1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2007, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.launcher;
  28 /*
  29  *
  30  *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems.
  31  *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own
  32  *  risk.  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change
  33  *  or deletion without notice.</b>
  34  *
  35  */
  37 /**
  38  * A utility package for the java(1), javaw(1) launchers.
  39  * The following are helper methods that the native launcher uses
  40  * to perform checks etc. using JNI, see src/share/bin/java.c
  41  */
  42 import java.io.File;
  43 import java.io.IOException;
  44 import java.io.PrintStream;
  45 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
  46 import java.lang.module.ModuleFinder;
  47 import java.lang.module.ModuleReference;
  48 import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
  49 import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Requires;
  50 import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Exports;
  51 import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Provides;
  52 import java.lang.reflect.Layer;
  53 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  54 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
  55 import java.lang.reflect.Module;
  56 import java.math.BigDecimal;
  57 import java.math.RoundingMode;
  58 import java.net.URI;
  59 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
  60 import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
  61 import java.nio.file.Files;
  62 import java.nio.file.Path;
  63 import java.security.AccessController;
  64 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  65 import java.text.Normalizer;
  66 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  67 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
  68 import java.util.ArrayList;
  69 import java.util.Collection;
  70 import java.util.Collections;
  71 import java.util.Comparator;
  72 import java.util.Iterator;
  73 import java.util.List;
  74 import java.util.Locale;
  75 import java.util.Locale.Category;
  76 import java.util.Optional;
  77 import java.util.Properties;
  78 import java.util.Map;
  79 import java.util.Set;
  80 import java.util.TreeSet;
  81 import java.util.jar.Attributes;
  82 import java.util.jar.JarFile;
  83 import java.util.jar.Manifest;
  84 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
  85 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  87 import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
  90 public final class LauncherHelper {
  92     // No instantiation
  93     private LauncherHelper() {}
  95     // used to identify JavaFX applications
  96     private static final String JAVAFX_APPLICATION_MARKER =
  97             "JavaFX-Application-Class";
  98     private static final String JAVAFX_APPLICATION_CLASS_NAME =
  99             "javafx.application.Application";
 100     private static final String JAVAFX_FXHELPER_CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX =
 101             "sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper";
 102     private static final String MAIN_CLASS = "Main-Class";
 104     private static StringBuilder outBuf = new StringBuilder();
 106     private static final String INDENT = "    ";
 107     private static final String VM_SETTINGS     = "VM settings:";
 108     private static final String PROP_SETTINGS   = "Property settings:";
 109     private static final String LOCALE_SETTINGS = "Locale settings:";
 111     // sync with java.c and jdk.internal.misc.VM
 112     private static final String diagprop = "sun.java.launcher.diag";
 113     static final boolean trace = VM.getSavedProperty(diagprop) != null;
 115     private static final String defaultBundleName =
 116             "sun.launcher.resources.launcher";
 117     private static class ResourceBundleHolder {
 118         private static final ResourceBundle RB =
 119                 ResourceBundle.getBundle(defaultBundleName);
 120     }
 121     private static PrintStream ostream;
 122     private static Class<?> appClass; // application class, for GUI/reporting purposes
 124     /*
 125      * A method called by the launcher to print out the standard settings,
 126      * by default -XshowSettings is equivalent to -XshowSettings:all,
 127      * Specific information may be gotten by using suboptions with possible
 128      * values vm, properties and locale.
 129      *
 130      * printToStderr: choose between stdout and stderr
 131      *
 132      * optionFlag: specifies which options to print default is all other
 133      *    possible values are vm, properties, locale.
 134      *
 135      * initialHeapSize: in bytes, as set by the launcher, a zero-value indicates
 136      *    this code should determine this value, using a suitable method or
 137      *    the line could be omitted.
 138      *
 139      * maxHeapSize: in bytes, as set by the launcher, a zero-value indicates
 140      *    this code should determine this value, using a suitable method.
 141      *
 142      * stackSize: in bytes, as set by the launcher, a zero-value indicates
 143      *    this code determine this value, using a suitable method or omit the
 144      *    line entirely.
