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 193     // see JCE spec
 194     protected byte[] engineGenerateSecret() throws IllegalStateException {
 195         if (multiPartyAgreement != null) {
 196             byte[] val = multiPartyAgreement.generateSecret();
 197             multiPartyAgreement = null;
 198             return val;
 199         }
 200         if ((privateKey == null) || (publicValue == null)) {
 201             throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized correctly");
 202         }
 203         Session session = null;
 204         try {
 205             session = token.getOpSession();
 206             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 207                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY),
 209             };
 210             attributes = token.getAttributes
 211                 (O_GENERATE, CKO_SECRET_KEY, CKK_GENERIC_SECRET, attributes);
 212             long keyID = token.p11.C_DeriveKey(session.id(),

 213                 new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism, publicValue), privateKey.keyID,
 214                 attributes);

 215             attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 216                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE)
 217             };
 218             token.p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session.id(), keyID, attributes);
 219             byte[] secret = attributes[0].getByteArray();
 220             token.p11.C_DestroyObject(session.id(), keyID);
 221             // Some vendors, e.g. NSS, trim off the leading 0x00 byte(s) from
 222             // the generated secret. Thus, we need to check the secret length
 223             // and trim/pad it so the returned value has the same length as
 224             // the modulus size
 225             if (secret.length == secretLen) {
 226                 return secret;
 227             } else {
 228                 if (secret.length > secretLen) {
 229                     // Shouldn't happen; but check just in case
 230                     throw new ProviderException("generated secret is out-of-range");
 231                 }
 232                 byte[] newSecret = new byte[secretLen];
 233                 System.arraycopy(secret, 0, newSecret, secretLen - secret.length,
 234                     secret.length);

 316         }
 317         return new SecretKeySpec(secret, 0, keyLen, algorithm);
 318     }
 320     private SecretKey nativeGenerateSecret(String algorithm)
 321             throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
 322             InvalidKeyException {
 323         if ((privateKey == null) || (publicValue == null)) {
 324             throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized correctly");
 325         }
 326         long keyType = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
 327         Session session = null;
 328         try {
 329             session = token.getObjSession();
 330             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 331                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY),
 332                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_KEY_TYPE, keyType),
 333             };
 334             attributes = token.getAttributes
 335                 (O_GENERATE, CKO_SECRET_KEY, keyType, attributes);
 336             long keyID = token.p11.C_DeriveKey(session.id(),

 337                 new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism, publicValue), privateKey.keyID,
 338                 attributes);

 339             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] lenAttributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 340                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE_LEN),
 341             };
 342             token.p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session.id(), keyID, lenAttributes);
 343             int keyLen = (int)lenAttributes[0].getLong();
 344             SecretKey key = P11Key.secretKey
 345                         (session, keyID, algorithm, keyLen << 3, attributes);
 346             if ("RAW".equals(key.getFormat())) {
 347                 // Workaround for Solaris bug 6318543.
 348                 // Strip leading zeroes ourselves if possible (key not sensitive).
 349                 // This should be removed once the Solaris fix is available
 350                 // as here we always retrieve the CKA_VALUE even for tokens
 351                 // that do not have that bug.
 352                 byte[] keyBytes = key.getEncoded();
 353                 byte[] newBytes = KeyUtil.trimZeroes(keyBytes);
 354                 if (keyBytes != newBytes) {
 355                     key = new SecretKeySpec(newBytes, algorithm);
 356                 }
 357             }
 358             return key;
 359         } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
 360             throw new InvalidKeyException("Could not derive key", e);
 361         } finally {
 362             publicValue = null;
 363             token.releaseSession(session);
 364         }
 365     }

