1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 /**
  27 *
  28 * @author SAAJ RI Development Team
  29 */
  30 package com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_2;
  32 import java.util.*;
  33 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  34 import java.util.logging.Level;
  36 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
  37 import javax.xml.soap.*;
  39 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl;
  40 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SOAPDocument;
  41 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SOAPDocumentImpl;
  42 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.*;
  43 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.name.NameImpl;
  44 import com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.util.LogDomainConstants;
  47 public class Fault1_2Impl extends FaultImpl {
  49     protected static final Logger log =
  50         Logger.getLogger(
  51             LogDomainConstants.SOAP_VER1_2_DOMAIN,
  52             "com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_2.LocalStrings");
  54     private static final QName textName =
  55         new QName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE, "Text");
  56     private final QName valueName =
  57         new QName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE, "Value", getPrefix());
  58     private final QName subcodeName =
  59         new QName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE, "Subcode", getPrefix());
  61     private SOAPElement innermostSubCodeElement = null;
  63     public Fault1_2Impl(SOAPDocumentImpl ownerDoc, String name, String prefix) {
  64         super(ownerDoc, NameImpl.createFault1_2Name(name, prefix));
  65     }
  67     public Fault1_2Impl(SOAPDocumentImpl ownerDocument, String prefix) {
  68         super(ownerDocument, NameImpl.createFault1_2Name(null, prefix));
  69     }
  71     protected NameImpl getDetailName() {
  72         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Detail", getPrefix());
  73     }
  75     protected NameImpl getFaultCodeName() {
  76         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Code", getPrefix());
  77     }
  79     protected NameImpl getFaultStringName() {
  80         return getFaultReasonName();
  81     }
  83     protected NameImpl getFaultActorName() {
  84         return getFaultRoleName();
  85     }
  87     private  NameImpl getFaultRoleName() {
  88         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Role", getPrefix());
  89     }
  91     private  NameImpl getFaultReasonName() {
  92         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Reason", getPrefix());
  93     }
  95     private  NameImpl getFaultReasonTextName() {
  96         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Text", getPrefix());
  97     }
  99     private  NameImpl getFaultNodeName() {
 100         return NameImpl.createSOAP12Name("Node", getPrefix());
 101     }
 103     private static NameImpl getXmlLangName() {
 104         return NameImpl.createXmlName("lang");
 105     }
 107     protected DetailImpl createDetail() {
 108         return new Detail1_2Impl(
 109                        ((SOAPDocument) getOwnerDocument()).getDocument());
 110     }
 112     protected FaultElementImpl createSOAPFaultElement(String localName) {
 113         return new FaultElement1_2Impl(
 114                        ((SOAPDocument) getOwnerDocument()).getDocument(),
 115                        localName);
 116     }
 118     protected void checkIfStandardFaultCode(String faultCode, String uri)
 119         throws SOAPException {
 120         QName qname = new QName(uri, faultCode);
 121         if (SOAPConstants.SOAP_DATAENCODINGUNKNOWN_FAULT.equals(qname) ||
 122             SOAPConstants.SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND_FAULT.equals(qname) ||
 123             SOAPConstants.SOAP_RECEIVER_FAULT.equals(qname) ||
 124             SOAPConstants.SOAP_SENDER_FAULT.equals(qname) ||
 125             SOAPConstants.SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH_FAULT.equals(qname))
 126             return;
 127         log.log(
 128             Level.SEVERE,
 129             "SAAJ0435.ver1_2.code.not.standard",
 130             qname);
 131         throw new SOAPExceptionImpl(qname + " is not a standard Code value");
 132     }
 134     protected void finallySetFaultCode(String faultcode) throws SOAPException {
