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rev 49619 : JEP 328 : Flight Recorder open source preview

@@ -643,6 +643,354 @@
   <event id="ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_outside_TLAB" label="Allocation outside TLAB"
          description="Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
     <value type="CLASS" field="objectClass" label="Object Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
     <value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
+   <event id="OldObjectSample" path="java/old_object" label="Old Object Sample"
+       description="A potential memory leak" has_stacktrace="true" has_thread="true" is_instant="true" cutoff="true">
+    <value type="TICKS" field="allocationTime" label="Allocation Time"/>
+    <value type="OLDOBJECT" field="object" label="Object"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="arrayElements" label="Array Elements" description="If the object is an array, the number of elements, or -1 if it is not an array"/>
+    <value type="OLDOBJECTGCROOT" field="root" label="GC Root"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="DumpReason" path="flight_recorder/dump_reason" label="Recording Reason"
+         description="Who requested the recording and why" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="reason" label="Reason" description="Reason for writing recording data to disk"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="recordingId" label="Recording Id"  description="Id of the recording that triggered the dump, or -1 if it was not related to a recording"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="DataLoss" path="flight_recorder/data_loss" label="Data Loss"
+         description="Data could not be copied out from a buffer, typically because of contention" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="BYTES" field="amount" label="Amount" description="Amount lost data"/>
+    <value type="BYTES" field="total" label="Total" description="Total lost amount for thread"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="JVMInformation" path="vm/info" label="JVM Information"
+         description="Description of JVM and the Java application"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="jvmName" label="JVM Name"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="jvmVersion" label="JVM Version"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="jvmArguments" label="JVM Command Line Arguments"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="jvmFlags" label="JVM Settings File Arguments"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="javaArguments" label="Java Application Arguments"/>
+    <value type="EPOCHMILLIS" field="jvmStartTime" label="JVM Start Time"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="OSInformation" path="os/information" label="OS Information"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="osVersion" label="OS Version"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="InitialSystemProperty" path="vm/initial_system_property" label="Initial System Property"
+         description="System Property at JVM start" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="key" label="Key"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="value" label="Value"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="InitialEnvironmentVariable" path="os/initial_environment_variable" label="Initial Environment Variable"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="key" label="Key"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="value" label="Value"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="SystemProcess" path="os/system_process" label="System Process"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="pid" label="Process Identifier"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="commandLine" label="Command Line"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CPUInformation" path="os/processor/cpu_information" label="CPU Information"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="cpu" label="Type"/>
+    <value type="STRING" field="description" label="Description"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="sockets" label="Sockets"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="cores" label="Cores"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="hwThreads" label="Hardware Threads"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CPUTimeStampCounter" path="os/processor/cpu_tsc" label="CPU Time Stamp Counter"
+         is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="fastTimeEnabled" label="Fast Time"/>
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="fastTimeAutoEnabled" label="Trusted Platform"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="osFrequency" label="OS Frequency Per Second"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="fastTimeFrequency" label="Fast Time Frequency per Second"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CPULoad" path="os/processor/cpu_load" label="CPU Load"
+         description="OS CPU Load" is_requestable="true">
+  <value type="PERCENTAGE" field="jvmUser" label="JVM User"/>
+  <value type="PERCENTAGE" field="jvmSystem" label="JVM System"/>
+  <value type="PERCENTAGE" field="machineTotal" label="Machine Total"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ThreadCPULoad" path="os/processor/thread_cpu_load" label="Thread CPU Load"
+         is_requestable="true" has_thread="true">
+    <value type="PERCENTAGE" field="user" label="User Mode CPU Load" description="User mode thread CPU load"/>
+    <value type="PERCENTAGE" field="system" label="System Mode CPU Load" description="System mode thread CPU load"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ThreadContextSwitchRate" path="os/processor/context_switch_rate"
+         label="Thread Context Switch Rate" is_requestable="true">
