1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.security.tools.keytool;
  28 /**
  29  * <p> This class represents the <code>ResourceBundle</code>
  30  * for the keytool.
  31  *
  32  */
  33 public class Resources extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
  35     private static final Object[][] contents = {
  36         {"NEWLINE", "\n"},
  37         {"STAR",
  38                 "*******************************************"},
  39         {"STARNN",
  40                 "*******************************************\n\n"},
  42         // keytool: Help part
  43         {".OPTION.", " [OPTION]..."},
  44         {"Options.", "Options:"},
  45         {"option.1.set.twice", "The %s option is specified multiple times. All except the last one will be ignored."},
  46         {"multiple.commands.1.2", "Only one command is allowed: both %1$s and %2$s were specified."},
  47         {"Use.keytool.help.for.all.available.commands",
  48                  "Use \"keytool -?, -h, or --help\" for this help message"},
  49         {"Key.and.Certificate.Management.Tool",
  50                  "Key and Certificate Management Tool"},
  51         {"Commands.", "Commands:"},
  52         {"Use.keytool.command.name.help.for.usage.of.command.name",
  53                 "Use \"keytool -command_name --help\" for usage of command_name.\n" +
  54                 "Use the -conf <url> option to specify a pre-configured options file."},
  55         // keytool: help: commands
  56         {"Generates.a.certificate.request",
  57                 "Generates a certificate request"}, //-certreq
  58         {"Changes.an.entry.s.alias",
  59                 "Changes an entry's alias"}, //-changealias
  60         {"Deletes.an.entry",
  61                 "Deletes an entry"}, //-delete
  62         {"Exports.certificate",
  63                 "Exports certificate"}, //-exportcert
  64         {"Generates.a.key.pair",
  65                 "Generates a key pair"}, //-genkeypair
  66         {"Generates.a.secret.key",
  67                 "Generates a secret key"}, //-genseckey
  68         {"Generates.certificate.from.a.certificate.request",
  69                 "Generates certificate from a certificate request"}, //-gencert
  70         {"Generates.CRL", "Generates CRL"}, //-gencrl
  71         {"Generated.keyAlgName.secret.key",
  72                 "Generated {0} secret key"}, //-genseckey
  73         {"Generated.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.secret.key",
  74                 "Generated {0}-bit {1} secret key"}, //-genseckey
  75         {"Imports.entries.from.a.JDK.1.1.x.style.identity.database",
  76                 "Imports entries from a JDK 1.1.x-style identity database"}, //-identitydb
  77         {"Imports.a.certificate.or.a.certificate.chain",
  78                 "Imports a certificate or a certificate chain"}, //-importcert
  79         {"Imports.a.password",
  80                 "Imports a password"}, //-importpass
  81         {"Imports.one.or.all.entries.from.another.keystore",
  82                 "Imports one or all entries from another keystore"}, //-importkeystore
  83         {"Clones.a.key.entry",
  84                 "Clones a key entry"}, //-keyclone
  85         {"Changes.the.key.password.of.an.entry",
  86                 "Changes the key password of an entry"}, //-keypasswd
  87         {"Lists.entries.in.a.keystore",
  88                 "Lists entries in a keystore"}, //-list
  89         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate",
  90                 "Prints the content of a certificate"}, //-printcert
  91         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate.request",
  92                 "Prints the content of a certificate request"}, //-printcertreq
  93         {"Prints.the.content.of.a.CRL.file",
  94                 "Prints the content of a CRL file"}, //-printcrl
  95         {"Generates.a.self.signed.certificate",
  96                 "Generates a self-signed certificate"}, //-selfcert
  97         {"Changes.the.store.password.of.a.keystore",
  98                 "Changes the store password of a keystore"}, //-storepasswd
  99         {"showinfo.command.help", "Displays security-related information"},
 101         // keytool: help: options
 102         {"alias.name.of.the.entry.to.process",
 103                 "alias name of the entry to process"}, //-alias
 104         {"groupname.option.help",
 105                 "Group name. For example, an Elliptic Curve name."}, //-groupname
 106         {"destination.alias",
 107                 "destination alias"}, //-destalias
 108         {"destination.key.password",
 109                 "destination key password"}, //-destkeypass
 110         {"destination.keystore.name",
 111                 "destination keystore name"}, //-destkeystore
 112         {"destination.keystore.password.protected",
 113                 "destination keystore password protected"}, //-destprotected