 145      */
 146     static void showSettings(boolean printToStderr, String optionFlag,
 147             long initialHeapSize, long maxHeapSize, long stackSize,
 148             boolean isServer) {
 150         initOutput(printToStderr);
 151         String opts[] = optionFlag.split(":");
 152         String optStr = (opts.length > 1 && opts[1] != null)
 153                 ? opts[1].trim()
 154                 : "all";
 155         switch (optStr) {
 156             case "vm":
 157                 printVmSettings(initialHeapSize, maxHeapSize,
 158                                 stackSize, isServer);
 159                 break;
 160             case "properties":
 161                 printProperties();
 162                 break;
 163             case "locale":
 164                 printLocale();
 165                 break;
 166             default:
 167                 printVmSettings(initialHeapSize, maxHeapSize, stackSize,
 168                                 isServer);
 169                 printProperties();
 170                 printLocale();
 171                 break;
 172         }
 173     }
 175     /*
 176      * prints the main vm settings subopt/section
 177      */
 178     private static void printVmSettings(
 179             long initialHeapSize, long maxHeapSize,
 180             long stackSize, boolean isServer) {
 182         ostream.println(VM_SETTINGS);
 183         if (stackSize != 0L) {
 184             ostream.println(INDENT + "Stack Size: " +
 185                     SizePrefix.scaleValue(stackSize));
 186         }
 187         if (initialHeapSize != 0L) {
 188              ostream.println(INDENT + "Min. Heap Size: " +
 189                     SizePrefix.scaleValue(initialHeapSize));
 190         }
 191         if (maxHeapSize != 0L) {
 192             ostream.println(INDENT + "Max. Heap Size: " +
 193                     SizePrefix.scaleValue(maxHeapSize));
 194         } else {
 195             ostream.println(INDENT + "Max. Heap Size (Estimated): "
 196                     + SizePrefix.scaleValue(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()));
 197         }
 198         ostream.println(INDENT + "Ergonomics Machine Class: "
 199                 + ((isServer) ? "server" : "client"));
 200         ostream.println(INDENT + "Using VM: "
 201                 + System.getProperty("java.vm.name"));
 202         ostream.println();
 203     }
 205     /*
 206      * prints the properties subopt/section
 207      */
 208     private static void printProperties() {
 209         Properties p = System.getProperties();
 210         ostream.println(PROP_SETTINGS);
 211         List<String> sortedPropertyKeys = new ArrayList<>();
 212         sortedPropertyKeys.addAll(p.stringPropertyNames());
 213         Collections.sort(sortedPropertyKeys);
 214         for (String x : sortedPropertyKeys) {
 215             printPropertyValue(x, p.getProperty(x));
 216         }
 217         ostream.println();
 218     }
 220     private static boolean isPath(String key) {
 221         return key.endsWith(".dirs") || key.endsWith(".path");
 222     }
 224     private static void printPropertyValue(String key, String value) {
 225         ostream.print(INDENT + key + " = ");
 226         if (key.equals("line.separator")) {
 227             for (byte b : value.getBytes()) {
 228                 switch (b) {
 229                     case 0xd:
 230                         ostream.print("\\r ");
 231                         break;
 232                     case 0xa:
 233                         ostream.print("\\n ");
 234                         break;
 235                     default:
 236                         // print any bizzare line separators in hex, but really
 237                         // shouldn't happen.
 238                         ostream.printf("0x%02X", b & 0xff);
 239                         break;
 240                 }
 241             }
 242             ostream.println();
 243             return;
 244         }
 245         if (!isPath(key)) {
 246             ostream.println(value);
 247             return;
 248         }
 249         String[] values = value.split(System.getProperty("path.separator"));
 250         boolean first = true;
 251         for (String s : values) {
 252             if (first) { // first line treated specially
 253                 ostream.println(s);
 254                 first = false;
 255             } else { // following lines prefix with indents
 256                 ostream.println(INDENT + INDENT + s);
 257             }
 258         }
 259     }
 261     /*
 262      * prints the locale subopt/section
 263      */
 264     private static void printLocale() {
 265         Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
 266         ostream.println(LOCALE_SETTINGS);
 267         ostream.println(INDENT + "default locale = " +
 268                 locale.getDisplayLanguage());
 269         ostream.println(INDENT + "default display locale = " +
 270                 Locale.getDefault(Category.DISPLAY).getDisplayName());
 271         ostream.println(INDENT + "default format locale = " +
 272                 Locale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT).getDisplayName());
 273         printLocales();
 274         ostream.println();
 275     }
 277     private static void printLocales() {
 278         Locale[] tlocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
 279         final int len = tlocales == null ? 0 : tlocales.length;
 280         if (len < 1 ) {
 281             return;
 282         }
 283         // Locale does not implement Comparable so we convert it to String
 284         // and sort it for pretty printing.
