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@  rev 16986 : imported patch alpinefixes-launcherfix

@@ -239,10 +239,43 @@
     char jpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
     char *llp;
     char *dmllp = NULL;
     char *p; /* a utility pointer */
+#ifdef __linux
+#ifndef CLIB
+#error "CLIB not set"
+    if (strcmp(CLIB, "musl") == 0) {
+      /*
+       * The musl library loader requires LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set in
+       * order to correctly resolve the dependency libjava.so has on libjvm.so.
+       *
+       * Specifically, it differs from glibc in the sense that even if
+       * libjvm.so has already been loaded it will not be considered a
+       * candidate for resolving the dependency unless the *full* path
+       * of the already loaded library matches the dependency being loaded.
+       *
+       * libjvm.so is being loaded by the launcher using a long path to
+       * dlopen, not just the basename of the library. Typically this
+       * is something like "../lib/server/libjvm.so". However, if/when
+       * libjvm.so later tries to dlopen libjava.so (which it does in
+       * order to get access to a few functions implemented in
+       * libjava.so) the musl loader will, as part of loading
+       * dependent libraries, try to load libjvm.so using only its
+       * basename "libjvm.so". Since this does not match the longer
+       * path path it was first loaded with, the already loaded
+       * library is not considered a candidate, and the loader will
+       * instead look for libjvm.so elsewhere. If it's not in
+       * LD_LIBRARY_PATH the dependency load will fail, and libjava.so
+       * will therefore fail as well.
+       */
+      return JNI_TRUE;
+    }
 #ifdef AIX
     /* We always have to set the LIBPATH on AIX because ld doesn't support $ORIGIN. */
     return JNI_TRUE;
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