1 #!/bin/sh
   3 #
   4 # Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   6 #
   7 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   8 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   9 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 # Shell script for a fast parallel forest command
  28 global_opts=""
  29 status_output="/dev/stdout"
  30 qflag="false"
  31 vflag="false"
  32 sflag="false"
  33 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
  34 do
  35   case $1 in
  36     -q | --quiet )
  37       qflag="true"
  38       global_opts="${global_opts} -q"
  39       status_output="/dev/null"
  40       ;;
  42     -v | --verbose )
  43       vflag="true"
  44       global_opts="${global_opts} -v"
  45       ;;
  47     -s | --sequential )
  48       sflag="true"
  49       ;;
  51     '--' ) # no more options
  52       shift; break
  53       ;;
  55     -*)  # bad option
  56       usage
  57       ;;
  59      * )  # non option
  60       break
  61       ;;
  62   esac
  63   shift
  64 done
  67 command="$1"; shift
  68 command_args="$@"
  70 usage() {
  71       echo "usage: $0 [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--sequential] [--] <command> [commands...]" > ${status_output}
  72       exit 1
  73 }
  76 if [ "x" = "x$command" ] ; then
  77   echo "ERROR: No command to hg supplied!"
  78   usage
  79 fi
  81 # Clean out the temporary directory that stores the pid files.
  82 tmp=/tmp/forest.$$
  83 rm -f -r ${tmp}
  84 mkdir -p ${tmp}
  86 safe_interrupt () {
  87   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
  88     if [ "`ls ${tmp}/*.pid`" != "" ]; then
  89       echo "Waiting for processes ( `cat ${tmp}/*.pid | tr '\n' ' '`) to terminate nicely!" > ${status_output}
  90       sleep 1
  91       # Pipe stderr to dev/null to silence kill, that complains when trying to kill
  92       # a subprocess that has already exited.
  93       kill -TERM `cat ${tmp}/*.pid | tr '\n' ' '` 2> /dev/null
  94       wait
  95       echo "Interrupt complete!" > ${status_output}
  96     fi
  97     rm -f -r ${tmp}
  98   fi
  99   exit 130
 100 }
 102 nice_exit () {
 103   if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
 104     if [ "`ls ${tmp}`" != "" ]; then
 105       wait
 106     fi
 107     rm -f -r ${tmp}
 108   fi
 109 }
 111 trap 'safe_interrupt' INT QUIT
 112 trap 'nice_exit' EXIT
 114 subrepos="corba jaxp jaxws langtools jdk hotspot nashorn"
 115 subrepos_extra="closed jdk/src/closed jdk/make/closed jdk/test/closed hotspot/make/closed hotspot/src/closed hotspot/test/closed deploy install sponsors pubs"
 117 # Only look in specific locations for possible forests (avoids long searches)
 118 pull_default=""
 119 repos=""
 120 repos_extra=""
 121 if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone" ] ; then
 122   if [ ! -f .hg/hgrc ] ; then
 123     echo "ERROR: Need initial repository to use this script" > ${status_output}
 124     exit 1
 125   fi
 127   pull_default=`hg paths default`
 128   if [ "${pull_default}" = "" ] ; then
 129     echo "ERROR: Need initial clone with 'hg paths default' defined" > ${status_output}
 130     exit 1
 131   fi
 133   for i in ${subrepos} ; do
 134     if [ ! -f ${i}/.hg/hgrc ] ; then
 135       repos="${repos} ${i}"
 136     fi
 137   done
 138   if [ "${command_args}" != "" ] ; then
 139     pull_default_tail=`echo ${pull_default} | sed -e 's@^.*://[^/]*/\(.*\)@\1@'`
 140     if [ "x${pull_default}" = "x${pull_default_tail}" ] ; then
 141       echo "ERROR: Need initial clone from non-local source" > ${status_output}
 142       exit 1
 143     fi
 144     pull_extra="${command_args}/${pull_default_tail}"
 145     for i in ${subrepos_extra} ; do
 146       if [ ! -f ${i}/.hg/hgrc ] ; then
 147         repos_extra="${repos_extra} ${i}"
 148       fi
 149     done
 150   fi
 151   at_a_time=2
 152   # Any repos to deal with?
 153   if [ "${repos}" = "" -a "${repos_extra}" = "" ] ; then
 154     echo "No repositories to process." > ${status_output}
 155     exit
 156   fi
 157 else
 158   for i in . ${subrepos} ${subrepos_extra} ; do
 159     if [ -d ${i}/.hg ] ; then
 160       repos="${repos} ${i}"
 161     fi
 162   done
 164   # Any repos to deal with?