 114         {"destination.keystore.provider.name",
 115                 "destination keystore provider name"}, //-destprovidername
 116         {"destination.keystore.password",
 117                 "destination keystore password"}, //-deststorepass
 118         {"destination.keystore.type",
 119                 "destination keystore type"}, //-deststoretype
 120         {"distinguished.name",
 121                 "distinguished name"}, //-dname
 122         {"X.509.extension",
 123                 "X.509 extension"}, //-ext
 124         {"output.file.name",
 125                 "output file name"}, //-file and -outfile
 126         {"input.file.name",
 127                 "input file name"}, //-file and -infile
 128         {"key.algorithm.name",
 129                 "key algorithm name"}, //-keyalg
 130         {"key.password",
 131                 "key password"}, //-keypass
 132         {"key.bit.size",
 133                 "key bit size"}, //-keysize
 134         {"keystore.name",
 135                 "keystore name"}, //-keystore
 136         {"access.the.cacerts.keystore",
 137                 "access the cacerts keystore"}, // -cacerts
 138         {"warning.cacerts.option",
 139                 "Warning: use -cacerts option to access cacerts keystore"},
 140         {"new.password",
 141                 "new password"}, //-new
 142         {"do.not.prompt",
 143                 "do not prompt"}, //-noprompt
 144         {"password.through.protected.mechanism",
 145                 "password through protected mechanism"}, //-protected
 146         {"tls.option.help", "Displays TLS configuration information"},
 148         // The following 2 values should span 2 lines, the first for the
 149         // option itself, the second for its -providerArg value.
 150         {"addprovider.option",
 151                 "add security provider by name (e.g. SunPKCS11)\n" +
 152                         "configure argument for -addprovider"}, //-addprovider
 153         {"provider.class.option",
 154                 "add security provider by fully-qualified class name\n" +
 155                         "configure argument for -providerclass"}, //-providerclass
 157         {"provider.name",
 158                 "provider name"}, //-providername
 159         {"provider.classpath",
 160                 "provider classpath"}, //-providerpath
 161         {"output.in.RFC.style",
 162                 "output in RFC style"}, //-rfc
 163         {"signature.algorithm.name",
 164                 "signature algorithm name"}, //-sigalg
 165         {"source.alias",
 166                 "source alias"}, //-srcalias
 167         {"source.key.password",
 168                 "source key password"}, //-srckeypass
 169         {"source.keystore.name",
 170                 "source keystore name"}, //-srckeystore
 171         {"source.keystore.password.protected",
 172                 "source keystore password protected"}, //-srcprotected
 173         {"source.keystore.provider.name",
 174                 "source keystore provider name"}, //-srcprovidername
 175         {"source.keystore.password",
 176                 "source keystore password"}, //-srcstorepass
 177         {"source.keystore.type",
 178                 "source keystore type"}, //-srcstoretype
 179         {"SSL.server.host.and.port",
 180                 "SSL server host and port"}, //-sslserver
 181         {"signed.jar.file",
 182                 "signed jar file"}, //=jarfile
 183         {"certificate.validity.start.date.time",
 184                 "certificate validity start date/time"}, //-startdate
 185         {"keystore.password",
 186                 "keystore password"}, //-storepass
 187         {"keystore.type",
 188                 "keystore type"}, //-storetype
 189         {"trust.certificates.from.cacerts",
 190                 "trust certificates from cacerts"}, //-trustcacerts
 191         {"verbose.output",
 192                 "verbose output"}, //-v
 193         {"validity.number.of.days",
 194                 "validity number of days"}, //-validity
 195         {"Serial.ID.of.cert.to.revoke",
 196                  "Serial ID of cert to revoke"}, //-id
 197         // keytool: Running part
 198         {"keytool.error.", "keytool error: "},
 199         {"Illegal.option.", "Illegal option:  "},
 200         {"Illegal.value.", "Illegal value: "},
 201         {"Unknown.password.type.", "Unknown password type: "},
 202         {"Cannot.find.environment.variable.",
 203                 "Cannot find environment variable: "},
 204         {"Cannot.find.file.", "Cannot find file: "},
 205         {"Command.option.flag.needs.an.argument.", "Command option {0} needs an argument."},
 206         {"Warning.Different.store.and.key.passwords.not.supported.for.PKCS12.KeyStores.Ignoring.user.specified.command.value.",
 207                 "Warning:  Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified {0} value."},
