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Print this page

  35 if (typeof fail != 'function') {
  36     fail = print;
  37 }
  39 var System = java.lang.System;
  40 var File = java.io.File;
  41 var javahome = System.getProperty("java.home");
  42 var nashornJar = new File(System.getProperty("nashorn.jar"));
  43 if (! nashornJar.isAbsolute()) {
  44     nashornJar = new File(".", nashornJar);
  45 }
  47 // we want to use nashorn.jar passed and not the one that comes with JRE
  48 var jjsCmd = javahome + "/../bin/jjs";
  49 jjsCmd = jjsCmd.toString().replace(/\//g, File.separator);
  50 if (! new File(jjsCmd).isFile()) {
  51     jjsCmd = javahome + "/bin/jjs";
  52     jjsCmd = jjsCmd.toString().replace(/\//g, File.separator);
  53 }
  54 jjsCmd += " -J-Xpatch:" + nashornJar;
  56 $ENV.PWD=System.getProperty("user.dir") // to avoid RE on Cygwin
  57 $EXEC(jjsCmd, "var x = Object.create(null);\nx;\nprint('PASSED');\nexit(0)");
  59 // $ERR has all interactions including prompts! Just check for error substring.
  60 var err = $ERR.trim();
  61 if (! err.contains("TypeError: Cannot get default string value")) {
  62     fail("Error stream does not contain expected error message");
  63 }
  65 // should print "PASSED"
  66 print($OUT.trim());
  67 // exit code should be 0
  68 print("exit code = " + $EXIT);

  35 if (typeof fail != 'function') {
  36     fail = print;
  37 }
  39 var System = java.lang.System;
  40 var File = java.io.File;
  41 var javahome = System.getProperty("java.home");
  42 var nashornJar = new File(System.getProperty("nashorn.jar"));
  43 if (! nashornJar.isAbsolute()) {
  44     nashornJar = new File(".", nashornJar);
  45 }
  47 // we want to use nashorn.jar passed and not the one that comes with JRE
  48 var jjsCmd = javahome + "/../bin/jjs";
  49 jjsCmd = jjsCmd.toString().replace(/\//g, File.separator);
  50 if (! new File(jjsCmd).isFile()) {
  51     jjsCmd = javahome + "/bin/jjs";
  52     jjsCmd = jjsCmd.toString().replace(/\//g, File.separator);
  53 }
  54 jjsCmd += " -J--patch-module=jdk.scripting.nashorn=" + nashornJar;
  56 $ENV.PWD=System.getProperty("user.dir") // to avoid RE on Cygwin
  57 $EXEC(jjsCmd, "var x = Object.create(null);\nx;\nprint('PASSED');\nexit(0)");
  59 // $ERR has all interactions including prompts! Just check for error substring.
  60 var err = $ERR.trim();
  61 if (! err.contains("TypeError: Cannot get default string value")) {
  62     fail("Error stream does not contain expected error message");
  63 }
  65 // should print "PASSED"
  66 print($OUT.trim());
  67 // exit code should be 0
  68 print("exit code = " + $EXIT);
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