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 112   st.print("__");
 113   // find ')'
 114   int end;
 115   for (end = 0; end < signature->utf8_length() && signature->byte_at(end) != ')'; end++);
 116   // skip first '('
 117   mangle_name_on(&st, signature, 1, end);
 118   return st.as_string();
 119 }
 121 extern "C" {
 122   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterUnsafeMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass unsafecls);
 123   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterMethodHandleMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass unsafecls);
 124   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterPerfMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass perfclass);
 125   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterWhiteBoxMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass wbclass);
 126 }
 128 #define CC (char*)  /* cast a literal from (const char*) */
 129 #define FN_PTR(f) CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, &f)
 131 static JNINativeMethod lookup_special_native_methods[] = {
 132   // Next two functions only exist for compatibility with 1.3.1 and earlier.
 133   { CC"Java_java_io_ObjectOutputStream_getPrimitiveFieldValues",   NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_GetPrimitiveFieldValues)     },  // intercept ObjectOutputStream getPrimitiveFieldValues for faster serialization
 134   { CC"Java_java_io_ObjectInputStream_setPrimitiveFieldValues",    NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_SetPrimitiveFieldValues)     },  // intercept ObjectInputStream setPrimitiveFieldValues for faster serialization
 136   { CC"Java_sun_misc_Unsafe_registerNatives",                      NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterUnsafeMethods)       },
 137   { CC"Java_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_registerNatives", NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterMethodHandleMethods) },
 138   { CC"Java_sun_misc_Perf_registerNatives",                        NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterPerfMethods)         },
 139   { CC"Java_sun_hotspot_WhiteBox_registerNatives",                 NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterWhiteBoxMethods)     },
 140 };
 142 static address lookup_special_native(char* jni_name) {
 143   int i = !JDK_Version::is_gte_jdk14x_version() ? 0 : 2;  // see comment in lookup_special_native_methods
 144   int count = sizeof(lookup_special_native_methods) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod);
 145   for (; i < count; i++) {
 146     // NB: To ignore the jni prefix and jni postfix strstr is used matching.
 147     if (strstr(jni_name, lookup_special_native_methods[i].name) != NULL) {
 148       return CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, lookup_special_native_methods[i].fnPtr);
 149     }
 150   }
 151   return NULL;
 152 }
 154 address NativeLookup::lookup_style(methodHandle method, char* pure_name, const char* long_name, int args_size, bool os_style, bool& in_base_library, TRAPS) {
 155   address entry;
 156   // Compute complete JNI name for style
 157   stringStream st;
 158   if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_prefix_on(&st, args_size);
 159   st.print_raw(pure_name);
 160   st.print_raw(long_name);
 161   if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_suffix_on(&st, args_size);
 162   char* jni_name = st.as_string();
 164   // If the loader is null we have a system class, so we attempt a lookup in
 165   // the native Java library. This takes care of any bootstrapping problems.

 112   st.print("__");
 113   // find ')'
 114   int end;
 115   for (end = 0; end < signature->utf8_length() && signature->byte_at(end) != ')'; end++);
 116   // skip first '('
 117   mangle_name_on(&st, signature, 1, end);
 118   return st.as_string();
 119 }
 121 extern "C" {
 122   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterUnsafeMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass unsafecls);
 123   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterMethodHandleMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass unsafecls);
 124   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterPerfMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass perfclass);
 125   void JNICALL JVM_RegisterWhiteBoxMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass wbclass);
 126 }
 128 #define CC (char*)  /* cast a literal from (const char*) */
 129 #define FN_PTR(f) CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(void*, &f)
 131 static JNINativeMethod lookup_special_native_methods[] = {

 132   { CC"Java_sun_misc_Unsafe_registerNatives",                      NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterUnsafeMethods)       },
 133   { CC"Java_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_registerNatives", NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterMethodHandleMethods) },
 134   { CC"Java_sun_misc_Perf_registerNatives",                        NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterPerfMethods)         },
 135   { CC"Java_sun_hotspot_WhiteBox_registerNatives",                 NULL, FN_PTR(JVM_RegisterWhiteBoxMethods)     },
 136 };
 138 static address lookup_special_native(char* jni_name) {

 139   int count = sizeof(lookup_special_native_methods) / sizeof(JNINativeMethod);
 140   for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 141     // NB: To ignore the jni prefix and jni postfix strstr is used matching.
 142     if (strstr(jni_name, lookup_special_native_methods[i].name) != NULL) {
 143       return CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, lookup_special_native_methods[i].fnPtr);
 144     }
 145   }
 146   return NULL;
 147 }
 149 address NativeLookup::lookup_style(methodHandle method, char* pure_name, const char* long_name, int args_size, bool os_style, bool& in_base_library, TRAPS) {
 150   address entry;
 151   // Compute complete JNI name for style
 152   stringStream st;
 153   if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_prefix_on(&st, args_size);
 154   st.print_raw(pure_name);
 155   st.print_raw(long_name);
 156   if (os_style) os::print_jni_name_suffix_on(&st, args_size);
 157   char* jni_name = st.as_string();
 159   // If the loader is null we have a system class, so we attempt a lookup in
 160   // the native Java library. This takes care of any bootstrapping problems.

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