1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
 26 #include "gc/shared/adaptiveSizePolicy.hpp"
 27 #include "gc/shared/gcCause.hpp"
 28 #include "gc/shared/gcUtil.inline.hpp"
 29 #include "logging/log.hpp"
 30 #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
 32 elapsedTimer AdaptiveSizePolicy::_minor_timer;
 33 elapsedTimer AdaptiveSizePolicy::_major_timer;
 35 // The throughput goal is implemented as
 36 //      _throughput_goal = 1 - ( 1 / (1 + gc_cost_ratio))
 37 // gc_cost_ratio is the ratio
 38 //      application cost / gc cost
 39 // For example a gc_cost_ratio of 4 translates into a
 40 // throughput goal of .80
 42 AdaptiveSizePolicy::AdaptiveSizePolicy(size_t init_eden_size,
 43                                        size_t init_promo_size,
 44                                        size_t init_survivor_size,
 45                                        double gc_pause_goal_sec,
 46                                        uint gc_cost_ratio) :
 47     _throughput_goal(1.0 - double(1.0 / (1.0 + (double) gc_cost_ratio))),
 48     _eden_size(init_eden_size),
 49     _promo_size(init_promo_size),
 50     _survivor_size(init_survivor_size),
 51     _avg_minor_pause(new AdaptivePaddedAverage(AdaptiveTimeWeight, PausePadding)),
 52     _avg_minor_interval(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveTimeWeight)),
 53     _avg_minor_gc_cost(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveTimeWeight)),
 54     _avg_major_interval(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveTimeWeight)),
 55     _avg_major_gc_cost(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveTimeWeight)),
 56     _avg_young_live(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 57     _avg_eden_live(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 58     _avg_old_live(new AdaptiveWeightedAverage(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 59     _avg_survived(new AdaptivePaddedAverage(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight, SurvivorPadding)),
 60     _avg_pretenured(new AdaptivePaddedNoZeroDevAverage(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight, SurvivorPadding)),
 61     _minor_pause_old_estimator(new LinearLeastSquareFit(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 62     _minor_pause_young_estimator(new LinearLeastSquareFit(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 63     _minor_collection_estimator(new LinearLeastSquareFit(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 64     _major_collection_estimator(new LinearLeastSquareFit(AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight)),
 65     _latest_minor_mutator_interval_seconds(0),
 66     _threshold_tolerance_percent(1.0 + ThresholdTolerance/100.0),
 67     _gc_pause_goal_sec(gc_pause_goal_sec),
 68     _young_gen_policy_is_ready(false),
 69     _change_young_gen_for_min_pauses(0),
 70     _change_old_gen_for_maj_pauses(0),
 71     _change_old_gen_for_throughput(0),
 72     _change_young_gen_for_throughput(0),
 73     _increment_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost(false),
 74     _decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost(false),
 75     _decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_survivor_limit(false),
 76     _decrease_for_footprint(0),
 77     _decide_at_full_gc(0),
 78     _young_gen_change_for_minor_throughput(0),
 79     _old_gen_change_for_major_throughput(0) {
 81   // Start the timers
 82   _minor_timer.start();
 83 }
 85 bool AdaptiveSizePolicy::tenuring_threshold_change() const {
 86   return decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost() ||
 87          increment_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost() ||
 88          decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_survivor_limit();
 89 }
 91 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::minor_collection_begin() {
 92   // Update the interval time
 93   _minor_timer.stop();
 94   // Save most recent collection time
 95   _latest_minor_mutator_interval_seconds = _minor_timer.seconds();
 96   _minor_timer.reset();
 97   _minor_timer.start();
 98 }
100 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::update_minor_pause_young_estimator(
101     double minor_pause_in_ms) {
102   double eden_size_in_mbytes = ((double)_eden_size)/((double)M);
103   _minor_pause_young_estimator->update(eden_size_in_mbytes,
104     minor_pause_in_ms);
105 }
107 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::minor_collection_end(GCCause::Cause gc_cause) {
108   // Update the pause time.
