
Print this page

 158             }
 159         }
 160     }
 162     public boolean hasHeaders() {
 163         parse();
 164         return headers.hasHeaders();
 165     }
 167     public @NotNull MessageHeaders getHeaders() {
 168         parse();
 169         return headers;
 170     }
 172     /**
 173      * Gets the attachments of this message
 174      * (attachments live outside a message.)
 175      */
 176     @Override
 177     public @NotNull AttachmentSet getAttachments() {
 178         parse();
 179         return attachmentSet;
 180     }
 182     /**
 183      * Optimization hint for the derived class to check
 184      * if we may have some attachments.
 185      */
 186     @Override
 187     protected boolean hasAttachments() {
 188         parse();
 189         return attachmentSet!=null;
 190     }
 192     public @Nullable String getPayloadLocalPart() {
 193         access();
 194         return payloadLocalName;
 195     }
 197     public String getPayloadNamespaceURI() {
 198         access();
 199         return payloadNamespace;
 200     }
 202     public boolean hasPayload() {
 203         access();
 204         return payloadNamespace != null;
 205     }
 207     private void addAttributes(Element e, NamedNodeMap attrs) {
 208         if(attrs == null)
 209             return;
 210         String elPrefix = e.getPrefix();
 211         for(int i=0; i < attrs.getLength();i++) {
 212             Attr a = (Attr)attrs.item(i);
 213             //check if attr is ns declaration
 214             if("xmlns".equals(a.getPrefix()) || "xmlns".equals(a.getLocalName())) {
 215                 if(elPrefix == null && a.getLocalName().equals("xmlns")) {
 216                     // the target element has already default ns declaration, dont' override it
 217                     continue;
 218                 } else if(elPrefix != null && "xmlns".equals(a.getPrefix()) && elPrefix.equals(a.getLocalName())) {
 219                     //dont bind the prefix to ns again, its already in the target element.
 220                     continue;
 221                 }
 222                 e.setAttributeNS(a.getNamespaceURI(),a.getName(),a.getValue());
 223                 continue;
 224             }

 311         }
 312         return null;
 313     }
 315     /** @deprecated */
 316     public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(Bridge<T> bridge) throws JAXBException {
 317         access();
 318         if (payload != null)
 319             return bridge.unmarshal(payload,hasAttachments()? new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(getAttachments()) : null);
 320         return null;
 321     }
 322     public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(XMLBridge<T> bridge) throws JAXBException {
 323         access();
 324         if (payload != null)
 325             return bridge.unmarshal(payload,hasAttachments()? new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(getAttachments()) : null);
 326         return null;
 327     }
 329     public XMLStreamReader readPayload() throws XMLStreamException {
 330         access();
 331         if (payload != null) {
 332             DOMStreamReader dss = new DOMStreamReader();
 333             dss.setCurrentNode(payload);
 334             dss.nextTag();
 335             assert dss.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT;
 336             return dss;
 337         }
 338         return null;
 339     }
 341     public void writePayloadTo(XMLStreamWriter sw) throws XMLStreamException {
 342         access();
 343         try {
 344             for (Element part : bodyParts)
 345                 DOMUtil.serializeNode(part, sw);
 346         } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
 347             throw new WebServiceException(e);
 348         }
 349     }
 351     public void writeTo(XMLStreamWriter writer) throws XMLStreamException {
 352         try {
 353             writer.writeStartDocument();
 354             if (!parsedMessage) {
 355                 DOMUtil.serializeNode(sm.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope(), writer);
 356             } else {
 357                 SOAPEnvelope env = sm.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
 358                 DOMUtil.writeTagWithAttributes(env, writer);

