/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.lwawt.macosx; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer; import java.beans.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.swing.*; import sun.awt.*; import sun.java2d.SurfaceData; import sun.java2d.opengl.CGLSurfaceData; import sun.lwawt.*; import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger; import com.apple.laf.*; import com.apple.laf.ClientPropertyApplicator.Property; import com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities; public class CPlatformWindow extends CFRetainedResource implements PlatformWindow { private native long nativeCreateNSWindow(long nsViewPtr,long ownerPtr, long styleBits, double x, double y, double w, double h); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowStyleBits(long nsWindowPtr, int mask, int data); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(long nsWindowPtr, long menuBarPtr); private static native Insets nativeGetNSWindowInsets(long nsWindowPtr); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowBounds(long nsWindowPtr, double x, double y, double w, double h); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMinMax(long nsWindowPtr, double minW, double minH, double maxW, double maxH); private static native void nativePushNSWindowToBack(long nsWindowPtr); private static native void nativePushNSWindowToFront(long nsWindowPtr); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowTitle(long nsWindowPtr, String title); private static native void nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(long nsWindowPtr); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMinimizedIcon(long nsWindowPtr, long nsImage); private static native void nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(long nsWindowPtr, String representedFilename); private static native void nativeSetEnabled(long nsWindowPtr, boolean isEnabled); private static native void nativeSynthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEvents(); private static native void nativeDispose(long nsWindowPtr); private static native CPlatformWindow nativeGetTopmostPlatformWindowUnderMouse(); private static native void nativeEnterFullScreenMode(long nsWindowPtr); private static native void nativeExitFullScreenMode(long nsWindowPtr); // Loger to report issues happened during execution but that do not affect functionality private static final PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.lwawt.macosx.CPlatformWindow"); private static final PlatformLogger focusLogger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.lwawt.macosx.focus.CPlatformWindow"); // for client properties public static final String WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK = "apple.awt.brushMetalLook"; public static final String WINDOW_DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND = "apple.awt.draggableWindowBackground"; public static final String WINDOW_ALPHA = "Window.alpha"; public static final String WINDOW_SHADOW = "Window.shadow"; public static final String WINDOW_STYLE = "Window.style"; public static final String WINDOW_SHADOW_REVALIDATE_NOW = "apple.awt.windowShadow.revalidateNow"; public static final String WINDOW_DOCUMENT_MODIFIED = "Window.documentModified"; public static final String WINDOW_DOCUMENT_FILE = "Window.documentFile"; public static final String WINDOW_CLOSEABLE = "Window.closeable"; public static final String WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE = "Window.minimizable"; public static final String WINDOW_ZOOMABLE = "Window.zoomable"; public static final String WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE="Window.hidesOnDeactivate"; public static final String WINDOW_DOC_MODAL_SHEET = "apple.awt.documentModalSheet"; public static final String WINDOW_FADE_DELEGATE = "apple.awt._windowFadeDelegate"; public static final String WINDOW_FADE_IN = "apple.awt._windowFadeIn"; public static final String WINDOW_FADE_OUT = "apple.awt._windowFadeOut"; public static final String WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE = "apple.awt.fullscreenable"; // Yeah, I know. But it's easier to deal with ints from JNI static final int MODELESS = 0; static final int DOCUMENT_MODAL = 1; static final int APPLICATION_MODAL = 2; static final int TOOLKIT_MODAL = 3; // window style bits static final int _RESERVED_FOR_DATA = 1 << 0; // corresponds to native style mask bits static final int DECORATED = 1 << 1; static final int TEXTURED = 1 << 2; static final int UNIFIED = 1 << 3; static final int UTILITY = 1 << 4; static final int HUD = 1 << 5; static final int SHEET = 1 << 6; static final int CLOSEABLE = 1 << 7; static final int MINIMIZABLE = 1 << 8; static final int RESIZABLE = 1 << 9; // both a style bit and prop bit static final int NONACTIVATING = 1 << 24; static final int IS_DIALOG = 1 << 25; static final int IS_MODAL = 1 << 26; static final int IS_POPUP = 1 << 27; static