109   _minor_timer.stop();
111   if (!GCCause::is_user_requested_gc(gc_cause) ||
112       UseAdaptiveSizePolicyWithSystemGC) {
113     double minor_pause_in_seconds = _minor_timer.seconds();
114     double minor_pause_in_ms = minor_pause_in_seconds * MILLIUNITS;
116     // Sample for performance counter
117     _avg_minor_pause->sample(minor_pause_in_seconds);
119     // Cost of collection (unit-less)
120     double collection_cost = 0.0;
121     if ((_latest_minor_mutator_interval_seconds > 0.0) &&
122         (minor_pause_in_seconds > 0.0)) {
123       double interval_in_seconds =
124         _latest_minor_mutator_interval_seconds + minor_pause_in_seconds;
125       collection_cost =
126         minor_pause_in_seconds / interval_in_seconds;
127       _avg_minor_gc_cost->sample(collection_cost);
128       // Sample for performance counter
129       _avg_minor_interval->sample(interval_in_seconds);
130     }
132     // The policy does not have enough data until at least some
133     // young collections have been done.
134     _young_gen_policy_is_ready =
135       (_avg_minor_gc_cost->count() >= AdaptiveSizePolicyReadyThreshold);
137     // Calculate variables used to estimate pause time vs. gen sizes
138     double eden_size_in_mbytes = ((double)_eden_size) / ((double)M);
139     update_minor_pause_young_estimator(minor_pause_in_ms);
140     update_minor_pause_old_estimator(minor_pause_in_ms);
142     log_trace(gc, ergo)("AdaptiveSizePolicy::minor_collection_end: minor gc cost: %f  average: %f",
143                         collection_cost, _avg_minor_gc_cost->average());
144     log_trace(gc, ergo)("  minor pause: %f minor period %f",
145                         minor_pause_in_ms, _latest_minor_mutator_interval_seconds * MILLIUNITS);
147     // Calculate variable used to estimate collection cost vs. gen sizes
148     assert(collection_cost >= 0.0, "Expected to be non-negative");
149     _minor_collection_estimator->update(eden_size_in_mbytes, collection_cost);
150   }
152   // Interval times use this timer to measure the mutator time.
153   // Reset the timer after the GC pause.
154   _minor_timer.reset();
155   _minor_timer.start();
156 }
158 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::eden_increment(size_t cur_eden, uint percent_change) {
159   size_t eden_heap_delta;
160   eden_heap_delta = cur_eden / 100 * percent_change;
161   return eden_heap_delta;
162 }
164 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::eden_increment(size_t cur_eden) {
165   return eden_increment(cur_eden, YoungGenerationSizeIncrement);
166 }
168 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::eden_decrement(size_t cur_eden) {
169   size_t eden_heap_delta = eden_increment(cur_eden) /
170     AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor;
171   return eden_heap_delta;
172 }
174 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::promo_increment(size_t cur_promo, uint percent_change) {
175   size_t promo_heap_delta;
176   promo_heap_delta = cur_promo / 100 * percent_change;
177   return promo_heap_delta;
178 }
180 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::promo_increment(size_t cur_promo) {
181   return promo_increment(cur_promo, TenuredGenerationSizeIncrement);
182 }
184 size_t AdaptiveSizePolicy::promo_decrement(size_t cur_promo) {
185   size_t promo_heap_delta = promo_increment(cur_promo);
186   promo_heap_delta = promo_heap_delta / AdaptiveSizeDecrementScaleFactor;
187   return promo_heap_delta;
188 }
190 double AdaptiveSizePolicy::time_since_major_gc() const {
191   _major_timer.stop();
192   double result = _major_timer.seconds();
193   _major_timer.start();
194   return result;
195 }
197 // Linear decay of major gc cost
198 double AdaptiveSizePolicy::decaying_major_gc_cost() const {
199   double major_interval = major_gc_interval_average_for_decay();
200   double major_gc_cost_average = major_gc_cost();
201   double decayed_major_gc_cost = major_gc_cost_average;
202   if(time_since_major_gc() > 0.0) {
203     decayed_major_gc_cost = major_gc_cost() *
204       (((double) AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale) * major_interval)
205       / time_since_major_gc();
206   }
208   // The decayed cost should always be smaller than the
209   // average cost but the vagaries of finite arithmetic could
210   // produce a larger value in decayed_major_gc_cost so protect
211   // against that.
