1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 package com.sun.hotspot.tools.compiler;
  27 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  28 import java.io.File;
  29 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  30 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  31 import java.io.PrintStream;
  32 import java.util.*;
  34 import org.xml.sax.*;
  35 import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
  37 /**
  38  * The LogCompilation tool parses log files generated by HotSpot using the
  39  * {@code -XX:+LogCompilation} command line flag, and outputs the data
  40  * collected therein in a nicely formatted way. There are various sorting
  41  * options available, as well as options that select specific compilation
  42  * events (such as inlining decisions) for inclusion in the output.
  43  * 
  44  * The tool is also capable of fixing broken compilation logs as sometimes
  45  * generated by Java 1.5 JVMs.  
  46  */
  47 public class LogCompilation extends DefaultHandler implements ErrorHandler {
  49     /**
  50      * Print usage information and terminate with a given exit code.
  51      */
  52     public static void usage(int exitcode) {
  53         System.out.println("Usage: LogCompilation [ -v ] [ -c ] [ -s ] [ -e | -n ] file1 ...");
  54         System.out.println("By default, the tool will print the logged compilations ordered by start time.");
  55         System.out.println("  -c:   clean up malformed 1.5 xml");
  56         System.out.println("  -i:   print inlining decisions");
  57         System.out.println("  -S:   print compilation statistics");
  58         System.out.println("  -U:   print uncommon trap statistics");
  59         System.out.println("  -t:   print with time stamps");
  60         System.out.println("  -s:   sort events by start time (default)");
  61         System.out.println("  -e:   sort events by elapsed time");
  62         System.out.println("  -n:   sort events by name and start");
  63         System.out.println("  -C:   compare logs (give files to compare on command line)");
  64         System.out.println("  -d:   do not print compilation IDs");
  65         System.exit(exitcode);
  66     }
  68     /**
  69      * Process command line arguments, parse log files and trigger desired
  70      * functionality. 
  71      */
  72     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
  73         Comparator<LogEvent> sort = LogParser.sortByStart;
  74         boolean statistics = false;
  75         boolean printInlining = false;
  76         boolean cleanup = false;
  77         boolean trapHistory = false;
  78         boolean printTimeStamps = false;
  79         boolean compare = false;
  80         boolean printID = true;
  81         int index = 0;
  83         while (args.length > index) {
  84             String a = args[index];
  85             if (a.equals("-e")) {
  86                 sort = LogParser.sortByElapsed;
  87                 index++;
  88             } else if (a.equals("-n")) {
  89                 sort = LogParser.sortByNameAndStart;
  90                 index++;
  91             } else if (a.equals("-s")) {
  92                 sort = LogParser.sortByStart;
  93                 index++;
  94             } else if (a.equals("-t")) {
  95                 printTimeStamps = true;
  96                 index++;
  97             } else if (a.equals("-c")) {
  98                 cleanup = true;
  99                 index++;
 100             } else if (a.equals("-S")) {
 101                 statistics = true;
 102                 index++;
 103             } else if (a.equals("-U")) {
 104                 trapHistory = true;
 105                 index++;
 106             } else if (a.equals("-h")) {
 107                 usage(0);
 108             } else if (a.equals("-i")) {
 109                 printInlining = true;
 110                 index++;
 111             } else if (a.equals("-C")) {
 112                 compare = true;
 113                 index++;
 114             } else if (a.equals("-d")) {
 115                 printID = false;
 116                 index++;
 117             } else {
 118                 if (a.charAt(0) == '-') {
 119                     System.out.println("Unknown option '" + a + "', assuming file name.");
 120                 }
 121                 break;
 122             }
 123         }
 125         if (index >= args.length) {
 126             usage(1);
 127         }
 129         if (compare) {
 130             compareLogs(index, args);
 131             return;
 132         }
 134         while (index < args.length) {
 135             ArrayList<LogEvent> events = null;
 136             try {
 137                 events = LogParser.parse(args[index], cleanup);
 138             } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
 139                 System.out.println("File not found: " + args[index]);
 140                 System.exit(1);
 141             }
 143             Collections.sort(events, sort);
 145             if (statistics) {
 146                 printStatistics(events, System.out);
 147             } else if (trapHistory) {
 148                 printTrapHistory(events, System.out);
 149             } else {
 150                 for (LogEvent c : events) {
 151                     if (c instanceof NMethod) {
 152                         // skip these
 153                         continue;
 154                     }
 155                     if (printTimeStamps) {
 156                         System.out.print(c.getStart() + ": ");
 157                     }
 158                     if (c instanceof Compilation) {
 159                         Compilation comp = (Compilation) c;
 160                         comp.print(System.out, printID, printInlining);
 161                     } else {
 162                         c.print(System.out, printID);
 163                     }
 164                 }
 165             }
 166             index++;
 167         }
 168     }
 170     /**
 171      * Print extensive statistics from parsed log files.