+  <value type="FLOAT" field="switchRate" label="Switch Rate" description="Number of context switches per second"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="JavaThreadStatistics" path="java/statistics/threads" label="Java Thread Statistics"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="LONG" field="activeCount" label="Active Threads"  description="Number of live active threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="daemonCount" label="Daemon Threads" description="Number of live daemon threads"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="accumulatedCount" label="Accumulated Threads" description="Number of threads created and also started since JVM start"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="peakCount" label="Peak Threads" description="Peak live thread count since JVM start or when peak count was reset"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ClassLoadingStatistics" path="java/statistics/class_loading" label="Class Loading Statistics"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="LONG" field="loadedClassCount" label="Loaded Class Count"  description="Number of classes loaded since JVM start"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="unloadedClassCount" label="Unloaded Class Count" description="Number of classes unloaded since JVM start"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ClassLoaderStatistics" path="java/statistics/class_loaders" label="Class Loader Statistics"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="CLASSLOADER" field="classLoader" label="Class Loader"/>
+    <value type="CLASSLOADER" field="parentClassLoader" label="Parent Class Loader"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="classLoaderData" label="ClassLoaderData pointer" description="Pointer to the ClassLoaderData structure in the JVM"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="classCount" label="Classes" description="Number of loaded classes"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="chunkSize" label="Total Chunk Size" description="Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks (each chunk has several blocks)"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="blockSize" label="Total Block Size" description="Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks (each chunk has several blocks)"/>
+    <value type="LONG" field="anonymousClassCount" label="Unsafe Anonymous Classes" description="Number of loaded classes to support invokedynamic"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="anonymousChunkSize" label="Total Unsafe Anonymous Classes Chunk Size" description="Total size of all allocated metaspace chunks for anonymous classes (each chunk has several blocks)"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="anonymousBlockSize" label="Total Unsafe Anonymous Classes Block Size" description="Total size of all allocated metaspace blocks for anonymous classes (each chunk has several blocks)"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ThreadAllocationStatistics" path="java/statistics/thread_allocation" label="Thread Allocation Statistics"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="allocated" label="Allocated" description="Approximate number of bytes allocated since thread start"/>
+    <value type="THREAD" field="thread" label="Thread"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="PhysicalMemory" path="os/memory/physical_memory" label="Physical Memory"
+         description="OS Physical Memory" is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Size"
+        description="Total amount of physical memory available to OS"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="usedSize" label="Used Size"
+        description="Total amount of physical memory in use"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ExecutionSample" path="vm/prof/execution_sample" label="Method Profiling Sample"
+         description="Snapshot of a threads state"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="THREAD" field="sampledThread" label="Thread"/>
+    <value type="STACKTRACE" field="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace"/>
+    <value type="THREADSTATE" field="state" label="Thread State"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="NativeMethodSample" path="vm/prof/native_method_sample" label="Method Profiling Sample Native"
+         description="Snapshot of a threads state when in native"
+         is_requestable="true" ignore_check="true">
+    <value type="THREAD" field="sampledThread" label="Thread"/>
+    <value type="STACKTRACE" field="stackTrace" label="Stack Trace"/>
+    <value type="THREADSTATE" field="state" label="Thread State"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ThreadDump" path="vm/runtime/thread_dump" label="Thread Dump"
+         is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="result" label="Thread Dump"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="NativeLibrary" path="vm/runtime/native_library" label="Native Library" is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="baseAddress" label="Base Address" description="Starting address of the module"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="topAddress" label="Top Address" description="Ending address of the module"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ModuleRequire" path="vm/runtime/modules/module_require" label="Module Require"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" description="A directed edge representing a dependency">
+    <value type="MODULE" field="source" label="Source Module"/>
+    <value type="MODULE" field="requiredModule" label="Required Module"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="ModuleExport" path="vm/runtime/modules/module_export" label="Module Export"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="PACKAGE" field="exportedPackage" label="Exported Package"/>
+    <value type="MODULE" field="targetModule" label="Target Module"
+           description="Module to which the package is qualifiedly exported.
