1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang.invoke;
  28 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
  29 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor;
  30 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Label;
  31 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
  32 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
  33 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Type;
  34 import sun.invoke.util.VerifyAccess;
  35 import sun.invoke.util.VerifyType;
  36 import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
  37 import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil;
  39 import java.io.File;
  40 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  41 import java.io.IOException;
  42 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
  43 import java.util.ArrayList;
  44 import java.util.Arrays;
  45 import java.util.HashMap;
  46 import java.util.List;
  47 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  49 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType;
  50 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType.*;
  51 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*;
  52 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.*;
  53 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*;
  54 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.*;
  56 /**
  57  * Code generation backend for LambdaForm.
  58  * <p>
  59  * @author John Rose, JSR 292 EG
  60  */
  61 class InvokerBytecodeGenerator {
  62     /** Define class names for convenience. */
  63     private static final String MH      = "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle";
  64     private static final String MHI     = "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleImpl";
  65     private static final String LF      = "java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm";
  66     private static final String LFN     = "java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$Name";
  67     private static final String CLS     = "java/lang/Class";
  68     private static final String OBJ     = "java/lang/Object";
  69     private static final String OBJARY  = "[Ljava/lang/Object;";
  71     private static final String LOOP_CLAUSES = MHI + "$LoopClauses";
  72     private static final String MHARY2       = "[[L" + MH + ";";
  73     private static final String MH_SIG       = "L" + MH + ";";
  76     private static final String LF_SIG  = "L" + LF + ";";
  77     private static final String LFN_SIG = "L" + LFN + ";";
  78     private static final String LL_SIG  = "(L" + OBJ + ";)L" + OBJ + ";";
  79     private static final String LLV_SIG = "(L" + OBJ + ";L" + OBJ + ";)V";
  80     private static final String CLASS_PREFIX = LF + "$";
  81     private static final String SOURCE_PREFIX = "LambdaForm$";
  83     /** Name of its super class*/
  84     static final String INVOKER_SUPER_NAME = OBJ;
  86     /** Name of new class */
  87     private final String className;
  89     private final LambdaForm lambdaForm;
  90     private final String     invokerName;
  91     private final MethodType invokerType;
  93     /** Info about local variables in compiled lambda form */
  94     private int[]       localsMap;    // index
  95     private Class<?>[]  localClasses; // type
  97     /** ASM bytecode generation. */
  98     private ClassWriter cw;
  99     private MethodVisitor mv;
 100     private final List<ClassData> classData = new ArrayList<>();
 102     /** Single element internal class name lookup cache. */
 103     private Class<?> lastClass;
 104     private String lastInternalName;
 106     private static final MemberName.Factory MEMBERNAME_FACTORY = MemberName.getFactory();
 107     private static final Class<?> HOST_CLASS = LambdaForm.class;
 108     private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = lookup();
 110     private static MethodHandles.Lookup lookup() {
 111         try {
 112             return MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(HOST_CLASS, IMPL_LOOKUP);
 113         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 114             throw newInternalError(e);
 115         }
 116     }
 118     /** Main constructor; other constructors delegate to this one. */
 119     private InvokerBytecodeGenerator(LambdaForm lambdaForm, int localsMapSize,
 120                                      String className, String invokerName, MethodType invokerType) {
 121         int p = invokerName.indexOf('.');
 122         if (p > -1) {
 123             className = invokerName.substring(0, p);
 124             invokerName = invokerName.substring(p + 1);
 125         }
 126         if (DUMP_CLASS_FILES) {
 127             className = makeDumpableClassName(className);
 128         }
 129         this.className  = className;
 130         this.lambdaForm = lambdaForm;
 131         this.invokerName = invokerName;
 132         this.invokerType = invokerType;
 133         this.localsMap = new int[localsMapSize+1]; // last entry of localsMap is count of allocated local slots
 134         this.localClasses = new Class<?>[localsMapSize+1];
 135     }
 137     /** For generating LambdaForm interpreter entry points. */
 138     private InvokerBytecodeGenerator(String className, String invokerName, MethodType invokerType) {
 139         this(null, invokerType.parameterCount(),
 140              className, invokerName, invokerType);
 141         MethodType mt = invokerType.erase();
 142         // Create an array to map name indexes to locals indexes.
 143         localsMap[0] = 0; // localsMap has at least one element
 144         for (int i = 1, index = 0; i < localsMap.length; i++) {
 145             Wrapper w = Wrapper.forBasicType(mt.parameterType(i - 1));
 146             index += w.stackSlots();
 147             localsMap[i] = index;
 148         }
 149     }
 151     /** For generating customized code for a single LambdaForm. */
 152     private InvokerBytecodeGenerator(String className, LambdaForm form, MethodType invokerType) {
 153         this(className, form.lambdaName(), form, invokerType);
 154     }
 156     /** For generating customized code for a single LambdaForm. */
 157     InvokerBytecodeGenerator(String className, String invokerName,
 158             LambdaForm form, MethodType invokerType) {
 159         this(form, form.names.length,
 160              className, invokerName, invokerType);
 161         // Create an array to map name indexes to locals indexes.
 162         Name[] names = form.names;
 163         for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < localsMap.length; i++) {
 164             localsMap[i] = index;
 165             if (i < names.length) {
 166                 BasicType type = names[i].type();
 167                 index += type.basicTypeSlots();
 168             }
 169         }
 170     }
 172     /** instance counters for dumped classes */
 173     private static final HashMap<String,Integer> DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS;
 174     /** debugging flag for saving generated class files */
 175     private static final File DUMP_CLASS_FILES_DIR;
 177     static {
 178         if (DUMP_CLASS_FILES) {
 179             DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS = new HashMap<>();
 180             try {
 181                 File dumpDir = new File("DUMP_CLASS_FILES");
 182                 if (!dumpDir.exists()) {
 183                     dumpDir.mkdirs();
 184                 }
 185                 DUMP_CLASS_FILES_DIR = dumpDir;
 186                 System.out.println("Dumping class files to "+DUMP_CLASS_FILES_DIR+"/...");
 187             } catch (Exception e) {
 188                 throw newInternalError(e);
 189             }
 190         } else {
 191             DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS = null;
 192             DUMP_CLASS_FILES_DIR = null;
 193         }
 194     }
 196     private void maybeDump(final byte[] classFile) {
 197         if (DUMP_CLASS_FILES) {
 198             maybeDump(CLASS_PREFIX + className, classFile);
 199         }
 200     }
 202     // Also used from BoundMethodHandle
 203     static void maybeDump(final String className, final byte[] classFile) {
 204         if (DUMP_CLASS_FILES) {
 205             java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
 206             new java.security.PrivilegedAction<>() {
 207                 public Void run() {
 208                     try {
 209                         String dumpName = className.replace('.','/');
 210                         File dumpFile = new File(DUMP_CLASS_FILES_DIR, dumpName+".class");
 211                         System.out.println("dump: " + dumpFile);
 212                         dumpFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
 213                         FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(dumpFile);
 214                         file.write(classFile);
 215                         file.close();
 216                         return null;
 217                     } catch (IOException ex) {
 218                         throw newInternalError(ex);
 219                     }
 220                 }
 221             });
 222         }
 223     }
 225     private static String makeDumpableClassName(String className) {
 226         Integer ctr;
 227         synchronized (DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS) {
 228             ctr = DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS.get(className);
 229             if (ctr == null)  ctr = 0;
 230             DUMP_CLASS_FILES_COUNTERS.put(className, ctr+1);
 231         }
 232         String sfx = ctr.toString();
 233         while (sfx.length() < 3)
 234             sfx = "0"+sfx;
 235         className += sfx;
 236         return className;
 237     }
 239     public static class ClassData {
 240         final String name;
 241         final String desc;
 242         final Object value;
 244         ClassData(String name, String desc, Object value) {
 245             this.name = name;
 246             this.desc = desc;
 247             this.value = value;
 248         }
 250         public String name() { return name; }
 251         public String toString() {
 252             return name + ",value="+value;
 253         }
 254     }
 256     String classData(Object arg) {
 257         String desc;
 258         if (arg instanceof Class) {
 259             desc = "Ljava/lang/Class;";
 260         } else if (arg instanceof MethodHandle) {
 261             desc = MH_SIG;
 262         } else if (arg instanceof LambdaForm) {
 263             desc = LF_SIG;
 264         } else {
 265             desc = "Ljava/lang/Object;";
 266         }
 268         Class<?> c = arg.getClass();
 269         while (c.isArray()) {
 270             c = c.getComponentType();
 271         }
 272         // unique static variable name
 273         String name = "_DATA_" + c.getSimpleName() + "_" + classData.size();
 274         ClassData cd = new ClassData(name, desc, arg);
 275         classData.add(cd);
 276         return cd.name();
 277     }
 279     List<Object> classDataValues() {
 280         Object[] data = new Object[classData.size()];
 281         for (int i = 0; i < classData.size(); i++) {
 282             data[i] = classData.get(i).value;
 283         }
 284         return List.of(data);
 285     }
 287     private static String debugString(Object arg) {
 288         if (arg instanceof MethodHandle) {
 289             MethodHandle mh = (MethodHandle) arg;
 290             MemberName member = mh.internalMemberName();
 291             if (member != null)
 292                 return member.toString();
 293             return mh.debugString();
 294         }
 295         return arg.toString();
 296     }
 298     /**
 299      * Extract the number of constant pool entries from a given class file.
 300      *
 301      * @param classFile the bytes of the class file in question.
 302      * @return the number of entries in the constant pool.
