1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 javac.err.internal=\
  27         Internal error.
  28 javac.err.eof.in.comment=\
  29         Comment not terminated at end of input.
  30 javac.err.eof.in.string=\
  31         String not terminated at end of input.
  32 javac.err.newline.in.string=\
  33         String not terminated at end of line.
  34 javac.err.invalid.char.constant=\
  35         Invalid character constant.
  36 javac.err.unbalanced.paren=\
  37         Unbalanced parentheses.
  38 javac.err.invalid.escape.char=\
  39         Invalid escape character.
  40 javac.err.invalid.hex.number=\
  41         Hexadecimal numbers must contain at least one hexadecimal digit.
  42 javac.err.invalid.octal.number=\
  43         Invalid character in octal number.
  44 javac.err.invalid.number=\
  45         Invalid character in number.
  46 javac.err.funny.char=\
  47         Invalid character in input.
  48 javac.err.float.format=\
  49         Invalid floating point format.
  50 javac.err.overflow.int.oct=\
  51         Integer literal out of range.  Octal int literals must be in \
  52         the range 00 to 037777777777.
  53 javac.err.overflow.int.dec=\
  54         Integer literal out of range.  Decimal int literals must be in \
  55         the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.
  56 javac.err.overflow.int.hex=\
  57         Integer literal out of range.  Hexadecimal int literals must be in \
  58         the range 0x0 to 0xffffffff.
  59 javac.err.overflow.long.oct=\
  60         Integer literal out of range.  Octal long literals must be in \
  61         the range 00L to 01777777777777777777777L.
  62 javac.err.overflow.long.dec=\
  63         Integer literal out of range.  Decimal long literals must be in \
  64         the range -9223372036854775808L to 9223372036854775807L.
  65 javac.err.overflow.long.hex=\
  66         Integer literal out of range.  Hexadecimal long literals must be in \
  67         the range 0x0L to 0xffffffffffffffffL.
  68 javac.err.overflow.float=\
  69         Numeric overflow: float literal too large.
  70 javac.err.overflow.double=\
  71         Numeric overflow: double literal too large.
  72 javac.err.underflow.float=\
  73         Numeric underflow: float literal too small.
  74 javac.err.underflow.double=\
  75         Numeric underflow: double literal too small.
  76 javac.err.token.expected=\
  77         ''{0}'' expected.
  78 javac.err.statement.expected=\
  79         Statement expected.
  80 javac.err.type.expected=\
  81         Type expected.
  82 javac.err.identifier.expected=\
  83         Identifier expected.
  84 javac.err.class.expected=\
  85         ''class'' or ''interface'' keyword expected.
  86 javac.err.toplevel.expected=\
  87         Class or interface declaration expected.
  88 javac.err.missing.term=\
  89         Missing term.
  90 javac.err.assign.in.conditionalexpr=\
  91         Assignment expressions are not permitted as the third subexpression \
  92         of a conditional expression (that is, a ? : expression).  \
  93         Try parenthesizing this assignment expression.
  94 javac.err.else.without.if=\
  95         ''else'' without ''if''.
  96 javac.err.catch.without.try=\
  97         ''catch'' without ''try''.
  98 javac.err.finally.without.try=\
  99         ''finally'' without ''try''.
 100 javac.err.try.without.catch.finally=\
 101         ''try'' without ''catch'' or ''finally''.
 102 javac.err.case.without.switch=\
 103         ''case'' outside switch statement.
 104 javac.err.default.without.switch=\
 105         ''default'' outside switch statement.
 106 javac.err.io.exception=\
 107         I/O error in {0}.
 108 javac.err.io.exception.package=\
 109         I/O error while checking for existence of package {0}.
 110 javac.err.malformed.attribute=\
 111         The class file containing {0} has a malformed ''{1}'' attribute.
 112 javac.err.array.index.required=\
 113         Array index required.
 114 javac.err.not.array=\
 115         [] can only be applied to arrays. It can''t be applied to {0}.
