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8217385: JTREG: Clean up, make sure to close resources

77     }                                                                                                                      
79     /**                                                                                                                    
80      * @return log which was processed                                                                                     
81      */                                                                                                                    
82     public String getLog() {                                                                                               
83         return log;                                                                                                        
84     }                                                                                                                      
86     /**                                                                                                                    
87      * Returns the GC log entries for Survivor and Old stats.                                                              
88      * The entries are represented as a map of gcID to the StatMap.                                                        
89      *                                                                                                                     
90      * @return The log entries for the Survivor and Old stats.                                                             
91      */                                                                                                                    
92     public PlabReport getEntries() {                                                                                       
93         return report;                                                                                                     
94     }                                                                                                                      
96     private PlabReport parseLines() throws NumberFormatException {                                                         
97         Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(log);                                                                            
98         PlabReport plabReport = new PlabReport();                                                                          
99         Optional<Long> gc_id;                                                                                              
100         while (lineScanner.hasNextLine()) {                                                                                
101             String line = lineScanner.nextLine();                                                                          
102             gc_id = getGcId(line, GC_ID_PATTERN);                                                                          
103             if (gc_id.isPresent()) {                                                                                       
104                 Matcher matcher = PAIRS_PATTERN.matcher(line);                                                             
105                 if (matcher.find()) {                                                                                      
106                     if (!plabReport.containsKey(gc_id.get())) {                                                            
107                         plabReport.put(gc_id.get(), new PlabGCStatistics());                                               
108                     }                                                                                                      
109                     ReportType reportType = line.contains("Young") ? ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS : ReportType.OLD_STATS;     
111                     PlabGCStatistics gcStat = plabReport.get(gc_id.get());                                                 
112                     if (!gcStat.containsKey(reportType)) {                                                                 
113                         gcStat.put(reportType, new PlabInfo());                                                            
114                     }                                                                                                      
116                     // Extract all pairs from log.                                                                         
117                     PlabInfo plabInfo = gcStat.get(reportType);                                                            
118                     do {                                                                                                   
119                         String pair = matcher.group();                                                                     
120                         String[] nameValue = pair.replaceAll(": ", ":").split(":");                                        
121                         plabInfo.put(nameValue[0].trim(), Long.parseLong(nameValue[1]));                                   
122                     } while (matcher.find());                                                                              
123                 }                                                                                                          
124             }                                                                                                              
125         }                                                                                                                  
126         return plabReport;                                                                                                 
127     }                                                                                                                      
129     private static Optional<Long> getGcId(String line, Pattern pattern) {                                                  
130         Matcher number = pattern.matcher(line);                                                                            
131         if (number.find()) {                                                                                               
132             return Optional.of(Long.parseLong(number.group(1)));                                                           
133         }                                                                                                                  
134         return Optional.empty();                                                                                           
135     }                                                                                                                      
137     /**                                                                                                                    
138      * Extracts GC ID from log.                                                                                            
139      *                                                                                                                     
140      * @param line - one line of log.                                                                                      
141      * @return GC ID                                                                                                       
142      */                                                                                                                    
143     public static Long getGcIdFromLine(String line, Pattern pattern) {                                                     
144         Optional<Long> gcId = getGcId(line, pattern);                                                                      
145         if (!gcId.isPresent()) {                                                                                           

77     }
79     /**
80      * @return log which was processed
81      */
82     public String getLog() {
83         return log;
84     }
86     /**
87      * Returns the GC log entries for Survivor and Old stats.
88      * The entries are represented as a map of gcID to the StatMap.
89      *
90      * @return The log entries for the Survivor and Old stats.
91      */
92     public PlabReport getEntries() {
93         return report;
94     }
96     private PlabReport parseLines() throws NumberFormatException {
97         try (Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(log)) {
98             PlabReport plabReport = new PlabReport();
99             Optional<Long> gc_id;
100             while (lineScanner.hasNextLine()) {
101                 String line = lineScanner.nextLine();
102                 gc_id = getGcId(line, GC_ID_PATTERN);
103                 if (gc_id.isPresent()) {
104                     Matcher matcher = PAIRS_PATTERN.matcher(line);
105                     if (matcher.find()) {
106                         if (!plabReport.containsKey(gc_id.get())) {
107                             plabReport.put(gc_id.get(), new PlabGCStatistics());
108                         }
109                         ReportType reportType = line.contains("Young") ? ReportType.SURVIVOR_STATS : ReportType.OLD_STATS;
111                         PlabGCStatistics gcStat = plabReport.get(gc_id.get());
112                         if (!gcStat.containsKey(reportType)) {
113                             gcStat.put(reportType, new PlabInfo());
114                         }
116                         // Extract all pairs from log.
117                         PlabInfo plabInfo = gcStat.get(reportType);
118                         do {
119                             String pair = matcher.group();
120                             String[] nameValue = pair.replaceAll(": ", ":").split(":");
121                             plabInfo.put(nameValue[0].trim(), Long.parseLong(nameValue[1]));
122                         } while (matcher.find());
123                     }
124                 }
125             }
126             return plabReport;
127         }

128     }
130     private static Optional<Long> getGcId(String line, Pattern pattern) {
131         Matcher number = pattern.matcher(line);
132         if (number.find()) {
133             return Optional.of(Long.parseLong(number.group(1)));
134         }
135         return Optional.empty();
136     }
138     /**
139      * Extracts GC ID from log.
140      *
141      * @param line - one line of log.
142      * @return GC ID
143      */
144     public static Long getGcIdFromLine(String line, Pattern pattern) {
145         Optional<Long> gcId = getGcId(line, pattern);
146         if (!gcId.isPresent()) {
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