 303      */
 304     private static int getConstantPoolSize(byte[] classFile) {
 305         // The first few bytes:
 306         // u4 magic;
 307         // u2 minor_version;
 308         // u2 major_version;
 309         // u2 constant_pool_count;
 310         return ((classFile[8] & 0xFF) << 8) | (classFile[9] & 0xFF);
 311     }
 313     /**
 314      * Extract the MemberName of a newly-defined method.
 315      */
 316     private MemberName loadMethod(byte[] classFile) {
 317         Class<?> invokerClass = LOOKUP.makeHiddenClassDefiner(classFile)
 318                                       .defineClass(true, classDataValues());
 319         return resolveInvokerMember(invokerClass, invokerName, invokerType);
 320     }
 322     private static MemberName resolveInvokerMember(Class<?> invokerClass, String name, MethodType type) {
 323         MemberName member = new MemberName(invokerClass, name, type, REF_invokeStatic);
 324         try {
 325             member = MEMBERNAME_FACTORY.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeStatic, member, HOST_CLASS, ReflectiveOperationException.class);
 326         } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
 327             throw newInternalError(e);
 328         }
 329         return member;
 330     }
 332     /**
 333      * Set up class file generation.
 334      */
 335     private ClassWriter classFilePrologue() {
 336         final int NOT_ACC_PUBLIC = 0;  // not ACC_PUBLIC
 337         ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS + ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
 338         setClassWriter(cw);
 339         cw.visit(Opcodes.V1_8, NOT_ACC_PUBLIC + Opcodes.ACC_FINAL + Opcodes.ACC_SUPER,
 340                 CLASS_PREFIX + className, null, INVOKER_SUPER_NAME, null);
 341         cw.visitSource(SOURCE_PREFIX + className, null);
 342         return cw;
 343     }
 345     private void methodPrologue() {
 346         String invokerDesc = invokerType.toMethodDescriptorString();
 347         mv = cw.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, invokerName, invokerDesc, null, null);
 348     }
 350     /**
 351      * Tear down class file generation.
 352      */
 353     private void methodEpilogue() {
 354         mv.visitMaxs(0, 0);
 355         mv.visitEnd();
 356     }
 358     private String className() {
 359         return CLASS_PREFIX + className;
 360     }
 362     private void clinit() {
 363         clinit(cw, className(), classData);
 364     }
 366     /*
 367      * <clinit> to initialize the static final fields with the live class data
 368      * LambdaForms can't use condy due to bootstrapping issue.
 369      */
 370     static void clinit(ClassWriter cw, String className, List<ClassData> classData) {
 371         if (classData.isEmpty())
 372             return;
 374         for (ClassData p : classData) {
 375             // add the static field
 376             FieldVisitor fv = cw.visitField(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC|Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, p.name, p.desc, null, null);
 377             fv.visitEnd();
 378         }
 380         MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null);
 381         mv.visitCode();
 382         mv.visitLdcInsn(Type.getType("L" + className + ";"));
 383         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleNatives",
 384                            "classData", "(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;", false);
 385         // we should optimize one single element case that does not need to create a List
 386         mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, "java/util/List");
 387         mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, 0);
 388         int index = 0;
 389         for (ClassData p : classData) {
 390             // initialize the static field
 391             mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
 392             emitIconstInsn(mv, index++);
 393             mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/List",
 394                                "get", "(I)Ljava/lang/Object;", true);
 395             mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, p.desc.substring(1, p.desc.length()-1));
 396             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, className, p.name, p.desc);
 397         }
 398         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN);
 399         mv.visitMaxs(2, 1);
 400         mv.visitEnd();
 401     }
 403     /*
 404      * Low-level emit helpers.
 405      */
 406     private void emitConst(Object con) {
 407         if (con == null) {
 408             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL);
 409             return;
 410         }
 411         if (con instanceof Integer) {
 412             emitIconstInsn((int) con);
 413             return;
 414         }
 415         if (con instanceof Byte) {
 416             emitIconstInsn((byte)con);
 417             return;
 418         }
 419         if (con instanceof Short) {
 420             emitIconstInsn((short)con);
 421             return;
 422         }
 423         if (con instanceof Character) {
 424             emitIconstInsn((char)con);
 425             return;
 426         }
 427         if (con instanceof Long) {
 428             long x = (long) con;
 429             short sx = (short)x;
 430             if (x == sx) {
 431                 if (sx >= 0 && sx <= 1) {
 432                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.LCONST_0 + (int) sx);
 433                 } else {
 434                     emitIconstInsn((int) x);
 435                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2L);
 436                 }
 437                 return;
 438             }
 439         }
 440         if (con instanceof Float) {
 441             float x = (float) con;
 442             short sx = (short)x;
 443             if (x == sx) {
 444                 if (sx >= 0 && sx <= 2) {
 445                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.FCONST_0 + (int) sx);
 446                 } else {
 447                     emitIconstInsn((int) x);
 448                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2F);
 449                 }
 450                 return;
 451             }
 452         }
 453         if (con instanceof Double) {
 454             double x = (double) con;
 455             short sx = (short)x;
 456             if (x == sx) {
 457                 if (sx >= 0 && sx <= 1) {
 458                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DCONST_0 + (int) sx);
 459                 } else {
 460                     emitIconstInsn((int) x);
 461                     mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2D);
 462                 }
 463                 return;
 464             }
 465         }
 466         if (con instanceof Boolean) {
 467             emitIconstInsn((boolean) con ? 1 : 0);
 468             return;
 469         }
 470         // fall through:
 471         mv.visitLdcInsn(con);
 472     }
 474     private void emitIconstInsn(final int cst) {
 475         emitIconstInsn(mv, cst);
 476     }
 478     private static void emitIconstInsn(MethodVisitor mv, int cst) {
 479         if (cst >= -1 && cst <= 5) {
 480             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + cst);
 481         } else if (cst >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && cst <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
 482             mv.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.BIPUSH, cst);
 483         } else if (cst >= Short.MIN_VALUE && cst <= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
 484             mv.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.SIPUSH, cst);
 485         } else {
 486             mv.visitLdcInsn(cst);
 487         }
 488     }
 490     /*
 491      * NOTE: These load/store methods use the localsMap to find the correct index!
 492      */
 493     private void emitLoadInsn(BasicType type, int index) {
 494         int opcode = loadInsnOpcode(type);
 495         mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, localsMap[index]);
 496     }
 498     private int loadInsnOpcode(BasicType type) throws InternalError {
 499         switch (type) {
 500             case I_TYPE: return Opcodes.ILOAD;
 501             case J_TYPE: return Opcodes.LLOAD;
 502             case F_TYPE: return Opcodes.FLOAD;
 503             case D_TYPE: return Opcodes.DLOAD;
 504             case L_TYPE: return Opcodes.ALOAD;
 505             default:
 506                 throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
 507         }
 508     }
 509     private void emitAloadInsn(int index) {
 510         emitLoadInsn(L_TYPE, index);
 511     }
 513     private void emitStoreInsn(BasicType type, int index) {
 514         int opcode = storeInsnOpcode(type);
 515         mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, localsMap[index]);
 516     }
 518     private int storeInsnOpcode(BasicType type) throws InternalError {
 519         switch (type) {
 520             case I_TYPE: return Opcodes.ISTORE;
 521             case J_TYPE: return Opcodes.LSTORE;
 522             case F_TYPE: return Opcodes.FSTORE;
 523             case D_TYPE: return Opcodes.DSTORE;
 524             case L_TYPE: return Opcodes.ASTORE;
 525             default:
 526                 throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
 527         }
 528     }
 529     private void emitAstoreInsn(int index) {
 530         emitStoreInsn(L_TYPE, index);
 531     }
 533     private byte arrayTypeCode(Wrapper elementType) {
 534         switch (elementType) {
 535             case BOOLEAN: return Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN;
 536             case BYTE:    return Opcodes.T_BYTE;
 537             case CHAR:    return Opcodes.T_CHAR;
 538             case SHORT:   return Opcodes.T_SHORT;
 539             case INT:     return Opcodes.T_INT;
 540             case LONG:    return Opcodes.T_LONG;
 541             case FLOAT:   return Opcodes.T_FLOAT;
 542             case DOUBLE:  return Opcodes.T_DOUBLE;
 543             case OBJECT:  return 0; // in place of Opcodes.T_OBJECT
 544             default:      throw new InternalError();
 545         }
 546     }
 548     private int arrayInsnOpcode(byte tcode, int aaop) throws InternalError {
 549         assert(aaop == Opcodes.AASTORE || aaop == Opcodes.AALOAD);
 550         int xas;
 551         switch (tcode) {
 552             case Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN: xas = Opcodes.BASTORE; break;
 553             case Opcodes.T_BYTE:    xas = Opcodes.BASTORE; break;
 554             case Opcodes.T_CHAR:    xas = Opcodes.CASTORE; break;
 555             case Opcodes.T_SHORT:   xas = Opcodes.SASTORE; break;
 556             case Opcodes.T_INT:     xas = Opcodes.IASTORE; break;
 557             case Opcodes.T_LONG:    xas = Opcodes.LASTORE; break;
 558             case Opcodes.T_FLOAT:   xas = Opcodes.FASTORE; break;
 559             case Opcodes.T_DOUBLE:  xas = Opcodes.DASTORE; break;
 560             case 0:                 xas = Opcodes.AASTORE; break;
 561             default:      throw new InternalError();
 562         }
 563         return xas - Opcodes.AASTORE + aaop;
 564     }
 566     /**
 567      * Emit a boxing call.
 568      *
 569      * @param wrapper primitive type class to box.