 172      */
 173     public static void printStatistics(ArrayList<LogEvent> events, PrintStream out) {
 174         // track code cache size
 175         long cacheSize = 0;
 176         long maxCacheSize = 0;
 177         // track number of nmethods
 178         int nmethodsCreated = 0;
 179         int nmethodsLive = 0;
 180         // track how many compilations were attempted multiple times
 181         // (indexed by attempts, mapping to number of compilations)
 182         int[] attempts = new int[32];
 183         int maxattempts = 0;
 185         // track time spent in compiler phases
 186         LinkedHashMap<String, Double> phaseTime = new LinkedHashMap<>(7);
 187         // track nodes created per phase
 188         LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> phaseNodes = new LinkedHashMap<>(7);
 189         double elapsed = 0;
 191         for (LogEvent e : events) {
 192             if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 193                 Compilation c = (Compilation) e;
 194                 c.printShort(out);
 195                 out.printf(" %6.4f\n", c.getElapsedTime());
 196                 attempts[c.getAttempts()]++;
 197                 maxattempts = Math.max(maxattempts,c.getAttempts());
 198                 elapsed += c.getElapsedTime();
 199                 for (Phase phase : c.getPhases()) {
 200                     Double v = phaseTime.get(phase.getName());
 201                     if (v == null) {
 202                         v = Double.valueOf(0.0);
 203                     }
 204                     phaseTime.put(phase.getName(), Double.valueOf(v.doubleValue() + phase.getElapsedTime()));
 206                     Integer v2 = phaseNodes.get(phase.getName());
 207                     if (v2 == null) {
 208                         v2 = Integer.valueOf(0);
 209                     }
 210                     phaseNodes.put(phase.getName(), Integer.valueOf(v2.intValue() + phase.getNodes()));
 211                     // Print phase name, elapsed time, nodes at the start of
 212                     // the phase, nodes created in the phase, live nodes at the
 213                     // start of the phase, live nodes added in the phase.
 214                     out.printf("\t%s %6.4f %d %d %d %d\n", phase.getName(), phase.getElapsedTime(), phase.getStartNodes(), phase.getNodes(), phase.getStartLiveNodes(), phase.getAddedLiveNodes());
 215                 }
 216             } else if (e instanceof MakeNotEntrantEvent) {
 217                 MakeNotEntrantEvent mne = (MakeNotEntrantEvent) e;
 218                 NMethod nm = mne.getNMethod();
 219                 if (mne.isZombie()) {
 220                     if (nm == null) {
 221                         System.err.println("zombie make not entrant event without nmethod: " + mne.getId());
 222                     }
 223                     cacheSize -= nm.getSize();
 224                     nmethodsLive--;
 225                 }
 226             } else if (e instanceof NMethod) {
 227                 nmethodsLive++;
 228                 nmethodsCreated++;
 229                 NMethod nm = (NMethod) e;
 230                 cacheSize += nm.getSize();
 231                 maxCacheSize = Math.max(cacheSize, maxCacheSize);
 232             }
 233         }
 234         out.printf("NMethods: %d created %d live %d bytes (%d peak) in the code cache\n", nmethodsCreated, nmethodsLive, cacheSize, maxCacheSize);
 235         out.println("Phase times:");
 236         for (String name : phaseTime.keySet()) {
 237             Double v = phaseTime.get(name);
 238             Integer v2 = phaseNodes.get(name);
 239             out.printf("%20s %6.4f %d\n", name, v.doubleValue(), v2.intValue());
 240         }
 241         out.printf("%20s %6.4f\n", "total", elapsed);
 243         if (maxattempts > 0) {
 244             out.println("Distribution of regalloc passes:");
 245             for (int i = 0; i <= maxattempts; i++) {
 246                 out.printf("%2d %8d\n", i, attempts[i]);
 247             }
 248         }
 249     }
 251     /**
 252      * Container class for a pair of a method and a bytecode instruction index
 253      * used by a compiler. This is used in
 254      * {@linkplain #compareLogs() comparing logs}.
