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*** 53,63 **** public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // Compile the provider CompilerUtils.compile( MOD_SRC_DIR, MOD_DEST_DIR, ! "-modulesourcepath", MOD_SRC_DIR.toString()); // Create a keystore tool("keytool", "-keystore x.jks -storetype jks -genkeypair" + " -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -alias x -dname CN=X") --- 53,63 ---- public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { // Compile the provider CompilerUtils.compile( MOD_SRC_DIR, MOD_DEST_DIR, ! "--module-source-path", MOD_SRC_DIR.toString()); // Create a keystore tool("keytool", "-keystore x.jks -storetype jks -genkeypair" + " -storepass changeit -keypass changeit -alias x -dname CN=X")
*** 100,125 **** testBoth("-J-cp -Jmods/test.dummy " + "-provider org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 0, "loadProviderByClass: org.test.dummy.DummyProvider"); // name in a module ! testBoth("-J-mp -Jmods " + "-addprovider Dummy -providerArg full", 0, "loadProviderByName: Dummy"); // -providerClass does not work ! testBoth("-J-mp -Jmods " + "-providerClass org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 1, "Provider \"org.test.dummy.DummyProvider\" not found"); // -addprovider with class does not work ! testBoth("-J-mp -Jmods " + "-addprovider org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 1, "Provider named \"org.test.dummy.DummyProvider\" not found"); // -addprovider without arg does not work ! testBoth("-J-mp -Jmods " + "-addprovider Dummy", 1, "DUMMYKS not found"); } // Test both tools with the same extra options --- 100,125 ---- testBoth("-J-cp -Jmods/test.dummy " + "-provider org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 0, "loadProviderByClass: org.test.dummy.DummyProvider"); // name in a module ! testBoth("-J--module-path=mods " + "-addprovider Dummy -providerArg full", 0, "loadProviderByName: Dummy"); // -providerClass does not work ! testBoth("-J--module-path=mods " + "-providerClass org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 1, "Provider \"org.test.dummy.DummyProvider\" not found"); // -addprovider with class does not work ! testBoth("-J--module-path=mods " + "-addprovider org.test.dummy.DummyProvider -providerArg full", 1, "Provider named \"org.test.dummy.DummyProvider\" not found"); // -addprovider without arg does not work ! testBoth("-J--module-path=mods " + "-addprovider Dummy", 1, "DUMMYKS not found"); } // Test both tools with the same extra options
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