 570      */
 571     private void emitBoxing(Wrapper wrapper) {
 572         String owner = "java/lang/" + wrapper.wrapperType().getSimpleName();
 573         String name  = "valueOf";
 574         String desc  = "(" + wrapper.basicTypeChar() + ")L" + owner + ";";
 575         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc, false);
 576     }
 578     /**
 579      * Emit an unboxing call (plus preceding checkcast).
 580      *
 581      * @param wrapper wrapper type class to unbox.
 582      */
 583     private void emitUnboxing(Wrapper wrapper) {
 584         String owner = "java/lang/" + wrapper.wrapperType().getSimpleName();
 585         String name  = wrapper.primitiveSimpleName() + "Value";
 586         String desc  = "()" + wrapper.basicTypeChar();
 587         emitReferenceCast(wrapper.wrapperType(), null);
 588         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc, false);
 589     }
 591     /**
 592      * Emit an implicit conversion for an argument which must be of the given pclass.
 593      * This is usually a no-op, except when pclass is a subword type or a reference other than Object or an interface.
 594      *
 595      * @param ptype type of value present on stack
 596      * @param pclass type of value required on stack
 597      * @param arg compile-time representation of value on stack (Node, constant) or null if none
 598      */
 599     private void emitImplicitConversion(BasicType ptype, Class<?> pclass, Object arg) {
 600         assert(basicType(pclass) == ptype);  // boxing/unboxing handled by caller
 601         if (pclass == ptype.basicTypeClass() && ptype != L_TYPE)
 602             return;   // nothing to do
 603         switch (ptype) {
 604             case L_TYPE:
 605                 if (VerifyType.isNullConversion(Object.class, pclass, false)) {
 606                     if (PROFILE_LEVEL > 0)
 607                         emitReferenceCast(Object.class, arg);
 608                     return;
 609                 }
 610                 emitReferenceCast(pclass, arg);
 611                 return;
 612             case I_TYPE:
 613                 if (!VerifyType.isNullConversion(int.class, pclass, false))
 614                     emitPrimCast(ptype.basicTypeWrapper(), Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(pclass));
 615                 return;
 616         }
 617         throw newInternalError("bad implicit conversion: tc="+ptype+": "+pclass);
 618     }
 620     /** Update localClasses type map.  Return true if the information is already present. */
 621     private boolean assertStaticType(Class<?> cls, Name n) {
 622         int local = n.index();
 623         Class<?> aclass = localClasses[local];
 624         if (aclass != null && (aclass == cls || cls.isAssignableFrom(aclass))) {
 625             return true;  // type info is already present
 626         } else if (aclass == null || aclass.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
 627             localClasses[local] = cls;  // type info can be improved
 628         }
 629         return false;
 630     }
 632     private void emitReferenceCast(Class<?> cls, Object arg) {
 633         Name writeBack = null;  // local to write back result
 634         if (arg instanceof Name) {
 635             Name n = (Name) arg;
 636             if (lambdaForm.useCount(n) > 1) {
 637                 // This guy gets used more than once.
 638                 writeBack = n;
 639                 if (assertStaticType(cls, n)) {
 640                     return; // this cast was already performed
 641                 }
 642             }
 643         }
 644         if (isStaticallyNameable(cls)) {
 645             String sig = getInternalName(cls);
 646             mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, sig);
 647         } else {
 648             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, className(), classData(cls), "Ljava/lang/Class;");
 649             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.SWAP);
 650             mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, CLS, "cast", LL_SIG, false);
 651             if (Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(cls))
 652                 mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, OBJARY);
 653             else if (PROFILE_LEVEL > 0)
 654                 mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, OBJ);
 655         }
 656         if (writeBack != null) {
 657             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
 658             emitAstoreInsn(writeBack.index());
 659         }
 660     }
 662     /**
 663      * Emits an actual return instruction conforming to the given return type.
 664      */
 665     private void emitReturnInsn(BasicType type) {
 666         int opcode;
 667         switch (type) {
 668         case I_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.IRETURN;  break;
 669         case J_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.LRETURN;  break;
 670         case F_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.FRETURN;  break;
 671         case D_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.DRETURN;  break;
 672         case L_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.ARETURN;  break;
 673         case V_TYPE:  opcode = Opcodes.RETURN;   break;
 674         default:
 675             throw new InternalError("unknown return type: " + type);
 676         }
 677         mv.visitInsn(opcode);
 678     }
 680     private String getInternalName(Class<?> c) {
 681         if (c == Object.class)             return OBJ;
 682         else if (c == Object[].class)      return OBJARY;
 683         else if (c == Class.class)         return CLS;
 684         else if (c == MethodHandle.class)  return MH;
 685         assert(VerifyAccess.isTypeVisible(c, Object.class)) : c.getName();
 687         if (c == lastClass) {
 688             return lastInternalName;
 689         }
 690         lastClass = c;
 691         return lastInternalName = c.getName().replace('.', '/');
 692     }
 694     private static MemberName resolveFrom(String name, MethodType type, Class<?> holder) {
 695         MemberName member = new MemberName(holder, name, type, REF_invokeStatic);
 696         MemberName resolvedMember = MemberName.getFactory().resolveOrNull(REF_invokeStatic, member, holder);
 697         if (TRACE_RESOLVE) {
 698             System.out.println("[LF_RESOLVE] " + holder.getName() + " " + name + " " +
 699                     shortenSignature(basicTypeSignature(type)) + (resolvedMember != null ? " (success)" : " (fail)") );
 700         }
 701         return resolvedMember;
 702     }
 704     private static MemberName lookupPregenerated(LambdaForm form, MethodType invokerType) {
 705         if (form.customized != null) {
 706             // No pre-generated version for customized LF
 707             return null;
 708         }
 709         String name = form.kind.methodName;
 710         switch (form.kind) {
 711             case BOUND_REINVOKER: {
 712                 name = name + "_" + BoundMethodHandle.speciesDataFor(form).key();
 713                 return resolveFrom(name, invokerType, DelegatingMethodHandle.Holder.class);
 714             }
 715             case DELEGATE:                  return resolveFrom(name, invokerType, DelegatingMethodHandle.Holder.class);
 716             case ZERO:                      // fall-through
 717             case IDENTITY: {
 718                 name = name + "_" + form.returnType().basicTypeChar();
 719                 return resolveFrom(name, invokerType, LambdaForm.Holder.class);
 720             }
 721             case EXACT_INVOKER:             // fall-through
 722             case EXACT_LINKER:              // fall-through
 723             case LINK_TO_CALL_SITE:         // fall-through
 724             case LINK_TO_TARGET_METHOD:     // fall-through
 725             case GENERIC_INVOKER:           // fall-through
 726             case GENERIC_LINKER:            return resolveFrom(name, invokerType.basicType(), Invokers.Holder.class);
 727             case GET_REFERENCE:             // fall-through
 728             case GET_BOOLEAN:               // fall-through
 729             case GET_BYTE:                  // fall-through
 730             case GET_CHAR:                  // fall-through
 731             case GET_SHORT:                 // fall-through
 732             case GET_INT:                   // fall-through
 733             case GET_LONG:                  // fall-through
 734             case GET_FLOAT:                 // fall-through
 735             case GET_DOUBLE:                // fall-through
 736             case PUT_REFERENCE:             // fall-through
 737             case PUT_BOOLEAN:               // fall-through
 738             case PUT_BYTE:                  // fall-through
 739             case PUT_CHAR:                  // fall-through
 740             case PUT_SHORT:                 // fall-through
 741             case PUT_INT:                   // fall-through
 742             case PUT_LONG:                  // fall-through
 743             case PUT_FLOAT:                 // fall-through
 744             case PUT_DOUBLE:                // fall-through
 745             case DIRECT_NEW_INVOKE_SPECIAL: // fall-through
 746             case DIRECT_INVOKE_INTERFACE:   // fall-through
 747             case DIRECT_INVOKE_SPECIAL:     // fall-through
 748             case DIRECT_INVOKE_SPECIAL_IFC: // fall-through
 749             case DIRECT_INVOKE_STATIC:      // fall-through
 750             case DIRECT_INVOKE_STATIC_INIT: // fall-through
 751             case DIRECT_INVOKE_VIRTUAL:     return resolveFrom(name, invokerType, DirectMethodHandle.Holder.class);
 752         }
 753         return null;
 754     }
 756     /**
 757      * Generate customized bytecode for a given LambdaForm.
 758      */
 759     static MemberName generateCustomizedCode(LambdaForm form, MethodType invokerType) {
 760         MemberName pregenerated = lookupPregenerated(form, invokerType);
 761         if (pregenerated != null)  return pregenerated; // pre-generated bytecode
 763         InvokerBytecodeGenerator g = new InvokerBytecodeGenerator("MH", form, invokerType);
 764         return g.loadMethod(g.generateCustomizedCodeBytes());
 765     }
 767     /** Generates code to check that actual receiver and LambdaForm matches */
 768     private boolean checkActualReceiver() {
 769         // Expects MethodHandle on the stack and actual receiver MethodHandle in slot #0
 770         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
 771         mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, localsMap[0]);
 772         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, MHI, "assertSame", LLV_SIG, false);
 773         return true;
 774     }
 776     static String className(String cn) {
 777         assert checkClassName(cn): "Class not found: " + cn;
 778         return cn;
 779     }
 781     static boolean checkClassName(String cn) {
 782         Type tp = Type.getType(cn);
 783         // additional sanity so only valid "L;" descriptors work
 784         if (tp.getSort() != Type.OBJECT) {
 785             return false;
 786         }
 787         try {
 788             Class<?> c = Class.forName(tp.getClassName(), false, null);
 789             return true;
 790         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 791             return false;
 792         }
 793     }
 795     static final String      DONTINLINE_SIG = className("Ljdk/internal/vm/annotation/DontInline;");
 796     static final String     FORCEINLINE_SIG = className("Ljdk/internal/vm/annotation/ForceInline;");
 797     static final String          HIDDEN_SIG = className("Ljdk/internal/vm/annotation/Hidden;");
 798     static final String INJECTEDPROFILE_SIG = className("Ljava/lang/invoke/InjectedProfile;");
 799     static final String     LF_COMPILED_SIG = className("Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$Compiled;");
 801     /**
 802      * Generate an invoker method for the passed {@link LambdaForm}.