 285         Set<String> sortedSet = new TreeSet<>();
 286         for (Locale l : tlocales) {
 287             sortedSet.add(l.toString());
 288         }
 290         ostream.print(INDENT + "available locales = ");
 291         Iterator<String> iter = sortedSet.iterator();
 292         final int last = len - 1;
 293         for (int i = 0 ; iter.hasNext() ; i++) {
 294             String s = iter.next();
 295             ostream.print(s);
 296             if (i != last) {
 297                 ostream.print(", ");
 298             }
 299             // print columns of 8
 300             if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0) {
 301                 ostream.println();
 302                 ostream.print(INDENT + INDENT);
 303             }
 304         }
 305     }
 307     private enum SizePrefix {
 309         KILO(1024, "K"),
 310         MEGA(1024 * 1024, "M"),
 311         GIGA(1024 * 1024 * 1024, "G"),
 312         TERA(1024L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L, "T");
 313         long size;
 314         String abbrev;
 316         SizePrefix(long size, String abbrev) {
 317             this.size = size;
 318             this.abbrev = abbrev;
 319         }
 321         private static String scale(long v, SizePrefix prefix) {
 322             return BigDecimal.valueOf(v).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(prefix.size),
 323                     2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN).toPlainString() + prefix.abbrev;
 324         }
 325         /*
 326          * scale the incoming values to a human readable form, represented as
 327          * K, M, G and T, see java.c parse_size for the scaled values and
 328          * suffixes. The lowest possible scaled value is Kilo.
 329          */
 330         static String scaleValue(long v) {
 331             if (v < MEGA.size) {
 332                 return scale(v, KILO);
 333             } else if (v < GIGA.size) {
 334                 return scale(v, MEGA);
 335             } else if (v < TERA.size) {
 336                 return scale(v, GIGA);
 337             } else {
 338                 return scale(v, TERA);
 339             }
 340         }
 341     }
 343     /**
 344      * A private helper method to get a localized message and also
 345      * apply any arguments that we might pass.
 346      */
 347     private static String getLocalizedMessage(String key, Object... args) {
 348         String msg = ResourceBundleHolder.RB.getString(key);
 349         return (args != null) ? MessageFormat.format(msg, args) : msg;
 350     }
 352     /**
 353      * The java -help message is split into 3 parts, an invariant, followed
 354      * by a set of platform dependent variant messages, finally an invariant
 355      * set of lines.
 356      * This method initializes the help message for the first time, and also
 357      * assembles the invariant header part of the message.
 358      */
 359     static void initHelpMessage(String progname) {
 360         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.header",
 361                 (progname == null) ? "java" : progname ));
 362         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.datamodel",
 363                 32));
 364         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.datamodel",
 365                 64));
 366     }
 368     /**
 369      * Appends the vm selection messages to the header, already created.
 370      * initHelpSystem must already be called.
 371      */
 372     static void appendVmSelectMessage(String vm1, String vm2) {
 373         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.vmselect",
 374                 vm1, vm2));
 375     }
 377     /**
 378      * Appends the vm synoym message to the header, already created.
 379      * initHelpSystem must be called before using this method.
 380      */
 381     static void appendVmSynonymMessage(String vm1, String vm2) {
 382         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.hotspot",
 383                 vm1, vm2));
 384     }
 386     /**
 387      * Appends the vm Ergo message to the header, already created.
 388      * initHelpSystem must be called before using this method.
