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rev 51786 : imported patch syncknobs-06-Knob_Verbose
rev 51787 : imported patch syncknobs-07-Knob_VerifyInUse
rev 51788 : imported patch syncknobs-08-Knob_VerifyMatch

1033 // an inordinate number of monitors in circulation.
1034 // To avoid that scenario we can artificially induce a STW safepoint
1035 // if the pool appears to be growing past some reasonable bound.
1036 // Generally we favor time in space-time tradeoffs, but as there's no
1037 // natural back-pressure on the # of extant monitors we need to impose some
1038 // type of limit.  Beware that if MonitorBound is set to too low a value
1039 // we could just loop. In addition, if MonitorBound is set to a low value
1040 // we'll incur more safepoints, which are harmful to performance.
1041 // See also: GuaranteedSafepointInterval
1042 //
1043 // The current implementation uses asynchronous VM operations.
1045 static void InduceScavenge(Thread * Self, const char * Whence) {
1046   // Induce STW safepoint to trim monitors
1047   // Ultimately, this results in a call to deflate_idle_monitors() in the near future.
1048   // More precisely, trigger an asynchronous STW safepoint as the number
1049   // of active monitors passes the specified threshold.
1050   // TODO: assert thread state is reasonable
1052   if (ForceMonitorScavenge == 0 && Atomic::xchg (1, &ForceMonitorScavenge) == 0) {
1053     if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_Verbose) {
1054       tty->print_cr("INFO: Monitor scavenge - Induced STW @%s (%d)",
1055                     Whence, ForceMonitorScavenge) ;
1056       tty->flush();
1057     }
1058     // Induce a 'null' safepoint to scavenge monitors
1059     // Must VM_Operation instance be heap allocated as the op will be enqueue and posted
1060     // to the VMthread and have a lifespan longer than that of this activation record.
1061     // The VMThread will delete the op when completed.
1062     VMThread::execute(new VM_ScavengeMonitors());
1064     if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_Verbose) {
1065       tty->print_cr("INFO: Monitor scavenge - STW posted @%s (%d)",
1066                     Whence, ForceMonitorScavenge) ;
1067       tty->flush();
1068     }
1069   }
1070 }
1072 void ObjectSynchronizer::verifyInUse(Thread *Self) {
1073   ObjectMonitor* mid;
1074   int in_use_tally = 0;
1075   for (mid = Self->omInUseList; mid != NULL; mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1076     in_use_tally++;
1077   }
1078   assert(in_use_tally == Self->omInUseCount, "in-use count off");
1080   int free_tally = 0;
1081   for (mid = Self->omFreeList; mid != NULL; mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1082     free_tally++;
1083   }
1084   assert(free_tally == Self->omFreeCount, "free count off");
1085 }
1087 ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::omAlloc(Thread * Self) {
1088   // A large MAXPRIVATE value reduces both list lock contention

1093   const int MAXPRIVATE = 1024;
1094   for (;;) {
1095     ObjectMonitor * m;
1097     // 1: try to allocate from the thread's local omFreeList.
1098     // Threads will attempt to allocate first from their local list, then
1099     // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the thread
1100     // attempt to instantiate new monitors.   Thread-local free lists take
1101     // heat off the gListLock and improve allocation latency, as well as reducing
1102     // coherency traffic on the shared global list.
1103     m = Self->omFreeList;
1104     if (m != NULL) {
1105       Self->omFreeList = m->FreeNext;
1106       Self->omFreeCount--;
1107       // CONSIDER: set m->FreeNext = BAD -- diagnostic hygiene
1108       guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1109       if (MonitorInUseLists) {
1110         m->FreeNext = Self->omInUseList;
1111         Self->omInUseList = m;
1112         Self->omInUseCount++;
1113         if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_VerifyInUse) {
1114           verifyInUse(Self);
1115         }
1116       } else {
1117         m->FreeNext = NULL;
1118       }
1119       return m;
1120     }
1122     // 2: try to allocate from the global gFreeList
1123     // CONSIDER: use muxTry() instead of muxAcquire().
1124     // If the muxTry() fails then drop immediately into case 3.
1125     // If we're using thread-local free lists then try
1126     // to reprovision the caller's free list.
1127     if (gFreeList != NULL) {
1128       // Reprovision the thread's omFreeList.
1129       // Use bulk transfers to reduce the allocation rate and heat
1130       // on various locks.
1131       Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "omAlloc");
1132       for (int i = Self->omFreeProvision; --i >= 0 && gFreeList != NULL;) {
1133         gMonitorFreeCount--;
1134         ObjectMonitor * take = gFreeList;
1135         gFreeList = take->FreeNext;