+             If null, the package is unqualifiedly exported"/>
+  </event>
+  <!-- Compiler events -->
+  <event id="CompilerStatistics" path="vm/compiler/stats" label="Compiler Statistics"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="compileCount" label="Compiled Methods"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="bailoutCount" label="Bailouts"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="invalidatedCount" label="Invalidated Compilations"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="osrCompileCount" label="OSR Compilations"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="standardCompileCount" label="Standard Compilations"/>
+    <value type="BYTES" field="osrBytesCompiled" label="OSR Bytes Compiled"/>
+    <value type="BYTES" field="standardBytesCompiled" label="Standard Bytes Compiled"/>
+    <value type="BYTES" field="nmetodsSize" label="Compilation Resulting Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES" field="nmetodCodeSize" label="Compilation Resulting Code Size"/>
+    <value type="MILLIS" field="peakTimeSpent" label="Peak Time"/>
+    <value type="MILLIS" field="totalTimeSpent" label="Total time"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CompilerConfiguration" path="vm/compiler/config" label="Compiler Configuration"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="threadCount" label="Thread Count"/>
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="tieredCompilation" label="Tiered Compilation"/>
+  </event>
+  <!-- Code cache events -->
+  <event id="CodeCacheStatistics" path="vm/code_cache/stats" label="Code Cache Statistics"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="CODEBLOBTYPE" field="codeBlobType" label="Code Heap"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CodeCacheConfiguration" path="vm/code_cache/config" label="Code Cache Configuration"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="initialSize" label="Initial Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="reservedSize" label="Reserved Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="nonNMethodSize" label="Non-nmethod Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="profiledSize" label="Profiled Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="nonProfiledSize" label="Non-profiled Size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="expansionSize" label="Expansion size"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="minBlockLength" label="Minimum Block Length"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
+  </event>
+  <!-- Code sweeper events -->
+  <event id="CodeSweeperStatistics" path="vm/code_sweeper/stats" label="Code Sweeper Statistics"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="sweepCount" label="Sweeps"/>
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="methodReclaimedCount" label="Methods Reclaimed"/>
+    <value type="TICKSPAN" field="totalSweepTime" label="Time Spent Sweeping"/>
+    <value type="TICKSPAN" field="peakFractionTime" label="Peak Time Fraction Sweep"/>
+    <value type="TICKSPAN" field="peakSweepTime" label="Peak Time Full Sweep"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="CodeSweeperConfiguration" path="vm/code_sweeper/config" label="Code Sweeper Configuration"
+         has_thread="false" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true" is_instant="true">
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="sweeperEnabled" label="Code Sweeper Enabled"/>
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="flushingEnabled" label="Code Cache Flushing Enabled"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="IntFlag" path="vm/flag/int" is_requestable="true" label="Int Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="INTEGER" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="UnsignedIntFlag" path="vm/flag/uint" is_requestable="true" label="Unsigned Int Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="UINT" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="LongFlag" path="vm/flag/long" is_requestable="true" label="Long Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="LONG" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="UnsignedLongFlag" path="vm/flag/ulong" is_requestable="true" label="Unsigned Long Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="ULONG" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="DoubleFlag" path="vm/flag/double" is_requestable="true" label="Double Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="DOUBLE" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="BooleanFlag" path="vm/flag/boolean" is_requestable="true" label="Boolean Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="StringFlag" path="vm/flag/string" is_requestable="true" label="String Flag"
+         is_constant="true">
+    <value type="STRING" field="name" label="Name" />
+    <value type="STRING" field="value" label="Value" />
+    <value type="FLAGVALUEORIGIN" field="origin" label="Origin" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="ObjectCount" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_count" is_instant="true"
+         is_requestable="true" label="Object Count">
