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rev 59105 : imported patch corelibs

  43 # requested). The order is 1-based; 1 is the most preferred, followed
  44 # by 2, and so on.
  45 #
  46 # <provName> must specify the name of the Provider as passed to its super
  47 # class java.security.Provider constructor. This is for providers loaded
  48 # through the ServiceLoader mechanism.
  49 #
  50 # <className> must specify the subclass of the Provider class whose
  51 # constructor sets the values of various properties that are required
  52 # for the Java Security API to look up the algorithms or other
  53 # facilities implemented by the provider. This is for providers loaded
  54 # through classpath.
  55 #
  56 # Note: Providers can be dynamically registered instead by calls to
  57 # either the addProvider or insertProviderAt method in the Security
  58 # class.
  60 #
  61 # List of providers and their preference orders (see above):
  62 #
  63 #ifdef solaris
  64 # Note: The OracleUcrypto provider is deprecated and subject to removal in
  65 # a future version of the JDK.
  66 security.provider.tbd=OracleUcrypto
  67 security.provider.tbd=SunPKCS11 ${java.home}/conf/security/sunpkcs11-solaris.cfg
  68 #endif
  69 security.provider.tbd=SUN
  70 security.provider.tbd=SunRsaSign
  71 security.provider.tbd=SunEC
  72 security.provider.tbd=SunJSSE
  73 security.provider.tbd=SunJCE
  74 security.provider.tbd=SunJGSS
  75 security.provider.tbd=SunSASL
  76 security.provider.tbd=XMLDSig
  77 security.provider.tbd=SunPCSC
  78 security.provider.tbd=JdkLDAP
  79 security.provider.tbd=JdkSASL
  80 #ifdef windows
  81 security.provider.tbd=SunMSCAPI
  82 #endif
  83 #ifdef macosx
  84 security.provider.tbd=Apple
  85 #endif
  86 #ifndef solaris
  87 security.provider.tbd=SunPKCS11
  88 #endif
  90 #
  91 # A list of preferred providers for specific algorithms. These providers will
  92 # be searched for matching algorithms before the list of registered providers.
  93 # Entries containing errors (parsing, etc) will be ignored. Use the
  94 # -Djava.security.debug=jca property to debug these errors.
  95 #
  96 # The property is a comma-separated list of serviceType.algorithm:provider
  97 # entries. The serviceType (example: "MessageDigest") is optional, and if
  98 # not specified, the algorithm applies to all service types that support it.
  99 # The algorithm is the standard algorithm name or transformation.
 100 # Transformations can be specified in their full standard name
 101 # (ex: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding), or as partial matches (ex: AES, AES/CBC).
 102 # The provider is the name of the provider. Any provider that does not
 103 # also appear in the registered list will be ignored.
 104 #
 105 # There is a special serviceType for this property only to group a set of
 106 # algorithms together. The type is "Group" and is followed by an algorithm
 107 # keyword. Groups are to simplify and lessen the entries on the property
 108 # line. Current groups are:
 109 #   Group.SHA2 = SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256
 110 #   Group.HmacSHA2 = HmacSHA224, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512
 111 #   Group.SHA2RSA = SHA224withRSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA
 112 #   Group.SHA2DSA = SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA384withDSA, SHA512withDSA
 113 #   Group.SHA2ECDSA = SHA224withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA, \
 114 #                     SHA512withECDSA
 115 #   Group.SHA3 = SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
 116 #   Group.HmacSHA3 = HmacSHA3-224, HmacSHA3-256, HmacSHA3-384, HmacSHA3-512
 117 #
 118 # Example:
 119 #   jdk.security.provider.preferred=AES/GCM/NoPadding:SunJCE, \
 120 #         MessageDigest.SHA-256:SUN, Group.HmacSHA2:SunJCE
 121 #
 122 #ifdef solaris-sparc
 123 # Optional Solaris-SPARC configuration for non-FIPS 140 configurations.
 124 #   jdk.security.provider.preferred=AES:SunJCE, SHA1:SUN, Group.SHA2:SUN, \
 125 #   HmacSHA1:SunJCE, Group.HmacSHA2:SunJCE
 126 #
 127 #endif
 128 #jdk.security.provider.preferred=
 131 #
 132 # Sun Provider SecureRandom seed source.
 133 #
 134 # Select the primary source of seed data for the "NativePRNG", "SHA1PRNG"
 135 # and "DRBG" SecureRandom implementations in the "Sun" provider.
 136 # (Other SecureRandom implementations might also use this property.)
 137 #
 138 # On Unix-like systems (for example, Solaris/Linux/MacOS), the
 139 # "NativePRNG", "SHA1PRNG" and "DRBG" implementations obtains seed data from
 140 # special device files such as file:/dev/random.
 141 #
 142 # On Windows systems, specifying the URLs "file:/dev/random" or
 143 # "file:/dev/urandom" will enable the native Microsoft CryptoAPI seeding
 144 # mechanism for SHA1PRNG and DRBG.
 145 #
 146 # By default, an attempt is made to use the entropy gathering device
 147 # specified by the "securerandom.source" Security property.  If an
 148 # exception occurs while accessing the specified URL:
 149 #
 150 #     NativePRNG:
 151 #         a default value of /dev/random will be used.  If neither
 152 #         are available, the implementation will be disabled.
 153 #         "file" is the only currently supported protocol type.
 154 #
 155 #     SHA1PRNG and DRBG:
 156 #         the traditional system/thread activity algorithm will be used.
 157 #
 158 # The entropy gathering device can also be specified with the System

