1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 #include "BufImgSurfaceData.h"
  27 #include <stdlib.h>
  29 #include "sun_awt_image_BufImgSurfaceData.h"
  31 #include "img_util_md.h"
  32 #include "jni_util.h"
  33 /* Define uintptr_t */
  34 #include "gdefs.h"
  35 #include "Disposer.h"
  37 /**
  38  * This include file contains support code for loops using the
  39  * SurfaceData interface to talk to an X11 drawable from native
  40  * code.
  41  */
  43 static LockFunc                 BufImg_Lock;
  44 static GetRasInfoFunc           BufImg_GetRasInfo;
  45 static ReleaseFunc              BufImg_Release;
  46 static DisposeFunc              BufImg_Dispose;
  48 static ColorData *BufImg_SetupICM(JNIEnv *env, BufImgSDOps *bisdo);
  50 static jfieldID         rgbID;
  51 static jfieldID         mapSizeID;
  52 static jfieldID         colorDataID;
  53 static jfieldID         pDataID;
  54 static jfieldID         allGrayID;
  56 static jclass           clsICMCD;
  57 static jmethodID        initICMCDmID;
  58 /*
  59  * Class:     sun_awt_image_BufImgSurfaceData
  60  * Method:    initIDs
  61  * Signature: ()V
  62  */
  64 Java_sun_awt_image_BufImgSurfaceData_initIDs
  65 (JNIEnv *env, jclass bisd, jclass icm, jclass cd)
  66 {
  67     if (sizeof(BufImgRIPrivate) > SD_RASINFO_PRIVATE_SIZE) {
  68         JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Private RasInfo structure too large!");
  69         return;
  70     }
  72     clsICMCD = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, cd);
  73     JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
  74     CHECK_NULL(initICMCDmID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cd, "<init>", "(J)V"));
  75     CHECK_NULL(pDataID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cd, "pData", "J"));
  76     CHECK_NULL(rgbID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, icm, "rgb", "[I"));
  77     CHECK_NULL(allGrayID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, icm, "allgrayopaque", "Z"));
  78     CHECK_NULL(mapSizeID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, icm, "map_size", "I"));
  79     CHECK_NULL(colorDataID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, icm, "colorData",
  80                                            "Lsun/awt/image/BufImgSurfaceData$ICMColorData;"));
  81 }
  83 /*
  84  * Class:     sun_awt_image_BufImgSurfaceData
  85  * Method:    initOps
  86  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/Object;IIIII)V
  87  */
  89 Java_sun_awt_image_BufImgSurfaceData_initRaster(JNIEnv *env, jobject bisd,
  90                                                 jobject array,
  91                                                 jint offset, jint bitoffset,
  92                                                 jint width, jint height,
  93                                                 jint pixStr, jint scanStr,
  94                                                 jobject icm)
  95 {
  96     BufImgSDOps *bisdo =
  97         (BufImgSDOps*)SurfaceData_InitOps(env, bisd, sizeof(BufImgSDOps));
  98     if (bisdo == NULL) {
  99         JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "Initialization of SurfaceData failed.");
 100         return;
 101     }
 102     bisdo->sdOps.Lock = BufImg_Lock;
 103     bisdo->sdOps.GetRasInfo = BufImg_GetRasInfo;
 104     bisdo->sdOps.Release = BufImg_Release;
 105     bisdo->sdOps.Unlock = NULL;
 106     bisdo->sdOps.Dispose = BufImg_Dispose;
 107     bisdo->array = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, array);
 108     JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
 109     bisdo->offset = offset;
 110     bisdo->bitoffset = bitoffset;
 111     bisdo->scanStr = scanStr;
 112     bisdo->pixStr = pixStr;
 113     if (JNU_IsNull(env, icm)) {
 114         bisdo->lutarray = NULL;
 115         bisdo->lutsize = 0;
 116         bisdo->icm = NULL;
 117     } else {
 118         jobject lutarray = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, icm, rgbID);
 119         bisdo->lutarray = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, lutarray);
 120         JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env);
 121         bisdo->lutsize = (*env)->GetIntField(env, icm, mapSizeID);
 122         bisdo->icm = (*env)->NewWeakGlobalRef(env, icm);
 123     }
 124     bisdo->rasbounds.x1 = 0;
 125     bisdo->rasbounds.y1 = 0;
 126     bisdo->rasbounds.x2 = width;
 127     bisdo->rasbounds.y2 = height;
 128 }
 130 /*
 131  * Releases native structures associated with BufImgSurfaceData.ICMColorData.