 193     // see JCE spec
 194     protected byte[] engineGenerateSecret() throws IllegalStateException {
 195         if (multiPartyAgreement != null) {
 196             byte[] val = multiPartyAgreement.generateSecret();
 197             multiPartyAgreement = null;
 198             return val;
 199         }
 200         if ((privateKey == null) || (publicValue == null)) {
 201             throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized correctly");
 202         }
 203         Session session = null;
 204         try {
 205             session = token.getOpSession();
 206             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 207                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY),
 209             };
 210             attributes = token.getAttributes
 211                 (O_GENERATE, CKO_SECRET_KEY, CKK_GENERIC_SECRET, attributes);
 212             privateKey.incNativeKeyRef();
 213             long keyID;
 214             try {
 215                 keyID = token.p11.C_DeriveKey(session.id(),
 216                         new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism, publicValue), privateKey.keyID,
 217                         attributes);
 218             } finally {
 219                 privateKey.decNativeKeyRef();
 220             }
 221             attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 222                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE)
 223             };
 224             token.p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session.id(), keyID, attributes);
 225             byte[] secret = attributes[0].getByteArray();
 226             token.p11.C_DestroyObject(session.id(), keyID);
 227             // Some vendors, e.g. NSS, trim off the leading 0x00 byte(s) from
 228             // the generated secret. Thus, we need to check the secret length
 229             // and trim/pad it so the returned value has the same length as
 230             // the modulus size
 231             if (secret.length == secretLen) {
 232                 return secret;
 233             } else {
 234                 if (secret.length > secretLen) {
 235                     // Shouldn't happen; but check just in case
 236                     throw new ProviderException("generated secret is out-of-range");
 237                 }
 238                 byte[] newSecret = new byte[secretLen];
 239                 System.arraycopy(secret, 0, newSecret, secretLen - secret.length,
 240                     secret.length);

 322         }
 323         return new SecretKeySpec(secret, 0, keyLen, algorithm);
 324     }
 326     private SecretKey nativeGenerateSecret(String algorithm)
 327             throws IllegalStateException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
 328             InvalidKeyException {
 329         if ((privateKey == null) || (publicValue == null)) {
 330             throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized correctly");
 331         }
 332         long keyType = CKK_GENERIC_SECRET;
 333         Session session = null;
 334         try {
 335             session = token.getObjSession();
 336             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] attributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 337                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_CLASS, CKO_SECRET_KEY),
 338                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_KEY_TYPE, keyType),
 339             };
 340             attributes = token.getAttributes
 341                 (O_GENERATE, CKO_SECRET_KEY, keyType, attributes);
 342             privateKey.incNativeKeyRef();
 343             long keyID;
 344             try {
 345                 keyID = token.p11.C_DeriveKey(session.id(),
 346                         new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism, publicValue), privateKey.keyID,
 347                         attributes);
 348             } finally {
 349                 privateKey.decNativeKeyRef();
 350             }
 351             CK_ATTRIBUTE[] lenAttributes = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] {
 352                 new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE_LEN),
 353             };
 354             token.p11.C_GetAttributeValue(session.id(), keyID, lenAttributes);
 355             int keyLen = (int)lenAttributes[0].getLong();
 356             SecretKey key = P11Key.secretKey
 357                         (session, keyID, algorithm, keyLen << 3, attributes, true);
 358             if ("RAW".equals(key.getFormat())) {
 359                 // Workaround for Solaris bug 6318543.
 360                 // Strip leading zeroes ourselves if possible (key not sensitive).
 361                 // This should be removed once the Solaris fix is available
 362                 // as here we always retrieve the CKA_VALUE even for tokens
 363                 // that do not have that bug.
 364                 byte[] keyBytes = key.getEncoded();
 365                 byte[] newBytes = KeyUtil.trimZeroes(keyBytes);
 366                 if (keyBytes != newBytes) {
 367                     key = new SecretKeySpec(newBytes, algorithm);
 368                 }
 369             }
 370             return key;
 371         } catch (PKCS11Exception e) {
 372             throw new InvalidKeyException("Could not derive key", e);
 373         } finally {
 374             publicValue = null;
 375             token.releaseSession(session);
 376         }
 377     }
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