 389      */
 390     static void appendVmErgoMessage(boolean isServerClass, String vm) {
 391         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.ergo.message1",
 392                 vm));
 393         outBuf = (isServerClass) ? outBuf.append(",\n")
 394                 .append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.ergo.message2"))
 395                 .append("\n\n") : outBuf.append(".\n\n");
 396     }
 398     /**
 399      * Appends the last invariant part to the previously created messages,
 400      * and finishes up the printing to the desired output stream.
 401      * initHelpSystem must be called before using this method.
 402      */
 403     static void printHelpMessage(boolean printToStderr) {
 404         initOutput(printToStderr);
 405         outBuf = outBuf.append(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.opt.footer",
 406                 File.pathSeparator));
 407         ostream.println(outBuf.toString());
 408     }
 410     /**
 411      * Prints the Xusage text to the desired output stream.
 412      */
 413     static void printXUsageMessage(boolean printToStderr) {
 414         initOutput(printToStderr);
 415         ostream.println(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.X.usage",
 416                 File.pathSeparator));
 417         if (System.getProperty("os.name").contains("OS X")) {
 418             ostream.println(getLocalizedMessage("java.launcher.X.macosx.usage",
 419                         File.pathSeparator));
 420         }
 421     }
 423     static void initOutput(boolean printToStderr) {
 424         ostream =  (printToStderr) ? System.err : System.out;
 425     }
 427     static String getMainClassFromJar(String jarname) {
 428         String mainValue = null;
 429         try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarname)) {
 430             Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
 431             if (manifest == null) {
 432                 abort(null, "java.launcher.jar.error2", jarname);
 433             }
 434             Attributes mainAttrs = manifest.getMainAttributes();
 435             if (mainAttrs == null) {
 436                 abort(null, "java.launcher.jar.error3", jarname);
 437             }
 438             mainValue = mainAttrs.getValue(MAIN_CLASS);
 439             if (mainValue == null) {
 440                 abort(null, "java.launcher.jar.error3", jarname);
 441             }
 443             /*
 444              * Hand off to FXHelper if it detects a JavaFX application
 445              * This must be done after ensuring a Main-Class entry
 446              * exists to enforce compliance with the jar specification
 447              */
 448             if (mainAttrs.containsKey(
 449                     new Attributes.Name(JAVAFX_APPLICATION_MARKER))) {
 450                 FXHelper.setFXLaunchParameters(jarname, LM_JAR);
 451                 return FXHelper.class.getName();
 452             }
 454             return mainValue.trim();
 455         } catch (IOException ioe) {
 456             abort(ioe, "java.launcher.jar.error1", jarname);
 457         }
 458         return null;
 459     }
 461     // From src/share/bin/java.c:
 462     //   enum LaunchMode { LM_UNKNOWN = 0, LM_CLASS, LM_JAR, LM_MODULE }
 464     private static final int LM_UNKNOWN = 0;
 465     private static final int LM_CLASS   = 1;
 466     private static final int LM_JAR     = 2;
 467     private static final int LM_MODULE  = 3;
 469     static void abort(Throwable t, String msgKey, Object... args) {
 470         if (msgKey != null) {
 471             ostream.println(getLocalizedMessage(msgKey, args));
 472         }
 473         if (trace) {
 474             if (t != null) {
 475                 t.printStackTrace();
 476             } else {
 477                 Thread.dumpStack();
 478             }
 479         }
 480         System.exit(1);
 481     }
 483     /**
 484      * This method:
 485      * 1. Loads the main class from the module or class path
 486      * 2. Checks the public static void main method.
 487      *
 488      * @param printToStderr if set, all output will be routed to stderr
 489      * @param mode LaunchMode as determined by the arguments passed on the
 490      *             command line
 491      * @param what the module name[/class], JAR file, or the main class
 492      *             depending on the mode
 493      *
 494      * @return the application's main class
 495      */
 496     public static Class<?> checkAndLoadMain(boolean printToStderr,
 497                                             int mode,
 498                                             String what) {
 499         initOutput(printToStderr);
 501         Class<?> mainClass = (mode == LM_MODULE) ? loadModuleMainClass(what)
 502                                                  : loadMainClass(mode, what);
 504         validateMainClass(mainClass);
 506         // record main class if not already set
 507         if (appClass == null)
 508             appClass = mainClass;
 510         return mainClass;
 511     }
 513     /**
 514      * Returns the main class for a module. The query is either a module name
 515      * or module-name/main-class. For the former then the module's main class
 516      * is obtained from the module descriptor (MainClass attribute).