 803      */
 804     private byte[] generateCustomizedCodeBytes() {
 805         classFilePrologue();
 806         addMethod();
 807         clinit();
 808         bogusMethod(lambdaForm);
 810         final byte[] classFile = toByteArray();
 811         maybeDump(classFile);
 812         return classFile;
 813     }
 815     void setClassWriter(ClassWriter cw) {
 816         this.cw = cw;
 817     }
 819     void addMethod() {
 820         methodPrologue();
 822         // Suppress this method in backtraces displayed to the user.
 823         mv.visitAnnotation(HIDDEN_SIG, true);
 825         // Mark this method as a compiled LambdaForm
 826         mv.visitAnnotation(LF_COMPILED_SIG, true);
 828         if (lambdaForm.forceInline) {
 829             // Force inlining of this invoker method.
 830             mv.visitAnnotation(FORCEINLINE_SIG, true);
 831         } else {
 832             mv.visitAnnotation(DONTINLINE_SIG, true);
 833         }
 835         classData(lambdaForm); // keep LambdaForm instance & its compiled form lifetime tightly coupled.
 837         if (lambdaForm.customized != null) {
 838             // Since LambdaForm is customized for a particular MethodHandle, it's safe to substitute
 839             // receiver MethodHandle (at slot #0) with an embedded constant and use it instead.
 840             // It enables more efficient code generation in some situations, since embedded constants
 841             // are compile-time constants for JIT compiler.
 842             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, className(), classData(lambdaForm.customized), MH_SIG);
 843             mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, MH);
 844             assert(checkActualReceiver()); // expects MethodHandle on top of the stack
 845             mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, localsMap[0]);
 846         }
 848         // iterate over the form's names, generating bytecode instructions for each
 849         // start iterating at the first name following the arguments
 850         Name onStack = null;
 851         for (int i = lambdaForm.arity; i < lambdaForm.names.length; i++) {
 852             Name name = lambdaForm.names[i];
 854             emitStoreResult(onStack);
 855             onStack = name;  // unless otherwise modified below
 856             MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic intr = name.function.intrinsicName();
 857             switch (intr) {
 858                 case SELECT_ALTERNATIVE:
 859                     assert lambdaForm.isSelectAlternative(i);
 860                     if (PROFILE_GWT) {
 861                         assert(name.arguments[0] instanceof Name &&
 862                                 ((Name)name.arguments[0]).refersTo(MethodHandleImpl.class, "profileBoolean"));
 863                         mv.visitAnnotation(INJECTEDPROFILE_SIG, true);
 864                     }
 865                     onStack = emitSelectAlternative(name, lambdaForm.names[i+1]);
 866                     i++;  // skip MH.invokeBasic of the selectAlternative result
 867                     continue;
 868                 case GUARD_WITH_CATCH:
 869                     assert lambdaForm.isGuardWithCatch(i);
 870                     onStack = emitGuardWithCatch(i);
 871                     i += 2; // jump to the end of GWC idiom
 872                     continue;
 873                 case TRY_FINALLY:
 874                     assert lambdaForm.isTryFinally(i);
 875                     onStack = emitTryFinally(i);
 876                     i += 2; // jump to the end of the TF idiom
 877                     continue;
 878                 case LOOP:
 879                     assert lambdaForm.isLoop(i);
 880                     onStack = emitLoop(i);
 881                     i += 2; // jump to the end of the LOOP idiom
 882                     continue;
 883                 case NEW_ARRAY:
 884                     Class<?> rtype = name.function.methodType().returnType();
 885                     if (isStaticallyNameable(rtype)) {
 886                         emitNewArray(name);
 887                         continue;
 888                     }
 889                     break;
 890                 case ARRAY_LOAD:
 891                     emitArrayLoad(name);
 892                     continue;
 893                 case ARRAY_STORE:
 894                     emitArrayStore(name);
 895                     continue;
 896                 case ARRAY_LENGTH:
 897                     emitArrayLength(name);
 898                     continue;
 899                 case IDENTITY:
 900                     assert(name.arguments.length == 1);
 901                     emitPushArguments(name, 0);
 902                     continue;
 903                 case ZERO:
 904                     assert(name.arguments.length == 0);
 905                     emitConst(name.type.basicTypeWrapper().zero());
 906                     continue;
 907                 case NONE:
 908                     // no intrinsic associated
 909                     break;
 910                 default:
 911                     throw newInternalError("Unknown intrinsic: "+intr);
 912             }
 914             MemberName member = name.function.member();
 915             if (isStaticallyInvocable(member)) {
 916                 emitStaticInvoke(member, name);
 917             } else {
 918                 emitInvoke(name);
 919             }
 920         }
 922         // return statement
 923         emitReturn(onStack);
 925         methodEpilogue();
 926     }
 928     /*
 929      * @throws BytecodeGenerationException if something goes wrong when
 930      *         generating the byte code
 931      */
 932     private byte[] toByteArray() {
 933         try {
 934             return cw.toByteArray();
 935         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 936             throw new BytecodeGenerationException(e);
 937         }
 938     }
 940     @SuppressWarnings("serial")
 941     static final class BytecodeGenerationException extends RuntimeException {
 942         BytecodeGenerationException(Exception cause) {
 943             super(cause);
 944         }
 945     }
 947     void emitArrayLoad(Name name)   { emitArrayOp(name, Opcodes.AALOAD);      }
 948     void emitArrayStore(Name name)  { emitArrayOp(name, Opcodes.AASTORE);     }
 949     void emitArrayLength(Name name) { emitArrayOp(name, Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH); }
 951     void emitArrayOp(Name name, int arrayOpcode) {
 952         assert arrayOpcode == Opcodes.AALOAD || arrayOpcode == Opcodes.AASTORE || arrayOpcode == Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH;
 953         Class<?> elementType = name.function.methodType().parameterType(0).getComponentType();
 954         assert elementType != null;
 955         emitPushArguments(name, 0);
 956         if (arrayOpcode != Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH && elementType.isPrimitive()) {
 957             Wrapper w = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(elementType);
 958             arrayOpcode = arrayInsnOpcode(arrayTypeCode(w), arrayOpcode);
 959         }
 960         mv.visitInsn(arrayOpcode);
 961     }
 963     /**
 964      * Emit an invoke for the given name.
 965      */
 966     void emitInvoke(Name name) {
 967         assert(!name.isLinkerMethodInvoke());  // should use the static path for these
 968         if (true) {
 969             // push receiver
 970             MethodHandle target = name.function.resolvedHandle();
 971             assert(target != null) : name.exprString();
 972             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, className(), classData(target), MH_SIG);
 973             emitReferenceCast(MethodHandle.class, target);
 974         } else {
 975             // load receiver
 976             emitAloadInsn(0);
 977             emitReferenceCast(MethodHandle.class, null);
 978             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, MH, "form", LF_SIG);
 979             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, LF, "names", LFN_SIG);
 980             // TODO more to come
 981         }
 983         // push arguments
 984         emitPushArguments(name, 0);
 986         // invocation
 987         MethodType type = name.function.methodType();
 988         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", type.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
 989     }
 991     private static Class<?>[] STATICALLY_INVOCABLE_PACKAGES = {
 992         // Sample classes from each package we are willing to bind to statically:
 993         java.lang.Object.class,
 994         java.util.Arrays.class,
 995         jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.class
 996         //MethodHandle.class already covered
 997     };
 999     static boolean isStaticallyInvocable(NamedFunction ... functions) {
1000         for (NamedFunction nf : functions) {
1001             if (!isStaticallyInvocable(nf.member())) {
1002                 return false;
1003             }
1004         }
1005         return true;
1006     }
1008     static boolean isStaticallyInvocable(Name name) {
1009         return isStaticallyInvocable(name.function.member());
1010     }
1012     static boolean isStaticallyInvocable(MemberName member) {
1013         if (member == null)  return false;
1014         if (member.isConstructor())  return false;
1015         Class<?> cls = member.getDeclaringClass();
1016         // Fast-path non-private members declared by MethodHandles, which is a common
1017         // case
1018         if (MethodHandle.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) && !member.isPrivate()) {
1019             assert(isStaticallyInvocableType(member.getMethodOrFieldType()));
1020             return true;
1021         }
1022         if (cls.isArray() || cls.isPrimitive())
1023             return false;  // FIXME
1024         if (cls.isAnonymousClass() || cls.isLocalClass())
1025             return false;  // inner class of some sort
1026         if (cls.getClassLoader() != MethodHandle.class.getClassLoader())
1027             return false;  // not on BCP
1028         if (cls.isHidden())
1029             return false;
1030         if (ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(cls))   // FIXME: Unsafe::defineAnonymousClass to be removed
1031             return false;
1032         if (!isStaticallyInvocableType(member.getMethodOrFieldType()))
1033             return false;
1034         if (!member.isPrivate() && VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(MethodHandle.class, cls))
1035             return true;   // in java.lang.invoke package
1036         if (member.isPublic() && isStaticallyNameable(cls))
1037             return true;
1038         return false;
1039     }
1041     private static boolean isStaticallyInvocableType(MethodType mtype) {
1042         if (!isStaticallyNameable(mtype.returnType()))
1043             return false;
1044         for (Class<?> ptype : mtype.parameterArray())
1045             if (!isStaticallyNameable(ptype))
1046                 return false;
1047         return true;
1048     }
1050     static boolean isStaticallyNameable(Class<?> cls) {
1051         if (cls == Object.class)
1052             return true;
1053         if (MethodHandle.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
1054             assert(!cls.isHidden());
1055             return true;
1056         }
1057         while (cls.isArray())
1058             cls = cls.getComponentType();
1059         if (cls.isPrimitive())
1060             return true;  // int[].class, for example
1061         if (cls.isHidden())
1062             return false;
1063         if (ReflectUtil.isVMAnonymousClass(cls))   // FIXME: Unsafe::defineAnonymousClass to be removed
1064             return false;
1065         // could use VerifyAccess.isClassAccessible but the following is a safe approximation
1066         if (cls.getClassLoader() != Object.class.getClassLoader())
1067             return false;
1068         if (VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(MethodHandle.class, cls))
1069             return true;
1070         if (!Modifier.isPublic(cls.getModifiers()))
1071             return false;
1072         for (Class<?> pkgcls : STATICALLY_INVOCABLE_PACKAGES) {
1073             if (VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(pkgcls, cls))
1074                 return true;
1075         }
1076         return false;
1077     }
1079     void emitStaticInvoke(Name name) {
1080         emitStaticInvoke(name.function.member(), name);
1081     }
1083     /**
1084      * Emit an invoke for the given name, using the MemberName directly.
