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 127         boolean ignoreRest() {
 128             return false;
 129         }
 131         abstract void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs;
 132         final boolean hasArg;
 133         final String[] aliases;
 134     }
 136     static abstract class HiddenOption extends Option {
 137         HiddenOption(boolean hasArg, String... aliases) {
 138             super(hasArg, aliases);
 139         }
 141         boolean isHidden() {
 142             return true;
 143         }
 144     }
 146     static Option[] recognizedOptions = {
 147         new Option(false, "-h", "-?", "-help") {
 148             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 149                 task.options.help = true;
 150             }
 151         },
 152         new Option(true, "-dotoutput") {
 153             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 154                 Path p = Paths.get(arg);
 155                 if (Files.exists(p) && (!Files.isDirectory(p) || !Files.isWritable(p))) {
 156                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 157                 }
 158                 task.options.dotOutputDir = Paths.get(arg);;
 159             }
 160         },
 161         new Option(false, "-s", "-summary") {
 162             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 163                 task.options.showSummary = true;
 164                 task.options.verbose = SUMMARY;
 165             }
 166         },
 167         new Option(false, "-v", "-verbose",

 178                         break;
 179                     case "-verbose:module":
 180                         task.options.verbose = MODULE;
 181                         break;
 182                     case "-verbose:package":
 183                         task.options.verbose = PACKAGE;
 184                         break;
 185                     case "-verbose:class":
 186                         task.options.verbose = CLASS;
 187                         break;
 188                     default:
 189                         throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.arg.for.option", opt);
 190                 }
 191             }
 192         },
 193         new Option(false, "-apionly") {
 194             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 195                 task.options.apiOnly = true;
 196             }
 197         },
 198         new Option(true, "-check") {
 199             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 200                 Set<String> mods =  Set.of(arg.split(","));
 201                 task.options.checkModuleDeps = mods;
 202                 task.options.addmods.addAll(mods);
 203             }
 204         },
 205         new Option(true, "-genmoduleinfo") {
 206             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 207                 Path p = Paths.get(arg);
 208                 if (Files.exists(p) && (!Files.isDirectory(p) || !Files.isWritable(p))) {
 209                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 210                 }
 211                 task.options.genModuleInfo = Paths.get(arg);
 212             }
 213         },
 214         new Option(false, "-jdkinternals") {
 215             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 216                 task.options.findJDKInternals = true;
 217                 task.options.verbose = CLASS;
 218                 if (task.options.includePattern == null) {
 219                     task.options.includePattern = Pattern.compile(".*");
 220                 }
 221             }
 222         },
 224         // ---- paths option ----
 225         new Option(true, "-cp", "-classpath") {
 226             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 227                 task.options.classpath = arg;
 228             }
 229         },
 230         new Option(true, "-mp", "-modulepath") {
 231             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 232                 task.options.modulePath = arg;
 233             }
 234         },
 235         new Option(true, "-upgrademodulepath") {
 236             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 237                 task.options.upgradeModulePath = arg;
 238             }
 239         },
 240         new Option(true, "-system") {
 241             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 242                 if (arg.equals("none")) {
 243                     task.options.systemModulePath = null;
 244                 } else {
 245                     Path path = Paths.get(arg);
 246                     if (Files.isRegularFile(path.resolve("lib").resolve("modules")))
 247                         task.options.systemModulePath = arg;
 248                     else
 249                         throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 250                 }
 251             }
 252         },
 253         new Option(true, "-addmods") {
 254             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 255                 Set<String> mods = Set.of(arg.split(","));
 256                 task.options.addmods.addAll(mods);
 257             }
 258         },
 259         new Option(true, "-m") {
 260             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 261                 task.options.rootModule = arg;
 262                 task.options.addmods.add(arg);
 263             }
 264         },
 266         // ---- Target filtering options ----
 267         new Option(true, "-p", "-package") {
 268             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 269                 task.options.packageNames.add(arg);