 208         {"the.keystore.or.storetype.option.cannot.be.used.with.the.cacerts.option",
 209             "The -keystore or -storetype option cannot be used with the -cacerts option"},
 210         {".keystore.must.be.NONE.if.storetype.is.{0}",
 211                 "-keystore must be NONE if -storetype is {0}"},
 212         {"Too.many.retries.program.terminated",
 213                  "Too many retries, program terminated"},
 214         {".storepasswd.and.keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.{0}",
 215                 "-storepasswd and -keypasswd commands not supported if -storetype is {0}"},
 216         {".keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.PKCS12",
 217                 "-keypasswd commands not supported if -storetype is PKCS12"},
 218         {".keypass.and.new.can.not.be.specified.if.storetype.is.{0}",
 219                 "-keypass and -new can not be specified if -storetype is {0}"},
 220         {"if.protected.is.specified.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified",
 221                 "if -protected is specified, then -storepass, -keypass, and -new must not be specified"},
 222         {"if.srcprotected.is.specified.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified",
 223                 "if -srcprotected is specified, then -srcstorepass and -srckeypass must not be specified"},
 224         {"if.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified",
 225                 "if keystore is not password protected, then -storepass, -keypass, and -new must not be specified"},
 226         {"if.source.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified",
 227                 "if source keystore is not password protected, then -srcstorepass and -srckeypass must not be specified"},
 228         {"Illegal.startdate.value", "Illegal startdate value"},
 229         {"Validity.must.be.greater.than.zero",
 230                 "Validity must be greater than zero"},
 231         {"provclass.not.a.provider", "%s not a provider"},
 232         {"provider.name.not.found", "Provider named \"%s\" not found"},
 233         {"provider.class.not.found", "Provider \"%s\" not found"},
 234         {"Usage.error.no.command.provided", "Usage error: no command provided"},
 235         {"Source.keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.", "Source keystore file exists, but is empty: "},
 236         {"Please.specify.srckeystore", "Please specify -srckeystore"},
 237         {"Must.not.specify.both.v.and.rfc.with.list.command",
 238                 "Must not specify both -v and -rfc with 'list' command"},
 239         {"Key.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 240                 "Key password must be at least 6 characters"},
 241         {"New.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 242                 "New password must be at least 6 characters"},
 243         {"Keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.",
 244                 "Keystore file exists, but is empty: "},
 245         {"Keystore.file.does.not.exist.",
 246                 "Keystore file does not exist: "},
 247         {"Must.specify.destination.alias", "Must specify destination alias"},
 248         {"Must.specify.alias", "Must specify alias"},
 249         {"Keystore.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 250                 "Keystore password must be at least 6 characters"},
 251         {"Enter.the.password.to.be.stored.",
 252                 "Enter the password to be stored:  "},
 253         {"Enter.keystore.password.", "Enter keystore password:  "},
 254         {"Enter.source.keystore.password.", "Enter source keystore password:  "},
 255         {"Enter.destination.keystore.password.", "Enter destination keystore password:  "},
 256         {"Keystore.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 257          "Keystore password is too short - must be at least 6 characters"},
 258         {"Unknown.Entry.Type", "Unknown Entry Type"},
 259         {"Entry.for.alias.alias.successfully.imported.",
 260                  "Entry for alias {0} successfully imported."},
 261         {"Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported.", "Entry for alias {0} not imported."},
 262         {"Problem.importing.entry.for.alias.alias.exception.Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported.",
 263                  "Problem importing entry for alias {0}: {1}.\nEntry for alias {0} not imported."},
 264         {"Import.command.completed.ok.entries.successfully.imported.fail.entries.failed.or.cancelled",
 265                  "Import command completed:  {0} entries successfully imported, {1} entries failed or cancelled"},
 266         {"Warning.Overwriting.existing.alias.alias.in.destination.keystore",
 267                  "Warning: Overwriting existing alias {0} in destination keystore"},
 268         {"Existing.entry.alias.alias.exists.overwrite.no.",
 269                  "Existing entry alias {0} exists, overwrite? [no]:  "},