 116 javac.err.array.dim.in.decl=\
 117         Can''t specify array dimension in a declaration.
 118 javac.err.array.dim.in.type=\
 119         Can''t specify array dimension in a type expression.
 120 javac.err.invalid.array.expr=\
 121         Array constants can only be used in initializers.
 122 javac.err.invalid.array.init=\
 123         Invalid initializer for type {0}.
 124 javac.err.invalid.lhs.assignment=\
 125         Invalid left hand side of assignment.
 126 javac.err.invalid.args=\
 127         Invalid arguments to {0}.
 128 javac.err.invalid.cast=\
 129         Invalid cast from {0} to {1}.
 130 javac.err.invalid.instanceof=\
 131         Impossible for {0} to be instance of {1}.
 132 javac.err.invalid.type.expr=\
 133         Invalid type expression.
 134 javac.err.anonymous.extends=\
 135         Only named classes can have ''extends'' or ''implements'' clauses.
 136 javac.err.invalid.field.reference=\
 137         Attempt to reference field {0} in a {1}.
 138 javac.err.no.such.field=\
 139         No variable {0} defined in {1}.
 140 javac.err.no.field.access=\
 141         Variable {0} in {1} not accessible from {2}.
 142 javac.err.no.type.access=\
 143         Inner type {0} in {1} not accessible from {2}.
 144 javac.err.cant.access.member.type=\
 145         The type {1} to which the member {0} belongs is not accessible from {2}.
 146 javac.err.inner.class.expected=\
 147         No inner class {0} found in {1}.
 148 javac.err.no.static.field.access=\
 149         Can''t make a static reference to nonstatic variable {0} in {1}.
 150 javac.err.inner.static.ref=\
 151         Can''t make a static reference to inner class {0}.
 152 javac.err.ambig.field=\
 153         Reference to {0} is ambiguous. It is defined in {1} and {2}.
 154 javac.err.invalid.field=\
 155         Attempt to reference method {0} in {1} as an instance variable.
 156 javac.err.assign.to.final=\
 157         Can''t assign a value to a final variable: {0}
 158 javac.err.assign.to.blank.final=\
 159         Can''t assign a second value to a blank final variable: {0}
 160 javac.err.qualified.static.final.assign=\
 161         The variable in an assignment to a static blank final must be a simple name (it may not follow a dot ''.'').
 162 javac.err.bad.qualified.final.assign=\
 163         The variable in an assignment to a blank final must be a simple name or a simple name qualified by ''this'': ''{0}'' or ''this.{0}''.
 164 javac.err.assign.to.blank.final.in.loop=\
 165         Attempt to assign a blank final variable {0} in a loop. The initialization must occur exactly once.
 166 javac.err.assign.to.uplevel=\
 167         Attempt to assign to a variable {0} in a different method. From enclosing blocks, only final local variables are available.
 168 javac.err.invalid.uplevel=\
 169         Attempt to use a non-final variable {0} from a different method. From enclosing blocks, only final local variables are available.
 170 javac.err.undef.var=\
 171         Undefined variable: {0}
 172 javac.err.undef.var.super=\
 173         Undefined variable: {0}.  The "super" keyword may only be used for member access and constructor invocation.
 174 javac.err.undef.var.or.package=\
 175         Undefined variable or package name: {0}
 176 javac.err.undef.class.or.package=\
 177         Undefined class or package name: {0}
 178 javac.err.undef.var.class.or.package=\
 179         Undefined variable, class, or package name: {0}
 180 javac.err.undef.class=\
 181         Undefined class name: {0}
 182 javac.err.undef.var.or.class=\
 183         Undefined variable or class name: {0}
 184 javac.err.var.not.initialized=\
 185         Variable {0} may not have been initialized.
 186 javac.err.final.var.not.initialized=\
 187         Blank final variable ''{0}'' may not have been initialized. It must be assigned a value in an initializer, or in every constructor.
