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8229442: AQS and lock classes refresh
Reviewed-by: martin

*** 40,49 **** --- 40,51 ---- import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; + import java.util.ArrayList; + import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
*** 70,82 **** static String javaProgramPath(String programName) { return new File(bin, programName).getPath(); } ! static final String java = javaProgramPath("java"); ! static final String jmap = javaProgramPath("jmap"); ! static final String jps = javaProgramPath("jps"); static String outputOf(Reader r) throws IOException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final char[] buf = new char[1024]; int n; --- 72,84 ---- static String javaProgramPath(String programName) { return new File(bin, programName).getPath(); } ! static final String javaPath = javaProgramPath("java"); ! static final String jmapPath = javaProgramPath("jmap"); ! static final String jpsPath = javaProgramPath("jps"); static String outputOf(Reader r) throws IOException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final char[] buf = new char[1024]; int n;
*** 157,167 **** } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Error(t); } } static String match(String s, String regex, int group) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s); ! matcher.find(); return matcher.group(group); } /** It's all about sending a message! */ static void sendByte(OutputStream s) throws IOException { --- 159,173 ---- } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Error(t); } } static String match(String s, String regex, int group) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s); ! if (! matcher.find()) { ! String msg = String.format( ! "match failed: s=%s regex=%s", s, regex); ! throw new AssertionError(msg); ! } return matcher.group(group); } /** It's all about sending a message! */ static void sendByte(OutputStream s) throws IOException {
*** 169,234 **** s.flush(); } static int objectsInUse(final Process child, final String childPid, ! final String className) { ! final String regex = ! "(?m)^ *[0-9]+: +([0-9]+) +[0-9]+ +\\Q"+className+"\\E(?:$| )"; ! final Callable<Integer> objectsInUse = ! new Callable<Integer>() { public Integer call() { ! Integer i = Integer.parseInt( ! match(commandOutputOf(jmap, "-histo:live", childPid), regex, 1)); if (i > 100) System.out.print( ! commandOutputOf(jmap, "-dump:file=dump,format=b", childPid)); return i; ! }}; try { return rendezvousParent(child, objectsInUse); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); return -1; } } static void realMain(String[] args) throws Throwable { // jmap doesn't work on Windows if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) return; final String childClassName = Job.class.getName(); ! final String classToCheckForLeaks = Job.classToCheckForLeaks(); ! final String uniqueID = ! String.valueOf(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); ! ! final String[] jobCmd = { ! java, "-Xmx8m", "-XX:+UsePerfData", ! "-classpath", System.getProperty("test.class.path"), ! childClassName, uniqueID ! }; final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(jobCmd).start(); // Ensure subprocess jvm has started, so that jps can find it p.getInputStream().read(); sendByte(p.getOutputStream()); final String childPid = ! match(commandOutputOf(jps, "-m"), "(?m)^ *([0-9]+) +\\Q"+childClassName+"\\E *"+uniqueID+"$", 1); ! final int n0 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classToCheckForLeaks); ! final int n1 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classToCheckForLeaks); equal(p.waitFor(), 0); equal(p.exitValue(), 0); failed += p.exitValue(); // Check that no objects were leaked. // // TODO: This test is very brittle, depending on current JDK // implementation, and needing occasional adjustment. System.out.printf("%d -> %d%n", n0, n1); // Almost always n0 == n1 ! // Maximum jitter observed in practice is 10 -> 17 check(Math.abs(n1 - n0) < 10); check(n1 < 25); drainers.shutdown(); if (!drainers.awaitTermination(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)) { drainers.shutdownNow(); // last resort --- 175,240 ---- s.flush(); } static int objectsInUse(final Process child, final String childPid, ! final String classNameRegex) { ! String regex = ! "(?m)^ *[0-9]+: +([0-9]+) +[0-9]+ +"+classNameRegex+"(?:$| )"; ! Callable<Integer> objectsInUse = () -> { ! int i = Integer.parseInt( ! match(commandOutputOf(jmapPath, "-histo:live", childPid), regex, 1)); if (i > 100) System.out.print( ! commandOutputOf(jmapPath, "-dump:file=dump,format=b", childPid)); return i; ! }; try { return rendezvousParent(child, objectsInUse); } catch (Throwable t) { unexpected(t); return -1; } } static void realMain(String[] args) throws Throwable { // jmap doesn't work on Windows if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) return; final String childClassName = Job.class.getName(); ! final String classNameRegex = Job.classNameRegexToCheckForLeaks(); ! final String uniqueID = String.valueOf( ! ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); ! ! final ArrayList<String> jobCmd = new ArrayList<>(); ! Collections.addAll( ! jobCmd, javaPath, "-Xmx8m", "-XX:+UsePerfData", ! "-classpath", System.getProperty("test.class.path")); ! Collections.addAll(jobCmd, Utils.getTestJavaOpts()); ! Collections.addAll(jobCmd, childClassName, uniqueID); final Process p = new ProcessBuilder(jobCmd).start(); // Ensure subprocess jvm has started, so that jps can find it p.getInputStream().read(); sendByte(p.getOutputStream()); final String childPid = ! match(commandOutputOf(jpsPath, "-m"), "(?m)^ *([0-9]+) +\\Q"+childClassName+"\\E *"+uniqueID+"$", 1); ! final int n0 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classNameRegex); ! final int n1 = objectsInUse(p, childPid, classNameRegex); equal(p.waitFor(), 0); equal(p.exitValue(), 0); failed += p.exitValue(); // Check that no objects were leaked. // // TODO: This test is very brittle, depending on current JDK // implementation, and needing occasional adjustment. System.out.printf("%d -> %d%n", n0, n1); // Almost always n0 == n1 ! // Maximum jitter observed in practice is 7 check(Math.abs(n1 - n0) < 10); check(n1 < 25); drainers.shutdown(); if (!drainers.awaitTermination(LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)) { drainers.shutdownNow(); // last resort
*** 242,254 **** // - provide the name of a class to check for leaks. // - call rendezvousChild exactly twice, while quiescent. // - in between calls to rendezvousChild, run code that may leak. //---------------------------------------------------------------- public static class Job { ! static String classToCheckForLeaks() { return ! "java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$Node"; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // Synchronize with parent process, so that jps can find us sendByte(System.out); --- 248,260 ---- // - provide the name of a class to check for leaks. // - call rendezvousChild exactly twice, while quiescent. // - in between calls to rendezvousChild, run code that may leak. //---------------------------------------------------------------- public static class Job { ! static String classNameRegexToCheckForLeaks() { return ! "\\Qjava.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$\\E[A-Za-z]+"; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // Synchronize with parent process, so that jps can find us sendByte(System.out);
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