 270         {"Too.many.failures.try.later", "Too many failures - try later"},
 271         {"Certification.request.stored.in.file.filename.",
 272                 "Certification request stored in file <{0}>"},
 273         {"Submit.this.to.your.CA", "Submit this to your CA"},
 274         {"if.alias.not.specified.destalias.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified",
 275             "if alias not specified, destalias and srckeypass must not be specified"},
 276         {"The.destination.pkcs12.keystore.has.different.storepass.and.keypass.Please.retry.with.destkeypass.specified.",
 277             "The destination pkcs12 keystore has different storepass and keypass. Please retry with -destkeypass specified."},
 278         {"Certificate.stored.in.file.filename.",
 279                 "Certificate stored in file <{0}>"},
 280         {"Certificate.reply.was.installed.in.keystore",
 281                 "Certificate reply was installed in keystore"},
 282         {"Certificate.reply.was.not.installed.in.keystore",
 283                 "Certificate reply was not installed in keystore"},
 284         {"Certificate.was.added.to.keystore",
 285                 "Certificate was added to keystore"},
 286         {"Certificate.was.not.added.to.keystore",
 287                 "Certificate was not added to keystore"},
 288         {".Storing.ksfname.", "[Storing {0}]"},
 289         {"alias.has.no.public.key.certificate.",
 290                 "{0} has no public key (certificate)"},
 291         {"Cannot.derive.signature.algorithm",
 292                 "Cannot derive signature algorithm"},
 293         {"Alias.alias.does.not.exist",
 294                 "Alias <{0}> does not exist"},
 295         {"Alias.alias.has.no.certificate",
 296                 "Alias <{0}> has no certificate"},
 297         {"groupname.keysize.coexist",
 298                 "Cannot specify both -groupname and -keysize"},
 299         {"deprecate.keysize.for.ec",
 300                 "Specifying -keysize for generating EC keys is deprecated, please use \"-groupname %s\" instead."},
 301         {"Key.pair.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists",
 302                 "Key pair not generated, alias <{0}> already exists"},
 303         {"Generating.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.key.pair.and.self.signed.certificate.sigAlgName.with.a.validity.of.validality.days.for",
 304                 "Generating {0} bit {1} key pair and self-signed certificate ({2}) with a validity of {3} days\n\tfor: {4}"},
 305         {"Enter.key.password.for.alias.", "Enter key password for <{0}>"},
 306         {".RETURN.if.same.as.keystore.password.",
 307                 "\t(RETURN if same as keystore password):  "},
 308         {"Key.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 309                 "Key password is too short - must be at least 6 characters"},
 310         {"Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore",
 311                 "Too many failures - key not added to keystore"},
 312         {"Destination.alias.dest.already.exists",
 313                 "Destination alias <{0}> already exists"},
 314         {"Password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters",
 315                 "Password is too short - must be at least 6 characters"},
 316         {"Too.many.failures.Key.entry.not.cloned",
 317                 "Too many failures. Key entry not cloned"},
 318         {"key.password.for.alias.", "key password for <{0}>"},
 319         {"No.entries.from.identity.database.added",
 320                 "No entries from identity database added"},
 321         {"Alias.name.alias", "Alias name: {0}"},
 322         {"Creation.date.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias.",
 323                 "Creation date: {0,date}"},
 324         {"alias.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias.",
 325                 "{0}, {1,date}, "},
 326         {"alias.", "{0}, "},
 327         {"Entry.type.type.", "Entry type: {0}"},
 328         {"Certificate.chain.length.", "Certificate chain length: "},
 329         {"Certificate.i.1.", "Certificate[{0,number,integer}]:"},
 330         {"Certificate.fingerprint.SHA.256.", "Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): "},
 331         {"Keystore.type.", "Keystore type: "},
 332         {"Keystore.provider.", "Keystore provider: "},
 333         {"Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entry",
 334                 "Your keystore contains {0,number,integer} entry"},
 335         {"Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entries",
 336                 "Your keystore contains {0,number,integer} entries"},
 337         {"Failed.to.parse.input", "Failed to parse input"},
 338         {"Empty.input", "Empty input"},
 339         {"Not.X.509.certificate", "Not X.509 certificate"},
 340         {"alias.has.no.public.key", "{0} has no public key"},