final int _STYLE_PROP_BITMASK = DECORATED | TEXTURED | UNIFIED | UTILITY | HUD | SHEET | CLOSEABLE | MINIMIZABLE | RESIZABLE; // corresponds to method-based properties static final int HAS_SHADOW = 1 << 10; static final int ZOOMABLE = 1 << 11; static final int ALWAYS_ON_TOP = 1 << 15; static final int HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE = 1 << 17; static final int DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND = 1 << 19; static final int DOCUMENT_MODIFIED = 1 << 21; static final int FULLSCREENABLE = 1 << 23; static final int _METHOD_PROP_BITMASK = RESIZABLE | HAS_SHADOW | ZOOMABLE | ALWAYS_ON_TOP | HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE | DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND | DOCUMENT_MODIFIED | FULLSCREENABLE; // corresponds to callback-based properties static final int SHOULD_BECOME_KEY = 1 << 12; static final int SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN = 1 << 13; static final int MODAL_EXCLUDED = 1 << 16; static final int _CALLBACK_PROP_BITMASK = SHOULD_BECOME_KEY | SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN | MODAL_EXCLUDED; static int SET(final int bits, final int mask, final boolean value) { if (value) return (bits | mask); return bits & ~mask; } static boolean IS(final int bits, final int mask) { return (bits & mask) != 0; } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) static ClientPropertyApplicator CLIENT_PROPERTY_APPLICATOR = new ClientPropertyApplicator(new Property[] { new Property(WINDOW_DOCUMENT_MODIFIED) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(DOCUMENT_MODIFIED, value == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(TEXTURED, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_ALPHA) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(c.target, value == null ? 1.0f : Float.parseFloat(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_SHADOW) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(HAS_SHADOW, value == null ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(MINIMIZABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_CLOSEABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(CLOSEABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_ZOOMABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(ZOOMABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { c.setStyleBits(FULLSCREENABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString())); }}, new Property(WINDOW_SHADOW_REVALIDATE_NOW) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(c.getNSWindowPtr()); }}, new Property(WINDOW_DOCUMENT_FILE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) { if (value == null || !(value instanceof java.io.File)) { nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(c.getNSWindowPtr(), null); return; } final String filename = ((java.io.File)value).getAbsolutePath(); nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(c.getNSWindowPtr(), filename); }} }) { public CPlatformWindow convertJComponentToTarget(final JRootPane p) { Component root = SwingUtilities.getRoot(p); if (root == null || (LWWindowPeer)root.getPeer() == null) return null; return (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)root.getPeer()).getPlatformWindow(); } }; // Bounds of the native widget but in the Java coordinate system. // In order to keep it up-to-date we will update them on // 1) setting native bounds via nativeSetBounds() call // 2) getting notification from the native level via deliverMoveResizeEvent() private Rectangle nativeBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); private volatile boolean isFullScreenMode; private boolean isFullScreenAnimationOn; private Window target; private LWWindowPeer peer; protected CPlatformView contentView; protected CPlatformWindow owner; protected boolean visible = false; // visibility status from native perspective private boolean undecorated; // initialized in getInitialStyleBits() private Rectangle normalBounds = null; // not-null only for undecorated maximized windows private CPlatformResponder responder; public CPlatformWindow() { super(0, true); } /* * Delegate initialization (create native window and all the * related resources). */ @Override // PlatformWindow public void initialize(Window _target, LWWindowPeer _peer, PlatformWindow _owner) { initializeBase(_target, _peer, _owner, new CPlatformView()); final int styleBits = getInitialStyleBits(); responder = createPlatformResponder(); contentView = createContentView(); contentView.initialize(peer, responder); final long ownerPtr = owner != null ? owner.getNSWindowPtr() : 0L; Rectangle bounds; if (!IS(DECORATED, styleBits)) { // For undecorated frames the move/resize event does not come if the frame is centered on the screen // so we need to set a stub location to force an initial move/resize. Real bounds would be set later. bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); } else { bounds = _peer.constrainBounds(_target.getBounds()); } final long nativeWindowPtr = nativeCreateNSWindow(contentView.getAWTView(), ownerPtr, styleBits, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); setPtr(nativeWindowPtr); if (target instanceof javax.swing.RootPaneContainer) { final javax.swing.JRootPane rootpane = ((javax.swing.RootPaneContainer)target).getRootPane(); if (rootpane != null) rootpane.addPropertyChangeListener("ancestor", new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { CLIENT_PROPERTY_APPLICATOR.attachAndApplyClientProperties(rootpane); rootpane.removePropertyChangeListener("ancestor", this); } }); } validateSurface(); } protected void initializeBase(Window target, LWWindowPeer peer, PlatformWindow owner, CPlatformView view) { this.peer = peer; this.target = target; if (owner instanceof CPlatformWindow) { this.owner = (CPlatformWindow)owner; } this.contentView = view; } protected CPlatformResponder createPlatformResponder() { return new CPlatformResponder(peer, false); } protected CPlatformView createContentView() { return new CPlatformView(); } protected int getInitialStyleBits() { // defaults style bits int styleBits = DECORATED | HAS_SHADOW | CLOSEABLE | MINIMIZABLE | ZOOMABLE | RESIZABLE; if (isNativelyFocusableWindow()) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHOULD_BECOME_KEY, true); styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, true); } final boolean isFrame = (target instanceof Frame); final boolean isDialog = (target instanceof Dialog); final boolean isPopup = (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP); if (isDialog) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, MINIMIZABLE, false); } // Either java.awt.Frame or java.awt.Dialog can be undecorated, however java.awt.Window always is undecorated. { this.undecorated = isFrame ? ((Frame)target).isUndecorated() : (isDialog ? ((Dialog)target).isUndecorated() : true); if (this.undecorated) styleBits = SET(styleBits, DECORATED, false); } // Either java.awt.Frame or java.awt.Dialog can be resizable, however java.awt.Window is never resizable { final boolean resizable = isFrame ? ((Frame)target).isResizable() : (isDialog ? ((Dialog)target).isResizable() : false); styleBits = SET(styleBits, RESIZABLE, resizable); if (!resizable) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, ZOOMABLE, false); } } if (target.isAlwaysOnTop()) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, ALWAYS_ON_TOP, true); } if (target.getModalExclusionType() == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, MODAL_EXCLUDED, true); } // If the target is a dialog, popup or tooltip we want it to ignore the brushed metal look. if (isPopup) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, false); // Popups in applets don't activate applet's process styleBits = SET(styleBits, NONACTIVATING, true); styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_POPUP, true); } if (Window.Type.UTILITY.equals(target.getType())) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, UTILITY, true); } if (target instanceof javax.swing.RootPaneContainer) { javax.swing.JRootPane rootpane = ((javax.swing.RootPaneContainer)target).getRootPane(); Object prop = null; prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } if (isDialog && ((Dialog)target).getModalityType() == ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL) { prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_DOC_MODAL_SHEET); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHEET, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_STYLE); if (prop != null) { if ("small".equals(prop)) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, UTILITY, true); if (target.isAlwaysOnTop() && rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE) == null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE, true); } } if ("textured".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, true); if ("unified".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, UNIFIED, true); if ("hud".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, HUD, true); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_CLOSEABLE); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, CLOSEABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, MINIMIZABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_ZOOMABLE); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, ZOOMABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, FULLSCREENABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_SHADOW); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, HAS_SHADOW, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND); if (prop != null) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString())); } } if (isDialog) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_DIALOG, true); if (((Dialog) target).isModal()) { styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_MODAL, true); } } peer.setTextured(IS(TEXTURED, styleBits)); return