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  81                 "从其他密钥库导入一个或所有条目"}, //-importkeystore
  82         {"Clones.a.key.entry",
  83                 "克隆密钥条目"}, //-keyclone
  84         {"Changes.the.key.password.of.an.entry",
  85                 "更改条目的密钥口令"}, //-keypasswd
  86         {"Lists.entries.in.a.keystore",
  87                 "列出密钥库中的条目"}, //-list
  88         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate",
  89                 "打印证书内容"}, //-printcert
  90         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate.request",
  91                 "打印证书请求的内容"}, //-printcertreq
  92         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.CRL.file",
  93                 "打印 CRL 文件的内容"}, //-printcrl
  94         {"Generates.a.self.signed.certificate",
  95                 "生成自签名证书"}, //-selfcert
  96         {"Changes.the.store.password.of.a.keystore",
  97                 "更改密钥库的存储口令"}, //-storepasswd
  98         // keytool: help: options
  99         {"alias.name.of.the.entry.to.process",
 100                 "要处理的条目的别名"}, //-alias

 101         {"destination.alias",
 102                 "目标别名"}, //-destalias
 103         {"destination.key.password",
 104                 "目标密钥口令"}, //-destkeypass
 105         {"destination.keystore.name",
 106                 "目标密钥库名称"}, //-destkeystore
 107         {"destination.keystore.password.protected",
 108                 "受保护的目标密钥库口令"}, //-destprotected
 109         {"destination.keystore.provider.name",
 110                 "目标密钥库提供方名称"}, //-destprovidername
 111         {"destination.keystore.password",
 112                 "目标密钥库口令"}, //-deststorepass
 113         {"destination.keystore.type",
 114                 "目标密钥库类型"}, //-deststoretype
 115         {"distinguished.name",
 116                 "唯一判别名"}, //-dname
 117         {"X.509.extension",
 118                 "X.509 扩展"}, //-ext
 119         {"output.file.name",
 120                 "输出文件名"}, //-file and -outfile

 270             "目标 pkcs12 密钥库具有不同的 storepass 和 keypass。请在指定了 -destkeypass 时重试。"},
 271         {"Certificate.stored.in.file.filename.",
 272                 "存储在文件 <{0}> 中的证书"},
 273         {"Certificate.reply.was.installed.in.keystore",
 274                 "证书回复已安装在密钥库中"},
 275         {"Certificate.reply.was.not.installed.in.keystore",
 276                 "证书回复未安装在密钥库中"},
 277         {"Certificate.was.added.to.keystore",
 278                 "证书已添加到密钥库中"},
 279         {"Certificate.was.not.added.to.keystore",
 280                 "证书未添加到密钥库中"},
 281         {".Storing.ksfname.", "[正在存储{0}]"},
 282         {"alias.has.no.public.key.certificate.",
 283                 "{0}没有公共密钥 (证书)"},
 284         {"Cannot.derive.signature.algorithm",
 285                 "无法派生签名算法"},
 286         {"Alias.alias.does.not.exist",
 287                 "别名 <{0}> 不存在"},
 288         {"Alias.alias.has.no.certificate",
 289                 "别名 <{0}> 没有证书"},

 290         {"Key.pair.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists",
 291                 "未生成密钥对, 别名 <{0}> 已经存在"},
 292         {"Generating.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.key.pair.and.self.signed.certificate.sigAlgName.with.a.validity.of.validality.days.for",
 293                 "正在为以下对象生成 {0} 位{1}密钥对和自签名证书 ({2}) (有效期为 {3} 天):\n\t {4}"},
 294         {"Enter.key.password.for.alias.", "输入 <{0}> 的密钥口令"},
 295         {".RETURN.if.same.as.keystore.password.",
 296                 "\t(如果和密钥库口令相同, 按回车):  "},
 297         {"Key.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 298                 "密钥口令太短 - 至少必须为 6 个字符"},
 299         {"Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore",
 300                 "故障太多 - 密钥未添加到密钥库中"},
 301         {"Destination.alias.dest.already.exists",
 302                 "目标别名 <{0}> 已经存在"},
 303         {"Password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 304                 "口令太短 - 至少必须为 6 个字符"},
 305         {"Too.many.failures.Key.entry.not.cloned",
 306                 "故障太多。未克隆密钥条目"},
 307         {"key.password.for.alias.", "<{0}> 的密钥口令"},
 308         {"Keystore.entry.for.id.getName.already.exists",
 309                 "<{0}> 的密钥库条目已经存在"},