 188 javac.err.access.inst.before.super=\
 189         Can''t reference {0} before the superclass constructor has been called.
 190 javac.err.ambig.class=\
 191         Ambiguous class: {0} and {1}
 192 javac.err.invalid.arg=\
 193         Invalid argument to {0}.
 194 javac.err.invalid.arg.type=\
 195         Invalid argument type {0} for {1}.
 196 javac.err.invalid.length=\
 197         ''length'' applied to {0}, which is not an array.
 198 javac.err.invalid.constr.invoke=\
 199         Only constructors can invoke constructors.
 200 javac.err.constr.invoke.not.first=\
 201         Constructor invocation must be the first thing in a method.
 202 javac.err.invalid.method.invoke=\
 203         Can''t invoke a method on a {0}.
 204 javac.err.undef.meth=\
 205         Method {0} not found in {1}.
 206 javac.err.no.meth.access=\
 207         Method {0} in {1} is not accessible from {2}.
 208 #warning:
 209 javac.err.no.override.access=\
 210         Note: Method {0} in {1} does not override the corresponding method in {2}.  If you are trying to override this method, you cannot do so because it is private to a different package.
 211 javac.err.no.static.meth.access=\
 212         Can''t make static reference to method {0} in {1}.
 213 javac.err.invalid.protected.method.use=\
 214         Can''t access protected method {0} in {1}. {2} is not a subclass of the current class.
 215 javac.err.invalid.protected.field.use=\
 216         Can''t access protected field {0} in {1}. {2} is not a subclass of the current class.
 217 javac.err.invalid.protected.type.use=\
 218         Can''t access protected inner type {0} in {1}. {2} is not a subclass of the current class.
 219 javac.err.invalid.protected.constructor.use=\
 220         Can''t access protected constructor of {0}.  Instance creation is permitted only within the package in which the constructor is defined.
 221 javac.err.invalid.method=\
 222         Reference to variable {0} in {1} as if it were a method.
 223 javac.err.invalid.var=\
 224         Reference to method {0} in {1} as if it were a variable.
 225 javac.err.synchronized.null=\
 226         The null literal is not a legal argument for the synchronized statement.
 227 #all messages related to deprecation are warnings:
 228 javac.err.class.is.deprecated=\
 229         Note: {0} has been deprecated.
 230 javac.err.meth.is.deprecated=\
 231         Note: The method {0} in {1} has been deprecated.
 232 javac.err.constr.is.deprecated=\
 233         Note: The constructor {0} has been deprecated.
 234 javac.err.field.is.deprecated=\
 235         Note: The variable {0} in {1} has been deprecated.
 236 javac.err.note.deprecations=\
 237         Note: {0} files use or override a deprecated API.  Please consult the documentation for a better alternative in each case.
 238 javac.err.note.1deprecation=\
 239         Note: {0} uses or overrides a deprecated API.  Please consult the documentation for a better alternative.
 240 javac.err.note.deprecations.silent=\
 241         Note: {0} files use or override a deprecated API.  Recompile with "-deprecation" for details.
 242 javac.err.note.1deprecation.silent=\
 243         Note: {0} uses or overrides a deprecated API.  Recompile with "-deprecation" for details.
 244 javac.err.invalid.array.dim=\
 245         Invalid array dimension.
 246 javac.err.ambig.constr=\
 247         Constructor is ambiguous: {0}, {1}
 248 javac.err.explicit.cast.needed=\
 249         Incompatible type for {0}. Explicit cast needed to convert {1} to {2}.
 250 javac.err.incompatible.type=\
 251         Incompatible type for {0}. Can''t convert {1} to {2}.
 252 javac.err.invalid.term=\
 253         Invalid term.
 254 javac.err.abstract.class=\
 255         {0} must be declared abstract. It does not define {1} from {2}.
 256 javac.err.abstract.class.cannot.override=\
 257         {0} must be declared abstract.  The package-private abstract method {1} in superclass {2} is inaccessible and cannot be overridden.
 258 javac.err.new.intf=\
 259         {0} is an interface. It can''t be instantiated.