 270             }
 271         },
 272         new Option(true, "-e", "-regex") {
 273             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 274                 task.options.regex = Pattern.compile(arg);
 275             }
 276         },
 277         new Option(true, "-requires") {
 278             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 279                 task.options.requires.add(arg);

 297                     case "-filter:module":
 298                         task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 299                         task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 300                         break;
 301                     case "-filter:none":
 302                         task.options.filterSameArchive = false;
 303                         task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 304                         break;
 305                 }
 306             }
 307         },
 309         // ---- Source filtering options ----
 310         new Option(true, "-include") {
 311             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 312                 task.options.includePattern = Pattern.compile(arg);
 313             }
 314         },
 316         // Another alternative to list modules in -addmods option
 317         new HiddenOption(true, "-include-system-modules") {
 318             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 319                 task.options.includeSystemModulePattern = Pattern.compile(arg);
 320             }
 321         },
 323         new Option(false, "-P", "-profile") {
 324             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 325                 task.options.showProfile = true;
 326             }
 327         },
 329         new Option(false, "-R", "-recursive") {
 330             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 331                 task.options.depth = 0;
 332                 // turn off filtering
 333                 task.options.filterSameArchive = false;
 334                 task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 335             }
 336         },
 338         new Option(false, "-I", "-inverse") {
 339             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 340                 task.options.inverse = true;
 341                 // equivalent to the inverse of compile-time view analysis
 342                 task.options.compileTimeView = true;
 343                 task.options.filterSamePackage = true;
 344                 task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 345             }
 346         },
 348         new Option(false, "-ct", "-compile-time") {
 349             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 350                 task.options.compileTimeView = true;
 351                 task.options.filterSamePackage = true;
 352                 task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 353                 task.options.depth = 0;
 354             }
 355         },
 357         new Option(false, "-q", "-quiet") {
 358             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 359                 task.options.nowarning = true;
 360             }
 361         },
 363         new Option(false, "-version") {
 364             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 365                 task.options.version = true;
 366             }
 367         },
 368         new HiddenOption(false, "-fullversion") {
 369             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 370                 task.options.fullVersion = true;
 371             }
 372         },
 373         new HiddenOption(false, "-showlabel") {
 374             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 375                 task.options.showLabel = true;
 376             }
 377         },
 378         new HiddenOption(false, "-hide-module") {
 379             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 380                 task.options.showModule = false;
 381             }
 382         },
 383         new HiddenOption(true, "-depth") {
 384             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 385                 try {
 386                     task.options.depth = Integer.parseInt(arg);
 387                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 388                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.arg.for.option", opt);
 389                 }
 390             }
 391         },
 392     };
 394     private static final String PROGNAME = "jdeps";
 395     private final Options options = new Options();
 396     private final List<String> inputArgs = new ArrayList<>();
 398     private PrintWriter log;

 448             if (options.inverse && options.depth != 1) {
 449                 reportError("err.invalid.inverse.option", "-R");
 450                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 451             }
 453             if (options.inverse && options.numFilters() == 0) {
 454                 reportError("err.invalid.filters");
 455                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 456             }
 458             if ((options.findJDKInternals) && (options.hasFilter() || options.showSummary)) {
 459                 showHelp();
 460                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 461             }
 462             if (options.showSummary && options.verbose != SUMMARY) {
 463                 showHelp();
 464                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 465             }