 517      */
 518     private static Class<?> loadModuleMainClass(String what) {
 519         int i = what.indexOf('/');
 520         String mainModule;
 521         String mainClass;
 522         if (i == -1) {
 523             mainModule = what;
 524             mainClass = null;
 525         } else {
 526             mainModule = what.substring(0, i);
 527             mainClass = what.substring(i+1);
 528         }
 530         // main module is in the boot layer
 531         Layer layer = Layer.boot();
 532         Optional<Module> om = layer.findModule(mainModule);
 533         if (!om.isPresent()) {
 534             // should not happen
 535             throw new InternalError("Module " + mainModule + " not in boot Layer");
 536         }
 537         Module m = om.get();
 539         // get main class
 540         if (mainClass == null) {
 541             Optional<String> omc = m.getDescriptor().mainClass();
 542             if (!omc.isPresent()) {
 543                 abort(null, "java.launcher.module.error1", mainModule);
 544             }
 545             mainClass = omc.get();
 546         }
 548         // load the class from the module
 549         Class<?> c = Class.forName(m, mainClass);
 550         if (c == null &&  System.getProperty("os.name", "").contains("OS X")
 551                 && Normalizer.isNormalized(mainClass, Normalizer.Form.NFD)) {
 553             String cn = Normalizer.normalize(mainClass, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
 554             c = Class.forName(m, cn);
 556         }
 557         if (c == null) {
 558             abort(null, "java.launcher.module.error2", mainClass, mainModule);
 559         }
 561         System.setProperty("jdk.module.main.class", c.getName());
 562         return c;
 563     }
 565     /**
 566      * Loads the main class from the class path (LM_CLASS or LM_JAR).
 567      * If the main class extends FX Application then call on FXHelper to
 568      * determine the main class to launch.
 569      */
 570     private static Class<?> loadMainClass(int mode, String what) {
 571         // get the class name
 572         String cn;
 573         switch (mode) {
 574             case LM_CLASS:
 575                 cn = what;
 576                 break;
 577             case LM_JAR:
 578                 cn = getMainClassFromJar(what);
 579                 break;
 580             default:
 581                 // should never happen
 582                 throw new InternalError("" + mode + ": Unknown launch mode");
 583         }
 585         // load the main class
 586         cn = cn.replace('/', '.');
 587         Class<?> mainClass = null;
 588         ClassLoader scl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
 589         try {
 590             mainClass = Class.forName(cn, false, scl);
 591         } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
 592             if (System.getProperty("os.name", "").contains("OS X")
 593                     && Normalizer.isNormalized(cn, Normalizer.Form.NFD)) {
 594                 try {
 595                     // On Mac OS X since all names with diacretic symbols are
 596                     // given as decomposed it is possible that main class name
 597                     // comes incorrectly from the command line and we have
 598                     // to re-compose it
 599                     String ncn = Normalizer.normalize(cn, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
 600                     mainClass = Class.forName(ncn, false, scl);
 601                 } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException cnfe1) {
 602                     abort(cnfe, "java.launcher.cls.error1", cn);
 603                 }
 604             } else {
 605                 abort(cnfe, "java.launcher.cls.error1", cn);
 606             }
 607         }
 609         // record the main class
 610         appClass = mainClass;
 612         /*
 613          * Check if FXHelper can launch it using the FX launcher. In an FX app,
 614          * the main class may or may not have a main method, so do this before
 615          * validating the main class.
 616          */
 617         if (JAVAFX_FXHELPER_CLASS_NAME_SUFFIX.equals(mainClass.getName()) ||
 618             doesExtendFXApplication(mainClass)) {
 619             // Will abort() if there are problems with FX runtime
 620             FXHelper.setFXLaunchParameters(what, mode);
 621             return FXHelper.class;
 622         }
 623         return mainClass;
 624     }
 626     /*
 627      * Accessor method called by the launcher after getting the main class via
 628      * checkAndLoadMain(). The "application class" is the class that is finally
 629      * executed to start the application and in this case is used to report
 630      * the correct application name, typically for UI purposes.