 132  */
 133 static void BufImg_Dispose_ICMColorData(JNIEnv *env, jlong pData)
 134 {
 135     ColorData *cdata = (ColorData*)jlong_to_ptr(pData);
 136     freeICMColorData(cdata);
 137 }
 139 /*
 140  * Method for disposing native BufImgSD
 141  */
 142 static void BufImg_Dispose(JNIEnv *env, SurfaceDataOps *ops)
 143 {
 144     /* ops is assumed non-null as it is checked in SurfaceData_DisposeOps */
 145     BufImgSDOps *bisdo = (BufImgSDOps *)ops;
 146     (*env)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(env, bisdo->array);
 147     if (bisdo->lutarray != NULL) {
 148         (*env)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(env, bisdo->lutarray);
 149     }
 150     if (bisdo->icm != NULL) {
 151         (*env)->DeleteWeakGlobalRef(env, bisdo->icm);
 152     }
 153 }
 155 static jint BufImg_Lock(JNIEnv *env,
 156                         SurfaceDataOps *ops,
 157                         SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo,
 158                         jint lockflags)
 159 {
 160     BufImgSDOps *bisdo = (BufImgSDOps *)ops;
 161     BufImgRIPrivate *bipriv = (BufImgRIPrivate *) &(pRasInfo->priv);
 163     if ((lockflags & (SD_LOCK_LUT)) != 0 && JNU_IsNull(env, bisdo->lutarray)) {
 164         /* REMIND: Should this be an InvalidPipe exception? */
 165         JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, "Attempt to lock missing colormap");
 166         return SD_FAILURE;
 167     }
 168     if ((lockflags & SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR) != 0 ||
 169         (lockflags & SD_LOCK_INVGRAY) != 0)
 170     {
 171         bipriv->cData = BufImg_SetupICM(env, bisdo);
 172         if (bipriv->cData == NULL) {
 173             (*env)->ExceptionClear(env);
 174             JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, "Could not initialize inverse tables");
 175             return SD_FAILURE;
 176         }
 177     } else {
 178         bipriv->cData = NULL;
 179     }
 181     bipriv->lockFlags = lockflags;
 182     bipriv->base = NULL;
 183     bipriv->lutbase = NULL;
 185     SurfaceData_IntersectBounds(&pRasInfo->bounds, &bisdo->rasbounds);
 187     return SD_SUCCESS;
 188 }
 190 static void BufImg_GetRasInfo(JNIEnv *env,
 191                               SurfaceDataOps *ops,
 192                               SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo)
 193 {
 194     BufImgSDOps *bisdo = (BufImgSDOps *)ops;
 195     BufImgRIPrivate *bipriv = (BufImgRIPrivate *) &(pRasInfo->priv);
 197     if ((bipriv->lockFlags & (SD_LOCK_RD_WR)) != 0) {
 198         bipriv->base =
 199             (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->array, NULL);
 200         CHECK_NULL(bipriv->base);
 201     }
 202     if ((bipriv->lockFlags & (SD_LOCK_LUT)) != 0) {
 203         bipriv->lutbase =
 204             (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->lutarray, NULL);
 205     }
 207     if (bipriv->base == NULL) {
 208         pRasInfo->rasBase = NULL;
 209         pRasInfo->pixelStride = 0;
 210         pRasInfo->pixelBitOffset = 0;
 211         pRasInfo->scanStride = 0;
 212     } else {
 213         pRasInfo->rasBase = (void *)
 214             (((uintptr_t) bipriv->base) + bisdo->offset);
 215         pRasInfo->pixelStride = bisdo->pixStr;
 216         pRasInfo->pixelBitOffset = bisdo->bitoffset;
 217         pRasInfo->scanStride = bisdo->scanStr;
 218     }
 219     if (bipriv->lutbase == NULL) {
 220         pRasInfo->lutBase = NULL;
 221         pRasInfo->lutSize = 0;
 222     } else {
 223         pRasInfo->lutBase = bipriv->lutbase;
 224         pRasInfo->lutSize = bisdo->lutsize;
 225     }
 226     if (bipriv->cData == NULL) {
 227         pRasInfo->invColorTable = NULL;
 228         pRasInfo->redErrTable = NULL;
 229         pRasInfo->grnErrTable = NULL;
 230         pRasInfo->bluErrTable = NULL;
 231         pRasInfo->representsPrimaries = 0;
 232     } else {
 233         pRasInfo->invColorTable = bipriv->cData->img_clr_tbl;
 234         pRasInfo->redErrTable = bipriv->cData->img_oda_red;
 235         pRasInfo->grnErrTable = bipriv->cData->img_oda_green;
 236         pRasInfo->bluErrTable = bipriv->cData->img_oda_blue;
 237         pRasInfo->invGrayTable = bipriv->cData->pGrayInverseLutData;
 238         pRasInfo->representsPrimaries = bipriv->cData->representsPrimaries;
 239     }
 240 }
 242 static void BufImg_Release(JNIEnv *env,
 243                            SurfaceDataOps *ops,
 244                            SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo)
 245 {
 246     BufImgSDOps *bisdo = (BufImgSDOps *)ops;
 247     BufImgRIPrivate *bipriv = (BufImgRIPrivate *) &(pRasInfo->priv);
 249     if (bipriv->base != NULL) {
 250         jint mode = (((bipriv->lockFlags & (SD_LOCK_WRITE)) != 0)
 251                      ? 0 : JNI_ABORT);
 252         (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->array,
 253                                               bipriv->base, mode);
 254     }