 255      */
 256     static class MethodBCIPair {
 257         public MethodBCIPair(Method m, int b, String c) {
 258             method = m;
 259             bci = b;
 260             compiler = c;
 261         }
 263         Method method;
 264         int bci;
 265         String compiler;
 267         public boolean equals(Object other) {
 268             if (!(other instanceof MethodBCIPair)) {
 269                 return false;
 270             }
 271             MethodBCIPair otherp = (MethodBCIPair)other;
 272             return (otherp.bci == bci &&
 273                     otherp.method.equals(method) &&
 274                     otherp.compiler.equals(compiler));
 275         }
 277         public int hashCode() {
 278             return method.hashCode() + bci;
 279         }
 281         public String toString() {
 282             if (bci != -1) {
 283                 return method + "@" + bci + " (" + compiler + ")";
 284             } else {
 285                 return method + " (" + compiler + ")";
 286             }
 287         }
 288     }
 290     /**
 291      * Compare a number of compilation log files. Each of the logs is parsed,
 292      * and all compilations found therein are written to a sorted file (prefix
 293      * {@code sorted-}. A summary is written to a new file {@code summary.txt}.
 294      * 
 295      * @param index the index in the command line arguments at which to start
 296      *              looking for files to compare.
 297      * @param args  the command line arguments with which {@link LogCompilation}
 298      *              was originally invoked.
 299      * 
 300      * @throws Exception in case any exceptions are thrown in the called
 301      *         methods.
 302      */
 303     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 304     static void compareLogs(int index, String[] args) throws Exception {
 305         HashMap<MethodBCIPair,MethodBCIPair> methods = new HashMap<>();
 306         ArrayList<HashMap<MethodBCIPair,Object>> logs = new ArrayList<>();
 307         PrintStream[] outs = new PrintStream[args.length - index];
 308         PrintStream summary = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("summary.txt"));
 309         int o = 0;
 310         // Process all logs given on the command line: collect compilation
 311         // data; in particular, method/bci pairs.
 312         while (index < args.length) {
 313             String basename = new File(args[index]).getName();
 314             String outname = "sorted-" + basename;
 315             System.out.println("Sorting " + basename + " to " + outname);
 316             outs[o] = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outname));
 317             o++;
 318             System.out.println("Parsing " + args[index]);
 319             ArrayList<LogEvent> events = LogParser.parse(args[index], false);
 320             HashMap<MethodBCIPair,Object> compiles = new HashMap<>();
 321             logs.add(compiles);
 322             for (LogEvent c : events) {
 323                 if (c instanceof Compilation) {
 324                     Compilation comp = (Compilation) c;
 325                     MethodBCIPair key = new MethodBCIPair(comp.getMethod(), comp.getBCI(),
 326                                                           comp.getCompiler());
 327                     MethodBCIPair e = methods.get(key);
 328                     if (e == null) {
 329                         methods.put(key, key);
 330                     } else {
 331                         key = e;
 332                     }
 333                     Object other = compiles.get(key);
 334                     if (other == null) {
 335                         compiles.put(key, comp);
 336                     } else {
 337                         if (!(other instanceof List)) {
 338                             List<Object> l = new LinkedList<>();
 339                             l.add(other);
 340                             l.add(comp);
 341                             compiles.put(key, l);
 342                         } else {
 343                             List<Object> l = (List<Object>) other;
 344                             l.add(comp);
 345                         }
 346                     }
 347                 }
 348             }
 349             index++;
 350         }
 352         // Process the collected method/bci pairs and write the output.