styleBits; } // this is the counter-point to -[CWindow _nativeSetStyleBit:] private void setStyleBits(final int mask, final boolean value) { nativeSetNSWindowStyleBits(getNSWindowPtr(), mask, value ? mask : 0); } private native void _toggleFullScreenMode(final long model); public void toggleFullScreen() { _toggleFullScreenMode(getNSWindowPtr()); } @Override // PlatformWindow public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) { final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); CMenuBar mbPeer = (CMenuBar)LWToolkit.targetToPeer(mb); if (mbPeer != null) { nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(nsWindowPtr, mbPeer.getModel()); } else { nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(nsWindowPtr, 0); } } @Override // PlatformWindow public void dispose() { if (owner != null) { CWrapper.NSWindow.removeChildWindow(owner.getNSWindowPtr(), getNSWindowPtr()); } contentView.dispose(); nativeDispose(getNSWindowPtr()); CPlatformWindow.super.dispose(); } @Override // PlatformWindow public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font f) { // TODO: not implemented (new RuntimeException("unimplemented")).printStackTrace(); return null; } @Override // PlatformWindow public Insets getInsets() { return nativeGetNSWindowInsets(getNSWindowPtr()); } @Override // PlatformWindow public Point getLocationOnScreen() { return new Point(nativeBounds.x, nativeBounds.y); } @Override public GraphicsDevice getGraphicsDevice() { return contentView.getGraphicsDevice(); } @Override // PlatformWindow public SurfaceData getScreenSurface() { // TODO: not implemented return null; } @Override // PlatformWindow public SurfaceData replaceSurfaceData() { return contentView.replaceSurfaceData(); } @Override // PlatformWindow public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h) { nativeSetNSWindowBounds(getNSWindowPtr(), x, y, w, h); } private boolean isMaximized() { return undecorated ? this.normalBounds != null : CWrapper.NSWindow.isZoomed(getNSWindowPtr()); } private void maximize() { if (peer == null || isMaximized()) { return; } if (!undecorated) { CWrapper.NSWindow.zoom(getNSWindowPtr()); } else { deliverZoom(true); this.normalBounds = peer.getBounds(); GraphicsConfiguration config = getPeer().getGraphicsConfiguration(); Insets i = ((CGraphicsDevice)config.getDevice()).getScreenInsets(); Rectangle toBounds = config.getBounds(); setBounds(toBounds.x + i.left, toBounds.y + i.top, toBounds.width - i.left - i.right, toBounds.height - i.top - i.bottom); } } private void unmaximize() { if (!isMaximized()) { return; } if (!undecorated) { CWrapper.NSWindow.zoom(getNSWindowPtr()); } else { deliverZoom(false); Rectangle toBounds = this.normalBounds; this.normalBounds = null; setBounds(toBounds.x, toBounds.y, toBounds.width, toBounds.height); } } public boolean isVisible() { return this.visible; } @Override // PlatformWindow public void setVisible(boolean visible) { final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); // Process parent-child relationship when hiding if (!visible) { // Unparent my children for (Window w : target.getOwnedWindows()) { WindowPeer p = (WindowPeer)w.getPeer(); if (p instanceof LWWindowPeer) { CPlatformWindow pw = (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)p).getPlatformWindow(); if (pw != null && pw.isVisible()) { CWrapper.NSWindow.removeChildWindow(nsWindowPtr, pw.getNSWindowPtr()); } } } // Unparent myself if (owner != null && owner.isVisible()) { CWrapper.NSWindow.removeChildWindow(owner.getNSWindowPtr(), nsWindowPtr); } } // Configure stuff updateIconImages(); updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(false); boolean wasMaximized = isMaximized(); // Actually show or hide the window LWWindowPeer blocker = (peer == null)? null : peer.getBlocker(); if (blocker == null || !visible) { // If it ain't blocked, or is being hidden, go regular way if (visible) { CWrapper.NSWindow.makeFirstResponder(nsWindowPtr, contentView.getAWTView()); boolean isPopup = (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP); if (isPopup) { // Popups in applets don't activate applet's process CWrapper.NSWindow.orderFrontRegardless(nsWindowPtr); } else { CWrapper.NSWindow.orderFront(nsWindowPtr); } boolean isKeyWindow = CWrapper.NSWindow.isKeyWindow(nsWindowPtr); if (!isKeyWindow) { CWrapper.NSWindow.makeKeyWindow(nsWindowPtr); } } else { // immediately hide the window CWrapper.NSWindow.orderOut(nsWindowPtr); // process the close CWrapper.NSWindow.close(nsWindowPtr); } } else { // otherwise, put it in a proper z-order CWrapper.NSWindow.orderWindow(nsWindowPtr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowBelow, ((CPlatformWindow)blocker.getPlatformWindow()).getNSWindowPtr()); } this.visible = visible; // Manage the extended state when showing if (visible) { // Apply the extended state as expected