1233 // scavenger -- deflate_idle_monitors -- from reclaiming them.
1235 void ObjectSynchronizer::omRelease(Thread * Self, ObjectMonitor * m,
1236                                    bool fromPerThreadAlloc) {
1237   guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1238   guarantee(((m->is_busy()|m->_recursions) == 0), "freeing in-use monitor");
1239   // Remove from omInUseList
1240   if (MonitorInUseLists && fromPerThreadAlloc) {
1241     ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
1242     bool extracted = false;
1243     for (ObjectMonitor* mid = Self->omInUseList; mid != NULL; cur_mid_in_use = mid, mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1244       if (m == mid) {
1245         // extract from per-thread in-use list
1246         if (mid == Self->omInUseList) {
1247           Self->omInUseList = mid->FreeNext;
1248         } else if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
1249           cur_mid_in_use->FreeNext = mid->FreeNext; // maintain the current thread in-use list
1250         }
1251         extracted = true;
1252         Self->omInUseCount--;
1253         if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_VerifyInUse) {
1254           verifyInUse(Self);
1255         }
1256         break;
1257       }
1258     }
1259     assert(extracted, "Should have extracted from in-use list");
1260   }
1262   // FreeNext is used for both omInUseList and omFreeList, so clear old before setting new
1263   m->FreeNext = Self->omFreeList;
1264   Self->omFreeList = m;
1265   Self->omFreeCount++;
1266 }
1268 // Return the monitors of a moribund thread's local free list to
1269 // the global free list.  Typically a thread calls omFlush() when
1270 // it's dying.  We could also consider having the VM thread steal
1271 // monitors from threads that have not run java code over a few
1272 // consecutive STW safepoints.  Relatedly, we might decay
1273 // omFreeProvision at STW safepoints.
1274 //
1275 // Also return the monitors of a moribund thread's omInUseList to