212   return MIN2(major_gc_cost_average, decayed_major_gc_cost);
213 }
215 // Use a value of the major gc cost that has been decayed
216 // by the factor
217 //
218 //      average-interval-between-major-gc * AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale /
219 //        time-since-last-major-gc
220 //
221 // if the average-interval-between-major-gc * AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale
222 // is less than time-since-last-major-gc.
223 //
224 // In cases where there are initial major gc's that
225 // are of a relatively high cost but no later major
226 // gc's, the total gc cost can remain high because
227 // the major gc cost remains unchanged (since there are no major
228 // gc's).  In such a situation the value of the unchanging
229 // major gc cost can keep the mutator throughput below
230 // the goal when in fact the major gc cost is becoming diminishingly
231 // small.  Use the decaying gc cost only to decide whether to
232 // adjust for throughput.  Using it also to determine the adjustment
233 // to be made for throughput also seems reasonable but there is
234 // no test case to use to decide if it is the right thing to do
235 // don't do it yet.
237 double AdaptiveSizePolicy::decaying_gc_cost() const {
238   double decayed_major_gc_cost = major_gc_cost();
239   double avg_major_interval = major_gc_interval_average_for_decay();
240   if (UseAdaptiveSizeDecayMajorGCCost &&
241       (AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale > 0) &&
242       (avg_major_interval > 0.00)) {
243     double time_since_last_major_gc = time_since_major_gc();
245     // Decay the major gc cost?
246     if (time_since_last_major_gc >
247         ((double) AdaptiveSizeMajorGCDecayTimeScale) * avg_major_interval) {
249       // Decay using the time-since-last-major-gc
250       decayed_major_gc_cost = decaying_major_gc_cost();
251       log_trace(gc, ergo)("decaying_gc_cost: major interval average: %f  time since last major gc: %f",
252                     avg_major_interval, time_since_last_major_gc);
253       log_trace(gc, ergo)("  major gc cost: %f  decayed major gc cost: %f",
254                     major_gc_cost(), decayed_major_gc_cost);
255     }
256   }
257   double result = MIN2(1.0, decayed_major_gc_cost + minor_gc_cost());
258   return result;
259 }
262 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::clear_generation_free_space_flags() {
263   set_change_young_gen_for_min_pauses(0);
264   set_change_old_gen_for_maj_pauses(0);
266   set_change_old_gen_for_throughput(0);
267   set_change_young_gen_for_throughput(0);
268   set_decrease_for_footprint(0);
269   set_decide_at_full_gc(0);
270 }
272 class AdaptiveSizePolicyTimeOverheadTester: public GCOverheadTester {
273   double _gc_cost;
275  public:
276   AdaptiveSizePolicyTimeOverheadTester(double gc_cost) : _gc_cost(gc_cost) {}
278   bool is_exceeded() {
279     return _gc_cost > (GCTimeLimit / 100.0);
280   }
281 };
283 class AdaptiveSizePolicySpaceOverheadTester: public GCOverheadTester {
284   size_t _eden_live;
285   size_t _max_old_gen_size;
286   size_t _max_eden_size;
287   size_t _promo_size;
288   double _avg_eden_live;
289   double _avg_old_live;
291  public:
292   AdaptiveSizePolicySpaceOverheadTester(size_t eden_live,
293                                         size_t max_old_gen_size,
294                                         size_t max_eden_size,
295                                         size_t promo_size,
296                                         double avg_eden_live,
297                                         double avg_old_live) :
298     _eden_live(eden_live),
299     _max_old_gen_size(max_old_gen_size),
300     _max_eden_size(max_eden_size),
301     _promo_size(promo_size),
302     _avg_eden_live(avg_eden_live),
303     _avg_old_live(avg_old_live) {}
305   bool is_exceeded() {
306     // _max_eden_size is the upper limit on the size of eden based on
307     // the maximum size of the young generation and the sizes
308     // of the survivor space.
