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   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any

  38  * @author jrose
  39  */
  40 class MethodHandleNatives {
  42     private MethodHandleNatives() { } // static only
  44     /// MemberName support
  46     static native void init(MemberName self, Object ref);
  47     static native void expand(MemberName self);
  48     static native MemberName resolve(MemberName self, Class<?> caller) throws LinkageError;
  49     static native int getMembers(Class<?> defc, String matchName, String matchSig,
  50             int matchFlags, Class<?> caller, int skip, MemberName[] results);
  52     /// Field layout queries parallel to sun.misc.Unsafe:
  53     static native long objectFieldOffset(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns vmindex
  54     static native long staticFieldOffset(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns vmindex
  55     static native Object staticFieldBase(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns clazz
  56     static native Object getMemberVMInfo(MemberName self);  // returns {vmindex,vmtarget}
  58     /// MethodHandle support
  60     /** Fetch MH-related JVM parameter.
  61      *  which=0 retrieves MethodHandlePushLimit
  62      *  which=1 retrieves stack slot push size (in address units)
  63      */
  64     static native int getConstant(int which);
  66     static final boolean COUNT_GWT;
  68     /// CallSite support
  70     /** Tell the JVM that we need to change the target of a CallSite. */
  71     static native void setCallSiteTargetNormal(CallSite site, MethodHandle target);
  72     static native void setCallSiteTargetVolatile(CallSite site, MethodHandle target);
  74     private static native void registerNatives();
  75     static {
  76         registerNatives();
  77         COUNT_GWT                   = getConstant(Constants.GC_COUNT_GWT) != 0;
  79         // The JVM calls MethodHandleNatives.<clinit>.  Cascade the <clinit> calls as needed:
  80         MethodHandleImpl.initStatics();
  81     }
  83     // All compile-time constants go here.
  84     // There is an opportunity to check them against the JVM's idea of them.
  85     static class Constants {
  86         Constants() { } // static only
  87         // MethodHandleImpl
  88         static final int // for getConstant
  89                 GC_COUNT_GWT = 4,
  90                 GC_LAMBDA_SUPPORT = 5;
  92         // MemberName
  93         // The JVM uses values of -2 and above for vtable indexes.
  94         // Field values are simple positive offsets.
  95         // Ref: src/share/vm/oops/methodOop.hpp
  96         // This value is negative enough to avoid such numbers,
  97         // but not too negative.
  98         static final int
  99                 MN_IS_METHOD           = 0x00010000, // method (not constructor)
 100                 MN_IS_CONSTRUCTOR      = 0x00020000, // constructor
 101                 MN_IS_FIELD            = 0x00040000, // field
 102                 MN_IS_TYPE             = 0x00080000, // nested type
 103                 MN_CALLER_SENSITIVE    = 0x00100000, // @CallerSensitive annotation detected
 104                 MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT = 24, // refKind
 105                 MN_REFERENCE_KIND_MASK = 0x0F000000 >> MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT,
 106                 // The SEARCH_* bits are not for MN.flags but for the matchFlags argument of MHN.getMembers:
 107                 MN_SEARCH_SUPERCLASSES = 0x00100000,
 108                 MN_SEARCH_INTERFACES   = 0x00200000;
 110         /**
 111          * Basic types as encoded in the JVM.  These code values are not
 112          * intended for use outside this class.  They are used as part of
 113          * a private interface between the JVM and this class.
 114          */
 115         static final int
 116             T_BOOLEAN  =  4,
 117             T_CHAR     =  5,
 118             T_FLOAT    =  6,
 119             T_DOUBLE   =  7,
 120             T_BYTE     =  8,
 121             T_SHORT    =  9,
 122             T_INT      = 10,
 123             T_LONG     = 11,
 124             T_OBJECT   = 12,
 125             //T_ARRAY    = 13
 126             T_VOID     = 14,
 127             //T_ADDRESS  = 15
 128             T_ILLEGAL  = 99;
 130         /**
 131          * Constant pool entry types.
 132          */
 133         static final byte
 134             CONSTANT_Utf8                = 1,
 135             CONSTANT_Integer             = 3,
 136             CONSTANT_Float               = 4,
 137             CONSTANT_Long                = 5,
 138             CONSTANT_Double              = 6,
 139             CONSTANT_Class               = 7,
 140             CONSTANT_String              = 8,
 141             CONSTANT_Fieldref            = 9,
 142             CONSTANT_Methodref           = 10,
 143             CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref  = 11,
 144             CONSTANT_NameAndType         = 12,
 145             CONSTANT_MethodHandle        = 15,  // JSR 292
 146             CONSTANT_MethodType          = 16,  // JSR 292
 147             CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic       = 18,
 148             CONSTANT_LIMIT               = 19;   // Limit to tags found in classfiles
 150         /**
 151          * Access modifier flags.
 152          */
 153         static final char
 154             ACC_PUBLIC                 = 0x0001,
 155             ACC_PRIVATE                = 0x0002,
 156             ACC_PROTECTED              = 0x0004,
 157             ACC_STATIC                 = 0x0008,
 158             ACC_FINAL                  = 0x0010,
 159             ACC_SYNCHRONIZED           = 0x0020,
 160             ACC_VOLATILE               = 0x0040,
 161             ACC_TRANSIENT              = 0x0080,
 162             ACC_NATIVE                 = 0x0100,
 163             ACC_INTERFACE              = 0x0200,
 164             ACC_ABSTRACT               = 0x0400,
 165             ACC_STRICT                 = 0x0800,
 166             ACC_SYNTHETIC              = 0x1000,
 167             ACC_ANNOTATION             = 0x2000,
 168             ACC_ENUM                   = 0x4000,
 169             // aliases:
 170             ACC_SUPER                  = ACC_SYNCHRONIZED,
 171             ACC_BRIDGE                 = ACC_VOLATILE,
 172             ACC_VARARGS                = ACC_TRANSIENT;
 174         /**
 175          * Constant pool reference-kind codes, as used by CONSTANT_MethodHandle CP entries.
 176          */
 177         static final byte
 178             REF_NONE                    = 0,  // null value
 179             REF_getField                = 1,
 180             REF_getStatic               = 2,
 181             REF_putField                = 3,
 182             REF_putStatic               = 4,
 183             REF_invokeVirtual           = 5,
 184             REF_invokeStatic            = 6,
 185             REF_invokeSpecial           = 7,
 186             REF_newInvokeSpecial        = 8,
 187             REF_invokeInterface         = 9,
 188             REF_LIMIT                  = 10;
 189     }
 191     static boolean refKindIsValid(int refKind) {
 192         return (refKind > REF_NONE && refKind < REF_LIMIT);