1746     }
1747   }
1749   // Move the scavenged monitors back to the global free list.
1750   if (freeHeadp != NULL) {
1751     guarantee(freeTailp != NULL && counters->nScavenged > 0, "invariant");
1752     assert(freeTailp->FreeNext == NULL, "invariant");
1753     // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to gFreeList
1754     freeTailp->FreeNext = gFreeList;
1755     gFreeList = freeHeadp;
1756   }
1757   Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
1759 }
1761 void ObjectSynchronizer::finish_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1762   gMonitorFreeCount += counters->nScavenged;
1764   // Consider: audit gFreeList to ensure that gMonitorFreeCount and list agree.
1766   if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_Verbose) {
1767     tty->print_cr("INFO: Deflate: InCirc=%d InUse=%d Scavenged=%d "
1768                   "ForceMonitorScavenge=%d : pop=%d free=%d",
1769                   counters->nInCirculation, counters->nInuse, counters->nScavenged, ForceMonitorScavenge,
1770                   gMonitorPopulation, gMonitorFreeCount);
1771     tty->flush();
1772   }
1774   ForceMonitorScavenge = 0;    // Reset
1776   OM_PERFDATA_OP(Deflations, inc(counters->nScavenged));
1777   OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, set_value(counters->nInCirculation));
1779   // TODO: Add objectMonitor leak detection.
1780   // Audit/inventory the objectMonitors -- make sure they're all accounted for.
1781   GVars.stwRandom = os::random();
1782   GVars.stwCycle++;
1783 }
1785 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_thread_local_monitors(Thread* thread, DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1786   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
1787   if (!MonitorInUseLists) return;
1789   ObjectMonitor * freeHeadp = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
1790   ObjectMonitor * freeTailp = NULL;
1792   int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(thread->omInUseList_addr(), &freeHeadp, &freeTailp);
1794   Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "scavenge - return");
1796   // Adjust counters
1797   counters->nInCirculation += thread->omInUseCount;
1798   thread->omInUseCount -= deflated_count;
1799   if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_VerifyInUse) {
1800     verifyInUse(thread);
1801   }
1802   counters->nScavenged += deflated_count;
1803   counters->nInuse += thread->omInUseCount;
1805   // Move the scavenged monitors back to the global free list.
1806   if (freeHeadp != NULL) {
1807     guarantee(freeTailp != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
1808     assert(freeTailp->FreeNext == NULL, "invariant");
1810     // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to gFreeList
1811     freeTailp->FreeNext = gFreeList;
1812     gFreeList = freeHeadp;
1813   }
1814   Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
1815 }
1817 // Monitor cleanup on JavaThread::exit
1819 // Iterate through monitor cache and attempt to release thread's monitors
1820 // Gives up on a particular monitor if an exception occurs, but continues
1821 // the overall iteration, swallowing the exception.
1822 class ReleaseJavaMonitorsClosure: public MonitorClosure {
1823  private:
1824   TRAPS;
1826  public:
1827   ReleaseJavaMonitorsClosure(Thread* thread) : THREAD(thread) {}
1828   void do_monitor(ObjectMonitor* mid) {
1829     if (mid->owner() == THREAD) {
1830       if (ObjectMonitor::Knob_VerifyMatch != 0) {
1831         ResourceMark rm;
1832         Handle obj(THREAD, (oop) mid->object());
1833         tty->print("INFO: unexpected locked object:");
1834         javaVFrame::print_locked_object_class_name(tty, obj, "locked");
1835         fatal("exiting JavaThread=" INTPTR_FORMAT
1836               " unexpectedly owns ObjectMonitor=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1837               p2i(THREAD), p2i(mid));
1838       }
1839       (void)mid->complete_exit(CHECK);
1840     }
1841   }
1842 };
1844 // Release all inflated monitors owned by THREAD.  Lightweight monitors are
1845 // ignored.  This is meant to be called during JNI thread detach which assumes
1846 // all remaining monitors are heavyweight.  All exceptions are swallowed.
1847 // Scanning the extant monitor list can be time consuming.
1848 // A simple optimization is to add a per-thread flag that indicates a thread
1849 // called jni_monitorenter() during its lifetime.
1850 //
1851 // Instead of No_Savepoint_Verifier it might be cheaper to
1852 // use an idiom of the form:
1853 //   auto int tmp = SafepointSynchronize::_safepoint_counter ;
1854 //   <code that must not run at safepoint>
1855 //   guarantee (((tmp ^ _safepoint_counter) | (tmp & 1)) == 0) ;
1856 // Since the tests are extremely cheap we could leave them enabled
1857 // for normal product builds.

1033 // an inordinate number of monitors in circulation.
1034 // To avoid that scenario we can artificially induce a STW safepoint
1035 // if the pool appears to be growing past some reasonable bound.
1036 // Generally we favor time in space-time tradeoffs, but as there's no
1037 // natural back-pressure on the # of extant monitors we need to impose some
1038 // type of limit.  Beware that if MonitorBound is set to too low a value
1039 // we could just loop. In addition, if MonitorBound is set to a low value
1040 // we'll incur more safepoints, which are harmful to performance.
1041 // See also: GuaranteedSafepointInterval
1042 //
1043 // The current implementation uses asynchronous VM operations.
1045 static void InduceScavenge(Thread * Self, const char * Whence) {
1046   // Induce STW safepoint to trim monitors
1047   // Ultimately, this results in a call to deflate_idle_monitors() in the near future.
1048   // More precisely, trigger an asynchronous STW safepoint as the number
1049   // of active monitors passes the specified threshold.
1050   // TODO: assert thread state is reasonable
1052   if (ForceMonitorScavenge == 0 && Atomic::xchg (1, &ForceMonitorScavenge) == 0) {

1053     // Induce a 'null' safepoint to scavenge monitors
1054     // Must VM_Operation instance be heap allocated as the op will be enqueue and posted
1055     // to the VMthread and have a lifespan longer than that of this activation record.
1056     // The VMThread will delete the op when completed.
1057     VMThread::execute(new VM_ScavengeMonitors());