 260 javac.err.invoke.abstract=\
 261         Can''t directly invoke abstract method {0} in {1}.
 262 javac.err.unmatched.meth=\
 263         No method matching {0} found in {1}.
 264 javac.err.unmatched.constr=\
 265         No constructor matching {0} found in {1}.
 266 javac.err.wrong.number.args=\
 267         Wrong number of arguments in {0}.
 268 javac.err.forward.ref=\
 269         Can''t make forward reference to {0} in {1}.
 270 javac.err.array.dim.missing=\
 271         Array dimension missing.
 272 javac.err.new.abstract=\
 273         {0} is an abstract class. It can''t be instantiated.
 274 javac.err.label.not.found=\
 275         No label definition found for {0}.
 276 javac.err.invalid.break=\
 277         ''break'' must be in loop or switch.
 278 javac.err.invalid.continue=\
 279         ''continue'' must be in loop.
 280 javac.err.branch.to.uplevel=\
 281         a ''break'' or ''continue'' must transfer control within the same method.
 282 javac.err.invalid.decl=\
 283         Invalid declaration.
 284 javac.err.return.with.value=\
 285         ''return'' with value from {0}.
 286 javac.err.return.without.value=\
 287         ''return'' without value from {0}.
 288 javac.err.return.inside.static.initializer=\
 289         ''return'' inside static initializer.
 290 javac.err.invalid.label=\
 291         Invalid label.
 292 javac.err.return.required.at.end=\
 293         Return required at end of {0}.
 294 javac.err.duplicate.label=\
 295         Duplicate case label: {0}
 296 javac.err.switch.overflow=\
 297         Case label {0} too large for ''switch'' on {1}
 298 javac.err.nested.duplicate.label=\
 299         A statement cannot be labeled with the same identifier as one of its enclosing statements: {0}
 300 javac.err.declaration.with.label=\
 301         A declaration cannot be labeled: {0}
 302 javac.err.const.expr.required=\
 303         Constant expression required.
 304 javac.err.duplicate.default=\
 305         Duplicate ''default'' label.
 306 javac.err.not.supported=\
 307         ''{0}'' not supported.