 135         SOAPElement value = this.faultCodeElement.addChildElement(valueName);
 136         value.addTextNode(faultcode);
 137     }
 139     private void findReasonElement() {
 140         findFaultStringElement();
 141     }
 143     public Iterator getFaultReasonTexts() throws SOAPException {
 144         // Fault Reason has similar semantics as faultstring
 145         if (this.faultStringElement == null)
 146             findReasonElement();
 147         Iterator eachTextElement =
 148             this.faultStringElement.getChildElements(textName);
 149         List texts = new ArrayList();
 150         while (eachTextElement.hasNext()) {
 151             SOAPElement textElement = (SOAPElement) eachTextElement.next();
 152             Locale thisLocale = getLocale(textElement);
 153             if (thisLocale == null) {
 154                 log.severe("SAAJ0431.ver1_2.xml.lang.missing");
 155                 throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("\"xml:lang\" attribute is not present on the Text element");
 156             }
 157             texts.add(textElement.getValue());
 158         }
 159         if (texts.isEmpty()) {
 160             log.severe("SAAJ0434.ver1_2.text.element.not.present");
 161             throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("env:Text must be present inside env:Reason");
 162         }
 163         return texts.iterator();
 164     }
 166     public void addFaultReasonText(String text, java.util.Locale locale)
 167         throws SOAPException {
 169         if (locale == null) {
 170             log.severe("SAAJ0430.ver1_2.locale.required");
 171             throw new SOAPException("locale is required and must not be null");
 172         }
 174         // Fault Reason has similar semantics as faultstring
 175         if (this.faultStringElement == null)
 176             findReasonElement();
 177         SOAPElement reasonText;
 179         if (this.faultStringElement == null) {
 180             this.faultStringElement = addSOAPFaultElement("Reason");
 181             reasonText =
 182                 this.faultStringElement.addChildElement(
 183                     getFaultReasonTextName());
 184         } else {
 185             removeDefaultFaultString();
 186             reasonText = getFaultReasonTextElement(locale);
 187             if (reasonText != null) {
 188                 reasonText.removeContents();
 189             } else {
 190                 reasonText =
 191                     this.faultStringElement.addChildElement(
 192                         getFaultReasonTextName());
 193             }
 194         }
 196         String xmlLang = localeToXmlLang(locale);
 197         reasonText.addAttribute(getXmlLangName(), xmlLang);
 198         reasonText.addTextNode(text);
 199     }
 201     private void removeDefaultFaultString() throws SOAPException {
 202         SOAPElement reasonText = getFaultReasonTextElement(Locale.getDefault());
 203         if (reasonText != null) {
 204             String defaultFaultString =
 205                 "Fault string, and possibly fault code, not set";
 206             if (defaultFaultString.equals(reasonText.getValue())) {
 207                 reasonText.detachNode();
 208             }
 209         }
 210     }
 212     public String getFaultReasonText(Locale locale) throws SOAPException {
 214         if (locale == null)
 215             return null;
 217         // Fault Reason has similar semantics as faultstring
 218         if (this.faultStringElement == null)
 219             findReasonElement();
 221         if (this.faultStringElement != null) {
 222             SOAPElement textElement = getFaultReasonTextElement(locale);
 223             if (textElement != null) {
 224                 textElement.normalize();
 225                 return textElement.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
 226             }
 227         }
 229         return null;
 230     }
 232     public Iterator getFaultReasonLocales() throws SOAPException {
 233         // Fault Reason has similar semantics as faultstring
 234         if (this.faultStringElement == null)
 235             findReasonElement();
 236         Iterator eachTextElement =
 237             this.faultStringElement.getChildElements(textName);
 238         List localeSet = new ArrayList();
 239         while (eachTextElement.hasNext()) {
 240             SOAPElement textElement = (SOAPElement) eachTextElement.next();
