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1720     *class_chunk_word_size = Metaspace::first_class_chunk_word_size();
1721     break;
1722   case Metaspace::ROMetaspaceType:
1723     *chunk_word_size = SharedReadOnlySize / wordSize;
1724     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1725     break;
1726   case Metaspace::ReadWriteMetaspaceType:
1727     *chunk_word_size = SharedReadWriteSize / wordSize;
1728     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1729     break;
1730   case Metaspace::AnonymousMetaspaceType:
1731   case Metaspace::ReflectionMetaspaceType:
1732     *chunk_word_size = SpecializedChunk;
1733     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1734     break;
1735   default:
1736     *chunk_word_size = SmallChunk;
1737     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSmallChunk;
1738     break;
1739   }
1740   assert(chunk_word_size != 0 && class_chunk_word_size != 0,
1741     err_msg("Initial chunks sizes bad: data  " SIZE_FORMAT
1742             " class " SIZE_FORMAT,
1743             chunk_word_size, class_chunk_word_size));
1744 }
1746 size_t SpaceManager::sum_free_in_chunks_in_use() const {
1747   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1748   size_t free = 0;
1749   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
1750     Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
1751     while (chunk != NULL) {
1752       free += chunk->free_word_size();
1753       chunk = chunk->next();
1754     }
1755   }
1756   return free;
1757 }
1759 size_t SpaceManager::sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use() const {
1760   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1761   size_t result = 0;
1762   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
1763    result += sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(i);

2023                             sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex),
2024                             chunk_size_name(HumongousIndex));
2025     gclog_or_tty->print("Humongous chunk dictionary: ");
2026   }
2027   // Humongous chunks are never the current chunk.
2028   Metachunk* humongous_chunks = chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
2030   while (humongous_chunks != NULL) {
2031 #ifdef ASSERT
2032     humongous_chunks->set_is_free(true);
2033 #endif
2034     if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
2035       gclog_or_tty->print(PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ",
2036                           humongous_chunks,
2037                           humongous_chunks->word_size());
2038     }
2039     assert(humongous_chunks->word_size() == (size_t)
2040            align_size_up(humongous_chunks->word_size(),
2041                              HumongousChunkGranularity),
2042            err_msg("Humongous chunk size is wrong: word size " SIZE_FORMAT
2043                    " granularity " SIZE_FORMAT,
2044                    humongous_chunks->word_size(), HumongousChunkGranularity));
2045     Metachunk* next_humongous_chunks = humongous_chunks->next();
2046     chunk_manager->humongous_dictionary()->return_chunk(humongous_chunks);
2047     humongous_chunks = next_humongous_chunks;
2048   }
2049   if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
2050     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("");
2051     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("updated dictionary count %d %s",
2052                      chunk_manager->humongous_dictionary()->total_count(),
2053                      chunk_size_name(HumongousIndex));
2054   }
2055   set_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex, NULL);
2056   chunk_manager->slow_locked_verify();
2057 }
2059 const char* SpaceManager::chunk_size_name(ChunkIndex index) const {
2060   switch (index) {
2061     case SpecializedIndex:
2062       return "Specialized";
2063     case SmallIndex:

2247   assert(is_humongous(chunk->word_size()) ||
2248          chunk->word_size() == medium_chunk_size() ||
2249          chunk->word_size() == small_chunk_size() ||
2250          chunk->word_size() == specialized_chunk_size(),
2251          "Chunk size is wrong");
2252   return;
2253 }
2255 #ifdef ASSERT
2256 void SpaceManager::verify_allocation_total() {
2257   // Verification is only guaranteed at a safepoint.
2258   if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
2259     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Chunk " PTR_FORMAT " allocation_total " SIZE_FORMAT
2260                            " sum_used_in_chunks_in_use " SIZE_FORMAT,
2261                            this,
2262                            allocation_total(),
2263                            sum_used_in_chunks_in_use());
2264   }
2265   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
2266   assert(allocation_total() == sum_used_in_chunks_in_use(),
2267     err_msg("allocation total is not consistent %d vs %d",

2268             allocation_total(), sum_used_in_chunks_in_use()));
2269 }
2271 #endif
2273 void SpaceManager::dump(outputStream* const out) const {
2274   size_t curr_total = 0;
2275   size_t waste = 0;
2276   uint i = 0;
2277   size_t used = 0;
2278   size_t capacity = 0;
2280   // Add up statistics for all chunks in this SpaceManager.
2281   for (ChunkIndex index = ZeroIndex;
2282        index < NumberOfInUseLists;
2283        index = next_chunk_index(index)) {
2284     for (Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(index);
2285          curr != NULL;
2286          curr = curr->next()) {
2287       out->print("%d) ", i++);