 308 javac.err.return.with.value.constr=\
 309         ''return'' with value from constructor: {0}
 310 javac.err.package.repeated=\
 311         Only one package declaration allowed.
 312 javac.err.class.multidef=\
 313         Class {0} already defined in {1}.
 314 javac.err.class.multidef.import=\
 315         Class name {0} clashes with imported class {1}.
 316 javac.err.intf.constructor=\
 317         Interfaces can''t have constructors.
 318 javac.err.constr.modifier=\
 319         Constructors can''t be native, abstract, static, synchronized, or final: {0}
 320 javac.err.intf.initializer=\
 321         Interfaces can''t have static initializers.
 322 javac.err.intf.modifier.method=\
 323         Interface methods can''t be native, static, synchronized, final, private, or protected : {0}
 324 javac.err.intf.modifier.field=\
 325         Interface fields can''t be private or protected: {0}
 326 javac.err.transient.meth=\
 327         Method {0} can''t be transient. Only variables can be transient.
 328 javac.err.volatile.meth=\
 329         Method {0} can''t be volatile. Only variables can be volatile.
 330 javac.err.abstract.private.modifier=\
 331         Abstract methods can''t be private: {0}
 332 javac.err.abstract.static.modifier=\
 333         Abstract methods can''t be static: {0}
 334 javac.err.abstract.final.modifier=\
 335         Abstract methods can''t be final: {0}
 336 javac.err.abstract.native.modifier=\
 337         Abstract methods can''t be native: {0}
 338 javac.err.abstract.synchronized.modifier=\
 339         Abstract methods can''t be synchronized: {0}
 340 javac.err.invalid.meth.body=\
 341         Abstract and native methods can''t have a body: {0}
 342 javac.err.var.modifier=\
 343         Variables can''t be synchronized, abstract or native: {0}
 344 javac.err.var.floatmodifier=\
 345         Variables can''t be declared strict: {0}
 346 javac.err.inner.modifier=\
 347         Inner classes can''t be volatile, transient, native, or synchronized: {0}
 348 javac.err.transient.modifier=\
 349         Transient variables can''t be members of interfaces: {0}
 350 javac.err.volatile.modifier=\
 351         Volatile variables can''t be final or members of interfaces: {0}
 352 javac.err.initializer.needed=\
 353         This final variable must be initialized: {0}
 354 javac.err.meth.multidef=\
 355         Duplicate method declaration: {0}
 356 javac.err.meth.redef.rettype=\
 357         Methods can''t be redefined with a different return type: {0} was {1}
 358 javac.err.var.multidef=\
 359         Duplicate variable declaration: {0} was {1}
 360 javac.err.inner.class.multidef=\
 361         Duplicate inner class declaration: {0} is already defined in this scope.
 362 javac.err.intf.super.class=\
 363         Superclass of {0} can''t be an interface: {1}
 364 javac.err.cant.access.class=\
 365         Can''t access {0}. Class or interface must be public, in same package, or an accessible member class.
 366 javac.err.unqualified.name.required=\
 367         The type name in a qualified 'new' expression must be an unqualified identifier.
 368 javac.err.repeated.modifier=\
 369         Repeated modifier.
 370 javac.err.inconsistent.modifier=\
 371         Inconsistent member declaration. At most one of public, private, or protected may be specified.
 372 javac.err.super.is.final=\
 373         Can''t subclass final classes: {0}
 374 javac.err.super.is.intf=\
 375         Can''t subclass interfaces: {0}
 376 javac.err.cyclic.super=\
 377         Cyclic class inheritance.
 378 javac.err.super.is.inner=\
 379         Cyclic class inheritance:  A subclass cannot enclose a superclass.
 380 javac.err.cyclic.intf=\
 381         Cyclic interface inheritance.
 382 javac.err.cyclic.scoping=\
 383         Cyclic class inheritance or scoping.
 384 javac.err.not.intf=\
 385         {0} must be an interface.
 386 javac.err.final.intf=\
 387         Interfaces can''t be final: {0}
 388 javac.err.intf.impl.intf=\
 389         An interface can''t implement anything; it can only extend other interfaces.
 390 javac.err.multiple.inherit=\
 391         Multiple inheritance is not supported.
 392 javac.err.intf.repeated=\
 393         Interface {0} repeated.
 394 javac.err.class.format=\
 395         Invalid class file format in {0}.  {1}
 396 javac.err.truncated.class=\
 397         Unexpected end of file encountered while reading the class file {0}.
 398 javac.err.no.meth.body=\
 399         Method {0} requires a method body. Otherwise declare it as abstract.
 400 javac.err.no.constructor.body=\
 401         Constructor {0} requires a method body.
 402 javac.err.bad.constructor.modifier=\
 403         Constructors may not be modified by strictfp.
 404 javac.err.void.inst.var=\
 405         Instance variables can''t be void: {0}
 406 javac.err.invalid.method.decl=\
 407         Invalid method declaration; return type required.
 408 javac.err.invalid.method.decl.name=\
 409         Invalid method declaration; method name required.
 410 javac.err.invalid.method.decl.qual=\
 411         Invalid qualified constructor name.
 412 javac.err.super.not.found=\
 413         Superclass {0} of {1} not found.
 414 javac.err.intf.not.found=\
 415         Interface {0} of {1} not found.
 416 javac.err.final.abstract=\
 417         Class {0} can''t be declared both abstract and final.
 418 javac.err.void.array=\
 419         Array of void is not a valid type.
 420 javac.err.void.argument=\
 421         Argument can''t have type void: {0}
 422 javac.err.invalid.expr=\
 423         Invalid expression statement.
 424 javac.err.catch.not.reached=\
 425         catch not reached.