1058   }
1059 }
1061 void ObjectSynchronizer::verifyInUse(Thread *Self) {
1062   ObjectMonitor* mid;
1063   int in_use_tally = 0;
1064   for (mid = Self->omInUseList; mid != NULL; mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1065     in_use_tally++;
1066   }
1067   assert(in_use_tally == Self->omInUseCount, "in-use count off");
1069   int free_tally = 0;
1070   for (mid = Self->omFreeList; mid != NULL; mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1071     free_tally++;
1072   }
1073   assert(free_tally == Self->omFreeCount, "free count off");
1074 }
1076 ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::omAlloc(Thread * Self) {
1077   // A large MAXPRIVATE value reduces both list lock contention

1082   const int MAXPRIVATE = 1024;
1083   for (;;) {
1084     ObjectMonitor * m;
1086     // 1: try to allocate from the thread's local omFreeList.
1087     // Threads will attempt to allocate first from their local list, then
1088     // from the global list, and only after those attempts fail will the thread
1089     // attempt to instantiate new monitors.   Thread-local free lists take
1090     // heat off the gListLock and improve allocation latency, as well as reducing
1091     // coherency traffic on the shared global list.
1092     m = Self->omFreeList;
1093     if (m != NULL) {
1094       Self->omFreeList = m->FreeNext;
1095       Self->omFreeCount--;
1096       // CONSIDER: set m->FreeNext = BAD -- diagnostic hygiene
1097       guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1098       if (MonitorInUseLists) {
1099         m->FreeNext = Self->omInUseList;
1100         Self->omInUseList = m;
1101         Self->omInUseCount++;

1102       } else {
1103         m->FreeNext = NULL;
1104       }
1105       return m;
1106     }
1108     // 2: try to allocate from the global gFreeList
1109     // CONSIDER: use muxTry() instead of muxAcquire().
1110     // If the muxTry() fails then drop immediately into case 3.
1111     // If we're using thread-local free lists then try
1112     // to reprovision the caller's free list.
1113     if (gFreeList != NULL) {
1114       // Reprovision the thread's omFreeList.
1115       // Use bulk transfers to reduce the allocation rate and heat
1116       // on various locks.
1117       Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "omAlloc");
1118       for (int i = Self->omFreeProvision; --i >= 0 && gFreeList != NULL;) {
1119         gMonitorFreeCount--;
1120         ObjectMonitor * take = gFreeList;
1121         gFreeList = take->FreeNext;

1219 // scavenger -- deflate_idle_monitors -- from reclaiming them.
1221 void ObjectSynchronizer::omRelease(Thread * Self, ObjectMonitor * m,
1222                                    bool fromPerThreadAlloc) {
1223   guarantee(m->object() == NULL, "invariant");
1224   guarantee(((m->is_busy()|m->_recursions) == 0), "freeing in-use monitor");
1225   // Remove from omInUseList
1226   if (MonitorInUseLists && fromPerThreadAlloc) {
1227     ObjectMonitor* cur_mid_in_use = NULL;
1228     bool extracted = false;
1229     for (ObjectMonitor* mid = Self->omInUseList; mid != NULL; cur_mid_in_use = mid, mid = mid->FreeNext) {
1230       if (m == mid) {
1231         // extract from per-thread in-use list
1232         if (mid == Self->omInUseList) {
1233           Self->omInUseList = mid->FreeNext;
1234         } else if (cur_mid_in_use != NULL) {
1235           cur_mid_in_use->FreeNext = mid->FreeNext; // maintain the current thread in-use list
1236         }
1237         extracted = true;
1238         Self->omInUseCount--;

1239         break;
1240       }
1241     }
1242     assert(extracted, "Should have extracted from in-use list");
1243   }
1245   // FreeNext is used for both omInUseList and omFreeList, so clear old before setting new
1246   m->FreeNext = Self->omFreeList;
1247   Self->omFreeList = m;
1248   Self->omFreeCount++;
1249 }
1251 // Return the monitors of a moribund thread's local free list to
1252 // the global free list.  Typically a thread calls omFlush() when
1253 // it's dying.  We could also consider having the VM thread steal
1254 // monitors from threads that have not run java code over a few
1255 // consecutive STW safepoints.  Relatedly, we might decay
1256 // omFreeProvision at STW safepoints.
1257 //
1258 // Also return the monitors of a moribund thread's omInUseList to