2561     _first_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_chunk_word_size);
2562     // Make the first class chunk bigger than a medium chunk so it's not put
2563     // on the medium chunk list.   The next chunk will be small and progress
2564     // from there.  This size calculated by -version.
2565     _first_class_chunk_word_size = MIN2((size_t)MediumChunk*6,
2566                                        (ClassMetaspaceSize/BytesPerWord)*2);
2567     _first_class_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_class_chunk_word_size);
2568     // Arbitrarily set the initial virtual space to a multiple
2569     // of the boot class loader size.
2570     size_t word_size = VIRTUALSPACEMULTIPLIER * first_chunk_word_size();
2571     // Initialize the list of virtual spaces.
2572     _space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(word_size);
2573   }
2574 }
2576 // For UseCompressedKlassPointers the class space is reserved as a piece of the
2577 // Java heap because the compression algorithm is the same for each.  The
2578 // argument passed in is at the top of the compressed space
2579 void Metaspace::initialize_class_space(ReservedSpace rs) {
2580   // The reserved space size may be bigger because of alignment, esp with UseLargePages
2581   assert(rs.size() >= ClassMetaspaceSize, err_msg("%d != %d", rs.size(), ClassMetaspaceSize));

2582   _class_space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(rs);
2583 }
2585 void Metaspace::initialize(Mutex* lock,
2586                            MetaspaceType type) {
2588   assert(space_list() != NULL,
2589     "Metadata VirtualSpaceList has not been initialized");
2591   _vsm = new SpaceManager(lock, space_list());
2592   if (_vsm == NULL) {
2593     return;
2594   }
2595   size_t word_size;
2596   size_t class_word_size;
2597   vsm()->get_initial_chunk_sizes(type,
2598                                  &word_size,
2599                                  &class_word_size);
2601   assert(class_space_list() != NULL,

1720     *class_chunk_word_size = Metaspace::first_class_chunk_word_size();
1721     break;
1722   case Metaspace::ROMetaspaceType:
1723     *chunk_word_size = SharedReadOnlySize / wordSize;
1724     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1725     break;
1726   case Metaspace::ReadWriteMetaspaceType:
1727     *chunk_word_size = SharedReadWriteSize / wordSize;
1728     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1729     break;
1730   case Metaspace::AnonymousMetaspaceType:
1731   case Metaspace::ReflectionMetaspaceType:
1732     *chunk_word_size = SpecializedChunk;
1733     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSpecializedChunk;
1734     break;
1735   default:
1736     *chunk_word_size = SmallChunk;
1737     *class_chunk_word_size = ClassSmallChunk;
1738     break;
1739   }
1740   assert(*chunk_word_size != 0 && *class_chunk_word_size != 0,
1741     err_msg("Initial chunks sizes bad: data  " SIZE_FORMAT
1742             " class " SIZE_FORMAT,
1743             *chunk_word_size, *class_chunk_word_size));
1744 }
1746 size_t SpaceManager::sum_free_in_chunks_in_use() const {
1747   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1748   size_t free = 0;
1749   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
1750     Metachunk* chunk = chunks_in_use(i);
1751     while (chunk != NULL) {
1752       free += chunk->free_word_size();
1753       chunk = chunk->next();
1754     }
1755   }
1756   return free;
1757 }
1759 size_t SpaceManager::sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use() const {
1760   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1761   size_t result = 0;
1762   for (ChunkIndex i = ZeroIndex; i < NumberOfInUseLists; i = next_chunk_index(i)) {
1763    result += sum_waste_in_chunks_in_use(i);