1085      */
1086     void emitStaticInvoke(MemberName member, Name name) {
1087         assert(member.equals(name.function.member()));
1088         Class<?> defc = member.getDeclaringClass();
1089         String cname = getInternalName(defc);
1090         String mname = member.getName();
1091         String mtype;
1092         byte refKind = member.getReferenceKind();
1093         if (refKind == REF_invokeSpecial) {
1094             // in order to pass the verifier, we need to convert this to invokevirtual in all cases
1095             assert(member.canBeStaticallyBound()) : member;
1096             refKind = REF_invokeVirtual;
1097         }
1099         assert(!(member.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && refKind == REF_invokeVirtual));
1101         // push arguments
1102         emitPushArguments(name, 0);
1104         // invocation
1105         if (member.isMethod()) {
1106             mtype = member.getMethodType().toMethodDescriptorString();
1107             mv.visitMethodInsn(refKindOpcode(refKind), cname, mname, mtype,
1108                                member.getDeclaringClass().isInterface());
1109         } else {
1110             mtype = MethodType.toFieldDescriptorString(member.getFieldType());
1111             mv.visitFieldInsn(refKindOpcode(refKind), cname, mname, mtype);
1112         }
1113         // Issue a type assertion for the result, so we can avoid casts later.
1114         if (name.type == L_TYPE) {
1115             Class<?> rtype = member.getInvocationType().returnType();
1116             assert(!rtype.isPrimitive());
1117             if (rtype != Object.class && !rtype.isInterface()) {
1118                 assertStaticType(rtype, name);
1119             }
1120         }
1121     }
1123     void emitNewArray(Name name) throws InternalError {
1124         Class<?> rtype = name.function.methodType().returnType();
1125         if (name.arguments.length == 0) {
1126             // The array will be a constant.
1127             Object emptyArray;
1128             try {
1129                 emptyArray = name.function.resolvedHandle().invoke();
1130             } catch (Throwable ex) {
1131                 throw uncaughtException(ex);
1132             }
1133             assert(java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(emptyArray) == 0);
1134             assert(emptyArray.getClass() == rtype);  // exact typing
1135             mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, className(), classData(emptyArray), "Ljava/lang/Object;");
1136             emitReferenceCast(rtype, emptyArray);
1137             return;
1138         }
1139         Class<?> arrayElementType = rtype.getComponentType();
1140         assert(arrayElementType != null);
1141         emitIconstInsn(name.arguments.length);
1142         int xas = Opcodes.AASTORE;
1143         if (!arrayElementType.isPrimitive()) {
1144             mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, getInternalName(arrayElementType));
1145         } else {
1146             byte tc = arrayTypeCode(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(arrayElementType));
1147             xas = arrayInsnOpcode(tc, xas);
1148             mv.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, tc);
1149         }
1150         // store arguments
1151         for (int i = 0; i < name.arguments.length; i++) {
1152             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
1153             emitIconstInsn(i);
1154             emitPushArgument(name, i);
1155             mv.visitInsn(xas);
1156         }
1157         // the array is left on the stack
1158         assertStaticType(rtype, name);
1159     }
1160     int refKindOpcode(byte refKind) {
1161         switch (refKind) {
1162         case REF_invokeVirtual:      return Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
1163         case REF_invokeStatic:       return Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC;
1164         case REF_invokeSpecial:      return Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL;
1165         case REF_invokeInterface:    return Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE;
1166         case REF_getField:           return Opcodes.GETFIELD;
1167         case REF_putField:           return Opcodes.PUTFIELD;
1168         case REF_getStatic:          return Opcodes.GETSTATIC;
1169         case REF_putStatic:          return Opcodes.PUTSTATIC;
1170         }
1171         throw new InternalError("refKind="+refKind);
1172     }
1174     /**
1175      * Emit bytecode for the selectAlternative idiom.
1176      *
1177      * The pattern looks like (Cf. MethodHandleImpl.makeGuardWithTest):
1178      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1179      *   Lambda(a0:L,a1:I)=>{
1180      *     t2:I=foo.test(a1:I);
1181      *     t3:L=MethodHandleImpl.selectAlternative(t2:I,(MethodHandle(int)int),(MethodHandle(int)int));
1182      *     t4:I=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(t3:L,a1:I);t4:I}
1183      * }</pre></blockquote>
1184      */
1185     private Name emitSelectAlternative(Name selectAlternativeName, Name invokeBasicName) {
1186         assert isStaticallyInvocable(invokeBasicName);
1188         Name receiver = (Name) invokeBasicName.arguments[0];
1190         Label L_fallback = new Label();
1191         Label L_done     = new Label();
1193         // load test result
1194         emitPushArgument(selectAlternativeName, 0);
1196         // if_icmpne L_fallback
1197         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, L_fallback);
1199         // invoke selectAlternativeName.arguments[1]
1200         Class<?>[] preForkClasses = localClasses.clone();
1201         emitPushArgument(selectAlternativeName, 1);  // get 2nd argument of selectAlternative
1202         emitAstoreInsn(receiver.index());  // store the MH in the receiver slot
1203         emitStaticInvoke(invokeBasicName);
1205         // goto L_done
1206         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, L_done);
1208         // L_fallback:
1209         mv.visitLabel(L_fallback);
1211         // invoke selectAlternativeName.arguments[2]
1212         System.arraycopy(preForkClasses, 0, localClasses, 0, preForkClasses.length);
1213         emitPushArgument(selectAlternativeName, 2);  // get 3rd argument of selectAlternative
1214         emitAstoreInsn(receiver.index());  // store the MH in the receiver slot
1215         emitStaticInvoke(invokeBasicName);
1217         // L_done:
1218         mv.visitLabel(L_done);
1219         // for now do not bother to merge typestate; just reset to the dominator state
1220         System.arraycopy(preForkClasses, 0, localClasses, 0, preForkClasses.length);
1222         return invokeBasicName;  // return what's on stack
1223     }
1225     /**
1226       * Emit bytecode for the guardWithCatch idiom.
1227       *
1228       * The pattern looks like (Cf. MethodHandleImpl.makeGuardWithCatch):
1229       * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1230       *  guardWithCatch=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:L,a3:L,a4:L,a5:L,a6:L,a7:L)=>{
1231       *    t8:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a4:L,a6:L,a7:L);
1232       *    t9:L=MethodHandleImpl.guardWithCatch(a1:L,a2:L,a3:L,t8:L);
1233       *   t10:I=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a5:L,t9:L);t10:I}
1234       * }</pre></blockquote>
1235       *
1236       * It is compiled into bytecode equivalent of the following code:
1237       * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1238       *  try {
1239       *      return a1.invokeBasic(a6, a7);
1240       *  } catch (Throwable e) {
1241       *      if (!a2.isInstance(e)) throw e;
1242       *      return a3.invokeBasic(ex, a6, a7);
1243       *  }}</pre></blockquote>
1244       */
1245     private Name emitGuardWithCatch(int pos) {
1246         Name args    = lambdaForm.names[pos];
1247         Name invoker = lambdaForm.names[pos+1];
1248         Name result  = lambdaForm.names[pos+2];
1250         Label L_startBlock = new Label();
1251         Label L_endBlock = new Label();
1252         Label L_handler = new Label();
1253         Label L_done = new Label();
1255         Class<?> returnType = result.function.resolvedHandle().type().returnType();
1256         MethodType type = args.function.resolvedHandle().type()
1257                               .dropParameterTypes(0,1)
1258                               .changeReturnType(returnType);
1260         mv.visitTryCatchBlock(L_startBlock, L_endBlock, L_handler, "java/lang/Throwable");
1262         // Normal case
1263         mv.visitLabel(L_startBlock);
1264         // load target
1265         emitPushArgument(invoker, 0);
1266         emitPushArguments(args, 1); // skip 1st argument: method handle
1267         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", type.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
1268         mv.visitLabel(L_endBlock);
1269         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, L_done);
1271         // Exceptional case
1272         mv.visitLabel(L_handler);
1274         // Check exception's type
1275         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
1276         // load exception class
1277         emitPushArgument(invoker, 1);
1278         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.SWAP);
1279         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/Class", "isInstance", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z", false);
1280         Label L_rethrow = new Label();
1281         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, L_rethrow);
1283         // Invoke catcher
1284         // load catcher
1285         emitPushArgument(invoker, 2);
1286         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.SWAP);
1287         emitPushArguments(args, 1); // skip 1st argument: method handle
1288         MethodType catcherType = type.insertParameterTypes(0, Throwable.class);
1289         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", catcherType.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
1290         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, L_done);
1292         mv.visitLabel(L_rethrow);
1293         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ATHROW);
1295         mv.visitLabel(L_done);
1297         return result;
1298     }
1300     /**
1301      * Emit bytecode for the tryFinally idiom.