 426 javac.err.stat.not.reached=\
 427         Statement not reached.
 428 javac.err.init.no.normal.completion=\
 429         Initializer must be able to complete normally.
 430 javac.err.arithmetic.exception=\
 431         Arithmetic exception.
 432 javac.err.generic=\
 433         {0}
 434 javac.err.public.class.file=\
 435         Public {0} must be defined in a file called "{1}".
 436 javac.err.package.class.file=\
 437         {0} is defined in {1}. Because it is used outside of its source file, it should be defined in a file called "{2}".
 438 javac.err.lose.precision=\
 439         Possible loss of precision. Use an explicit cast to convert {0} to {1}.
 440 javac.err.duplicate.argument=\
 441         Variable ''{0}'' is used twice in the argument list of this method.
 442 javac.err.local.redefined=\
 443         Variable ''{0}'' is already defined in this method.
 444 javac.err.local.class.redefined=\
 445         Local class ''{0}'' is already defined in this method.
 446 javac.err.inner.redefined=\
 447         The class name ''{0}'' is already defined in this scope.  An inner class may not have the same simple name as any of its enclosing classes.
 448 javac.err.inherited.hides.field=\
 449         Variable ''{0}'' is inherited in {1}, and hides a variable of the same name in {2}. An explicit ''this'' qualifier must be used to select the desired instance.
 450 javac.err.inherited.hides.local=\
 451         Variable ''{0}'' is inherited in {1}, and hides a local variable of the same name. An explicit ''this'' qualifier must be used to select the variable, or the local must be renamed.
 452 javac.err.inherited.hides.method=\
 453         Method ''{0}'' is inherited in {1}, and hides a method of the same name in {2}. An explicit ''this'' qualifier must be used to select the desired instance.
 454 javac.err.inherited.hides.type=\
 455         Type ''{0}'' is inherited in {1}, and hides a type of the same name in an enclosing scope. An explicit qualifier prefix must be used to name this type.
 456 javac.err.private.class=\
 457         The type {0} can''t be private. Package members are always accessible within the current package.
 458 javac.err.static.class=\
 459         The type {0} can''t be declared static. It is already top-level, since it is a member of a package.
 460 javac.err.protected.class=\
 461         The type {0} can''t be made protected. Package members can either be public or local to the current package.
 462 javac.err.recursive.constr=\
 463         Recursive constructor invocation: {0}.
 464 javac.err.wrong.class=\
 465         File {0} does not contain {1} as expected, but {2}. Please remove the file, or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the class path.
 466 javac.err.wrong.source=\
 467         File {0} does not contain {1} as expected. Please adjust the class path so that the file does not appear in the {2}.
 468 javac.err.class.not.found=\
 469         Class {0} not found in {1}.
 470 javac.err.class.not.found.no.context=\
 471         Class {0} not found.
 472 javac.err.package.not.found=\
 473         Package {0} not found in {1}.
 474 javac.err.package.not.found.strong=\
 475         Package {0} not found.  Please adjust the classpath so that package {0} is accessible.
 476 javac.err.class.package.conflict=\
 477         A type and a package cannot have the same name.  The name {0} cannot be used to name a class while the package {0} is accessible.
 478 javac.err.package.class.conflict=\
 479         A type and a package cannot have the same name.  The name {0} cannot be used to name a package while the class {1} is accessible.
 480 javac.err.package.class.conflict.strong=\
 481         The name {0} must refer to a package.  It is illegal for there to be an accessible class named {1} because types and packages cannot have the same name.  The class {1} should be renamed or taken off the classpath.
 482 javac.err.illegal.mangled.name=\
 483         Invalid name {0} for {1}.
 484 javac.err.class.and.package=\
 485         Ambiguous name: {0} is both a class and a package.
 486 javac.err.throws.not.throwable=\
 487         {0} in throws clause must be a subclass of class java.lang.Throwable.