2023                             sum_count_in_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex),
2024                             chunk_size_name(HumongousIndex));
2025     gclog_or_tty->print("Humongous chunk dictionary: ");
2026   }
2027   // Humongous chunks are never the current chunk.
2028   Metachunk* humongous_chunks = chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex);
2030   while (humongous_chunks != NULL) {
2031 #ifdef ASSERT
2032     humongous_chunks->set_is_free(true);
2033 #endif
2034     if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
2035       gclog_or_tty->print(PTR_FORMAT " (" SIZE_FORMAT ") ",
2036                           humongous_chunks,
2037                           humongous_chunks->word_size());
2038     }
2039     assert(humongous_chunks->word_size() == (size_t)
2040            align_size_up(humongous_chunks->word_size(),
2041                              HumongousChunkGranularity),
2042            err_msg("Humongous chunk size is wrong: word size " SIZE_FORMAT
2043                    " granularity %d",
2044                    humongous_chunks->word_size(), HumongousChunkGranularity));
2045     Metachunk* next_humongous_chunks = humongous_chunks->next();
2046     chunk_manager->humongous_dictionary()->return_chunk(humongous_chunks);
2047     humongous_chunks = next_humongous_chunks;
2048   }
2049   if (TraceMetadataChunkAllocation && Verbose) {
2050     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("");
2051     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("updated dictionary count %d %s",
2052                      chunk_manager->humongous_dictionary()->total_count(),
2053                      chunk_size_name(HumongousIndex));
2054   }
2055   set_chunks_in_use(HumongousIndex, NULL);
2056   chunk_manager->slow_locked_verify();
2057 }
2059 const char* SpaceManager::chunk_size_name(ChunkIndex index) const {
2060   switch (index) {
2061     case SpecializedIndex:
2062       return "Specialized";
2063     case SmallIndex:

2247   assert(is_humongous(chunk->word_size()) ||
2248          chunk->word_size() == medium_chunk_size() ||
2249          chunk->word_size() == small_chunk_size() ||
2250          chunk->word_size() == specialized_chunk_size(),
2251          "Chunk size is wrong");
2252   return;
2253 }
2255 #ifdef ASSERT
2256 void SpaceManager::verify_allocation_total() {
2257   // Verification is only guaranteed at a safepoint.
2258   if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) {
2259     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("Chunk " PTR_FORMAT " allocation_total " SIZE_FORMAT
2260                            " sum_used_in_chunks_in_use " SIZE_FORMAT,
2261                            this,
2262                            allocation_total(),
2263                            sum_used_in_chunks_in_use());
2264   }
2265   MutexLockerEx cl(lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
2266   assert(allocation_total() == sum_used_in_chunks_in_use(),
2267     err_msg("allocation total is not consistent " SIZE_FORMAT
2268             " vs " SIZE_FORMAT,
2269             allocation_total(), sum_used_in_chunks_in_use()));
2270 }
2272 #endif
2274 void SpaceManager::dump(outputStream* const out) const {
2275   size_t curr_total = 0;
2276   size_t waste = 0;
2277   uint i = 0;
2278   size_t used = 0;
2279   size_t capacity = 0;
2281   // Add up statistics for all chunks in this SpaceManager.
2282   for (ChunkIndex index = ZeroIndex;
2283        index < NumberOfInUseLists;
2284        index = next_chunk_index(index)) {
2285     for (Metachunk* curr = chunks_in_use(index);
2286          curr != NULL;
2287          curr = curr->next()) {
2288       out->print("%d) ", i++);

2562     _first_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_chunk_word_size);
2563     // Make the first class chunk bigger than a medium chunk so it's not put
2564     // on the medium chunk list.   The next chunk will be small and progress
2565     // from there.  This size calculated by -version.
2566     _first_class_chunk_word_size = MIN2((size_t)MediumChunk*6,
2567                                        (ClassMetaspaceSize/BytesPerWord)*2);
2568     _first_class_chunk_word_size = align_word_size_up(_first_class_chunk_word_size);
2569     // Arbitrarily set the initial virtual space to a multiple
2570     // of the boot class loader size.
2571     size_t word_size = VIRTUALSPACEMULTIPLIER * first_chunk_word_size();
2572     // Initialize the list of virtual spaces.
2573     _space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(word_size);
2574   }
2575 }
2577 // For UseCompressedKlassPointers the class space is reserved as a piece of the
2578 // Java heap because the compression algorithm is the same for each.  The
2579 // argument passed in is at the top of the compressed space
2580 void Metaspace::initialize_class_space(ReservedSpace rs) {
2581   // The reserved space size may be bigger because of alignment, esp with UseLargePages
2582   assert(rs.size() >= ClassMetaspaceSize,
2583          err_msg(SIZE_FORMAT " != " UINTX_FORMAT, rs.size(), ClassMetaspaceSize));
2584   _class_space_list = new VirtualSpaceList(rs);
2585 }
2587 void Metaspace::initialize(Mutex* lock,
2588                            MetaspaceType type) {
2590   assert(space_list() != NULL,
2591     "Metadata VirtualSpaceList has not been initialized");
2593   _vsm = new SpaceManager(lock, space_list());
2594   if (_vsm == NULL) {
2595     return;
2596   }
2597   size_t word_size;
2598   size_t class_word_size;
2599   vsm()->get_initial_chunk_sizes(type,
2600                                  &word_size,
2601                                  &class_word_size);
2603   assert(class_space_list() != NULL,

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