 450         {"the.input", "输入"},
 451         {"reply", "回复"},
 452         {"one.in.many", "%1$s #%2$d/%3$d"},
 453         {"alias.in.cacerts", "cacerts 中的发布者 <%s>"},
 454         {"alias.in.keystore", "发布者 <%s>"},
 455         {"with.weak", "%s (弱)"},
 456         {"key.bit", "%1$d 位 %2$s 密钥"},
 457         {"key.bit.weak", "%1$d 位 %2$s 密钥 (弱)"},
 458         {"unknown.size.1", "未知大小的 %s 密钥"},
 459         {".PATTERN.printX509Cert.with.weak",
 460                 "所有者: {0}\n发布者: {1}\n序列号: {2}\n生效时间: {3}, 失效时间: {4}\n证书指纹:\n\t SHA1: {5}\n\t SHA256: {6}\n签名算法名称: {7}\n主体公共密钥算法: {8}\n版本: {9}"},
 461         {"PKCS.10.with.weak",
 462                 "PKCS #10 证书请求 (版本 1.0)\n主体: %1$s\n格式: %2$s\n公共密钥: %3$s\n签名算法: %4$s\n"},
 463         {"verified.by.s.in.s.weak", "由 %2$s 中的 %1$s 以 %3$s 验证"},
 464         {"whose.sigalg.risk", "%1$s 使用的 %2$s 签名算法存在安全风险。"},
 465         {"whose.key.risk", "%1$s 使用的 %2$s 存在安全风险。"},
 466         {"jks.storetype.warning", "%1$s 密钥库使用专用格式。建议使用 \"keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore %2$s -destkeystore %2$s -deststoretype pkcs12\" 迁移到行业标准格式 PKCS12。"},
 467         {"migrate.keystore.warning", "已将 \"%1$s\" 迁移到 %4$s。将 %2$s 密钥库作为 \"%3$s\" 进行了备份。"},
 468         {"backup.keystore.warning", "已将原始密钥库 \"%1$s\" 备份为 \"%3$s\"..."},
 469         {"importing.keystore.status", "正在将密钥库 %1$s 导入到 %2$s..."},

 470     };
 473     /**
 474      * Returns the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 475      *
 476      * <p>
 477      *
 478      * @return the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 479      */
 480     @Override
 481     public Object[][] getContents() {
 482         return contents;
 483     }
 484 }

  81                 "从其他密钥库导入一个或所有条目"}, //-importkeystore
  82         {"Clones.a.key.entry",
  83                 "克隆密钥条目"}, //-keyclone
  84         {"Changes.the.key.password.of.an.entry",
  85                 "更改条目的密钥口令"}, //-keypasswd
  86         {"Lists.entries.in.a.keystore",
  87                 "列出密钥库中的条目"}, //-list
  88         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate",
  89                 "打印证书内容"}, //-printcert
  90         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate.request",
  91                 "打印证书请求的内容"}, //-printcertreq
  92         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.CRL.file",
  93                 "打印 CRL 文件的内容"}, //-printcrl
  94         {"Generates.a.self.signed.certificate",
  95                 "生成自签名证书"}, //-selfcert
  96         {"Changes.the.store.password.of.a.keystore",
  97                 "更改密钥库的存储口令"}, //-storepasswd
  98         // keytool: help: options
  99         {"alias.name.of.the.entry.to.process",
 100                 "要处理的条目的别名"}, //-alias
 101         {"groupname.option.help",
 102                 "组名。例如,椭圆曲线名称。"}, //-groupname
 103         {"destination.alias",
 104                 "目标别名"}, //-destalias
 105         {"destination.key.password",
 106                 "目标密钥口令"}, //-destkeypass
 107         {"destination.keystore.name",
 108                 "目标密钥库名称"}, //-destkeystore
 109         {"destination.keystore.password.protected",
 110                 "受保护的目标密钥库口令"}, //-destprotected
 111         {"destination.keystore.provider.name",
 112                 "目标密钥库提供方名称"}, //-destprovidername
 113         {"destination.keystore.password",
 114                 "目标密钥库口令"}, //-deststorepass
 115         {"destination.keystore.type",
 116                 "目标密钥库类型"}, //-deststoretype
 117         {"distinguished.name",
 118                 "唯一判别名"}, //-dname
 119         {"X.509.extension",
 120                 "X.509 扩展"}, //-ext
 121         {"output.file.name",
 122                 "输出文件名"}, //-file and -outfile