 165   if [ "${repos}" = "" ] ; then
 166     echo "No repositories to process." > ${status_output}
 167     exit
 168   fi
 170   # any of the repos locked?
 171   for i in ${repos} ; do
 172     if [ -h ${i}/.hg/store/lock -o -f ${i}/.hg/store/lock ] ; then
 173       locked="${i} ${locked}"
 174     fi
 175   done
 176   if [ "${locked}" != "" ] ; then
 177     echo "ERROR: These repositories are locked: ${locked}" > ${status_output}
 178     exit 1
 179   fi
 180   at_a_time=8
 181 fi
 183 # Echo out what repositories we do a command on.
 184 echo "# Repositories: ${repos} ${repos_extra}" > ${status_output}
 186 if [ "${command}" = "serve" ] ; then
 187   # "serve" is run for all the repos.
 188   (
 189     (
 190       (
 191         echo "[web]"
 192         echo "description = $(basename $(pwd))"
 193         echo "allow_push = *"
 194         echo "push_ssl = False"
 196         echo "[paths]"
 197         for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
 198           if [ "${i}" != "." ] ; then
 199             echo "/$(basename $(pwd))/${i} = ${i}"
 200           else
 201             echo "/$(basename $(pwd)) = $(pwd)"
 202           fi
 203         done
 204       ) > ${tmp}/serve.web-conf
 206       echo "serving root repo $(basename $(pwd))"
 208       (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} serve -A ${status_output} -E ${status_output} --pid-file ${tmp}/serve.pid --web-conf ${tmp}/serve.web-conf; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/serve.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
 209     ) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@serve:   @" > ${status_output}
 210   ) &
 211 else
 212   # Run the supplied command on all repos in parallel.
 213   n=0
 214   for i in ${repos} ${repos_extra} ; do
 215     n=`expr ${n} '+' 1`
 216     repopidfile=`echo ${i} | sed -e 's@./@@' -e 's@/@_@g'`
 217     reponame=`echo ${i} | sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,20\}$/ &/;ta'`
 218     pull_base="${pull_default}"
 219     for j in $repos_extra ; do
 220       if [ "$i" = "$j" ] ; then
 221           pull_base="${pull_extra}"
 222       fi
 223     done
 224     (
 225       (
 226         if [ "${command}" = "clone" -o "${command}" = "fclone" -o "${command}" = "tclone" ] ; then
 227           pull_newrepo="`echo ${pull_base}/${i} | sed -e 's@\([^:]/\)//*@\1@g'`"
 228           path="`dirname ${i}`"
 229           if [ "${path}" != "." ] ; then
 230             times=0
 231             while [ ! -d "${path}" ]   ## nested repo, ensure containing dir exists
 232             do
 233               times=`expr ${times} '+' 1`
 234               if [ `expr ${times} '%' 10` -eq 0 ] ; then
 235                 echo "${path} still not created, waiting..." > ${status_output}
 236               fi
 237               sleep 5
 238             done
 239           fi
 240           echo "hg clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}" > ${status_output}
 241           (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} clone ${pull_newrepo} ${i}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
 242         else
 243           echo "cd ${i} && hg${global_opts} ${command} ${command_args}" > ${status_output}
 244           cd ${i} && (PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true hg${global_opts} ${command} ${command_args}; echo "$?" > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid.rc ) 2>&1 &
 245         fi
 247         echo $! > ${tmp}/${repopidfile}.pid
 248       ) 2>&1 | sed -e "s@^@${reponame}:   @" > ${status_output}
 249     ) &
 251     if [ `expr ${n} '%' ${at_a_time}` -eq 0 -a "${sflag}" = "false" ] ; then
 252       sleep 2
 253       echo "Waiting 5 secs before spawning next background command." > ${status_output}
 254       sleep 3
 255     fi
 257     if [ "${sflag}" = "true" ] ; then
 258         wait
 259     fi
 260   done
 261 fi
 263 # Wait for all hg commands to complete
 264 wait
 266 # Terminate with exit 0 only if all subprocesses were successful
 267 ec=0
 268 if [ -d ${tmp} ]; then
 269   for rc in ${tmp}/*.pid.rc ; do
 270     exit_code=`cat ${rc} | tr -d ' \n\r'`
 271     if [ "${exit_code}" != "0" ] ; then
 272       repo="`echo ${rc} | sed -e s@^${tmp}@@ -e 's@/*\([^/]*\)\.pid\.rc$@\1@' -e 's@_@/@g'`"
 273       echo "WARNING: ${repo} exited abnormally." > ${status_output}
 274       ec=1
 275     fi
 276   done
 277 fi
 278 exit ${ec}