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rev 59104 : imported patch serviceability

  24 <h3>Shell/batch scripts to run command line HSDB</h3>
  26 <ul>
  27 <li>clhsdbproc.sh
  28 <li>clhsdbproc64.sh
  29 <li>clhsdbwindbg.bat
  30 <li>clhsdbwindbg64.bat
  31 </ul>
  33 <h3>Annotated output of CLHSDB help command</h3>
  35 <pre>
  36 <code>
  37 Available commands:
  38   assert true | false <font color="red">turn on/off asserts in SA code</font>
  39   attach pid | exec core  <font color="red">attach SA to a process or core</font>
  40   buildreplayjars [all | boot | app] <font color="red">build jars for replay, boot.jar for bootclasses, app.jar for application classes</font>
  41   class name <font color="red">find a Java class from debuggee and print oop</font>
  42   classes <font color="red">print all loaded Java classes with Klass*</font>
  43   detach <font color="red">detach SA from current target</font>
  44   dis address [ length ]  <font color="red">disassemble (sparc/x86) specified number of instructions from given address</font>
  45   dissemble address <font color="red">disassemble nmethod</font>
  46   dumpcfg -a | id <font color="red">Dump the PhaseCFG for every compiler thread that has one live</font>
  47   dumpclass { address | name } [ directory ] <font color="red">dump .class file for given Klass* or class name</font>
  48   dumpcodecache <font color="red">dump codecache contents</font>
  49   dumpheap [ file ] <font color="red">dump heap in hprof binary format</font>
  50   dumpideal -a | id <font color="red">dump ideal graph like debug flag -XX:+PrintIdeal</font>
  51   dumpilt -a | id <font color="red">dump inline tree for C2 compilation</font>
  52   dumpreplaydata &lt;address&gt; | -a | &lt;thread_id&gt; [&gt;replay.txt] <font color="red">dump replay data into a file</font>
  53   echo [ true | false ] <font color="red">turn on/off command echo mode</font>
  54   examine [ address/count ] | [ address,address] <font color="red">show contents of memory from given address</font>
  55   field [ type [ name fieldtype isStatic offset address ] ] <font color="red">print info about a field of HotSpot type</font>
  56   findpc address <font color="red">print info. about pointer location</font>
  57   flags [ flag ] <font color="red">show all -XX flag name value pairs. or just show given flag</font>
  58   help [ command ] <font color="red">print help message for all commands or just given command</font>
  59   history <font color="red">show command history. usual !command-number syntax works.</font>
  60   inspect expression <font color="red">inspect a given oop</font>
  61   intConstant [ name [ value ] ] <font color="red">print out hotspot integer constant(s)</font>
  62   jdis address <font color="red">show bytecode disassembly of a given Method*</font>
  63   jhisto <font color="red">show Java heap histogram</font>
  64   jseval script <font color="red">evaluate a given string as JavaScript code</font>

  24 <h3>Shell/batch scripts to run command line HSDB</h3>
  26 <ul>
  27 <li>clhsdbproc.sh
  28 <li>clhsdbproc64.sh
  29 <li>clhsdbwindbg.bat
  30 <li>clhsdbwindbg64.bat
  31 </ul>
  33 <h3>Annotated output of CLHSDB help command</h3>
  35 <pre>
  36 <code>
  37 Available commands:
  38   assert true | false <font color="red">turn on/off asserts in SA code</font>
  39   attach pid | exec core  <font color="red">attach SA to a process or core</font>
  40   buildreplayjars [all | boot | app] <font color="red">build jars for replay, boot.jar for bootclasses, app.jar for application classes</font>
  41   class name <font color="red">find a Java class from debuggee and print oop</font>
  42   classes <font color="red">print all loaded Java classes with Klass*</font>
  43   detach <font color="red">detach SA from current target</font>
  44   dis address [ length ]  <font color="red">disassemble (x86) specified number of instructions from given address</font>
  45   dissemble address <font color="red">disassemble nmethod</font>
  46   dumpcfg -a | id <font color="red">Dump the PhaseCFG for every compiler thread that has one live</font>
  47   dumpclass { address | name } [ directory ] <font color="red">dump .class file for given Klass* or class name</font>
  48   dumpcodecache <font color="red">dump codecache contents</font>
  49   dumpheap [ file ] <font color="red">dump heap in hprof binary format</font>
  50   dumpideal -a | id <font color="red">dump ideal graph like debug flag -XX:+PrintIdeal</font>
  51   dumpilt -a | id <font color="red">dump inline tree for C2 compilation</font>
  52   dumpreplaydata &lt;address&gt; | -a | &lt;thread_id&gt; [&gt;replay.txt] <font color="red">dump replay data into a file</font>
  53   echo [ true | false ] <font color="red">turn on/off command echo mode</font>
  54   examine [ address/count ] | [ address,address] <font color="red">show contents of memory from given address</font>
  55   field [ type [ name fieldtype isStatic offset address ] ] <font color="red">print info about a field of HotSpot type</font>
  56   findpc address <font color="red">print info. about pointer location</font>
  57   flags [ flag ] <font color="red">show all -XX flag name value pairs. or just show given flag</font>
  58   help [ command ] <font color="red">print help message for all commands or just given command</font>
  59   history <font color="red">show command history. usual !command-number syntax works.</font>
  60   inspect expression <font color="red">inspect a given oop</font>
  61   intConstant [ name [ value ] ] <font color="red">print out hotspot integer constant(s)</font>
  62   jdis address <font color="red">show bytecode disassembly of a given Method*</font>
  63   jhisto <font color="red">show Java heap histogram</font>
  64   jseval script <font color="red">evaluate a given string as JavaScript code</font>

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