490   // Look up interfaces
1491   if (m == NULL) {
1492     m = lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(name, signature, false);
1493   }
1494   return m;
1495 }
1497 // lookup a method in all the interfaces that this class implements
1498 // Do NOT return private or static methods, new in JDK8 which are not externally visible
1499 // They should only be found in the initial InterfaceMethodRef
1500 Method* InstanceKlass::lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(Symbol* name,
1501                                                        Symbol* signature,
1502                                                        bool skip_default_methods) const {
1503   Array<Klass*>* all_ifs = transitive_interfaces();
1504   int num_ifs = all_ifs->length();
1505   InstanceKlass *ik = NULL;
1506   for (int i = 0; i < num_ifs; i++) {
1507     ik = InstanceKlass::cast(all_ifs->at(i));
1508     Method* m = ik->lookup_method(name, signature);
1509     if (m != NULL && m->is_public() && !m->is_static() &&
1510         (!skip_default_methods || !m->is_default_method())) {
1511       return m;
1512     }
1513   }
1514   return NULL;
1515 }
1517 /* jni_id_for_impl for jfieldIds only */
1518 JNIid* InstanceKlass::jni_id_for_impl(instanceKlassHandle this_k, int offset) {
1519   MutexLocker ml(JfieldIdCreation_lock);
1520   // Retry lookup after we got the lock
1521   JNIid* probe = this_k->jni_ids() == NULL ? NULL : this_k->jni_ids()->find(offset);
1522   if (probe == NULL) {
1523     // Slow case, allocate new static field identifier
1524     probe = new JNIid(this_k(), offset, this_k->jni_ids());
1525     this_k->set_jni_ids(probe);
1526   }
1527   return probe;
1528 }

1372   int l = 0;
1373   int h = len - 1;
1374   while (l <= h) {
1375     int mid = (l + h) >> 1;
1376     Method* m = methods->at(mid);
1377     assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1378     int res = m->name()->fast_compare(name);
1379     if (res == 0) {
1380       return mid;
1381     } else if (res < 0) {
1382       l = mid + 1;
1383     } else {
1384       h = mid - 1;
1385     }
1386   }
1387   return -1;
1388 }
1390 // find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1391 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const {
1392   return find_method_impl(name, signature, false);
1393 }
1395 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method_impl(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, bool skip_overpass) const {
1396   return InstanceKlass::find_method_impl(methods(), name, signature, skip_overpass);
1397 }
1399 // find_instance_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1400 // and skips over static methods
1401 Method* InstanceKlass::find_instance_method(
1402     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
1403   Method* meth = InstanceKlass::find_method(methods, name, signature);
1404   if (meth != NULL && meth->is_static()) {
1405       meth = NULL;
1406   }
1407   return meth;
1408 }
1410 // find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array
1411 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(
1412     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) {
1413   return InstanceKlass::find_method_impl(methods, name, signature, false);
1414 }
1416 Method* InstanceKlass::find_method_impl(
1417     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, bool skip_overpass) {
1418   int hit = find_method_index(methods, name, signature, skip_overpass);
1419   return hit >= 0 ? methods->at(hit): NULL;
1420 }
1422 // Used directly for default_methods to find the index into the
1423 // default_vtable_indices, and indirectly by find_method
1424 // find_method_index looks in the local methods array to return the index
1425 // of the matching name/signature. If, overpass methods are being ignored,
1426 // the search continues to find a potential non-overpass match.  This capability
1427 // is important during method resolution to prefer a static method, for example,
1428 // over an overpass method.
1429 int InstanceKlass::find_method_index(
1430     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, bool skip_overpass) {
1431   int hit = binary_search(methods, name);
1432   if (hit != -1) {
1433     Method* m = methods->at(hit);
1434     // Do linear search to find matching signature.  First, quick check
1435     // for common case, ignoring overpasses if requested.
1436     if ((m->signature() == signature) && (!skip_overpass || !m->is_overpass())) return hit;
1438     // search downwards through overloaded methods
1439     int i;
1440     for (i = hit - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1441         Method* m = methods->at(i);
1442         assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1443         if (m->name() != name) break;
1444         if ((m->signature() == signature) && (!skip_overpass || !m->is_overpass())) return i;
1445     }
1446     // search upwards
1447     for (i = hit + 1; i < methods->length(); ++i) {
1448         Method* m = methods->at(i);
1449         assert(m->is_method(), "must be method");
1450         if (m->name() != name) break;
1451         if ((m->signature() == signature) && (!skip_overpass || !m->is_overpass())) return i;
1452     }
1453     // not found
1454 #ifdef ASSERT
1455     int index = skip_overpass ? -1 : linear_search(methods, name, signature);
1456     assert(index == -1, err_msg("binary search should have found entry %d", index));
1457 #endif
1458   }
1459   return -1;
1460 }
1461 int InstanceKlass::find_method_by_name(Symbol* name, int* end) {
1462   return find_method_by_name(methods(), name, end);
1463 }
1465 int InstanceKlass::find_method_by_name(
1466     Array<Method*>* methods, Symbol* name, int* end_ptr) {
1467   assert(end_ptr != NULL, "just checking");
1468   int start = binary_search(methods, name);
1469   int end = start + 1;
1470   if (start != -1) {
1471     while (start - 1 >= 0 && (methods->at(start - 1))->name() == name) --start;
1472     while (end < methods->length() && (methods->at(end))->name() == name) ++end;
1473     *end_ptr = end;
1474     return start;
1475   }
1476   return -1;
1477 }
1479 // uncached_lookup_method searches both the local class methods array and all
1480 // superclasses methods arrays, skipping any overpass methods in superclasses.
1481 Method* InstanceKlass::uncached_lookup_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, MethodLookupMode mode) const {
1482   Klass* klass = const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(this);

