# # Copyright (c) 2010, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # # border.chromaticity=Aspetto colore border.copies=Copie border.jobattributes=Attributi job border.media=Supporti border.orientation=Orientamento border.printrange=Intervallo di stampa border.printservice=Servizio di stampa border.quality=Qualit\u00E0 border.sides=Lati border.margins=Margini # button.cancel=Annulla button.ok=OK button.print=Stampa button.properties=P&ropriet\u00E0... # checkbox.collate=Fascico&la checkbox.jobsheets=Pagina &banner checkbox.printtofile=Stampa su &file # dialog.printtitle=Stampa dialog.pstitle=Imposta pagina dialog.overwrite=Il file esiste gi\u00E0. Sovrascrivere il file esistente? dialog.owtitle=Stampa su file dialog.printtofile=Stampa su file dialog.noprintermsg=Nessun servizio di stampa trovato dialog.writeerror=Impossibile scrivere nel file: # label.info=Informazioni: label.jobname=Nome &job: label.numcopies=Numero di c&opie: label.priority=P&riorit\u00E0: label.psname=&Nome: label.pstype=Tipo: label.rangeto=A label.size=Di&mensioni: label.source=O&rigine: label.status=Stato: label.username=Nome &utente: label.millimetres=(mm) label.inches=(poll.) label.topmargin=su&periore label.bottommargin=in&feriore label.leftmargin=sinis&tro label.rightmargin=&destro # radiobutton.color=&Colore radiobutton.draftq=Bo&zza radiobutton.duplex=&Fronte retro radiobutton.highq=A<a radiobutton.landscape=Orizzonta&le radiobutton.monochrome=Monocrom&atico radiobutton.normalq=&Normale radiobutton.oneside=Un lat&o radiobutton.portrait=&Verticale radiobutton.rangeall=T&utto radiobutton.rangepages=Pagin&e radiobutton.revlandscape=Orizzo&ntale capovolto radiobutton.revportrait=Vert&icale capovolto radiobutton.tumble=La&to corto # The vkMnemonics correspond with the constants defined in KeyEvent, eg # 65 = KeyEvent.VK_A tab.appearance=As&petto tab.general=&Generale tab.pagesetup=Impo&sta pagina # error.pagerange=Intervallo pagine non valido; immettere nuovamente i valori (ad es. 1-3,5,7-10) error.destination=Nome file non valido; riprovare # # The following keys match the Strings returned by MediaSizeName.toString() # (in some cases the space character is replaced by '-' and the pound # character is replaced with 'n') # iso-4a0=4A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-2a0=2A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a0=A0 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a1=A1 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a2=A2 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a3=A3 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a4=A4 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a5=A5 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a6=A6 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a7=A7 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a8=A8 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a9=A9 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-a10=A10 (ISO/DIN & JIS) iso-b0=B0 (ISO/DIN) iso-b1=B1 (ISO/DIN) iso-b2=B2 (ISO/DIN) iso-b3=B3 (ISO/DIN) iso-b4=B4 (ISO/DIN) iso-b5=B5 (ISO/DIN) iso-b6=B6 (ISO/DIN) iso-b7=B7 (ISO/DIN) iso-b8=B8 (ISO/DIN) iso-b9=B9 (ISO/DIN) iso-b10=B10 (ISO/DIN) jis-b0=B0 (JIS) jis-b1=B1 (JIS) jis-b2=B2 (JIS) jis-b3=B3 (JIS) jis-b4=B4 (JIS) jis-b5=B5 (JIS) jis-b6=B6 (JIS) jis-b7=B7 (JIS) jis-b8=B8 (JIS) jis-b9=B9 (JIS) jis-b10=B10 (JIS) iso-c0=C0 (ISO/DIN) iso-c1=C1 (ISO/DIN) iso-c2=C2 (ISO/DIN) iso-c3=C3 (ISO/DIN) iso-c4=C4 (ISO/DIN) iso-c5=C5 (ISO/DIN) iso-c6=C6 (ISO/DIN) iso-c7=C7 (ISO/DIN) iso-c8=C8 (ISO/DIN) iso-c9=C9 (ISO/DIN) iso-c10=C10 (ISO/DIN) na-letter=Lettera na-legal=Legale executive=Executive ledger=Ledger tabloid=Tabloid invoice=Fattura folio=Folio quarto=Quarto japanese-postcard=Cartolina giapponese (JIS) oufuko-postcard=Cartolina giapponese doppia (JIS) a=Engineering A b=Engineering B c=Engineering C d=Engineering D e=Engineering E iso-designated-long=Lunghezza ISO italian-envelope=Busta Italia italy-envelope=Busta Italia invite-envelope=Busta invito monarch-envelope=Busta Monarch personal-envelope=Busta personalizzata na-number-9-envelope=Busta n. 9 na-number-10-envelope=Busta n. 10 na-number-11-envelope=Busta n. 11 na-number-12-envelope=Busta n. 12 na-number-14-envelope=Busta n. 14 na-6x9-envelope=Busta 6x9 na-7x9-envelope=Busta 6x7 na-9x11-envelope=Busta 9x11 na-9x12-envelope=Busta 9x12 na-10x13-envelope=Busta 10x15 na-10x14-envelope=Busta 10x15 na-10x15-envelope=Busta 10x15 na-5x7=Foglio 5" x 7" na-8x10=Foglio 8" x 10" # # The following keys match the Strings returned by MediaTray.toString() # auto-select=Seleziona automaticamente top=Alto middle=Medio bottom=Basso envelope=Busta manual=Manuale large-capacity=Grande capacit\u00E0 main=Principale side=Laterale # Add the additional standard bins defined by win32 Manual-Envelope=Busta manuale Automatic-Feeder=Alimentazione automatica Tractor-Feeder=Alimentazione continua Small-Format=Formato piccolo Large-Format=Formato grande Cassette=Cassetta Form-Source=Origine modulo # # The following keys match the Strings returned by # PrinterIsAcceptingJobs.toString() # accepting-jobs=Accettazione job not-accepting-jobs=Rifiuto job