in shared code if (target instanceof Frame) { if (!wasMaximized && isMaximized()) { // setVisible could have changed the native maximized state deliverZoom(true); } else { int frameState = ((Frame)target).getExtendedState(); if ((frameState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) { // Treat all state bit masks with ICONIFIED bit as ICONIFIED state. frameState = Frame.ICONIFIED; } switch (frameState) { case Frame.ICONIFIED: CWrapper.NSWindow.miniaturize(nsWindowPtr); break; case Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH: maximize(); break; default: // NORMAL unmaximize(); // in case it was maximized, otherwise this is a no-op break; } } } } nativeSynthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEvents(); // Configure stuff #2 updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(true); // Manage parent-child relationship when showing if (visible) { // Add myself as a child if (owner != null && owner.isVisible()) { CWrapper.NSWindow.addChildWindow(owner.getNSWindowPtr(), nsWindowPtr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove); applyWindowLevel(target); } // Add my own children to myself for (Window w : target.getOwnedWindows()) { WindowPeer p = (WindowPeer)w.getPeer(); if (p instanceof LWWindowPeer) { CPlatformWindow pw = (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)p).getPlatformWindow(); if (pw != null && pw.isVisible()) { CWrapper.NSWindow.addChildWindow(nsWindowPtr, pw.getNSWindowPtr(), CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove); pw.applyWindowLevel(w); } } } } // Deal with the blocker of the window being shown if (blocker != null && visible) { // Make sure the blocker is above its siblings ((CPlatformWindow)blocker.getPlatformWindow()).orderAboveSiblings(); } } @Override // PlatformWindow public void setTitle(String title) { nativeSetNSWindowTitle(getNSWindowPtr(), title); } // Should be called on every window key property change. @Override // PlatformWindow public void updateIconImages() { final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); final CImage cImage = getImageForTarget(); nativeSetNSWindowMinimizedIcon(nsWindowPtr, cImage == null ? 0L : cImage.ptr); } public long getNSWindowPtr() { final long nsWindowPtr = ptr; if (nsWindowPtr == 0L) { if(logger.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.Level.FINE)) { logger.fine("NSWindow already disposed?", new Exception("Pointer to native NSWindow is invalid.")); } } return nsWindowPtr; } public SurfaceData getSurfaceData() { return contentView.getSurfaceData(); } @Override // PlatformWindow public void toBack() { final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); nativePushNSWindowToBack(nsWindowPtr); } @Override // PlatformWindow public void toFront() { final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); LWCToolkit lwcToolkit = (LWCToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Window w = DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow(); if( w != null && w.getPeer() != null && ((LWWindowPeer)w.getPeer()).getPeerType() == LWWindowPeer.PeerType.EMBEDDED_FRAME && !lwcToolkit.isApplicationActive()) { lwcToolkit.activateApplicationIgnoringOtherApps(); } updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(false); nativePushNSWindowToFront(nsWindowPtr); updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(true); } @Override public void setResizable(final boolean resizable) { setStyleBits(RESIZABLE, resizable); } @Override public void setSizeConstraints(int minW, int minH, int maxW, int maxH) { nativeSetNSWindowMinMax(getNSWindowPtr(), minW, minH, maxW, maxH); } @Override public boolean rejectFocusRequest(CausedFocusEvent.Cause cause) { // Cross-app activation requests are not allowed. if (cause != CausedFocusEvent.Cause.MOUSE_EVENT && !((LWCToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive()) { focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the request is rejected"); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean requestWindowFocus() { long ptr = getNSWindowPtr(); if (CWrapper.NSWindow.canBecomeMainWindow(ptr)) { CWrapper.NSWindow.makeMainWindow(ptr); } CWrapper.NSWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront(ptr); return true; } @Override public boolean isActive() { long ptr = getNSWindowPtr(); return CWrapper.NSWindow.isKeyWindow(ptr); } @Override public void updateFocusableWindowState() { final boolean isFocusable = isNativelyFocusableWindow(); setStyleBits(SHOULD_BECOME_KEY | SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, isFocusable); // set both bits at once } @Override public Graphics transformGraphics(Graphics g) { // is this where we can inject a transform for HiDPI? return g; } @Override public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean isAlwaysOnTop) { setStyleBits(ALWAYS_ON_TOP, isAlwaysOnTop); } public PlatformWindow getTopmostPlatformWindowUnderMouse(){ return