1302      * <p>
1303      * The pattern looks like (Cf. MethodHandleImpl.makeTryFinally):
1304      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1305      * // a0: BMH
1306      * // a1: target, a2: cleanup
1307      * // a3: box, a4: unbox
1308      * // a5 (and following): arguments
1309      * tryFinally=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:L,a3:L,a4:L,a5:L)=>{
1310      *   t6:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a3:L,a5:L);         // box the arguments into an Object[]
1311      *   t7:L=MethodHandleImpl.tryFinally(a1:L,a2:L,t6:L); // call the tryFinally executor
1312      *   t8:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a4:L,t7:L);t8:L}    // unbox the result; return the result
1313      * }</pre></blockquote>
1314      * <p>
1315      * It is compiled into bytecode equivalent to the following code:
1316      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1317      * Throwable t;
1318      * Object r;
1319      * try {
1320      *     r = a1.invokeBasic(a5);
1321      * } catch (Throwable thrown) {
1322      *     t = thrown;
1323      *     throw t;
1324      * } finally {
1325      *     r = a2.invokeBasic(t, r, a5);
1326      * }
1327      * return r;
1328      * }</pre></blockquote>
1329      * <p>
1330      * Specifically, the bytecode will have the following form (the stack effects are given for the beginnings of
1331      * blocks, and for the situations after executing the given instruction - the code will have a slightly different
1332      * shape if the return type is {@code void}):
1333      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1334      * TRY:                 (--)
1335      *                      load target                             (-- target)
1336      *                      load args                               (-- args... target)
1337      *                      INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic  (depends)
1338      * FINALLY_NORMAL:      (-- r_2nd* r)
1339      *                      store returned value                    (--)
1340      *                      load cleanup                            (-- cleanup)
1341      *                      ACONST_NULL                             (-- t cleanup)
1342      *                      load returned value                     (-- r_2nd* r t cleanup)
1343      *                      load args                               (-- args... r_2nd* r t cleanup)
1344      *                      INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic  (-- r_2nd* r)
1345      *                      GOTO DONE
1346      * CATCH:               (-- t)
1347      *                      DUP                                     (-- t t)
1348      * FINALLY_EXCEPTIONAL: (-- t t)
1349      *                      load cleanup                            (-- cleanup t t)
1350      *                      SWAP                                    (-- t cleanup t)
1351      *                      load default for r                      (-- r_2nd* r t cleanup t)
1352      *                      load args                               (-- args... r_2nd* r t cleanup t)
1353      *                      INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic  (-- r_2nd* r t)
1354      *                      POP/POP2*                               (-- t)
1355      *                      ATHROW
1356      * DONE:                (-- r)
1357      * }</pre></blockquote>
1358      * * = depends on whether the return type takes up 2 stack slots.
1359      */
1360     private Name emitTryFinally(int pos) {
1361         Name args    = lambdaForm.names[pos];
1362         Name invoker = lambdaForm.names[pos+1];
1363         Name result  = lambdaForm.names[pos+2];
1365         Label lFrom = new Label();
1366         Label lTo = new Label();
1367         Label lCatch = new Label();
1368         Label lDone = new Label();
1370         Class<?> returnType = result.function.resolvedHandle().type().returnType();
1371         BasicType basicReturnType = BasicType.basicType(returnType);
1372         boolean isNonVoid = returnType != void.class;
1374         MethodType type = args.function.resolvedHandle().type()
1375                 .dropParameterTypes(0,1)
1376                 .changeReturnType(returnType);
1377         MethodType cleanupType = type.insertParameterTypes(0, Throwable.class);
1378         if (isNonVoid) {
1379             cleanupType = cleanupType.insertParameterTypes(1, returnType);
1380         }
1381         String cleanupDesc = cleanupType.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString();
1383         // exception handler table
1384         mv.visitTryCatchBlock(lFrom, lTo, lCatch, "java/lang/Throwable");
1386         // TRY:
1387         mv.visitLabel(lFrom);
1388         emitPushArgument(invoker, 0); // load target
1389         emitPushArguments(args, 1); // load args (skip 0: method handle)
1390         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", type.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
1391         mv.visitLabel(lTo);
1393         // FINALLY_NORMAL:
1394         int index = extendLocalsMap(new Class<?>[]{ returnType });
1395         if (isNonVoid) {
1396             emitStoreInsn(basicReturnType, index);
1397         }
1398         emitPushArgument(invoker, 1); // load cleanup
1399         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL);
1400         if (isNonVoid) {
1401             emitLoadInsn(basicReturnType, index);
1402         }
1403         emitPushArguments(args, 1); // load args (skip 0: method handle)
1404         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", cleanupDesc, false);
1405         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, lDone);
1407         // CATCH:
1408         mv.visitLabel(lCatch);
1409         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
1411         // FINALLY_EXCEPTIONAL:
1412         emitPushArgument(invoker, 1); // load cleanup
1413         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.SWAP);
1414         if (isNonVoid) {
1415             emitZero(BasicType.basicType(returnType)); // load default for result
1416         }
1417         emitPushArguments(args, 1); // load args (skip 0: method handle)
1418         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", cleanupDesc, false);
1419         if (isNonVoid) {
1420             emitPopInsn(basicReturnType);
1421         }
1422         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ATHROW);
1424         // DONE:
1425         mv.visitLabel(lDone);
1427         return result;
1428     }
1430     private void emitPopInsn(BasicType type) {
1431         mv.visitInsn(popInsnOpcode(type));
1432     }
1434     private static int popInsnOpcode(BasicType type) {
1435         switch (type) {
1436             case I_TYPE:
1437             case F_TYPE:
1438             case L_TYPE:
1439                 return Opcodes.POP;
1440             case J_TYPE:
1441             case D_TYPE:
1442                 return Opcodes.POP2;
1443             default:
1444                 throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
1445         }
1446     }
1448     /**
1449      * Emit bytecode for the loop idiom.
1450      * <p>
1451      * The pattern looks like (Cf. MethodHandleImpl.loop):
1452      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1453      * // a0: BMH
1454      * // a1: LoopClauses (containing an array of arrays: inits, steps, preds, finis)
1455      * // a2: box, a3: unbox
1456      * // a4 (and following): arguments
1457      * loop=Lambda(a0:L,a1:L,a2:L,a3:L,a4:L)=>{
1458      *   t5:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a2:L,a4:L);          // box the arguments into an Object[]
1459      *   t6:L=MethodHandleImpl.loop(bt:L,a1:L,t5:L);        // call the loop executor (with supplied types in bt)
1460      *   t7:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(a3:L,t6:L);t7:L}     // unbox the result; return the result
1461      * }</pre></blockquote>
1462      * <p>
1463      * It is compiled into bytecode equivalent to the code seen in {@link MethodHandleImpl#loop(BasicType[],
1464      * MethodHandleImpl.LoopClauses, Object...)}, with the difference that no arrays
1465      * will be used for local state storage. Instead, the local state will be mapped to actual stack slots.
1466      * <p>
1467      * Bytecode generation applies an unrolling scheme to enable better bytecode generation regarding local state type
1468      * handling. The generated bytecode will have the following form ({@code void} types are ignored for convenience).
1469      * Assume there are {@code C} clauses in the loop.
1470      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1471      * PREINIT: ALOAD_1
1472      *          CHECKCAST LoopClauses
1473      *          GETFIELD LoopClauses.clauses
1474      *          ASTORE clauseDataIndex          // place the clauses 2-dimensional array on the stack
1475      * INIT:    (INIT_SEQ for clause 1)
1476      *          ...
1477      *          (INIT_SEQ for clause C)
1478      * LOOP:    (LOOP_SEQ for clause 1)
1479      *          ...
1480      *          (LOOP_SEQ for clause C)
1481      *          GOTO LOOP
1482      * DONE:    ...
1483      * }</pre></blockquote>
1484      * <p>
1485      * The {@code INIT_SEQ_x} sequence for clause {@code x} (with {@code x} ranging from {@code 0} to {@code C-1}) has
1486      * the following shape. Assume slot {@code vx} is used to hold the state for clause {@code x}.
1487      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1488      * INIT_SEQ_x:  ALOAD clauseDataIndex
1489      *              ICONST_0
1490      *              AALOAD      // load the inits array
1491      *              ICONST x
1492      *              AALOAD      // load the init handle for clause x
1493      *              load args
1494      *              INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic
1495      *              store vx
1496      * }</pre></blockquote>
1497      * <p>
1498      * The {@code LOOP_SEQ_x} sequence for clause {@code x} (with {@code x} ranging from {@code 0} to {@code C-1}) has
1499      * the following shape. Again, assume slot {@code vx} is used to hold the state for clause {@code x}.