 488 javac.err.throw.not.throwable=\
 489         Can''t throw {0}; it must be a subclass of class java.lang.Throwable.
 490 javac.err.catch.not.throwable=\
 491         Can''t catch {0}; it must be a subclass of class java.lang.Throwable.
 492 javac.err.initializer.exception=\
 493         Exception {0} can''t be thrown in initializer.
 494 javac.err.cant.read=\
 495         Can''t read: {0}
 496 javac.err.cant.write=\
 497         Can''t write: {0}
 498 javac.err.fatal.error=\
 499         An error has occurred in the compiler; please file a bug report (http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/).
 500 javac.err.fatal.exception=\
 501         An exception has occurred in the compiler; please file a bug report (http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/).
 502 javac.err.no.inner.classes=\
 503         Support for inner classes has been disabled.
 504 javac.err.uncaught.exception=\
 505         Exception {0} must be caught, or it must be declared in the throws clause of this method.
 506 javac.err.constructor.exception=\
 507         Exception {0} must be caught, or it must be declared in the throws clause of this constructor.
 508 javac.err.def.constructor.exception=\
 509         A default constructor cannot be created for this class because the constructor of its superclass throws the exception {0}.  Define the constructor for this class explicitly.
 510 javac.err.catch.not.thrown=\
 511         Exception {0} is never thrown in the body of the corresponding try statement.
 512 #warning:
 513 javac.err.array.clone.supported=\
 514         Note: The cloning of an array does not throw any checked exceptions, and therefore does not require any catch clauses.  Please remove unused catch clauses, or if you wish to retain compatibility with older compilers, you may insert an artificial throw as follows:  if (false) throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
 515 javac.err.no.outer.arg=\
 516         No enclosing instance of {0} is in scope; \
 517         an explicit one must be provided when creating {1}, \
 518         as in "outer. new Inner()" or "outer. super()".
 519 javac.err.no.default.outer.arg=\
 520         No enclosing instance of {0} is in scope; \
 521         cannot create a default constructor for {1}.
 522 javac.err.no.outer.base=\
 523         No enclosing instance of {0} is in scope; \
 524         an explicit one must be provided when accessing {1}, \
 525         as in "outer.member".
 526 javac.err.inner.interface=\
 527         Member interfaces can only occur in interfaces and top-level classes.
 528 javac.err.static.inner.class=\
 529         The type {0} can''t be static.  Static members can only occur in interfaces and top-level classes.
 530 javac.err.static.inner.field=\
 531         Variable {0} can''t be static in {1}.  Only members of interfaces and top-level classes can be static.
 532 javac.err.static.inner.method=\
 533         Method {0} can''t be static in {1}.  Only members of interfaces and top-level classes can be static.
 534 javac.err.too.many.errors=\
 535         Too many errors.  (The limit on reported errors is {0}.)
 536 javac.err.override.static.with.instance=\
 537         The instance method {0} declared in {1} cannot override the static \
 538         method of the same signature declared in {2}.  It is illegal to \
 539         override a static method.
 540 javac.err.hide.instance.with.static=\
 541         The static method {0} declared in {1} cannot hide the instance \
 542         method of the same signature declared in {2}.  It is illegal to \
 543         hide an instance method.
 544 javac.err.override.final.method=\
 545         The method {0} declared in {1} cannot override the final method of \
 546         the same signature declared in {2}.  Final methods cannot be \
 547         overridden.
 548 javac.err.override.is.deprecated=\
 549         The method {0} declared in {1} is not deprecated, but \
 550         overrides a deprecated method of the \
 551         same signature declared in {2}.
 552 javac.err.override.more.restrictive=\
 553         The method {0} declared in {1} cannot override the method of the \
 554         same signature declared in {2}.  The access modifier is made more \
 555         restrictive.
 556 javac.err.override.different.return=\
 557         The method {0} declared in {1} cannot override the method of the \
 558         same signature declared in {2}.  They must have the same return \
 559         type.   
 560 javac.err.override.incompatible.exceptions=\
 561         The method {0} declared in {1} cannot override the method of the \
 562         same signature declared in {2}.  Their throws clauses are \
 563         incompatible.