 353         for (MethodBCIPair pair : methods.keySet()) {
 354             summary.print(pair + " ");
 355             int base = -1;
 356             String first = null;
 357             boolean mismatch = false;
 358             boolean different = false;
 359             String[] output = new String[outs.length];
 360             o = 0;
 361             for (HashMap<MethodBCIPair,Object> set : logs) {
 362                 Object e = set.get(pair);
 363                 String thisone = null;
 364                 Compilation lastc = null;
 365                 int n;
 366                 if (e == null) {
 367                     n = 0;
 368                 } else if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 369                     n = 1;
 370                     lastc = (Compilation) e;
 371                 } else {
 372                     // Compare the last compilation that was done for this method
 373                     n = ((List<Object>) e).size();
 374                     lastc = (Compilation) ((List<Object>) e).get(n - 1);
 375                 }
 376                 if (lastc != null) {
 377                     n = 1;
 378                     ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 379                     PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
 380                     lastc.print(ps, false);
 381                     ps.close();
 382                     thisone = new String(baos.toByteArray());
 383                 }
 384                 if (base == -1) {
 385                     base = n;
 386                 } else if (base != n) {
 387                     mismatch = true;
 388                 }
 389                 output[o++] = thisone;
 390                 if (thisone != null) {
 391                     if (first == null) {
 392                         first = thisone;
 393                     } else {
 394                         if (!first.equals(thisone)) {
 395                             different = true;
 396                         }
 397                     }
 398                 }
 399                 if (different) {
 400                     summary.print(n + "d ");
 401                 } else {
 402                     summary.print(n + " ");
 403                 }
 404             }
 405             if (mismatch) {
 406                 summary.print("mismatch");
 407             }
 408             summary.println();
 409             if (different) {
 410                 for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {
 411                     if (output[i] != null) {
 412                         outs[i].println(output[i]);
 413                     }
 414                 }
 415             }
 416         }
 417         for (int i = 0; i < outs.length; i++) {
 418             outs[i].close();
 419         }
 420         if (summary != System.out) {
 421             summary.close();
 422         }
 423     }
 425     /**
 426      * Print the history of uncommon trap events.
 427      */
 428     public static void printTrapHistory(ArrayList<LogEvent> events, PrintStream out) {
 429         // map method names to a list of log events
 430         LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<LogEvent>> traps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 431         // map compilation IDs to compilations
 432         HashMap<Integer, Compilation> comps = new HashMap<>();
 434         // First, iterate over all logged events, collecting data about
 435         // uncommon trap events.
 436         for (LogEvent e : events) {
 437             if (e instanceof NMethod) {
 438                 // skip these
 439                 continue;
 440             }
 441             if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 442                 Compilation c = (Compilation) e;
 443                 String name = c.getMethod().getFullName();
 444                 ArrayList<LogEvent> elist = traps.get(name);
 445                 if (elist != null && comps.get(c.getId()) == null) {
 446                     comps.put(c.getId(), c);
 447                     // If there were previous events for the method
 448                     // then keep track of later compiles too.
 449                     elist.add(c);
 450                 }
 451                 continue;
 452             }
 453             if (e instanceof BasicLogEvent) {
 454                 BasicLogEvent ble = (BasicLogEvent) e;
 455                 Compilation c = ble.getCompilation();
 456                 if (c == null) {
 457                     if (!(ble instanceof NMethod)) {
 458                         throw new InternalError("only nmethods should have a null compilation; here's a " + ble.getClass());
 459                     }
 460                     continue;
 461                 }
 462                 String name = c.getMethod().getFullName();
 463                 ArrayList<LogEvent> elist = traps.get(name);
 464                 if (elist == null) {
 465                     elist = new ArrayList<LogEvent>();
 466                     traps.put(name, elist);
 467                 }
 468                 int bleId = Integer.parseInt(ble.getId());
 469                 if (comps.get(bleId) == null) {
 470                     comps.put(bleId, c);
 471                     // Add the associated compile to the list.  It
 472                     // will likely go at the end but we need to search
 473                     // backwards for the proper insertion point.
 474                     double start = c.getStart();
 475                     int ipoint = 0;
 476                     while (ipoint < elist.size() && elist.get(ipoint).getStart() < start) {
 477                         ipoint++;
 478                     }
 479                     if (ipoint == elist.size()) {
 480                         elist.add(c);
 481                     } else {
 482                         elist.add(ipoint, c);
 483                     }
 484                 }
 485                 elist.add(ble);
 486             }
 487         }
 489         // Second, iterate over collected traps and output information.
 490         for (String c: traps.keySet()) {
 491             ArrayList<LogEvent> elist = traps.get(c);
 492             String name = ((Compilation) elist.get(0)).getMethod().getFullName();
 493             System.out.println(name);
 494             double start = 0;
 495             for (LogEvent e: elist) {
 496                 if (start > e.getStart() && e.getStart() != 0) {
 497                     throw new InternalError("wrong sorting order for traps");
 498                 }
 499                 start = e.getStart();
 500                 out.print(e.getStart() + ": ");
 501                 if (e instanceof Compilation) {
 502                     ((Compilation) e).print(out, true, true, true);
 503                 } else {
 504                     e.print(out, true);
 505                 }
 506             }
 507             out.println();
 508         }
 509     }
 511 }