1500      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
1501      * LOOP_SEQ_x:  ALOAD clauseDataIndex
1502      *              ICONST_1
1503      *              AALOAD              // load the steps array
1504      *              ICONST x
1505      *              AALOAD              // load the step handle for clause x
1506      *              load locals
1507      *              load args
1508      *              INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic
1509      *              store vx
1510      *              ALOAD clauseDataIndex
1511      *              ICONST_2
1512      *              AALOAD              // load the preds array
1513      *              ICONST x
1514      *              AALOAD              // load the pred handle for clause x
1515      *              load locals
1516      *              load args
1517      *              INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic
1518      *              IFNE LOOP_SEQ_x+1   // predicate returned false -> jump to next clause
1519      *              ALOAD clauseDataIndex
1520      *              ICONST_3
1521      *              AALOAD              // load the finis array
1522      *              ICONST x
1523      *              AALOAD              // load the fini handle for clause x
1524      *              load locals
1525      *              load args
1526      *              INVOKEVIRTUAL MethodHandle.invokeBasic
1527      *              GOTO DONE           // jump beyond end of clauses to return from loop
1528      * }</pre></blockquote>
1529      */
1530     private Name emitLoop(int pos) {
1531         Name args    = lambdaForm.names[pos];
1532         Name invoker = lambdaForm.names[pos+1];
1533         Name result  = lambdaForm.names[pos+2];
1535         // extract clause and loop-local state types
1536         // find the type info in the loop invocation
1537         BasicType[] loopClauseTypes = (BasicType[]) invoker.arguments[0];
1538         Class<?>[] loopLocalStateTypes = Stream.of(loopClauseTypes).
1539                 filter(bt -> bt != BasicType.V_TYPE).map(BasicType::basicTypeClass).toArray(Class<?>[]::new);
1540         Class<?>[] localTypes = new Class<?>[loopLocalStateTypes.length + 1];
1541         localTypes[0] = MethodHandleImpl.LoopClauses.class;
1542         System.arraycopy(loopLocalStateTypes, 0, localTypes, 1, loopLocalStateTypes.length);
1544         final int clauseDataIndex = extendLocalsMap(localTypes);
1545         final int firstLoopStateIndex = clauseDataIndex + 1;
1547         Class<?> returnType = result.function.resolvedHandle().type().returnType();
1548         MethodType loopType = args.function.resolvedHandle().type()
1549                 .dropParameterTypes(0,1)
1550                 .changeReturnType(returnType);
1551         MethodType loopHandleType = loopType.insertParameterTypes(0, loopLocalStateTypes);
1552         MethodType predType = loopHandleType.changeReturnType(boolean.class);
1553         MethodType finiType = loopHandleType;
1555         final int nClauses = loopClauseTypes.length;
1557         // indices to invoker arguments to load method handle arrays
1558         final int inits = 1;
1559         final int steps = 2;
1560         final int preds = 3;
1561         final int finis = 4;
1563         Label lLoop = new Label();
1564         Label lDone = new Label();
1565         Label lNext;
1567         // PREINIT:
1568         emitPushArgument(MethodHandleImpl.LoopClauses.class, invoker.arguments[1]);
1569         mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, LOOP_CLAUSES, "clauses", MHARY2);
1570         emitAstoreInsn(clauseDataIndex);
1572         // INIT:
1573         for (int c = 0, state = 0; c < nClauses; ++c) {
1574             MethodType cInitType = loopType.changeReturnType(loopClauseTypes[c].basicTypeClass());
1575             emitLoopHandleInvoke(invoker, inits, c, args, false, cInitType, loopLocalStateTypes, clauseDataIndex,
1576                     firstLoopStateIndex);
1577             if (cInitType.returnType() != void.class) {
1578                 emitStoreInsn(BasicType.basicType(cInitType.returnType()), firstLoopStateIndex + state);
1579                 ++state;
1580             }
1581         }
1583         // LOOP:
1584         mv.visitLabel(lLoop);
1586         for (int c = 0, state = 0; c < nClauses; ++c) {
1587             lNext = new Label();
1589             MethodType stepType = loopHandleType.changeReturnType(loopClauseTypes[c].basicTypeClass());
1590             boolean isVoid = stepType.returnType() == void.class;
1592             // invoke loop step
1593             emitLoopHandleInvoke(invoker, steps, c, args, true, stepType, loopLocalStateTypes, clauseDataIndex,
1594                     firstLoopStateIndex);
1595             if (!isVoid) {
1596                 emitStoreInsn(BasicType.basicType(stepType.returnType()), firstLoopStateIndex + state);
1597                 ++state;
1598             }
1600             // invoke loop predicate
1601             emitLoopHandleInvoke(invoker, preds, c, args, true, predType, loopLocalStateTypes, clauseDataIndex,
1602                     firstLoopStateIndex);
1603             mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNE, lNext);
1605             // invoke fini
1606             emitLoopHandleInvoke(invoker, finis, c, args, true, finiType, loopLocalStateTypes, clauseDataIndex,
1607                     firstLoopStateIndex);
1608             mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, lDone);
1610             // this is the beginning of the next loop clause
1611             mv.visitLabel(lNext);
1612         }
1614         mv.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, lLoop);
1616         // DONE:
1617         mv.visitLabel(lDone);
1619         return result;
1620     }
1622     private int extendLocalsMap(Class<?>[] types) {
1623         int firstSlot = localsMap.length - 1;
1624         localsMap = Arrays.copyOf(localsMap, localsMap.length + types.length);
1625         localClasses = Arrays.copyOf(localClasses, localClasses.length + types.length);
1626         System.arraycopy(types, 0, localClasses, firstSlot, types.length);
1627         int index = localsMap[firstSlot - 1] + 1;
1628         int lastSlots = 0;
1629         for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
1630             localsMap[firstSlot + i] = index;
1631             lastSlots = BasicType.basicType(localClasses[firstSlot + i]).basicTypeSlots();
1632             index += lastSlots;
1633         }
1634         localsMap[localsMap.length - 1] = index - lastSlots;
1635         return firstSlot;
1636     }
1638     private void emitLoopHandleInvoke(Name holder, int handles, int clause, Name args, boolean pushLocalState,
1639                                       MethodType type, Class<?>[] loopLocalStateTypes, int clauseDataSlot,
1640                                       int firstLoopStateSlot) {
1641         // load handle for clause
1642         emitPushClauseArray(clauseDataSlot, handles);
1643         emitIconstInsn(clause);
1644         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AALOAD);
1645         // load loop state (preceding the other arguments)
1646         if (pushLocalState) {
1647             for (int s = 0; s < loopLocalStateTypes.length; ++s) {
1648                 emitLoadInsn(BasicType.basicType(loopLocalStateTypes[s]), firstLoopStateSlot + s);
1649             }
1650         }
1651         // load loop args (skip 0: method handle)
1652         emitPushArguments(args, 1);
1653         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", type.toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
1654     }
1656     private void emitPushClauseArray(int clauseDataSlot, int which) {
1657         emitAloadInsn(clauseDataSlot);
1658         emitIconstInsn(which - 1);
1659         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AALOAD);
1660     }
1662     private void emitZero(BasicType type) {
1663         switch (type) {
1664             case I_TYPE: mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0); break;
1665             case J_TYPE: mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.LCONST_0); break;
1666             case F_TYPE: mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.FCONST_0); break;
1667             case D_TYPE: mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DCONST_0); break;
1668             case L_TYPE: mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); break;
1669             default: throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
1670         }
1671     }
1673     private void emitPushArguments(Name args, int start) {
1674         MethodType type = args.function.methodType();
1675         for (int i = start; i < args.arguments.length; i++) {
1676             emitPushArgument(type.parameterType(i), args.arguments[i]);
1677         }
1678     }
1680     private void emitPushArgument(Name name, int paramIndex) {
1681         Object arg = name.arguments[paramIndex];
1682         Class<?> ptype = name.function.methodType().parameterType(paramIndex);
1683         emitPushArgument(ptype, arg);
1684     }
1686     private void emitPushArgument(Class<?> ptype, Object arg) {
1687         BasicType bptype = basicType(ptype);
1688         if (arg instanceof Name) {
1689             Name n = (Name) arg;
1690             emitLoadInsn(n.type, n.index());
1691             emitImplicitConversion(n.type, ptype, n);
1692         } else if ((arg == null || arg instanceof String) && bptype == L_TYPE) {
1693             emitConst(arg);
1694         } else {
1695             if (Wrapper.isWrapperType(arg.getClass()) && bptype != L_TYPE) {
1696                 emitConst(arg);
1697             } else {
1698                 mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, className(), classData(arg), "Ljava/lang/Object;");
1699                 emitImplicitConversion(L_TYPE, ptype, arg);
1700             }
1701         }
1702     }
1704     /**
1705      * Store the name to its local, if necessary.
1706      */
1707     private void emitStoreResult(Name name) {
1708         if (name != null && name.type != V_TYPE) {
1709             // non-void: actually assign
1710             emitStoreInsn(name.type, name.index());
1711         }
1712     }
1714     /**
1715      * Emits a return statement from a LF invoker. If required, the result type is cast to the correct return type.
1716      */
1717     private void emitReturn(Name onStack) {
1718         // return statement
1719         Class<?> rclass = invokerType.returnType();
1720         BasicType rtype = lambdaForm.returnType();
1721         assert(rtype == basicType(rclass));  // must agree
1722         if (rtype == V_TYPE) {
1723             // void
1724             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN);
1725             // it doesn't matter what rclass is; the JVM will discard any value
1726         } else {
1727             LambdaForm.Name rn = lambdaForm.names[lambdaForm.result];
1729             // put return value on the stack if it is not already there
1730             if (rn != onStack) {
1731                 emitLoadInsn(rtype, lambdaForm.result);
1732             }
1734             emitImplicitConversion(rtype, rclass, rn);
1736             // generate actual return statement
1737             emitReturnInsn(rtype);
1738         }
1739     }
1741     /**
1742      * Emit a type conversion bytecode casting from "from" to "to".