 241             Locale thisLocale = getLocale(textElement);
 242             if (thisLocale == null) {
 243                 log.severe("SAAJ0431.ver1_2.xml.lang.missing");
 244                 throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("\"xml:lang\" attribute is not present on the Text element");
 245             }
 246             localeSet.add(thisLocale);
 247         }
 248         if (localeSet.isEmpty()) {
 249             log.severe("SAAJ0434.ver1_2.text.element.not.present");
 250             throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("env:Text elements with mandatory xml:lang attributes must be present inside env:Reason");
 251         }
 252         return localeSet.iterator();
 253     }
 255     public Locale getFaultStringLocale() {
 256         Locale locale = null;
 257         try {
 258             locale = (Locale) getFaultReasonLocales().next();
 259         } catch (SOAPException e) {}
 260         return locale;
 261     }
 263     /*
 264      * This method assumes that locale and faultStringElement are non-null
 265      */
 266     private SOAPElement getFaultReasonTextElement(Locale locale)
 267         throws SOAPException {
 269         // Fault Reason has similar semantics as faultstring
 270         Iterator eachTextElement =
 271             this.faultStringElement.getChildElements(textName);
 272         while (eachTextElement.hasNext()) {
 273             SOAPElement textElement = (SOAPElement) eachTextElement.next();
 274             Locale thisLocale = getLocale(textElement);
 275             if (thisLocale == null) {
 276                 log.severe("SAAJ0431.ver1_2.xml.lang.missing");
 277                 throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("\"xml:lang\" attribute is not present on the Text element");
 278             }
 279             if (thisLocale.equals(locale)) {
 280                 return textElement;
 281             }
 282         }
 283         return null;
 284     }
 286     public String getFaultNode() {
 287         SOAPElement faultNode = findChild(getFaultNodeName());
 288         if (faultNode == null) {
 289             return null;
 290         }
 291         return faultNode.getValue();
 292     }
 294     public void setFaultNode(String uri) throws SOAPException {
 295         SOAPElement faultNode = findChild(getFaultNodeName());
 296         if (faultNode != null) {
 297             faultNode.detachNode();
 298         }
 299         faultNode = createSOAPFaultElement(getFaultNodeName());
 300         faultNode = faultNode.addTextNode(uri);
 301         if (getFaultRole() != null) {
 302             insertBefore(faultNode, this.faultActorElement);
 303             return;
 304         }
 305         if (hasDetail()) {
 306             insertBefore(faultNode, this.detail);
 307             return;
 308         }
 309         addNode(faultNode);
 310     }
 312     public String getFaultRole() {
 313         return getFaultActor();
 314     }
 316     public void setFaultRole(String uri) throws SOAPException {
 317         if (this.faultActorElement == null)
 318             findFaultActorElement();
 319         if (this.faultActorElement != null)
 320             this.faultActorElement.detachNode();
 321         this.faultActorElement =
 322             createSOAPFaultElement(getFaultActorName());
 323         this.faultActorElement.addTextNode(uri);
 324         if (hasDetail()) {
 325             insertBefore(this.faultActorElement, this.detail);
 326             return;
 327         }
 328         addNode(this.faultActorElement);
 329     }
 331     public String getFaultCode() {
 332         if (this.faultCodeElement == null)
 333             findFaultCodeElement();
 334         Iterator codeValues =
 335             this.faultCodeElement.getChildElements(valueName);
 336         return ((SOAPElement) codeValues.next()).getValue();
 337     }
 339     public QName getFaultCodeAsQName() {
 340         String faultcode = getFaultCode();
 341         if (faultcode == null) {
 342             return null;
 343         }
 344         if (this.faultCodeElement == null)
 345             findFaultCodeElement();
 346         Iterator valueElements =
 347             this.faultCodeElement.getChildElements(valueName);
 348         return convertCodeToQName(
 349             faultcode,
 350             (SOAPElement) valueElements.next());
 351     }
