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rev 764 : 8023433: Improve 'make help'
Reviewed-by: duke

  81     endif
  82 endif
  84 # Include this after a potential spec file has been included so that the bundles target
  85 # has access to the spec variables.
  86 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Jprt.gmk
  88 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
  89 # If you addd more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
  91 help:
  92         $(info )
  93         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
  94         $(info =====================)
  95         $(info )
  96         $(info Common make targets)
  97         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all product in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
  98         $(info .                         # corba and jdk)
  99         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos and images)
 100         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)

 101         $(info .  make overlay-images    # Create limited images for sparc 64 bit platforms)
 102         $(info .  make profiles          # Create complete j2re compact profile images)
 103         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly build JDK)
 104         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 105         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 106         $(info .                         # generated by configure)
 107         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)
 108         $(info .  make help              # Give some help on using make)
 109         $(info .  make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))
 110         $(info )
 111         $(info Targets for specific components)
 112         $(info (Component is any of langtools, corba, jaxp, jaxws, hotspot, jdk, images or overlay-images))
 113         $(info .  make <component>       # Build <component> and everything it depends on. )
 114         $(info .  make <component>-only  # Build <component> only, without dependencies. This)
 115         $(info .                         # is faster but can result in incorrect build results!)
 116         $(info .  make clean-<component> # Remove files generated by make for <component>)
 117         $(info )
 118         $(info Useful make variables)
 119         $(info .  make CONF=             # Build all configurations (note, assignment is empty))
 120         $(info .  make CONF=<substring>  # Build the configuration(s) with a name matching)
 121         $(info .                         # <substring>)
 122         $(info )
 123         $(info .  make LOG=<loglevel>    # Change the log level from warn to <loglevel>)
 124         $(info .                         # Available log levels are:)
 125         $(info .                         # 'warn' (default), 'info', 'debug' and 'trace')
 126         $(info .                         # To see executed command lines, use LOG=debug)
 127         $(info )
 128         $(info .  make JOBS=<n>          # Run <n> parallel make jobs)
 129         $(info .                         # Note that -jN does not work as expected!)
 130         $(info )
 131         $(info .  make test TEST=<test>  # Only run the given test or tests, e.g.)
 132         $(info .                         # make test TEST="jdk_lang jdk_net")

  81     endif
  82 endif
  84 # Include this after a potential spec file has been included so that the bundles target
  85 # has access to the spec variables.
  86 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Jprt.gmk
  88 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
  89 # If you addd more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
  91 help:
  92         $(info )
  93         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
  94         $(info =====================)
  95         $(info )
  96         $(info Common make targets)
  97         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all product in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
  98         $(info .                         # corba and jdk)
  99         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos and images)
 100         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)
 101         $(info .  make docs              # Create javadocs)
 102         $(info .  make overlay-images    # Create limited images for sparc 64 bit platforms)
 103         $(info .  make profiles          # Create complete j2re compact profile images)
 104         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly build JDK)
 105         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 106         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 107         $(info .                         # generated by configure)
 108         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)
 109         $(info .  make help              # Give some help on using make)
 110         $(info .  make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))
 111         $(info )
 112         $(info Targets for specific components)
 113         $(info (Component is any of langtools, corba, jaxp, jaxws, hotspot, jdk, nashorn images or overlay-images, docs, test))
 114         $(info .  make <component>       # Build <component> and everything it depends on. )
 115         $(info .  make <component>-only  # Build <component> only, without dependencies. This)
 116         $(info .                         # is faster but can result in incorrect build results!)
 117         $(info .  make clean-<component> # Remove files generated by make for <component>)
 118         $(info )
 119         $(info Useful make variables)
 120         $(info .  make CONF=             # Build all configurations (note, assignment is empty))
 121         $(info .  make CONF=<substring>  # Build the configuration(s) with a name matching)
 122         $(info .                         # <substring>)
 123         $(info )
 124         $(info .  make LOG=<loglevel>    # Change the log level from warn to <loglevel>)
 125         $(info .                         # Available log levels are:)
 126         $(info .                         # 'warn' (default), 'info', 'debug' and 'trace')
 127         $(info .                         # To see executed command lines, use LOG=debug)
 128         $(info )
 129         $(info .  make JOBS=<n>          # Run <n> parallel make jobs)
 130         $(info .                         # Note that -jN does not work as expected!)
 131         $(info )
 132         $(info .  make test TEST=<test>  # Only run the given test or tests, e.g.)
 133         $(info .                         # make test TEST="jdk_lang jdk_net")