1483   while (klass != NULL) {
1484     Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->find_method_impl(name, signature, mode == skip_overpass);
1485     if (method != NULL) {
1486       return method;
1487     }
1488     klass = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->super();
1489     mode = skip_overpass;   // Always ignore overpass methods in superclasses
1490   }
1491   return NULL;
1492 }
1494 // lookup a method in the default methods list then in all transitive interfaces
1495 // Do NOT return private or static methods
1496 Method* InstanceKlass::lookup_method_in_ordered_interfaces(Symbol* name,
1497                                                          Symbol* signature) const {
1498   Method* m = NULL;
1499   if (default_methods() != NULL) {
1500     m = find_method(default_methods(), name, signature);
1501   }
1502   // Look up interfaces
1503   if (m == NULL) {
1504     m = lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(name, signature, normal);
1505   }
1506   return m;
1507 }
1509 // lookup a method in all the interfaces that this class implements
1510 // Do NOT return private or static methods, new in JDK8 which are not externally visible
1511 // They should only be found in the initial InterfaceMethodRef
1512 Method* InstanceKlass::lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(Symbol* name,
1513                                                        Symbol* signature,
1514                                                        MethodLookupMode mode) const {
1515   Array<Klass*>* all_ifs = transitive_interfaces();
1516   int num_ifs = all_ifs->length();
1517   InstanceKlass *ik = NULL;
1518   for (int i = 0; i < num_ifs; i++) {
1519     ik = InstanceKlass::cast(all_ifs->at(i));
1520     Method* m = ik->lookup_method(name, signature);
1521     if (m != NULL && m->is_public() && !m->is_static() &&
1522         ((mode != skip_defaults) || !m->is_default_method())) {
1523       return m;
1524     }
1525   }
1526   return NULL;
1527 }
1529 /* jni_id_for_impl for jfieldIds only */
1530 JNIid* InstanceKlass::jni_id_for_impl(instanceKlassHandle this_k, int offset) {
1531   MutexLocker ml(JfieldIdCreation_lock);
1532   // Retry lookup after we got the lock
1533   JNIid* probe = this_k->jni_ids() == NULL ? NULL : this_k->jni_ids()->find(offset);
1534   if (probe == NULL) {
1535     // Slow case, allocate new static field identifier
1536     probe = new JNIid(this_k(), offset, this_k->jni_ids());
1537     this_k->set_jni_ids(probe);
1538   }
1539   return probe;
1540 }

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