 341         {"alias.has.no.X.509.certificate", "{0} has no X.509 certificate"},
 342         {"New.certificate.self.signed.", "New certificate (self-signed):"},
 343         {"Reply.has.no.certificates", "Reply has no certificates"},
 344         {"Certificate.not.imported.alias.alias.already.exists",
 345                 "Certificate not imported, alias <{0}> already exists"},
 346         {"Input.not.an.X.509.certificate", "Input not an X.509 certificate"},
 347         {"Certificate.already.exists.in.keystore.under.alias.trustalias.",
 348                 "Certificate already exists in keystore under alias <{0}>"},
 349         {"Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.no.",
 350                 "Do you still want to add it? [no]:  "},
 351         {"Certificate.already.exists.in.system.wide.CA.keystore.under.alias.trustalias.",
 352                 "Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias <{0}>"},
 353         {"Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.to.your.own.keystore.no.",
 354                 "Do you still want to add it to your own keystore? [no]:  "},
 355         {"Trust.this.certificate.no.", "Trust this certificate? [no]:  "},
 356         {"New.prompt.", "New {0}: "},
 357         {"Passwords.must.differ", "Passwords must differ"},
 358         {"Re.enter.new.prompt.", "Re-enter new {0}: "},
 359         {"Re.enter.password.", "Re-enter password: "},
 360         {"Re.enter.new.password.", "Re-enter new password: "},
 361         {"They.don.t.match.Try.again", "They don't match. Try again"},
 362         {"Enter.prompt.alias.name.", "Enter {0} alias name:  "},
 363         {"Enter.new.alias.name.RETURN.to.cancel.import.for.this.entry.",
 364                  "Enter new alias name\t(RETURN to cancel import for this entry):  "},
 365         {"Enter.alias.name.", "Enter alias name:  "},
 366         {".RETURN.if.same.as.for.otherAlias.",
 367                 "\t(RETURN if same as for <{0}>)"},
 368         {"What.is.your.first.and.last.name.",
 369                 "What is your first and last name?"},
 370         {"What.is.the.name.of.your.organizational.unit.",
 371                 "What is the name of your organizational unit?"},
 372         {"What.is.the.name.of.your.organization.",
 373                 "What is the name of your organization?"},
 374         {"What.is.the.name.of.your.City.or.Locality.",
 375                 "What is the name of your City or Locality?"},
 376         {"What.is.the.name.of.your.State.or.Province.",
 377                 "What is the name of your State or Province?"},
 378         {"What.is.the.two.letter.country.code.for.this.unit.",
 379                 "What is the two-letter country code for this unit?"},
 380         {"Is.name.correct.", "Is {0} correct?"},
 381         {"no", "no"},
 382         {"yes", "yes"},
 383         {"y", "y"},
 384         {".defaultValue.", "  [{0}]:  "},
 385         {"Alias.alias.has.no.key",
 386                 "Alias <{0}> has no key"},
 387         {"Alias.alias.references.an.entry.type.that.is.not.a.private.key.entry.The.keyclone.command.only.supports.cloning.of.private.key",
 388                  "Alias <{0}> references an entry type that is not a private key entry.  The -keyclone command only supports cloning of private key entries"},
 390         {".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING.",
 391             "*****************  WARNING WARNING WARNING  *****************"},
 392         {"Signer.d.", "Signer #%d:"},
 393         {"Timestamp.", "Timestamp:"},
 394         {"Signature.", "Signature:"},
 395         {"Certificate.owner.", "Certificate owner: "},
 396         {"Not.a.signed.jar.file", "Not a signed jar file"},
 397         {"No.certificate.from.the.SSL.server",
 398                 "No certificate from the SSL server"},
 400         {".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.your.keystore.",
 401             "* The integrity of the information stored in your keystore  *\n" +
 402             "* has NOT been verified!  In order to verify its integrity, *\n" +
 403             "* you must provide your keystore password.                  *"},
 404         {".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.the.srckeystore.",
 405             "* The integrity of the information stored in the srckeystore*\n" +
 406             "* has NOT been verified!  In order to verify its integrity, *\n" +
 407             "* you must provide the srckeystore password.                *"},
 409         {"Certificate.reply.does.not.contain.public.key.for.alias.",
 410                 "Certificate reply does not contain public key for <{0}>"},
 411         {"Incomplete.certificate.chain.in.reply",
 412                 "Incomplete certificate chain in reply"},
 413         {"Top.level.certificate.in.reply.",
 414                 "Top-level certificate in reply:\n"},
 415         {".is.not.trusted.", "... is not trusted. "},