309     // The question being asked is whether the space being recovered by
310     // a collection is low.
311     // free_in_eden is the free space in eden after a collection and
312     // free_in_old_gen is the free space in the old generation after
313     // a collection.
314     //
315     // Use the minimum of the current value of the live in eden
316     // or the average of the live in eden.
317     // If the current value drops quickly, that should be taken
318     // into account (i.e., don't trigger if the amount of free
319     // space has suddenly jumped up).  If the current is much
320     // higher than the average, use the average since it represents
321     // the longer term behavior.
322     const size_t live_in_eden =
323       MIN2(_eden_live, (size_t)_avg_eden_live);
324     const size_t free_in_eden = _max_eden_size > live_in_eden ?
325       _max_eden_size - live_in_eden : 0;
326     const size_t free_in_old_gen = (size_t)(_max_old_gen_size - _avg_old_live);
327     const size_t total_free_limit = free_in_old_gen + free_in_eden;
328     const size_t total_mem = _max_old_gen_size + _max_eden_size;
329     const double free_limit_ratio = GCHeapFreeLimit / 100.0;
330     const double mem_free_limit = total_mem * free_limit_ratio;
331     const double mem_free_old_limit = _max_old_gen_size * free_limit_ratio;
332     const double mem_free_eden_limit = _max_eden_size * free_limit_ratio;
333     size_t promo_limit = (size_t)(_max_old_gen_size - _avg_old_live);
334     // But don't force a promo size below the current promo size. Otherwise,
335     // the promo size will shrink for no good reason.
336     promo_limit = MAX2(promo_limit, _promo_size);
338     log_trace(gc, ergo)(
339           "AdaptiveSizePolicySpaceOverheadTester::is_exceeded:"
340           " promo_limit: " SIZE_FORMAT
341           " max_eden_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
342           " total_free_limit: " SIZE_FORMAT
343           " max_old_gen_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
344           " max_eden_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
345           " mem_free_limit: " SIZE_FORMAT,
346           promo_limit, _max_eden_size, total_free_limit,
347           _max_old_gen_size, _max_eden_size,
348           (size_t)mem_free_limit);
350     return free_in_old_gen < (size_t)mem_free_old_limit &&
351            free_in_eden < (size_t)mem_free_eden_limit;
352   }
353 };
355 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::check_gc_overhead_limit(
356                                           size_t eden_live,
357                                           size_t max_old_gen_size,
358                                           size_t max_eden_size,
359                                           bool   is_full_gc,
360                                           GCCause::Cause gc_cause,
361                                           SoftRefPolicy* soft_ref_policy) {
363   AdaptiveSizePolicyTimeOverheadTester time_overhead(gc_cost());
364   AdaptiveSizePolicySpaceOverheadTester space_overhead(eden_live,
365                                                        max_old_gen_size,
366                                                        max_eden_size,
367                                                        _promo_size,
368                                                        avg_eden_live()->average(),
369                                                        avg_old_live()->average());
370   _overhead_checker.check_gc_overhead_limit(&time_overhead,
371                                             &space_overhead,
372                                             is_full_gc,
373                                             gc_cause,
374                                             soft_ref_policy);
375 }
376 // Printing
378 bool AdaptiveSizePolicy::print() const {
379   assert(UseAdaptiveSizePolicy, "UseAdaptiveSizePolicy need to be enabled.");
381   if (!log_is_enabled(Debug, gc, ergo)) {
382     return false;
383   }
385   // Print goal for which action is needed.