 466             if (options.checkModuleDeps != null && !inputArgs.isEmpty()) {
 467                 reportError("err.invalid.module.option", inputArgs, "-check");
 468             }
 470             boolean ok = run();
 471             return ok ? EXIT_OK : EXIT_ERROR;
 472         } catch (BadArgs|UncheckedBadArgs e) {
 473             reportError(e.getKey(), e.getArgs());
 474             if (e.showUsage()) {
 475                 log.println(getMessage("main.usage.summary", PROGNAME));
 476             }
 477             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 478         } catch (ResolutionException e) {
 479             reportError("err.exception.message", e.getMessage());
 480             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 481         } catch (IOException e) {
 482             e.printStackTrace();
 483             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 484         } finally {
 485             log.flush();
 486         }
 487     }
 489     boolean run() throws IOException {
 490         try (JdepsConfiguration config = buildConfig()) {
 492             // detect split packages
 493             config.splitPackages().entrySet().stream()
 494                 .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey())
 495                 .forEach(e -> System.out.format("split package: %s %s%n", e.getKey(),
 496                     e.getValue().toString()));
 498             // check if any module specified in -requires is missing
 499             Stream.concat(options.addmods.stream(), options.requires.stream())
 500                 .filter(mn -> !config.isValidToken(mn))
 501                 .forEach(mn -> config.findModule(mn).orElseThrow(() ->
 502                     new UncheckedBadArgs(new BadArgs("err.module.not.found", mn))));
 504             // -genmoduleinfo
 505             if (options.genModuleInfo != null) {
 506                 return genModuleInfo(config);
 507             }
 509             // -check
 510             if (options.checkModuleDeps != null) {
 511                 return new ModuleAnalyzer(config, log, options.checkModuleDeps).run();
 512             }
 514             if (options.dotOutputDir != null &&
 515                 (options.verbose == SUMMARY || options.verbose == MODULE) &&
 516                 !options.addmods.isEmpty() && inputArgs.isEmpty()) {
 517                 return new ModuleAnalyzer(config, log).genDotFiles(options.dotOutputDir);
 518             }
 520             if (options.inverse) {
 521                 return analyzeInverseDeps(config);
 522             } else {
 523                 return analyzeDeps(config);
 524             }
 525         }
 526     }
 528     private JdepsConfiguration buildConfig() throws IOException {
 529         JdepsConfiguration.Builder builder =

 127         boolean ignoreRest() {
 128             return false;
 129         }
 131         abstract void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs;
 132         final boolean hasArg;
 133         final String[] aliases;
 134     }
 136     static abstract class HiddenOption extends Option {
 137         HiddenOption(boolean hasArg, String... aliases) {
 138             super(hasArg, aliases);
 139         }
 141         boolean isHidden() {
 142             return true;
 143         }
 144     }
 146     static Option[] recognizedOptions = {
 147         new Option(false, "-h", "-?", "-help", "--help") {
 148             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 149                 task.options.help = true;
 150             }
 151         },
 152         new Option(true, "-dotoutput") {
 153             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 154                 Path p = Paths.get(arg);
 155                 if (Files.exists(p) && (!Files.isDirectory(p) || !Files.isWritable(p))) {
 156                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 157                 }
 158                 task.options.dotOutputDir = Paths.get(arg);;
 159             }
 160         },
 161         new Option(false, "-s", "-summary") {
 162             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 163                 task.options.showSummary = true;
 164                 task.options.verbose = SUMMARY;
 165             }
 166         },
 167         new Option(false, "-v", "-verbose",

 178                         break;
 179                     case "-verbose:module":
 180                         task.options.verbose = MODULE;
 181                         break;
 182                     case "-verbose:package":
 183                         task.options.verbose = PACKAGE;
 184                         break;
 185                     case "-verbose:class":
 186                         task.options.verbose = CLASS;
 187                         break;
 188                     default:
 189                         throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.arg.for.option", opt);
 190                 }
 191             }
 192         },
 193         new Option(false, "-apionly") {
 194             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 195                 task.options.apiOnly = true;
 196             }
 197         },
 198         new Option(true, "--check") {
 199             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 200                 Set<String> mods =  Set.of(arg.split(","));
 201                 task.options.checkModuleDeps = mods;
 202                 task.options.addmods.addAll(mods);
 203             }
 204         },
 205         new Option(true, "--gen-module-info") {