 631      */
 632     public static Class<?> getApplicationClass() {
 633         return appClass;
 634     }
 636     /*
 637      * Check if the given class is a JavaFX Application class. This is done
 638      * in a way that does not cause the Application class to load or throw
 639      * ClassNotFoundException if the JavaFX runtime is not available.
 640      */
 641     private static boolean doesExtendFXApplication(Class<?> mainClass) {
 642         for (Class<?> sc = mainClass.getSuperclass(); sc != null;
 643                 sc = sc.getSuperclass()) {
 644             if (sc.getName().equals(JAVAFX_APPLICATION_CLASS_NAME)) {
 645                 return true;
 646             }
 647         }
 648         return false;
 649     }
 651     // Check the existence and signature of main and abort if incorrect
 652     static void validateMainClass(Class<?> mainClass) {
 653         Method mainMethod;
 654         try {
 655             mainMethod = mainClass.getMethod("main", String[].class);
 656         } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
 657             // invalid main or not FX application, abort with an error
 658             abort(null, "java.launcher.cls.error4", mainClass.getName(),
 659                   JAVAFX_APPLICATION_CLASS_NAME);
 660             return; // Avoid compiler issues
 661         }
 663         /*
 664          * getMethod (above) will choose the correct method, based
 665          * on its name and parameter type, however, we still have to
 666          * ensure that the method is static and returns a void.
 667          */
 668         int mod = mainMethod.getModifiers();
 669         if (!Modifier.isStatic(mod)) {
 670             abort(null, "java.launcher.cls.error2", "static",
 671                   mainMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName());
 672         }
 673         if (mainMethod.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
 674             abort(null, "java.launcher.cls.error3",
 675                   mainMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName());
 676         }
 677     }
 679     private static final String encprop = "sun.jnu.encoding";
 680     private static String encoding = null;
 681     private static boolean isCharsetSupported = false;
 683     /*
 684      * converts a c or a byte array to a platform specific string,
 685      * previously implemented as a native method in the launcher.
 686      */
 687     static String makePlatformString(boolean printToStderr, byte[] inArray) {
 688         initOutput(printToStderr);
 689         if (encoding == null) {
 690             encoding = System.getProperty(encprop);
 691             isCharsetSupported = Charset.isSupported(encoding);
 692         }
 693         try {
 694             String out = isCharsetSupported
 695                     ? new String(inArray, encoding)
 696                     : new String(inArray);
 697             return out;
 698         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
 699             abort(uee, null);
 700         }
 701         return null; // keep the compiler happy
 702     }
 704     static String[] expandArgs(String[] argArray) {
 705         List<StdArg> aList = new ArrayList<>();
 706         for (String x : argArray) {
 707             aList.add(new StdArg(x));
 708         }
 709         return expandArgs(aList);
 710     }
 712     static String[] expandArgs(List<StdArg> argList) {
 713         ArrayList<String> out = new ArrayList<>();
 714         if (trace) {
 715             System.err.println("Incoming arguments:");
 716         }
 717         for (StdArg a : argList) {
 718             if (trace) {
 719                 System.err.println(a);
 720             }
 721             if (a.needsExpansion) {
 722                 File x = new File(a.arg);
 723                 File parent = x.getParentFile();
 724                 String glob = x.getName();
 725                 if (parent == null) {
 726                     parent = new File(".");
 727                 }
 728                 try (DirectoryStream<Path> dstream =
 729                         Files.newDirectoryStream(parent.toPath(), glob)) {
 730                     int entries = 0;
 731                     for (Path p : dstream) {
 732                         out.add(p.normalize().toString());
 733                         entries++;
 734                     }
 735                     if (entries == 0) {
 736                         out.add(a.arg);
 737                     }
 738                 } catch (Exception e) {
 739                     out.add(a.arg);
 740                     if (trace) {
 741                         System.err.println("Warning: passing argument as-is " + a);
 742                         System.err.print(e);
 743                     }
 744                 }
 745             } else {
 746                 out.add(a.arg);
 747             }
 748         }