+    <value type="UINT" field="gcId"  label="GC Identifier" relation="GcId" />
+    <value type="CLASS" field="objectClass" label="Object Class" />
+    <value type="LONG" field="count" label="Count" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Size" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="G1HeapRegionInformation" path="vm/gc/detailed/g1_heap_region_information" label="G1 Heap Region Information"
+         description="Information about a specific heap region in the G1 GC" is_requestable="true">
+    <value type="UINT" field="index" label="Index" />
+    <value type="G1HEAPREGIONTYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
+    <value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="GCConfiguration" path="vm/gc/configuration/gc" label="GC Configuration"
+         description="The configuration of the garbage collector" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="GCNAME" field="youngCollector" label="Young Garbage Collector" description="The garbage collector used for the young generation"/>
+    <value type="GCNAME" field="oldCollector" label="Old Garbage Collector" description="The garbage collector used for the old generation"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="parallelGCThreads" label="Parallel GC Threads" description="Number of parallel threads to use for garbage collection"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="concurrentGCThreads" label="Concurrent GC Threads" description="Number of concurrent threads to use for garbage collection"/>
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="usesDynamicGCThreads" label="Uses Dynamic GC Threads" description="Whether a dynamic number of GC threads are used or not" />
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="isExplicitGCConcurrent" label="Concurrent Explicit GC" description="Whether System.gc() is concurrent or not"/>
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="isExplicitGCDisabled" label="Disabled Explicit GC" description="Whether System.gc() will cause a garbage collection or not"/>
+    <value type="MILLIS" field="pauseTarget" label="Pause Target" description="Target for GC pauses"/>
+    <value type="UINT" field="gcTimeRatio" label="GC Time Ratio" description="Target for runtime vs garbage collection time"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="GCSurvivorConfiguration" path="vm/gc/configuration/survivor" label="GC Survivor Configuration"
+         description="The configuration of the survivors of garbage collection" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="UBYTE" field="maxTenuringThreshold" label="Maximum Tenuring Threshold" description="Upper limit for the age of how old objects to keep in the survivor area" />
+    <value type="UBYTE" field="initialTenuringThreshold" label="Initial Tenuring Threshold" description="Initial age limit for how old objects to keep in survivor area" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="GCTLABConfiguration" path="vm/gc/configuration/tlab" label="TLAB Configuration"
+         description="The configuration of the Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs)" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="usesTLABs" label="TLABs Used" description="If Thread Local Allocation Buffers (TLABs) are in use"/>
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="minTLABSize" label="Minimum TLAB Size" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="tlabRefillWasteLimit" label="TLAB Refill Waste Limit"/>
+  </event>
+  <event id="GCHeapConfiguration" path="vm/gc/configuration/heap" label="GC Heap Configuration"
+         description="The configuration of the garbage collected heap" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="minSize" label="Minimum Heap Size" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="maxSize" label="Maximum Heap Size" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="initialSize" label="Initial Heap Size" />
+    <value type="BOOLEAN" field="usesCompressedOops" label="If Compressed Oops Are Used" description="If compressed Oops (Ordinary Object Pointers) are enabled" />
+    <value type="NARROWOOPMODE" field="compressedOopsMode" label="Compressed Oops Mode" description="The kind of compressed oops being used" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="objectAlignment" label="Object Alignment" description="Object alignment (in bytes) on the heap" />
+    <value type="UBYTE" field="heapAddressBits" label="Heap Address Size" description="Heap Address Size (in bits)" />
+  </event>
+  <event id="YoungGenerationConfiguration" path="vm/gc/configuration/young_generation" label="Young Generation Configuration"
+         description="The configuration of the young generation of the garbage collected heap" is_requestable="true" is_constant="true">
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="minSize" label="Minimum Young Generation Size" />
+    <value type="BYTES64" field="maxSize" label="Maximum Young Generation Size" />
+    <value type="UINT" field="newRatio" label="New Ratio" description="The size of the young generation relative to the tenured generation" />
+  </event>
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