1 true = true
   2 false = false
   3 version_format = Java Debug Interface (Reference Implementation) version {0}.{1} \n{2}
   4 raw.command = Raw command to start the debugged application VM
   5 raw.command.label = Command
   6 raw.address = Address from which to listen for a connection after the raw command is run
   7 raw.address.label = Address
   8 raw.quote = Character used to combine space-delimited text into a single command line argument
   9 raw.quote.label = Quote
  10 raw.description = Launches target using user-specified command line and attaches to it
  11 sun.home = Home directory of the SDK or runtime environment used to launch the application
  12 sun.home.label = Home 
  13 sun.options = Launched VM options
  14 sun.options.label = Options
  15 sun.main = Main class and arguments, or if -jar is an option, the main jar file and arguments
  16 sun.main.label = Main
  17 sun.init_suspend = All threads will be suspended before execution of main
  18 sun.init_suspend.label = Suspend
  19 sun.quote = Character used to combine space-delimited text into a single command line argument
  20 sun.quote.label = Quote
  21 sun.vm_exec = Name of the Java VM launcher
  22 sun.vm_exec.label = Launcher
  23 sun.description = Launches target using Sun Java VM command line and attaches to it
  24 generic_attaching.address = Address to which to attach for VM connections
  25 generic_attaching.address.label = Address
  26 generic_attaching.timeout = Timeout while waiting to attach 
  27 generic_attaching.timeout.label = Timeout
  28 generic_listening.address = Address to listen for VM connections
  29 generic_listening.address.label = Address
  30 generic_listening.timeout = Timeout while waiting for connection
  31 generic_listening.timeout.label = Timeout
  32 socket_transportservice.description = Connects debugger and debugee using a TCP connection
  33 memory_transportservice.description = Connects debugger and debugee using a shared memory connection
  34 socket_attaching.host = Machine name to which to attach for VM connections
  35 socket_attaching.host.label = Host
  36 socket_attaching.port = Port number to which to attach for VM connections
  37 socket_attaching.port.label = Port
  38 socket_attaching.description = Attaches by socket to other VMs
  39 socket_listening.localaddr = Local address that the listener binds to
  40 socket_listening.localaddr.label = Local address
  41 socket_listening.port = Port number at which to listen for VM connections
  42 socket_listening.port.label = Port
  43 socket_listening.description = Accepts socket connections initiated by other VMs
  44 memory_attaching.name = Name of the shared memory area to which to attach for VM connections
  45 memory_attaching.name.label = Name
  46 memory_attaching.description = Attaches by shared memory to other VMs
  47 memory_listening.name = Name of the shared memory area at which to listen for VM connection
  48 memory_listening.name.label = Name
  49 memory_listening.description = Accepts shared memory connections initiated by other VMs
  50 process_attaching.description = Attaches to debuggee by process-id (pid)
  51 process_attaching.pid = pid
  52 process_attaching.pid.label = Process-id (pid) of debuggee