1729     }
1730   }
1732   // Move the scavenged monitors back to the global free list.
1733   if (freeHeadp != NULL) {
1734     guarantee(freeTailp != NULL && counters->nScavenged > 0, "invariant");
1735     assert(freeTailp->FreeNext == NULL, "invariant");
1736     // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to gFreeList
1737     freeTailp->FreeNext = gFreeList;
1738     gFreeList = freeHeadp;
1739   }
1740   Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
1742 }
1744 void ObjectSynchronizer::finish_deflate_idle_monitors(DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1745   gMonitorFreeCount += counters->nScavenged;
1747   // Consider: audit gFreeList to ensure that gMonitorFreeCount and list agree.

1749   ForceMonitorScavenge = 0;    // Reset
1751   OM_PERFDATA_OP(Deflations, inc(counters->nScavenged));
1752   OM_PERFDATA_OP(MonExtant, set_value(counters->nInCirculation));
1754   // TODO: Add objectMonitor leak detection.
1755   // Audit/inventory the objectMonitors -- make sure they're all accounted for.
1756   GVars.stwRandom = os::random();
1757   GVars.stwCycle++;
1758 }
1760 void ObjectSynchronizer::deflate_thread_local_monitors(Thread* thread, DeflateMonitorCounters* counters) {
1761   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "must be at safepoint");
1762   if (!MonitorInUseLists) return;
1764   ObjectMonitor * freeHeadp = NULL;  // Local SLL of scavenged monitors
1765   ObjectMonitor * freeTailp = NULL;
1767   int deflated_count = deflate_monitor_list(thread->omInUseList_addr(), &freeHeadp, &freeTailp);
1769   Thread::muxAcquire(&gListLock, "scavenge - return");
1771   // Adjust counters
1772   counters->nInCirculation += thread->omInUseCount;
1773   thread->omInUseCount -= deflated_count;

1774   counters->nScavenged += deflated_count;
1775   counters->nInuse += thread->omInUseCount;
1777   // Move the scavenged monitors back to the global free list.
1778   if (freeHeadp != NULL) {
1779     guarantee(freeTailp != NULL && deflated_count > 0, "invariant");
1780     assert(freeTailp->FreeNext == NULL, "invariant");
1782     // constant-time list splice - prepend scavenged segment to gFreeList
1783     freeTailp->FreeNext = gFreeList;
1784     gFreeList = freeHeadp;
1785   }
1786   Thread::muxRelease(&gListLock);
1787 }
1789 // Monitor cleanup on JavaThread::exit
1791 // Iterate through monitor cache and attempt to release thread's monitors
1792 // Gives up on a particular monitor if an exception occurs, but continues
1793 // the overall iteration, swallowing the exception.
1794 class ReleaseJavaMonitorsClosure: public MonitorClosure {
1795  private:
1796   TRAPS;
1798  public:
1799   ReleaseJavaMonitorsClosure(Thread* thread) : THREAD(thread) {}
1800   void do_monitor(ObjectMonitor* mid) {
1801     if (mid->owner() == THREAD) {

1802       (void)mid->complete_exit(CHECK);
1803     }
1804   }
1805 };
1807 // Release all inflated monitors owned by THREAD.  Lightweight monitors are
1808 // ignored.  This is meant to be called during JNI thread detach which assumes
1809 // all remaining monitors are heavyweight.  All exceptions are swallowed.
1810 // Scanning the extant monitor list can be time consuming.
1811 // A simple optimization is to add a per-thread flag that indicates a thread
1812 // called jni_monitorenter() during its lifetime.
1813 //
1814 // Instead of No_Savepoint_Verifier it might be cheaper to
1815 // use an idiom of the form:
1816 //   auto int tmp = SafepointSynchronize::_safepoint_counter ;
1817 //   <code that must not run at safepoint>
1818 //   guarantee (((tmp ^ _safepoint_counter) | (tmp & 1)) == 0) ;
1819 // Since the tests are extremely cheap we could leave them enabled
1820 // for normal product builds.

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