1743      */
1744     private void emitPrimCast(Wrapper from, Wrapper to) {
1745         // Here's how.
1746         // -   indicates forbidden
1747         // <-> indicates implicit
1748         //      to ----> boolean  byte     short    char     int      long     float    double
1749         // from boolean    <->        -        -        -        -        -        -        -
1750         //      byte        -       <->       i2s      i2c      <->      i2l      i2f      i2d
1751         //      short       -       i2b       <->      i2c      <->      i2l      i2f      i2d
1752         //      char        -       i2b       i2s      <->      <->      i2l      i2f      i2d
1753         //      int         -       i2b       i2s      i2c      <->      i2l      i2f      i2d
1754         //      long        -     l2i,i2b   l2i,i2s  l2i,i2c    l2i      <->      l2f      l2d
1755         //      float       -     f2i,i2b   f2i,i2s  f2i,i2c    f2i      f2l      <->      f2d
1756         //      double      -     d2i,i2b   d2i,i2s  d2i,i2c    d2i      d2l      d2f      <->
1757         if (from == to) {
1758             // no cast required, should be dead code anyway
1759             return;
1760         }
1761         if (from.isSubwordOrInt()) {
1762             // cast from {byte,short,char,int} to anything
1763             emitI2X(to);
1764         } else {
1765             // cast from {long,float,double} to anything
1766             if (to.isSubwordOrInt()) {
1767                 // cast to {byte,short,char,int}
1768                 emitX2I(from);
1769                 if (to.bitWidth() < 32) {
1770                     // targets other than int require another conversion
1771                     emitI2X(to);
1772                 }
1773             } else {
1774                 // cast to {long,float,double} - this is verbose
1775                 boolean error = false;
1776                 switch (from) {
1777                 case LONG:
1778                     switch (to) {
1779                     case FLOAT:   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.L2F);  break;
1780                     case DOUBLE:  mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.L2D);  break;
1781                     default:      error = true;               break;
1782                     }
1783                     break;
1784                 case FLOAT:
1785                     switch (to) {
1786                     case LONG :   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.F2L);  break;
1787                     case DOUBLE:  mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.F2D);  break;
1788                     default:      error = true;               break;
1789                     }
1790                     break;
1791                 case DOUBLE:
1792                     switch (to) {
1793                     case LONG :   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.D2L);  break;
1794                     case FLOAT:   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.D2F);  break;
1795                     default:      error = true;               break;
1796                     }
1797                     break;
1798                 default:
1799                     error = true;
1800                     break;
1801                 }
1802                 if (error) {
1803                     throw new IllegalStateException("unhandled prim cast: " + from + "2" + to);
1804                 }
1805             }
1806         }
1807     }
1809     private void emitI2X(Wrapper type) {
1810         switch (type) {
1811         case BYTE:    mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2B);  break;
1812         case SHORT:   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2S);  break;
1813         case CHAR:    mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2C);  break;
1814         case INT:     /* naught */                break;
1815         case LONG:    mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2L);  break;
1816         case FLOAT:   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2F);  break;
1817         case DOUBLE:  mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.I2D);  break;
1818         case BOOLEAN:
1819             // For compatibility with ValueConversions and explicitCastArguments:
1820             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_1);
1821             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.IAND);
1822             break;
1823         default:   throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
1824         }
1825     }
1827     private void emitX2I(Wrapper type) {
1828         switch (type) {
1829         case LONG:    mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.L2I);  break;
1830         case FLOAT:   mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.F2I);  break;
1831         case DOUBLE:  mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.D2I);  break;
1832         default:      throw new InternalError("unknown type: " + type);
1833         }
1834     }
1836     /**
1837      * Generate bytecode for a LambdaForm.vmentry which calls interpretWithArguments.
1838      */
1839     static MemberName generateLambdaFormInterpreterEntryPoint(MethodType mt) {
1840         assert(isValidSignature(basicTypeSignature(mt)));
1841         String name = "interpret_"+basicTypeChar(mt.returnType());
1842         MethodType type = mt;  // includes leading argument
1843         type = type.changeParameterType(0, MethodHandle.class);
1844         InvokerBytecodeGenerator g = new InvokerBytecodeGenerator("LFI", name, type);
1845         return g.loadMethod(g.generateLambdaFormInterpreterEntryPointBytes());
1846     }
1848     private byte[] generateLambdaFormInterpreterEntryPointBytes() {
1849         classFilePrologue();
1850         methodPrologue();
1852         // Suppress this method in backtraces displayed to the user.
1853         mv.visitAnnotation(HIDDEN_SIG, true);
1855         // Don't inline the interpreter entry.
1856         mv.visitAnnotation(DONTINLINE_SIG, true);
1858         // create parameter array
1859         emitIconstInsn(invokerType.parameterCount());
1860         mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, "java/lang/Object");
1862         // fill parameter array
1863         for (int i = 0; i < invokerType.parameterCount(); i++) {
1864             Class<?> ptype = invokerType.parameterType(i);
1865             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
1866             emitIconstInsn(i);
1867             emitLoadInsn(basicType(ptype), i);
1868             // box if primitive type
1869             if (ptype.isPrimitive()) {
1870                 emitBoxing(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(ptype));
1871             }
1872             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AASTORE);
1873         }
1874         // invoke
1875         emitAloadInsn(0);
1876         mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETFIELD, MH, "form", "Ljava/lang/invoke/LambdaForm;");
1877         mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.SWAP);  // swap form and array; avoid local variable
1878         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, LF, "interpretWithArguments", "([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", false);
1880         // maybe unbox
1881         Class<?> rtype = invokerType.returnType();
1882         if (rtype.isPrimitive() && rtype != void.class) {
1883             emitUnboxing(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(rtype));
1884         }
1886         // return statement
1887         emitReturnInsn(basicType(rtype));
1889         methodEpilogue();
1890         clinit();
1891         bogusMethod(invokerType);
1893         final byte[] classFile = cw.toByteArray();
1894         maybeDump(classFile);
1895         return classFile;
1896     }
1898     /**
1899      * Generate bytecode for a NamedFunction invoker.
1900      */
1901     static MemberName generateNamedFunctionInvoker(MethodTypeForm typeForm) {
1902         MethodType invokerType = NamedFunction.INVOKER_METHOD_TYPE;
1903         String invokerName = "invoke_" + shortenSignature(basicTypeSignature(typeForm.erasedType()));
1904         InvokerBytecodeGenerator g = new InvokerBytecodeGenerator("NFI", invokerName, invokerType);
1905         return g.loadMethod(g.generateNamedFunctionInvokerImpl(typeForm));
1906     }
1908     private byte[] generateNamedFunctionInvokerImpl(MethodTypeForm typeForm) {
1909         MethodType dstType = typeForm.erasedType();
1910         classFilePrologue();
1911         methodPrologue();
1913         // Suppress this method in backtraces displayed to the user.
1914         mv.visitAnnotation(HIDDEN_SIG, true);
1916         // Force inlining of this invoker method.
1917         mv.visitAnnotation(FORCEINLINE_SIG, true);
1919         // Load receiver
1920         emitAloadInsn(0);
1922         // Load arguments from array
1923         for (int i = 0; i < dstType.parameterCount(); i++) {
1924             emitAloadInsn(1);
1925             emitIconstInsn(i);
1926             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.AALOAD);
1928             // Maybe unbox
1929             Class<?> dptype = dstType.parameterType(i);
1930             if (dptype.isPrimitive()) {
1931                 Wrapper dstWrapper = Wrapper.forBasicType(dptype);
1932                 Wrapper srcWrapper = dstWrapper.isSubwordOrInt() ? Wrapper.INT : dstWrapper;  // narrow subword from int
1933                 emitUnboxing(srcWrapper);
1934                 emitPrimCast(srcWrapper, dstWrapper);
1935             }
1936         }
1938         // Invoke
1939         String targetDesc = dstType.basicType().toMethodDescriptorString();
1940         mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, MH, "invokeBasic", targetDesc, false);
1942         // Box primitive types
1943         Class<?> rtype = dstType.returnType();
1944         if (rtype != void.class && rtype.isPrimitive()) {
1945             Wrapper srcWrapper = Wrapper.forBasicType(rtype);
1946             Wrapper dstWrapper = srcWrapper.isSubwordOrInt() ? Wrapper.INT : srcWrapper;  // widen subword to int
1947             // boolean casts not allowed
1948             emitPrimCast(srcWrapper, dstWrapper);
1949             emitBoxing(dstWrapper);
1950         }
1952         // If the return type is void we return a null reference.
1953         if (rtype == void.class) {
1954             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL);
1955         }
1956         emitReturnInsn(L_TYPE);  // NOTE: NamedFunction invokers always return a reference value.
1958         methodEpilogue();
1959         clinit();
1960         bogusMethod(dstType);
1962         final byte[] classFile = cw.toByteArray();
1963         maybeDump(classFile);
1964         return classFile;
1965     }
1967     /**
1968      * Emit a bogus method that just loads some string constants. This is to get the constants into the constant pool
1969      * for debugging purposes.
1970      */
1971     private void bogusMethod(Object os) {
1972         if (DUMP_CLASS_FILES) {
1973             mv = cw.visitMethod(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, "dummy", "()V", null, null);
1974             mv.visitLdcInsn(os.toString());
1975             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.POP);
1976             mv.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN);
1977             mv.visitMaxs(0, 0);
1978             mv.visitEnd();
1979         }
1980     }
1981 }