 206             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 207                 Path p = Paths.get(arg);
 208                 if (Files.exists(p) && (!Files.isDirectory(p) || !Files.isWritable(p))) {
 209                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 210                 }
 211                 task.options.genModuleInfo = Paths.get(arg);
 212             }
 213         },
 214         new Option(false, "-jdkinternals") {
 215             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 216                 task.options.findJDKInternals = true;
 217                 task.options.verbose = CLASS;
 218                 if (task.options.includePattern == null) {
 219                     task.options.includePattern = Pattern.compile(".*");
 220                 }
 221             }
 222         },
 224         // ---- paths option ----
 225         new Option(true, "-cp", "-classpath", "--class-path") {
 226             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 227                 task.options.classpath = arg;
 228             }
 229         },
 230         new Option(true, "--module-path") {
 231             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 232                 task.options.modulePath = arg;
 233             }
 234         },
 235         new Option(true, "--upgrade-module-path") {
 236             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 237                 task.options.upgradeModulePath = arg;
 238             }
 239         },
 240         new Option(true, "--system") {
 241             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 242                 if (arg.equals("none")) {
 243                     task.options.systemModulePath = null;
 244                 } else {
 245                     Path path = Paths.get(arg);
 246                     if (Files.isRegularFile(path.resolve("lib").resolve("modules")))
 247                         task.options.systemModulePath = arg;
 248                     else
 249                         throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.path", arg);
 250                 }
 251             }
 252         },
 253         new Option(true, "--add-modules") {
 254             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 255                 Set<String> mods = Set.of(arg.split(","));
 256                 task.options.addmods.addAll(mods);
 257             }
 258         },
 259         new Option(true, "-m", "--module") {
 260             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 261                 task.options.rootModule = arg;
 262                 task.options.addmods.add(arg);
 263             }
 264         },
 266         // ---- Target filtering options ----
 267         new Option(true, "-p", "-package") {
 268             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 269                 task.options.packageNames.add(arg);
 270             }
 271         },
 272         new Option(true, "-e", "-regex") {
 273             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 274                 task.options.regex = Pattern.compile(arg);
 275             }
 276         },
 277         new Option(true, "-requires") {
 278             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 279                 task.options.requires.add(arg);

 297                     case "-filter:module":
 298                         task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 299                         task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 300                         break;
 301                     case "-filter:none":
 302                         task.options.filterSameArchive = false;
 303                         task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 304                         break;
 305                 }
 306             }
 307         },
 309         // ---- Source filtering options ----
 310         new Option(true, "-include") {
 311             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 312                 task.options.includePattern = Pattern.compile(arg);
 313             }
 314         },
 316         // Another alternative to list modules in -addmods option
 317         new HiddenOption(true, "--include-system-modules") {
 318             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 319                 task.options.includeSystemModulePattern = Pattern.compile(arg);
 320             }
 321         },
 323         new Option(false, "-P", "-profile") {
 324             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 325                 task.options.showProfile = true;
 326             }
 327         },
 329         new Option(false, "-R", "-recursive") {
 330             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 331                 task.options.depth = 0;
 332                 // turn off filtering
 333                 task.options.filterSameArchive = false;
 334                 task.options.filterSamePackage = false;
 335             }
 336         },
 338         new Option(false, "-I", "-inverse") {
 339             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 340                 task.options.inverse = true;
 341                 // equivalent to the inverse of compile-time view analysis
 342                 task.options.compileTimeView = true;
 343                 task.options.filterSamePackage = true;
 344                 task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 345             }
 346         },
 348         new Option(false, "--compile-time") {
 349             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 350                 task.options.compileTimeView = true;