 255     if (bipriv->lutbase != NULL) {
 256         (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->lutarray,
 257                                               bipriv->lutbase, JNI_ABORT);
 258     }
 259 }
 261 static int calculatePrimaryColorsApproximation(int* cmap, unsigned char* cube, int cube_size) {
 262     int i, j, k;
 263     int index, value, color;
 264     // values calculated from cmap
 265     int r, g, b;
 266     // maximum positive/negative variation allowed for r, g, b values for primary colors
 267     int delta = 5;
 268     // get the primary color cmap indices from corner of inverse color table
 269     for (i = 0; i < cube_size; i += (cube_size - 1)) {
 270         for (j = 0; j < cube_size; j += (cube_size - 1)) {
 271             for (k = 0; k < cube_size; k += (cube_size - 1)) {
 272                 // calculate inverse color table index
 273                 index = i + cube_size * (j + cube_size * k);
 274                 // get value present in corners of inverse color table
 275                 value = cube[index];
 276                 // use the corner values as index for cmap
 277                 color = cmap[value];
 278                 // extract r,g,b values from cmap value
 279                 r = ((color) >> 16) & 0xff;
 280                 g = ((color) >> 8) & 0xff;
 281                 b = color & 0xff;
 282                 /*
 283                  * If i/j/k value is 0 optimum value of b/g/r should be 0 but we allow
 284                  * maximum positive variation of 5. If i/j/k value is 31 optimum value
 285                  * of b/g/r should be 255 but we allow maximum negative variation of 5.
 286                  */
 287                 if (i == 0) {
 288                     if (b > delta)
 289                         return 0;
 290                 } else {
 291                     if (b < (255 - delta))
 292                         return 0;
 293                 }
 294                 if (j == 0) {
 295                     if (g > delta)
 296                         return 0;
 297                 } else {
 298                     if (g < (255 - delta))
 299                         return 0;
 300                 }
 301                 if (k == 0) {
 302                     if (r > delta)
 303                         return 0;
 304                 } else {
 305                     if (r < (255 - delta))
 306                         return 0;
 307                 }
 308             }
 309         }
 310     }
 311     return 1;
 312 }
 314 static ColorData *BufImg_SetupICM(JNIEnv *env,
 315                                   BufImgSDOps *bisdo)
 316 {
 317     ColorData *cData = NULL;
 318     jobject colorData;
 320     if (JNU_IsNull(env, bisdo->icm)) {
 321         return (ColorData *) NULL;
 322     }
 324     colorData = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, bisdo->icm, colorDataID);
 326     if (JNU_IsNull(env, colorData)) {
 327         if (JNU_IsNull(env, clsICMCD)) {
 328             // we are unable to create a wrapper object
 329             return (ColorData*)NULL;
 330         }
 331     } else {
 332         cData = (ColorData*)JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env, colorData, pDataID);
 333     }
 335     if (cData != NULL) {
 336         return cData;
 337     }
 339     cData = (ColorData*)calloc(1, sizeof(ColorData));
 341     if (cData != NULL) {
 342         jboolean allGray
 343             = (*env)->GetBooleanField(env, bisdo->icm, allGrayID);
 344         int *pRgb = (int *)
 345             ((*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->lutarray, NULL));
 347         if (pRgb == NULL) {
 348             free(cData);
 349             return (ColorData*)NULL;
 350         }
 352         cData->img_clr_tbl = initCubemap(pRgb, bisdo->lutsize, 32);
 353         if (cData->img_clr_tbl == NULL) {
 354             free(cData);
 355             return (ColorData*)NULL;
 356         }
 357         cData->representsPrimaries = calculatePrimaryColorsApproximation(pRgb, cData->img_clr_tbl, 32);
 358         if (allGray == JNI_TRUE) {
 359             initInverseGrayLut(pRgb, bisdo->lutsize, cData);
 360         }
 361         (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, bisdo->lutarray, pRgb,
 362                                               JNI_ABORT);
 364         initDitherTables(cData);
 366         if (JNU_IsNull(env, colorData)) {
 367             jlong pData = ptr_to_jlong(cData);
 368             colorData = (*env)->NewObjectA(env, clsICMCD, initICMCDmID, (jvalue *)&pData);
 370             if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env))
 371             {
 372                 free(cData);
 373                 return (ColorData*)NULL;
 374             }
 376             (*env)->SetObjectField(env, bisdo->icm, colorDataID, colorData);
 377             Disposer_AddRecord(env, colorData, BufImg_Dispose_ICMColorData, pData);
 378         }
 379     }
 381     return cData;
 382 }