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*** 76,104 **** mkdir -p mods/ldapv4 $JAVAC -d mods/ldapv4 `find $TESTSRC/src/ldapv4 -name "*.java"` echo "\nPreparing the 'test' module..." mkdir -p mods/test ! $JAVAC -d mods -modulesourcepath $TESTSRC/src `find $TESTSRC/src/test -name "*.java"` echo "\nRunning with the 'java.desktop' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.StoreObject ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'person' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.StorePerson ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'fruit' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.StoreFruit ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'hello' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.StoreRemote ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'foo' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.ConnectWithFoo ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'authz' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.ConnectWithAuthzId ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'ldapv4' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -mp mods -m test/test.ReadByUrl ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com --- 76,104 ---- mkdir -p mods/ldapv4 $JAVAC -d mods/ldapv4 `find $TESTSRC/src/ldapv4 -name "*.java"` echo "\nPreparing the 'test' module..." mkdir -p mods/test ! $JAVAC -d mods --module-source-path $TESTSRC/src `find $TESTSRC/src/test -name "*.java"` echo "\nRunning with the 'java.desktop' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.StoreObject ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'person' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.StorePerson ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'fruit' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.StoreFruit ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'hello' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.StoreRemote ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'foo' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.ConnectWithFoo ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'authz' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.ConnectWithAuthzId ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com echo "\nRunning with the 'ldapv4' module..." ! $JAVA -Dtest.src=${TESTSRC} -p mods -m test/test.ReadByUrl ldap://localhost/dc=ie,dc=oracle,dc=com
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