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any

  38  * @author jrose
  39  */
  40 class MethodHandleNatives {
  42     private MethodHandleNatives() { } // static only
  44     /// MemberName support
  46     static native void init(MemberName self, Object ref);
  47     static native void expand(MemberName self);
  48     static native MemberName resolve(MemberName self, Class<?> caller) throws LinkageError;
  49     static native int getMembers(Class<?> defc, String matchName, String matchSig,
  50             int matchFlags, Class<?> caller, int skip, MemberName[] results);
  52     /// Field layout queries parallel to sun.misc.Unsafe:
  53     static native long objectFieldOffset(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns vmindex
  54     static native long staticFieldOffset(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns vmindex
  55     static native Object staticFieldBase(MemberName self);  // e.g., returns clazz
  56     static native Object getMemberVMInfo(MemberName self);  // returns {vmindex,vmtarget}

  58     /// CallSite support
  60     /** Tell the JVM that we need to change the target of a CallSite. */
  61     static native void setCallSiteTargetNormal(CallSite site, MethodHandle target);
  62     static native void setCallSiteTargetVolatile(CallSite site, MethodHandle target);
  64     private static native void registerNatives();
  65     static {
  66         registerNatives();

  68         // The JVM calls MethodHandleNatives.<clinit>.  Cascade the <clinit> calls as needed:
  69         MethodHandleImpl.initStatics();
  70     }
  72     // All compile-time constants go here.
  73     // There is an opportunity to check them against the JVM's idea of them.
  74     static class Constants {
  75         Constants() { } // static only

  77         /**
  78          * Constant pool reference-kind codes, as used by CONSTANT_MethodHandle CP entries.
  79          */
  80         static final byte
  81             REF_NONE                    = 0,  // null value
  82             REF_getField                = 1,
  83             REF_getStatic               = 2,
  84             REF_putField                = 3,
  85             REF_putStatic               = 4,
  86             REF_invokeVirtual           = 5,
  87             REF_invokeStatic            = 6,
  88             REF_invokeSpecial           = 7,
  89             REF_newInvokeSpecial        = 8,
  90             REF_invokeInterface         = 9,
  91             REF_LIMIT                  = 10;
  92     }
  94     static boolean refKindIsValid(int refKind) {
  95         return (refKind > REF_NONE && refKind < REF_LIMIT);

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