 749         String[] oarray = new String[out.size()];
 750         out.toArray(oarray);
 752         if (trace) {
 753             System.err.println("Expanded arguments:");
 754             for (String x : oarray) {
 755                 System.err.println(x);
 756             }
 757         }
 758         return oarray;
 759     }
 761     /* duplicate of the native StdArg struct */
 762     private static class StdArg {
 763         final String arg;
 764         final boolean needsExpansion;
 765         StdArg(String arg, boolean expand) {
 766             this.arg = arg;
 767             this.needsExpansion = expand;
 768         }
 769         // protocol: first char indicates whether expansion is required
 770         // 'T' = true ; needs expansion
 771         // 'F' = false; needs no expansion
 772         StdArg(String in) {
 773             this.arg = in.substring(1);
 774             needsExpansion = in.charAt(0) == 'T';
 775         }
 776         public String toString() {
 777             return "StdArg{" + "arg=" + arg + ", needsExpansion=" + needsExpansion + '}';
 778         }
 779     }
 781     static final class FXHelper {
 783         private static final String JAVAFX_GRAPHICS_MODULE_NAME =
 784                 "javafx.graphics";
 786         private static final String JAVAFX_LAUNCHER_CLASS_NAME =
 787                 "com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl";
 789         /*
 790          * The launch method used to invoke the JavaFX launcher. These must
 791          * match the strings used in the launchApplication method.
 792          *
 793          * Command line                 JavaFX-App-Class  Launch mode  FX Launch mode
 794          * java -cp fxapp.jar FXClass   N/A               LM_CLASS     "LM_CLASS"
 795          * java -cp somedir FXClass     N/A               LM_CLASS     "LM_CLASS"
 796          * java -jar fxapp.jar          Present           LM_JAR       "LM_JAR"
 797          * java -jar fxapp.jar          Not Present       LM_JAR       "LM_JAR"
 798          */
 799         private static final String JAVAFX_LAUNCH_MODE_CLASS = "LM_CLASS";
 800         private static final String JAVAFX_LAUNCH_MODE_JAR = "LM_JAR";
 802         /*
 803          * FX application launcher and launch method, so we can launch
 804          * applications with no main method.
 805          */
 806         private static String fxLaunchName = null;
 807         private static String fxLaunchMode = null;
 809         private static Class<?> fxLauncherClass    = null;
 810         private static Method   fxLauncherMethod   = null;
 812         /*
 813          * Set the launch params according to what was passed to LauncherHelper
 814          * so we can use the same launch mode for FX. Abort if there is any
 815          * issue with loading the FX runtime or with the launcher method.
 816          */
 817         private static void setFXLaunchParameters(String what, int mode) {
 819             // find the module with the FX launcher
 820             Optional<Module> om = Layer.boot().findModule(JAVAFX_GRAPHICS_MODULE_NAME);
 821             if (!om.isPresent()) {
 822                 abort(null, "java.launcher.cls.error5");
 823             }
 825             // load the FX launcher class
 826             fxLauncherClass = Class.forName(om.get(), JAVAFX_LAUNCHER_CLASS_NAME);
 827             if (fxLauncherClass == null) {
 828                 abort(null, "java.launcher.cls.error5");
 829             }
 831             try {
 832                 /*
 833                  * signature must be:
 834                  * public static void launchApplication(String launchName,
 835                  *     String launchMode, String[] args);
 836                  */
 837                 fxLauncherMethod = fxLauncherClass.getMethod("launchApplication",
 838                         String.class, String.class, String[].class);
 840                 // verify launcher signature as we do when validating the main method
 841                 int mod = fxLauncherMethod.getModifiers();
 842                 if (!Modifier.isStatic(mod)) {
 843                     abort(null, "java.launcher.javafx.error1");
 844                 }
 845                 if (fxLauncherMethod.getReturnType() != java.lang.Void.TYPE) {
 846                     abort(null, "java.launcher.javafx.error1");
 847                 }
 848             } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
 849                 abort(ex, "java.launcher.cls.error5", ex);
 850             }
 852             fxLaunchName = what;
 853             switch (mode) {
 854                 case LM_CLASS:
 855                     fxLaunchMode = JAVAFX_LAUNCH_MODE_CLASS;
 856                     break;
 857                 case LM_JAR:
 858                     fxLaunchMode = JAVAFX_LAUNCH_MODE_JAR;
 859                     break;
 860                 default:
 861                     // should not have gotten this far...