386   char* action = NULL;
387   bool change_for_pause = false;
388   if ((change_old_gen_for_maj_pauses() ==
389          decrease_old_gen_for_maj_pauses_true) ||
390       (change_young_gen_for_min_pauses() ==
391          decrease_young_gen_for_min_pauses_true)) {
392     action = (char*) " *** pause time goal ***";
393     change_for_pause = true;
394   } else if ((change_old_gen_for_throughput() ==
395                increase_old_gen_for_throughput_true) ||
396             (change_young_gen_for_throughput() ==
397                increase_young_gen_for_througput_true)) {
398     action = (char*) " *** throughput goal ***";
399   } else if (decrease_for_footprint()) {
400     action = (char*) " *** reduced footprint ***";
401   } else {
402     // No actions were taken.  This can legitimately be the
403     // situation if not enough data has been gathered to make
404     // decisions.
405     return false;
406   }
408   // Pauses
409   // Currently the size of the old gen is only adjusted to
410   // change the major pause times.
411   char* young_gen_action = NULL;
412   char* tenured_gen_action = NULL;
414   char* shrink_msg = (char*) "(attempted to shrink)";
415   char* grow_msg = (char*) "(attempted to grow)";
416   char* no_change_msg = (char*) "(no change)";
417   if (change_young_gen_for_min_pauses() ==
418       decrease_young_gen_for_min_pauses_true) {
419     young_gen_action = shrink_msg;
420   } else if (change_for_pause) {
421     young_gen_action = no_change_msg;
422   }
424   if (change_old_gen_for_maj_pauses() == decrease_old_gen_for_maj_pauses_true) {
425     tenured_gen_action = shrink_msg;
426   } else if (change_for_pause) {
427     tenured_gen_action = no_change_msg;
428   }
430   // Throughput
431   if (change_old_gen_for_throughput() == increase_old_gen_for_throughput_true) {
432     assert(change_young_gen_for_throughput() ==
433            increase_young_gen_for_througput_true,
434            "Both generations should be growing");
435     young_gen_action = grow_msg;
436     tenured_gen_action = grow_msg;
437   } else if (change_young_gen_for_throughput() ==
438              increase_young_gen_for_througput_true) {
439     // Only the young generation may grow at start up (before
440     // enough full collections have been done to grow the old generation).
441     young_gen_action = grow_msg;
442     tenured_gen_action = no_change_msg;
443   }
445   // Minimum footprint
446   if (decrease_for_footprint() != 0) {
447     young_gen_action = shrink_msg;
448     tenured_gen_action = shrink_msg;
449   }
451   log_debug(gc, ergo)("UseAdaptiveSizePolicy actions to meet %s", action);
452   log_debug(gc, ergo)("                       GC overhead (%%)");
453   log_debug(gc, ergo)("    Young generation:     %7.2f\t  %s",
454                       100.0 * avg_minor_gc_cost()->average(), young_gen_action);
455   log_debug(gc, ergo)("    Tenured generation:   %7.2f\t  %s",
456                       100.0 * avg_major_gc_cost()->average(), tenured_gen_action);
457   return true;
458 }
460 void AdaptiveSizePolicy::print_tenuring_threshold( uint new_tenuring_threshold_arg) const {
461   // Tenuring threshold
462   if (decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_survivor_limit()) {
463     log_debug(gc, ergo)("Tenuring threshold: (attempted to decrease to avoid survivor space overflow) = %u", new_tenuring_threshold_arg);
464   } else if (decrement_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost()) {
465     log_debug(gc, ergo)("Tenuring threshold: (attempted to decrease to balance GC costs) = %u", new_tenuring_threshold_arg);
466   } else if (increment_tenuring_threshold_for_gc_cost()) {
467     log_debug(gc, ergo)("Tenuring threshold: (attempted to increase to balance GC costs) = %u", new_tenuring_threshold_arg);
468   } else {
469     assert(!tenuring_threshold_change(), "(no change was attempted)");
470   }
471 }