 351                 task.options.filterSamePackage = true;
 352                 task.options.filterSameArchive = true;
 353                 task.options.depth = 0;
 354             }
 355         },
 357         new Option(false, "-q", "-quiet") {
 358             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 359                 task.options.nowarning = true;
 360             }
 361         },
 363         new Option(false, "-version") {
 364             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 365                 task.options.version = true;
 366             }
 367         },
 368         new HiddenOption(false, "-fullversion") {
 369             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 370                 task.options.fullVersion = true;
 371             }
 372         },
 373         new HiddenOption(false, "-showlabel") {
 374             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 375                 task.options.showLabel = true;
 376             }
 377         },
 378         new HiddenOption(false, "--hide-show-module") {
 379             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 380                 task.options.showModule = false;
 381             }
 382         },
 383         new HiddenOption(true, "-depth") {
 384             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs {
 385                 try {
 386                     task.options.depth = Integer.parseInt(arg);
 387                 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 388                     throw new BadArgs("err.invalid.arg.for.option", opt);
 389                 }
 390             }
 391         },
 392     };
 394     private static final String PROGNAME = "jdeps";
 395     private final Options options = new Options();
 396     private final List<String> inputArgs = new ArrayList<>();
 398     private PrintWriter log;

 448             if (options.inverse && options.depth != 1) {
 449                 reportError("err.invalid.inverse.option", "-R");
 450                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 451             }
 453             if (options.inverse && options.numFilters() == 0) {
 454                 reportError("err.invalid.filters");
 455                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 456             }
 458             if ((options.findJDKInternals) && (options.hasFilter() || options.showSummary)) {
 459                 showHelp();
 460                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 461             }
 462             if (options.showSummary && options.verbose != SUMMARY) {
 463                 showHelp();
 464                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 465             }
 466             if (options.checkModuleDeps != null && !inputArgs.isEmpty()) {
 467                 reportError("err.invalid.module.option", inputArgs, "--check");
 468             }
 470             boolean ok = run();
 471             return ok ? EXIT_OK : EXIT_ERROR;
 472         } catch (BadArgs|UncheckedBadArgs e) {
 473             reportError(e.getKey(), e.getArgs());
 474             if (e.showUsage()) {
 475                 log.println(getMessage("main.usage.summary", PROGNAME));
 476             }
 477             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 478         } catch (ResolutionException e) {
 479             reportError("err.exception.message", e.getMessage());
 480             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 481         } catch (IOException e) {
 482             e.printStackTrace();
 483             return EXIT_CMDERR;
 484         } finally {
 485             log.flush();
 486         }
 487     }
 489     boolean run() throws IOException {
 490         try (JdepsConfiguration config = buildConfig()) {
 492             // detect split packages
 493             config.splitPackages().entrySet().stream()
 494                 .sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey())
 495                 .forEach(e -> System.out.format("split package: %s %s%n", e.getKey(),
 496                     e.getValue().toString()));
 498             // check if any module specified in -requires is missing
 499             Stream.concat(options.addmods.stream(), options.requires.stream())
 500                 .filter(mn -> !config.isValidToken(mn))
 501                 .forEach(mn -> config.findModule(mn).orElseThrow(() ->
 502                     new UncheckedBadArgs(new BadArgs("err.module.not.found", mn))));
 504             // --gen-module-info
 505             if (options.genModuleInfo != null) {
 506                 return genModuleInfo(config);
 507             }
 509             // --check
 510             if (options.checkModuleDeps != null) {
 511                 return new ModuleAnalyzer(config, log, options.checkModuleDeps).run();
 512             }
 514             if (options.dotOutputDir != null &&
 515                 (options.verbose == SUMMARY || options.verbose == MODULE) &&
 516                 !options.addmods.isEmpty() && inputArgs.isEmpty()) {
 517                 return new ModuleAnalyzer(config, log).genDotFiles(options.dotOutputDir);
 518             }
 520             if (options.inverse) {
 521                 return analyzeInverseDeps(config);
 522             } else {
 523                 return analyzeDeps(config);
 524             }
 525         }
 526     }
 528     private JdepsConfiguration buildConfig() throws IOException {
 529         JdepsConfiguration.Builder builder =

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