  43 # requested). The order is 1-based; 1 is the most preferred, followed
  44 # by 2, and so on.
  45 #
  46 # <provName> must specify the name of the Provider as passed to its super
  47 # class java.security.Provider constructor. This is for providers loaded
  48 # through the ServiceLoader mechanism.
  49 #
  50 # <className> must specify the subclass of the Provider class whose
  51 # constructor sets the values of various properties that are required
  52 # for the Java Security API to look up the algorithms or other
  53 # facilities implemented by the provider. This is for providers loaded
  54 # through classpath.
  55 #
  56 # Note: Providers can be dynamically registered instead by calls to
  57 # either the addProvider or insertProviderAt method in the Security
  58 # class.
  60 #
  61 # List of providers and their preference orders (see above):
  62 #

  63 security.provider.tbd=SUN
  64 security.provider.tbd=SunRsaSign
  65 security.provider.tbd=SunEC
  66 security.provider.tbd=SunJSSE
  67 security.provider.tbd=SunJCE
  68 security.provider.tbd=SunJGSS
  69 security.provider.tbd=SunSASL
  70 security.provider.tbd=XMLDSig
  71 security.provider.tbd=SunPCSC
  72 security.provider.tbd=JdkLDAP
  73 security.provider.tbd=JdkSASL
  74 #ifdef windows
  75 security.provider.tbd=SunMSCAPI
  76 #endif
  77 #ifdef macosx
  78 security.provider.tbd=Apple
  79 #endif

  80 security.provider.tbd=SunPKCS11

  82 #
  83 # A list of preferred providers for specific algorithms. These providers will
  84 # be searched for matching algorithms before the list of registered providers.
  85 # Entries containing errors (parsing, etc) will be ignored. Use the
  86 # -Djava.security.debug=jca property to debug these errors.
  87 #
  88 # The property is a comma-separated list of serviceType.algorithm:provider
  89 # entries. The serviceType (example: "MessageDigest") is optional, and if
  90 # not specified, the algorithm applies to all service types that support it.
  91 # The algorithm is the standard algorithm name or transformation.
  92 # Transformations can be specified in their full standard name
  93 # (ex: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding), or as partial matches (ex: AES, AES/CBC).
  94 # The provider is the name of the provider. Any provider that does not
  95 # also appear in the registered list will be ignored.
  96 #
  97 # There is a special serviceType for this property only to group a set of
  98 # algorithms together. The type is "Group" and is followed by an algorithm
  99 # keyword. Groups are to simplify and lessen the entries on the property
 100 # line. Current groups are:
 101 #   Group.SHA2 = SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256
 102 #   Group.HmacSHA2 = HmacSHA224, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA384, HmacSHA512
 103 #   Group.SHA2RSA = SHA224withRSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA384withRSA, SHA512withRSA
 104 #   Group.SHA2DSA = SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA384withDSA, SHA512withDSA
 105 #   Group.SHA2ECDSA = SHA224withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA384withECDSA, \
 106 #                     SHA512withECDSA
 107 #   Group.SHA3 = SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
 108 #   Group.HmacSHA3 = HmacSHA3-224, HmacSHA3-256, HmacSHA3-384, HmacSHA3-512
 109 #
 110 # Example:
 111 #   jdk.security.provider.preferred=AES/GCM/NoPadding:SunJCE, \
 112 #         MessageDigest.SHA-256:SUN, Group.HmacSHA2:SunJCE
 113 #

 114 #jdk.security.provider.preferred=
 117 #
 118 # Sun Provider SecureRandom seed source.
 119 #
 120 # Select the primary source of seed data for the "NativePRNG", "SHA1PRNG"
 121 # and "DRBG" SecureRandom implementations in the "Sun" provider.
 122 # (Other SecureRandom implementations might also use this property.)
 123 #
 124 # On Unix-like systems (for example, Linux/MacOS), the
 125 # "NativePRNG", "SHA1PRNG" and "DRBG" implementations obtains seed data from
 126 # special device files such as file:/dev/random.
 127 #
 128 # On Windows systems, specifying the URLs "file:/dev/random" or
 129 # "file:/dev/urandom" will enable the native Microsoft CryptoAPI seeding
 130 # mechanism for SHA1PRNG and DRBG.
 131 #
 132 # By default, an attempt is made to use the entropy gathering device
 133 # specified by the "securerandom.source" Security property.  If an
 134 # exception occurs while accessing the specified URL:
 135 #
 136 #     NativePRNG:
 137 #         a default value of /dev/random will be used.  If neither
 138 #         are available, the implementation will be disabled.
 139 #         "file" is the only currently supported protocol type.
 140 #
 141 #     SHA1PRNG and DRBG:
 142 #         the traditional system/thread activity algorithm will be used.
 143 #
 144 # The entropy gathering device can also be specified with the System

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