 862                     throw new InternalError(mode + ": Unknown launch mode");
 863             }
 864         }
 866         public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
 867             if (fxLauncherMethod == null
 868                     || fxLaunchMode == null
 869                     || fxLaunchName == null) {
 870                 throw new RuntimeException("Invalid JavaFX launch parameters");
 871             }
 872             // launch appClass via fxLauncherMethod
 873             fxLauncherMethod.invoke(null,
 874                     new Object[] {fxLaunchName, fxLaunchMode, args});
 875         }
 876     }
 878     private static void formatCommaList(PrintStream out,
 879                                         String prefix,
 880                                         Collection<?> list)
 881     {
 882         if (list.isEmpty())
 883             return;
 884         out.format("%s", prefix);
 885         boolean first = true;
 886         for (Object ob : list) {
 887             if (first) {
 888                 out.format(" %s", ob);
 889                 first = false;
 890             } else {
 891                 out.format(", %s", ob);
 892             }
 893         }
 894         out.format("%n");
 895     }
 897     /**
 898      * Called by the launcher to list the observable modules.
 899      * If called without any sub-options then the output is a simple list of
 900      * the modules. If called with sub-options then the sub-options are the
 901      * names of the modules to list (-listmods:java.base,java.desktop for
 902      * example).
 903      */
 904     static void listModules(boolean printToStderr, String optionFlag)
 905         throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
 906     {
 907         initOutput(printToStderr);
 909         ModuleFinder finder = jdk.internal.module.ModuleBootstrap.finder();
 911         int colon = optionFlag.indexOf('=');
 912         if (colon == -1) {
 913             finder.findAll().stream()
 914                 .sorted(Comparator.comparing(ModuleReference::descriptor))
 915                 .forEach(md -> {
 916                     ostream.println(midAndLocation(md.descriptor(),
 917                                                    md.location()));
 918                 });
 919         } else {
 920             String[] names = optionFlag.substring(colon+1).split(",");
 921             for (String name: names) {
 922                 ModuleReference mref = finder.find(name).orElse(null);
 923                 if (mref == null) {
 924                     // not found
 925                     continue;
 926                 }
 928                 ModuleDescriptor md = mref.descriptor();
 929                 ostream.println(midAndLocation(md, mref.location()));
 931                 for (Requires d : md.requires()) {
 932                     ostream.format("  requires %s%n", d);
 933                 }
 934                 for (String s : md.uses()) {
 935                     ostream.format("  uses %s%n", s);
 936                 }
 938                 // sorted exports
 939                 Set<Exports> exports = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Exports::source));
 940                 exports.addAll(md.exports());
 941                 for (Exports e : exports) {
 942                     ostream.format("  exports %s", e.source());
 943                     if (e.isQualified()) {
 944                         formatCommaList(ostream, " to", e.targets());
 945                     } else {
 946                         ostream.println();
 947                     }
 948                 }
 950                 // concealed packages
 951                 new TreeSet<>(md.conceals())
 952                     .forEach(p -> ostream.format("  conceals %s%n", p));
 954                 Map<String, Provides> provides = md.provides();
 955                 for (Provides ps : provides.values()) {
 956                     for (String impl : ps.providers())
 957                         ostream.format("  provides %s with %s%n", ps.service(), impl);
 958                 }
 959             }
 960         }
 961     }
 963     static String midAndLocation(ModuleDescriptor md, Optional<URI> location ) {
 964         URI loc = location.orElse(null);
 965         if (loc == null || loc.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("jrt"))
 966             return md.toNameAndVersion();
 967         else
 968             return md.toNameAndVersion() + " (" + loc + ")";
 969     }
 970 }