CPlatformWindow.nativeGetTopmostPlatformWindowUnderMouse(); } @Override public void setOpacity(float opacity) { CWrapper.NSWindow.setAlphaValue(getNSWindowPtr(), opacity); } @Override public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) { CWrapper.NSWindow.setOpaque(getNSWindowPtr(), isOpaque); boolean isTextured = (peer == null) ? false : peer.isTextured(); if (!isTextured) { if (!isOpaque) { CWrapper.NSWindow.setBackgroundColor(getNSWindowPtr(), 0); } else if (peer != null) { Color color = peer.getBackground(); if (color != null) { int rgb = color.getRGB(); CWrapper.NSWindow.setBackgroundColor(getNSWindowPtr(), rgb); } } } //This is a temporary workaround. Looks like after 7124236 will be fixed //the correct place for invalidateShadow() is CGLayer.drawInCGLContext. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this::invalidateShadow); } @Override public void enterFullScreenMode() { isFullScreenMode = true; nativeEnterFullScreenMode(getNSWindowPtr()); } @Override public void exitFullScreenMode() { nativeExitFullScreenMode(getNSWindowPtr()); isFullScreenMode = false; } @Override public boolean isFullScreenMode() { return isFullScreenMode; } @Override public void setWindowState(int windowState) { if (peer == null || !peer.isVisible()) { // setVisible() applies the state return; } int prevWindowState = peer.getState(); if (prevWindowState == windowState) return; final long nsWindowPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); if ((windowState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) { // Treat all state bit masks with ICONIFIED bit as ICONIFIED state. windowState = Frame.ICONIFIED; } switch (windowState) { case Frame.ICONIFIED: if (prevWindowState == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) { // let's return into the normal states first // the zoom call toggles between the normal and the max states unmaximize(); } CWrapper.NSWindow.miniaturize(nsWindowPtr); break; case Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH: if (prevWindowState == Frame.ICONIFIED) { // let's return into the normal states first CWrapper.NSWindow.deminiaturize(nsWindowPtr); } maximize(); break; case Frame.NORMAL: if (prevWindowState == Frame.ICONIFIED) { CWrapper.NSWindow.deminiaturize(nsWindowPtr); } else if (prevWindowState == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) { // the zoom call toggles between the normal and the max states unmaximize(); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown window state: " + windowState); } // NOTE: the SWP.windowState field gets updated to the newWindowState // value when the native notification comes to us } @Override public void setModalBlocked(boolean blocked) { if (target.getModalExclusionType() == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE) { return; } nativeSetEnabled(getNSWindowPtr(), !blocked); checkBlockingAndOrder(); } public final void invalidateShadow(){ nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(getNSWindowPtr()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTILITY METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Find image to install into Title or into Application icon. First try * icons installed for toplevel. Null is returned, if there is no icon and * default Duke image should be used. */ private CImage getImageForTarget() { CImage icon = null; try { icon = CImage.getCreator().createFromImages(target.getIconImages()); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Perhaps the icon passed into Java is broken. Skipping this icon. } return icon; } /* * Returns LWWindowPeer associated with this delegate. */ @Override public LWWindowPeer getPeer() { return peer; } @Override public boolean isUnderMouse() { return contentView.isUnderMouse(); } public CPlatformView getContentView() { return contentView; } @Override public long getLayerPtr() { return contentView.getWindowLayerPtr(); } private void validateSurface() { SurfaceData surfaceData = getSurfaceData(); if (surfaceData instanceof CGLSurfaceData) { ((CGLSurfaceData)surfaceData).validate(); } } void flushBuffers() { if (isVisible() && !nativeBounds.isEmpty() && !isFullScreenMode) { try { LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //Posting an empty to flush the EventQueue without blocking the main thread } }, target); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Helper method to get a pointer to the native view from the PlatformWindow. */ static long getNativeViewPtr(PlatformWindow platformWindow) { long nativePeer = 0L; if (platformWindow instanceof CPlatformWindow) { nativePeer = ((CPlatformWindow) platformWindow).getContentView().getAWTView(); } else if (platformWindow instanceof CViewPlatformEmbeddedFrame){ nativePeer = ((CViewPlatformEmbeddedFrame) platformWindow).getNSViewPtr(); } return nativePeer; } /************************************************************* * Callbacks from the AWTWindow and AWTView objc classes. *************************************************************/ private void deliverWindowFocusEvent(boolean gained, CPlatformWindow opposite){ // Fix for 7150349: ingore "gained" notifications when the app is inactive. if (gained && !((LWCToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive()) { focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the notification is ignored"); return; } LWWindowPeer oppositePeer = (opposite == null)? null : opposite.getPeer(); responder.handleWindowFocusEvent(gained, oppositePeer); } protected void deliverMoveResizeEvent(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean byUser) { checkZoom(); final Rectangle oldB = nativeBounds; nativeBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); if (peer != null) { peer.notifyReshape(x, y, width, height); // System-dependent appearance optimization. if ((byUser && !oldB.getSize().equals(nativeBounds.getSize())) || isFullScreenAnimationOn) { flushBuffers(); } } } private void deliverWindowClosingEvent() { if (peer != null && peer.getBlocker() == null) { peer.postEvent(new WindowEvent(target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } } private void deliverIconify(final boolean iconify) { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyIconify(iconify); } } private void deliverZoom(final boolean isZoomed) { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyZoom(isZoomed); } } private void checkZoom() { if (target instanceof Frame && isVisible()) { Frame targetFrame = (Frame)target; if (targetFrame.getExtendedState() != Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH && isMaximized()) { deliverZoom(true); } else if (targetFrame.getExtendedState() == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH && !isMaximized()) { deliverZoom(false); } } } private void deliverNCMouseDown() { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyNCMouseDown(); } } /* * Our focus model is synthetic and only non-simple window * may become natively focusable window. */ private boolean isNativelyFocusableWindow() { if (peer == null) { return false; } return !peer.isSimpleWindow() && target.getFocusableWindowState(); } /* * An utility method for the support of the auto request focus. * Updates the focusable state of the window under certain * circumstances. */ private void updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(boolean isFocusable) { if (target.isAutoRequestFocus() || !isNativelyFocusableWindow()) return; setStyleBits(SHOULD_BECOME_KEY | SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, isFocusable); // set both bits at once } private boolean checkBlockingAndOrder() { LWWindowPeer blocker = (peer == null)? null : peer.getBlocker(); if (blocker == null) { return false; } if (blocker instanceof CPrinterDialogPeer) { return true; } CPlatformWindow pWindow = (CPlatformWindow)blocker.getPlatformWindow(); pWindow.orderAboveSiblings(); final long nsWindowPtr = pWindow.getNSWindowPtr(); CWrapper.NSWindow.orderFrontRegardless(nsWindowPtr); CWrapper.NSWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront(nsWindowPtr); CWrapper.NSWindow.makeMainWindow(nsWindowPtr); return true; } private void orderAboveSiblings() { if (owner == null) { return; } // NOTE: the logic will fail if we have a hierarchy like: // visible root owner // invisible owner // visible dialog // However, this is an unlikely scenario for real life apps if (owner.isVisible()) { // Recursively pop up the windows from the very bottom so that only // the very top-most one becomes the main window owner.orderAboveSiblings(); // Order the window to front of the stack of child windows final long nsWindowSelfPtr = getNSWindowPtr(); final long nsWindowOwnerPtr = owner.getNSWindowPtr(); CWrapper.NSWindow.removeChildWindow(nsWindowOwnerPtr, nsWindowSelfPtr); CWrapper.NSWindow.addChildWindow(nsWindowOwnerPtr, nsWindowSelfPtr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove); } applyWindowLevel(target); } protected void applyWindowLevel(Window target) { if (target.isAlwaysOnTop() && target.getType() != Window.Type.POPUP) { CWrapper.NSWindow.setLevel(getNSWindowPtr(), CWrapper.NSWindow.NSFloatingWindowLevel); } else if (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP) { CWrapper.NSWindow.setLevel(getNSWindowPtr(), CWrapper.NSWindow.NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // NATIVE CALLBACKS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void windowDidBecomeMain() { if (checkBlockingAndOrder()) return; // If it's not blocked, make sure it's above its siblings orderAboveSiblings(); } private void windowWillEnterFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = true; } private void windowDidEnterFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = false; } private void windowWillExitFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = true; } private void windowDidExitFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = false; } }