 353     public Name getFaultCodeAsName() {
 354         String faultcode = getFaultCode();
 355         if (faultcode == null) {
 356             return null;
 357         }
 358         if (this.faultCodeElement == null)
 359             findFaultCodeElement();
 360         Iterator valueElements =
 361             this.faultCodeElement.getChildElements(valueName);
 362         return NameImpl.convertToName(
 363             convertCodeToQName(
 364                 faultcode,
 365                 (SOAPElement) valueElements.next()));
 366     }
 368     public String getFaultString() {
 369         String reason = null;
 370         try {
 371             //reason = getFaultReasonText(Locale.getDefault());
 372             //if (reason == null)
 373             reason = (String) getFaultReasonTexts().next();
 374         } catch (SOAPException e) {}
 375         return reason;
 376     }
 378     public void setFaultString(String faultString) throws SOAPException {
 379         addFaultReasonText(faultString, Locale.getDefault());
 380     }
 382     public void setFaultString(
 383         String faultString,
 384         Locale locale)
 385         throws SOAPException {
 386         addFaultReasonText(faultString, locale);
 387     }
 389     public void appendFaultSubcode(QName subcode) throws SOAPException {
 390         if (subcode == null) {
 391             return;
 392         }
 393         if (subcode.getNamespaceURI() == null ||
 394             "".equals(subcode.getNamespaceURI())) {
 396             log.severe("SAAJ0432.ver1_2.subcode.not.ns.qualified");
 397             throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("A Subcode must be namespace-qualified");
 398         }
 399         if (innermostSubCodeElement == null) {
 400             if (faultCodeElement == null)
 401                 findFaultCodeElement();
 402             innermostSubCodeElement = faultCodeElement;
 403         }
 404         String prefix = null;
 405         if (subcode.getPrefix() == null || "".equals(subcode.getPrefix())) {
 406             prefix =
 407                 ((ElementImpl) innermostSubCodeElement).getNamespacePrefix(
 408                     subcode.getNamespaceURI());
 409         } else
 410             prefix = subcode.getPrefix();
 411         if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix)) {
 412             prefix = "ns1";
 413         }
 414         innermostSubCodeElement =
 415             innermostSubCodeElement.addChildElement(subcodeName);
 416         SOAPElement subcodeValueElement =
 417             innermostSubCodeElement.addChildElement(valueName);
 418         ((ElementImpl) subcodeValueElement).ensureNamespaceIsDeclared(
 419             prefix,
 420             subcode.getNamespaceURI());
 421         subcodeValueElement.addTextNode(prefix + ":" + subcode.getLocalPart());
 422     }
 424     public void removeAllFaultSubcodes() {
 425         if (this.faultCodeElement == null)
 426             findFaultCodeElement();
 427         Iterator subcodeElements =
 428             this.faultCodeElement.getChildElements(subcodeName);
 429         if (subcodeElements.hasNext()) {
 430             SOAPElement subcode = (SOAPElement) subcodeElements.next();
 431             subcode.detachNode();
 432         }
 433     }
 435     public Iterator getFaultSubcodes() {
 436         if (this.faultCodeElement == null)
 437             findFaultCodeElement();
 438         final List subcodeList = new ArrayList();
 439         SOAPElement currentCodeElement = this.faultCodeElement;
 440         Iterator subcodeElements =
 441             currentCodeElement.getChildElements(subcodeName);
 442         while (subcodeElements.hasNext()) {
 443             currentCodeElement = (ElementImpl) subcodeElements.next();
 444             Iterator valueElements =
 445                 currentCodeElement.getChildElements(valueName);
 446             SOAPElement valueElement = (SOAPElement) valueElements.next();
 447             String code = valueElement.getValue();
 448             subcodeList.add(convertCodeToQName(code, valueElement));
 449             subcodeElements = currentCodeElement.getChildElements(subcodeName);
 450         }
 451         //return subcodeList.iterator();
 452         return new Iterator() {
 453             Iterator subCodeIter = subcodeList.iterator();
 455             public boolean hasNext() {
 456                 return subCodeIter.hasNext();
