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rev 58770 : [mq]: svc-spec-update

  53                               "(for example, \"Ljava/lang/String;\"). "
  54             )
  55         )
  56         (Reply
  57             (Repeat classes "Number of reference types that follow."
  58                 (Group ClassInfo
  59                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
  60                                       "of following reference type. ")
  61                     (referenceTypeID typeID "Matching loaded reference type")
  62                     (int status "The current class "
  63                                 "<a href=\"#JDWP_ClassStatus\">status.</a> ")
  64                 )
  65             )
  66         )
  67         (ErrorSet
  68             (Error VM_DEAD)
  69         )
  70     )
  71     (Command AllClasses=3
  72         "Returns reference types for all classes currently loaded by the "
  73         "target VM."

  74         (Out
  75         )
  76         (Reply
  77             (Repeat classes "Number of reference types that follow."
  78                 (Group ClassInfo
  79                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
  80                                       "of following reference type. ")
  81                     (referenceTypeID typeID "Loaded reference type")
  82                     (string signature
  83                                 "The JNI signature of the loaded reference type")
  84                     (int status "The current class "
  85                                 "<a href=\"#JDWP_ClassStatus\">status.</a> ")
  86                 )
  87             )
  88         )
  89         (ErrorSet
  90             (Error VM_DEAD)
  91         )
  92     )
  93     (Command AllThreads=4

 583     )
 584     (Command AllModules=22
 585         "Returns all modules in the target VM."
 586         "<p>Since JDWP version 9."
 587         (Out
 588         )
 589         (Reply
 590             (Repeat modules "The number of the modules that follow."
 591                 (moduleID module "One of the modules.")
 592             )
 593         )
 594         (ErrorSet
 595             (Error NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
 596             (Error VM_DEAD)
 597         )
 598     )
 599 )
 601 (CommandSet ReferenceType=2
 602     (Command Signature=1
 603         "Returns the JNI signature of a reference type. "
 604         "JNI signature formats are described in the "
 605         "<a href=\"../jni/index.html\">Java Native Interface Specification</a>"
 606         "<p>
 607         "For primitive classes "
 608         "the returned signature is the signature of the corresponding primitive "
 609         "type; for example, \"I\" is returned as the signature of the class "
 610         "represented by java.lang.Integer.TYPE."
 611         (Out
 612             (referenceType refType "The reference type ID.")
 613         )
 614         (Reply
 615             (string signature
 616                 "The JNI signature for the reference type.")
 617         )
 618         (ErrorSet
 619             (Error INVALID_CLASS     "refType is not the ID of a reference "
 620                                      "type.")
 621             (Error INVALID_OBJECT    "refType is not a known ID.")
 622             (Error VM_DEAD)
 623         )
 624     )
 625     (Command ClassLoader=2
 626         "Returns the instance of java.lang.ClassLoader which loaded "
 627         "a given reference type. If the reference type was loaded by the "
 628         "system class loader, the returned object ID is null."
 629         (Out
 630             (referenceType refType "The reference type ID.")

2249         "array component type and the array component type must be loaded. "
2250         (Out
2251             (arrayObject arrayObject "The array object ID. ")
2252             (int firstIndex "The first index to set.")
2253             (Repeat values "The number of values to set. "
2254                 (untagged-value value "A value to set. ")
2255             )
2256         )
2257         (Reply "none"
2258         )
2259         (ErrorSet
2260             (Error INVALID_LENGTH "If index is beyond the end of this array.")
2261             (Error INVALID_OBJECT    "arrayObject is not a known ID.")
2262             (Error INVALID_ARRAY)
2263             (Error VM_DEAD)
2264         )
2265     )
2266 )
2267 (CommandSet ClassLoaderReference=14
2268     (Command VisibleClasses=1
2269         "Returns a list of all classes which this class loader has "
2270         "been requested to load. This class loader is considered to be "
2271         "an <i>initiating</i> class loader for each class in the returned "
2272         "list. The list contains each "
2273         "reference type defined by this loader and any types for which "

2274         "loading was delegated by this class loader to another class loader. "

2275         "<p>"
2276         "The visible class list has useful properties with respect to "
2277         "the type namespace. A particular type name will occur at most "
2278         "once in the list. Each field or variable declared with that "
2279         "type name in a class defined by "
2280         "this class loader must be resolved to that single type. "
2281         "<p>"
2282         "No ordering of the returned list is guaranteed. "

2283         (Out
2284             (classLoaderObject classLoaderObject "The class loader object ID. ")
2285         )
2286         (Reply
2287             (Repeat classes "The number of visible classes. "
2288                 (Group ClassInfo
2289                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
2290                                       "of following reference type. ")
2291                     (referenceTypeID typeID
2292                         "A class visible to this class loader.")
2293                 )
2294             )
2295         )
2296         (ErrorSet
2297             (Error INVALID_OBJECT)
2298             (Error INVALID_CLASS_LOADER)
2299             (Error VM_DEAD)
2300         )
2301     )
2302 )