 272             "目标 pkcs12 密钥库具有不同的 storepass 和 keypass。请在指定了 -destkeypass 时重试。"},
 273         {"Certificate.stored.in.file.filename.",
 274                 "存储在文件 <{0}> 中的证书"},
 275         {"Certificate.reply.was.installed.in.keystore",
 276                 "证书回复已安装在密钥库中"},
 277         {"Certificate.reply.was.not.installed.in.keystore",
 278                 "证书回复未安装在密钥库中"},
 279         {"Certificate.was.added.to.keystore",
 280                 "证书已添加到密钥库中"},
 281         {"Certificate.was.not.added.to.keystore",
 282                 "证书未添加到密钥库中"},
 283         {".Storing.ksfname.", "[正在存储{0}]"},
 284         {"alias.has.no.public.key.certificate.",
 285                 "{0}没有公共密钥 (证书)"},
 286         {"Cannot.derive.signature.algorithm",
 287                 "无法派生签名算法"},
 288         {"Alias.alias.does.not.exist",
 289                 "别名 <{0}> 不存在"},
 290         {"Alias.alias.has.no.certificate",
 291                 "别名 <{0}> 没有证书"},
 292         {"groupname.keysize.coexist",
 293                 "无法同时指定 -groupname 和 -keysize"},
 294         {"deprecate.keysize.for.ec",
 295                 "为生成 EC 密钥指定 -keysize 已过时,请改为使用 \"-groupname %s\"。"},
 296         {"Key.pair.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists",
 297                 "未生成密钥对, 别名 <{0}> 已经存在"},
 298         {"Generating.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.key.pair.and.self.signed.certificate.sigAlgName.with.a.validity.of.validality.days.for",
 299                 "正在为以下对象生成 {0} 位{1}密钥对和自签名证书 ({2}) (有效期为 {3} 天):\n\t {4}"},
 300         {"Enter.key.password.for.alias.", "输入 <{0}> 的密钥口令"},
 301         {".RETURN.if.same.as.keystore.password.",
 302                 "\t(如果和密钥库口令相同, 按回车):  "},
 303         {"Key.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 304                 "密钥口令太短 - 至少必须为 6 个字符"},
 305         {"Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore",
 306                 "故障太多 - 密钥未添加到密钥库中"},
 307         {"Destination.alias.dest.already.exists",
 308                 "目标别名 <{0}> 已经存在"},
 309         {"Password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 310                 "口令太短 - 至少必须为 6 个字符"},
 311         {"Too.many.failures.Key.entry.not.cloned",
 312                 "故障太多。未克隆密钥条目"},
 313         {"key.password.for.alias.", "<{0}> 的密钥口令"},
 314         {"Keystore.entry.for.id.getName.already.exists",
 315                 "<{0}> 的密钥库条目已经存在"},

 456         {"the.input", "输入"},
 457         {"reply", "回复"},
 458         {"one.in.many", "%1$s #%2$d/%3$d"},
 459         {"alias.in.cacerts", "cacerts 中的发布者 <%s>"},
 460         {"alias.in.keystore", "发布者 <%s>"},
 461         {"with.weak", "%s (弱)"},
 462         {"key.bit", "%1$d 位 %2$s 密钥"},
 463         {"key.bit.weak", "%1$d 位 %2$s 密钥 (弱)"},
 464         {"unknown.size.1", "未知大小的 %s 密钥"},
 465         {".PATTERN.printX509Cert.with.weak",
 466                 "所有者: {0}\n发布者: {1}\n序列号: {2}\n生效时间: {3}, 失效时间: {4}\n证书指纹:\n\t SHA1: {5}\n\t SHA256: {6}\n签名算法名称: {7}\n主体公共密钥算法: {8}\n版本: {9}"},
 467         {"PKCS.10.with.weak",
 468                 "PKCS #10 证书请求 (版本 1.0)\n主体: %1$s\n格式: %2$s\n公共密钥: %3$s\n签名算法: %4$s\n"},
 469         {"verified.by.s.in.s.weak", "由 %2$s 中的 %1$s 以 %3$s 验证"},
 470         {"whose.sigalg.risk", "%1$s 使用的 %2$s 签名算法存在安全风险。"},
 471         {"whose.key.risk", "%1$s 使用的 %2$s 存在安全风险。"},
 472         {"jks.storetype.warning", "%1$s 密钥库使用专用格式。建议使用 \"keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore %2$s -destkeystore %2$s -deststoretype pkcs12\" 迁移到行业标准格式 PKCS12。"},
 473         {"migrate.keystore.warning", "已将 \"%1$s\" 迁移到 %4$s。将 %2$s 密钥库作为 \"%3$s\" 进行了备份。"},
 474         {"backup.keystore.warning", "已将原始密钥库 \"%1$s\" 备份为 \"%3$s\"..."},
 475         {"importing.keystore.status", "正在将密钥库 %1$s 导入到 %2$s..."},
 476         {"keyalg.option.1.missing.warning", "无 -keyalg 选项。默认密钥算法 (%s) 是传统算法,不再推荐。在 JDK 的后续发行版中,将删除默认值,您必须指定 -keyalg 选项。"},
 477     };
 480     /**
 481      * Returns the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 482      *
 483      * <p>
 484      *
 485      * @return the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 486      */
 487     @Override
 488     public Object[][] getContents() {
 489         return contents;
 490     }
 491 }
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