 457             }
 459             public Object next() {
 460                 return subCodeIter.next();
 461             }
 463             public void remove() {
 464                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
 465                     "Method remove() not supported on SubCodes Iterator");
 466             }
 467         };
 468     }
 470     private static Locale getLocale(SOAPElement reasonText) {
 471         return xmlLangToLocale(reasonText.getAttributeValue(getXmlLangName()));
 472     }
 474     /*
 475      * Override setEncodingStyle of ElementImpl to restrict adding encodingStyle
 476      * attribute to SOAP Fault (SOAP 1.2 spec, part 1, section 5.1.1)
 477      */
 478     public void setEncodingStyle(String encodingStyle) throws SOAPException {
 479         log.severe("SAAJ0407.ver1_2.no.encodingStyle.in.fault");
 480         throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("encodingStyle attribute cannot appear on Fault");
 481     }
 483     public SOAPElement addAttribute(Name name, String value)
 484         throws SOAPException {
 485         if (name.getLocalName().equals("encodingStyle")
 486             && name.getURI().equals(NameImpl.SOAP12_NAMESPACE)) {
 487             setEncodingStyle(value);
 488         }
 489         return super.addAttribute(name, value);
 490     }
 492     public SOAPElement addAttribute(QName name, String value)
 493         throws SOAPException {
 494         if (name.getLocalPart().equals("encodingStyle")
 495             && name.getNamespaceURI().equals(NameImpl.SOAP12_NAMESPACE)) {
 496             setEncodingStyle(value);
 497         }
 498         return super.addAttribute(name, value);
 499     }
 501     public SOAPElement addTextNode(String text) throws SOAPException {
 502         log.log(
 503             Level.SEVERE,
 504             "SAAJ0416.ver1_2.adding.text.not.legal",
 505             getElementQName());
 506         throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("Adding text to SOAP 1.2 Fault is not legal");
 507     }
 509     public SOAPElement addChildElement(SOAPElement element)
 510         throws SOAPException {
 511         String localName = element.getLocalName();
 512         if ("Detail".equalsIgnoreCase(localName)) {
 513             if (hasDetail()) {
 514                 log.severe("SAAJ0436.ver1_2.detail.exists.error");
 515                 throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("Cannot add Detail, Detail already exists");
 516             }
 517             String uri = element.getElementQName().getNamespaceURI();
 518             if (!uri.equals(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_2_ENVELOPE)) {
 519                 log.severe("SAAJ0437.ver1_2.version.mismatch.error");
 520                 throw new SOAPExceptionImpl("Cannot add Detail, Incorrect SOAP version specified for Detail element");
 521             }
 522         }
 523         if (element instanceof Detail1_2Impl) {
 524             ElementImpl importedElement = (ElementImpl) importElement(element);
 525             addNode(importedElement);
 526             return convertToSoapElement(importedElement);
 527         } else
 528             return super.addChildElement(element);
 529     }
 531     protected boolean isStandardFaultElement(String localName) {
 532         if (localName.equalsIgnoreCase("code") ||
 533             localName.equalsIgnoreCase("reason") ||
 534             localName.equalsIgnoreCase("node") ||
 535             localName.equalsIgnoreCase("role") ||
 536             localName.equalsIgnoreCase("detail")) {
 537             return true;
 538         }
 539         return false;
 540     }
 542     protected QName getDefaultFaultCode() {
 543         return SOAPConstants.SOAP_SENDER_FAULT;
 544     }
 546      protected FaultElementImpl createSOAPFaultElement(QName qname) {
 547          return new FaultElement1_2Impl(
 548                        ((SOAPDocument) getOwnerDocument()).getDocument(),
 549                        qname);
 550     }
 552     protected FaultElementImpl createSOAPFaultElement(Name qname) {
 553          return new FaultElement1_2Impl(
 554                        ((SOAPDocument) getOwnerDocument()).getDocument(),
 555                        (NameImpl)qname);
 556     }
 558      public void setFaultActor(String faultActor) throws SOAPException {
 559         this.setFaultRole(faultActor);
 560     }
 562 }