 416         {"Install.reply.anyway.no.", "Install reply anyway? [no]:  "},
 417         {"Public.keys.in.reply.and.keystore.don.t.match",
 418                 "Public keys in reply and keystore don't match"},
 419         {"Certificate.reply.and.certificate.in.keystore.are.identical",
 420                 "Certificate reply and certificate in keystore are identical"},
 421         {"Failed.to.establish.chain.from.reply",
 422                 "Failed to establish chain from reply"},
 423         {"n", "n"},
 424         {"Wrong.answer.try.again", "Wrong answer, try again"},
 425         {"Secret.key.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists",
 426                 "Secret Key not generated, alias <{0}> already exists"},
 427         {"Please.provide.keysize.for.secret.key.generation",
 428                 "Please provide -keysize for secret key generation"},
 430         {"warning.not.verified.make.sure.keystore.is.correct",
 431             "WARNING: not verified. Make sure -keystore is correct."},
 433         {"Extensions.", "Extensions: "},
 434         {".Empty.value.", "(Empty value)"},
 435         {"Extension.Request.", "Extension Request:"},
 436         {"Unknown.keyUsage.type.", "Unknown keyUsage type: "},
 437         {"Unknown.extendedkeyUsage.type.", "Unknown extendedkeyUsage type: "},
 438         {"Unknown.AccessDescription.type.", "Unknown AccessDescription type: "},
 439         {"Unrecognized.GeneralName.type.", "Unrecognized GeneralName type: "},
 440         {"This.extension.cannot.be.marked.as.critical.",
 441                  "This extension cannot be marked as critical. "},
 442         {"Odd.number.of.hex.digits.found.", "Odd number of hex digits found: "},
 443         {"Unknown.extension.type.", "Unknown extension type: "},
 444         {"command.{0}.is.ambiguous.", "command {0} is ambiguous:"},
 446         // 8171319: keytool should print out warnings when reading or
 447         // generating cert/cert req using weak algorithms
 448         {"the.certificate.request", "The certificate request"},
 449         {"the.issuer", "The issuer"},
 450         {"the.generated.certificate", "The generated certificate"},
 451         {"the.generated.crl", "The generated CRL"},
 452         {"the.generated.certificate.request", "The generated certificate request"},
 453         {"the.certificate", "The certificate"},
 454         {"the.crl", "The CRL"},
 455         {"the.tsa.certificate", "The TSA certificate"},
 456         {"the.input", "The input"},
 457         {"reply", "Reply"},
 458         {"one.in.many", "%1$s #%2$d of %3$d"},
 459         {"alias.in.cacerts", "Issuer <%s> in cacerts"},
 460         {"alias.in.keystore", "Issuer <%s>"},
 461         {"with.weak", "%s (weak)"},
 462         {"key.bit", "%1$d-bit %2$s key"},
 463         {"key.bit.weak", "%1$d-bit %2$s key (weak)"},
 464         {"unknown.size.1", "%s key of unknown size"},
 465         {".PATTERN.printX509Cert.with.weak",
 466                 "Owner: {0}\nIssuer: {1}\nSerial number: {2}\nValid from: {3} until: {4}\nCertificate fingerprints:\n\t SHA1: {5}\n\t SHA256: {6}\nSignature algorithm name: {7}\nSubject Public Key Algorithm: {8}\nVersion: {9}"},
 467         {"PKCS.10.with.weak",
 468                 "PKCS #10 Certificate Request (Version 1.0)\n" +
 469                         "Subject: %1$s\nFormat: %2$s\nPublic Key: %3$s\nSignature algorithm: %4$s\n"},
 470         {"verified.by.s.in.s.weak", "Verified by %1$s in %2$s with a %3$s"},
 471         {"whose.sigalg.risk", "%1$s uses the %2$s signature algorithm which is considered a security risk."},
 472         {"whose.key.risk", "%1$s uses a %2$s which is considered a security risk."},
 473         {"jks.storetype.warning", "The %1$s keystore uses a proprietary format. It is recommended to migrate to PKCS12 which is an industry standard format using \"keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore %2$s -destkeystore %2$s -deststoretype pkcs12\"."},
 474         {"migrate.keystore.warning", "Migrated \"%1$s\" to %4$s. The %2$s keystore is backed up as \"%3$s\"."},
 475         {"backup.keystore.warning", "The original keystore \"%1$s\" is backed up as \"%3$s\"..."},
 476         {"importing.keystore.status", "Importing keystore %1$s to %2$s..."},
 477         {"keyalg.option.1.missing.warning", "No -keyalg option. The default key algorithm (%s) is a legacy algorithm and is no longer recommended. In a subsequent release of the JDK, the default will be removed and the -keyalg option must be specified."},
 479         {"showinfo.no.option", "Missing option for -showinfo. Try \"keytool -showinfo -tls\"."},
 480     };
 483     /**
 484      * Returns the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 485      *
 486      * <p>
 487      *
 488      * @return the contents of this <code>ResourceBundle</code>.
 489      */
 490     @Override
 491     public Object[][] getContents() {
 492         return contents;
 493     }
 494 }