  53                               "(for example, \"Ljava/lang/String;\"). "
  54             )
  55         )
  56         (Reply
  57             (Repeat classes "Number of reference types that follow."
  58                 (Group ClassInfo
  59                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
  60                                       "of following reference type. ")
  61                     (referenceTypeID typeID "Matching loaded reference type")
  62                     (int status "The current class "
  63                                 "<a href=\"#JDWP_ClassStatus\">status.</a> ")
  64                 )
  65             )
  66         )
  67         (ErrorSet
  68             (Error VM_DEAD)
  69         )
  70     )
  71     (Command AllClasses=3
  72         "Returns reference types for all classes currently loaded by the "
  73         "target VM. "
  74         "See <a href=\"../jvmti.html#GetLoadedClasses\">JVM TI GetLoadedClasses</a>."
  75         (Out
  76         )
  77         (Reply
  78             (Repeat classes "Number of reference types that follow."
  79                 (Group ClassInfo
  80                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
  81                                       "of following reference type. ")
  82                     (referenceTypeID typeID "Loaded reference type")
  83                     (string signature
  84                                 "The JNI signature of the loaded reference type")
  85                     (int status "The current class "
  86                                 "<a href=\"#JDWP_ClassStatus\">status.</a> ")
  87                 )
  88             )
  89         )
  90         (ErrorSet
  91             (Error VM_DEAD)
  92         )
  93     )
  94     (Command AllThreads=4

 584     )
 585     (Command AllModules=22
 586         "Returns all modules in the target VM."
 587         "<p>Since JDWP version 9."
 588         (Out
 589         )
 590         (Reply
 591             (Repeat modules "The number of the modules that follow."
 592                 (moduleID module "One of the modules.")
 593             )
 594         )
 595         (ErrorSet
 596             (Error NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
 597             (Error VM_DEAD)
 598         )
 599     )
 600 )
 602 (CommandSet ReferenceType=2
 603     (Command Signature=1
 604         "Returns the type signature of a reference type. "
 605         "Type signature formats are the same as specified in "
 606         "<a href=\"../jvmti.html#GetClassSignature\">JVM TI GetClassSignature</a>."

 607         (Out
 608             (referenceType refType "The reference type ID.")
 609         )
 610         (Reply
 611             (string signature
 612                 "The JNI signature for the reference type.")
 613         )
 614         (ErrorSet
 615             (Error INVALID_CLASS     "refType is not the ID of a reference "
 616                                      "type.")
 617             (Error INVALID_OBJECT    "refType is not a known ID.")
 618             (Error VM_DEAD)
 619         )
 620     )
 621     (Command ClassLoader=2
 622         "Returns the instance of java.lang.ClassLoader which loaded "
 623         "a given reference type. If the reference type was loaded by the "
 624         "system class loader, the returned object ID is null."
 625         (Out
 626             (referenceType refType "The reference type ID.")

2245         "array component type and the array component type must be loaded. "
2246         (Out
2247             (arrayObject arrayObject "The array object ID. ")
2248             (int firstIndex "The first index to set.")
2249             (Repeat values "The number of values to set. "
2250                 (untagged-value value "A value to set. ")
2251             )
2252         )
2253         (Reply "none"
2254         )
2255         (ErrorSet
2256             (Error INVALID_LENGTH "If index is beyond the end of this array.")
2257             (Error INVALID_OBJECT    "arrayObject is not a known ID.")
2258             (Error INVALID_ARRAY)
2259             (Error VM_DEAD)
2260         )
2261     )
2262 )
2263 (CommandSet ClassLoaderReference=14
2264     (Command VisibleClasses=1
2265         "Returns a list of all classes which this class loader can find "
2266         "by name via <code>ClassLoader::loadClass</code>, "
2267         "<code>Class::forName</code> and bytecode linkage. That is, "
2268         "this class loader has been recorded as an <i>initiating</i> "
2269         "loader of the returned classes. The list contains each 
2270         "reference type created by this loader and any types for which "
2271         "loading was delegated by this class loader to another class loader. "
2272         "The list does not include hidden classes or interfaces created by "
2273         "the invocation of "
2274         "<a href=\"../../api/java.base/java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles.Lookup.html#defineHiddenClass(byte[],boolean,java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption...)\">Lookup::defineHiddenClass</a> "
2275         "because:"
2276         "<ul>"
2277         "<li>A hidden class or interface cannot be referenced by the "
2278         "constant pools of other classes and interfaces.</li>"
2279         "<li>A hidden class or interface cannot be discovered by any "
2280         "class loader including its defining loader.</li>"
2281         "</ul>"
2282         "<p>"
2283         "In addition, the list does not include array classes whose "
2284         "element type is a hidden class or interface as they cannot not discovered "
2285         "by any class loader."
2286         "<p>"
2287         "The visible class list has useful properties with respect to "
2288         "the type namespace. A particular type name will occur at most "
2289         "once in the list. Each field or variable declared with that "
2290         "type name in a class defined by "
2291         "this class loader must be resolved to that single type. "
2292         "<p>"
2293         "No ordering of the returned list is guaranteed. "
2294         "<p>"
2295         "See <a href=\"../jvmti.html#GetClassLoaderClasses\">JVM TI GetClassLoaderClasses</a>. "
2296         (Out
2297             (classLoaderObject classLoaderObject "The class loader object ID. ")
2298         )
2299         (Reply
2300             (Repeat classes "The number of visible classes. "
2301                 (Group ClassInfo
2302                     (byte refTypeTag  "<a href=\"#JDWP_TypeTag\">Kind</a> "
2303                                       "of following reference type. ")
2304                     (referenceTypeID typeID
2305                         "A class visible to this class loader.")
2306                 )
2307             )
2308         )
2309         (ErrorSet
2310             (Error INVALID_OBJECT)
2311             (Error INVALID_CLASS_LOADER)
2312             (Error VM_DEAD)
2313         )
2314     )
2315 )

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