 564 javac.err.meet.different.return=\
 565         The method {0} inherited from {1} is incompatible with the method of \
 566         the same signature inherited from {2}.  They must have the same \
 567         return type.
 568 javac.err.nontrivial.meet=\
 569         The definitions of method {0} inherited from {1} and {2} are \
 570         compatible, but the combination of them is nontrivial and has not \
 571         been implemented.  As a workaround, declare {0} explicitly in this \
 572         class.
 573 javac.err.method.too.long=\
 574         This code requires generating a method with more than \
 575         64K bytes.  Virtual machines may refuse the resulting class file.
 576 #
 577 javac.err.version.too.old=\
 578         The major version ''{0}'' is too old for this tool to understand.
 579 javac.err.version.too.recent=\
 580         The major.minor version ''{0}'' is too recent for this tool \
 581         to understand.
 582 #
 583 benv.parsed_in=[parsed {0} in {1} ms]
 584 benv.loaded_in=[loaded {0} in {1} ms]
 585 benv.failed_to_close_class_path=failed to close class path: {0}
 586 #
 587 main.usage=\
 588 Usage: {0} <options> <source files>\n\
 589 \n\
 590 where <options> includes:\n\
 591 \ \ -g                     Generate all debugging info\n\
 592 \ \ -g:none                Generate no debugging info\n\
 593 \ \ -g:'{'lines,vars,source'}' Generate only some debugging info\n\
 594 \ \ -O                     Optimize; may hinder debugging or enlarge class files\n\
 595 \ \ -nowarn                Generate no warnings\n\
 596 \ \ -verbose               Output messages about what the compiler is doing\n\
 597 \ \ -deprecation           Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used\n\
 598 \ \ -classpath <path>      Specify where to find user class files\n\
 599 \ \ -sourcepath <path>     Specify where to find input source files\n\
 600 \ \ -bootclasspath <path>  Override location of bootstrap class files\n\
 601 \ \ -extdirs <dirs>        Override location of installed extensions\n\
 602 \ \ -d <directory>         Specify where to place generated class files\n\
 603 \ \ -encoding <encoding>   Specify character encoding used by source files\n\
 604 \ \ -target <release>      Generate class files for specific VM version
 605 #
 606 main.unsupported.usage=\
 607 \ \ -Xdepend         Recursively search for more recent source files to recompile\n\
 608 \ \ -Xstdout         Send messages to System.out\n\
 609 \ \ -Xverbosepath    Describe how paths and standard extensions were searched\n\
 610 \ \ -J<runtime flag> Pass argument to the java interpreter\n\
 611 \n\
 612 The -X and -J options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.
 613 #
 614 main.conflicting.options=The options {0} and {1} may not be used at the same time.
 615 main.option.already.seen=The {0} option may be specified no more than once.
 616 main.option.requires.argument=The {0} option requires an argument.
 617 main.bad.debug.option=The {0} option is not well formed.  Only specify "lines", "vars", and "source" separated by commas.
 618 main.no.such.directory=The {0} directory does not exist.
 619 main.no.such.option={0} is an invalid option or argument.
 620 main.unknown.release=The release ''{0}'' is unknown to this compiler.
 621 main.wrote=[wrote {0}]
 622 main.errors={0} errors
 623 main.1error=1 error
 624 main.warnings={0} warnings
 625 main.1warning=1 warning
 626 main.done_in=[done in {0} ms]
 627 main.no.memory=\
 628         The compiler has run out of memory.  Consider using the "-J-mx<number>" command line option to increase the maximum heap size.
 629 main.stack.overflow=\
 630         The compiler has run out of stack space.  Consider using the "-J-oss<number>" command line option to increase the memory allocated for the Java stack.
 631 main.path.msg=\
 632         [The source classpath is "{0}"]\n\
 633         [The library classpath is "{1}"]
 634 javac.err.invalid.encoding.char=\
 635         The source file encoding may be different with this platform encoding. Please use -encoding option to adjust file encoding, or make sure source file converted to ASCII encoding.