 505         try {
 506             if (!parsedMessage) {
 507                 return new SAAJMessage(readAsSOAPMessage());
 508             } else {
 509                 SOAPMessage msg = soapVersion.getMessageFactory().createMessage();
 510                 SOAPBody newBody = msg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();
 511                 for (Element part : bodyParts) {
 512                     Node n = newBody.getOwnerDocument().importNode(part, true);
 513                     newBody.appendChild(n);
 514                 }
 515                 addAttributes(newBody, bodyAttrs);
 516                 return new SAAJMessage(getHeaders(), getAttachments(), msg, soapVersion);
 517             }
 518         } catch (SOAPException e) {
 519             throw new WebServiceException(e);
 520         }
 521     }
 522     private static final AttributesImpl EMPTY_ATTS = new AttributesImpl();
 523     private static final LocatorImpl NULL_LOCATOR = new LocatorImpl();
 525     private static class SAAJAttachment implements AttachmentEx {
 527         final AttachmentPart ap;
 529         String contentIdNoAngleBracket;
 531         public SAAJAttachment(AttachmentPart part) {
 532             this.ap = part;
 533         }
 535         /**
 536          * Content ID of the attachment. Uniquely identifies an attachment.
 537          */
 538         public String getContentId() {
 539             if (contentIdNoAngleBracket == null) {
 540                 contentIdNoAngleBracket = ap.getContentId();
 541                 if (contentIdNoAngleBracket != null && contentIdNoAngleBracket.charAt(0) == '<')
 542                     contentIdNoAngleBracket = contentIdNoAngleBracket.substring(1, contentIdNoAngleBracket.length()-1);
 543             }
 544             return contentIdNoAngleBracket;
 545         }

 635                                                 public String getValue() {
 636                                                         return mh.getValue();
 637                                                 }
 638                                         };
 639                                 }
 641                                 public void remove() {
 642                                         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 643                                 }
 644                         };
 645                 }
 646     }
 648     /**
 649      * {@link AttachmentSet} for SAAJ.
 650      *
 651      * SAAJ wants '&lt;' and '>' for the content ID, but {@link AttachmentSet}
 652      * doesn't. S this class also does the conversion between them.
 653      */
 654     private static class SAAJAttachmentSet implements AttachmentSet {
 656         private Map<String, Attachment> attMap;
 657         private Iterator attIter;
 659         public SAAJAttachmentSet(SOAPMessage sm) {
 660             attIter = sm.getAttachments();
 661         }
 663         /**
 664          * Gets the attachment by the content ID.
 665          *
 666          * @return null
 667          *         if no such attachment exist.
 668          */
 669         public Attachment get(String contentId) {
 670             // if this is the first time then create the attachment Map
 671             if (attMap == null) {
 672                 if (!attIter.hasNext())
 673                     return null;
 674                 attMap = createAttachmentMap();

 697             }
 698             return attMap.values().iterator();
 699         }
 701         private Map<String, Attachment> createAttachmentMap() {
 702             HashMap<String, Attachment> map = new HashMap<String, Attachment>();
 703             while (attIter.hasNext()) {
 704                 AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart);
 705                 map.put(ap.getContentId(), new SAAJAttachment(ap));
 706             }
 707             return map;
 708         }
 710         public void add(Attachment att) {
 711             attMap.put('<'+att.getContentId()+'>', att);
 712         }
 713     }
 715     public SOAPVersion getSOAPVersion() {
 716         return soapVersion;

 717     }
 718 }

 158             }
 159         }
 160     }
 162     public boolean hasHeaders() {
 163         parse();
 164         return headers.hasHeaders();
 165     }
 167     public @NotNull MessageHeaders getHeaders() {
 168         parse();
 169         return headers;
 170     }
 172     /**
 173      * Gets the attachments of this message
 174      * (attachments live outside a message.)
 175      */
 176     @Override
 177     public @NotNull AttachmentSet getAttachments() {
 178         if (attachmentSet == null) attachmentSet = new SAAJAttachmentSet(sm);
 179         return attachmentSet;
 180     }
 182     /**
 183      * Optimization hint for the derived class to check
 184      * if we may have some attachments.
 185      */
 186     @Override
 187     protected boolean hasAttachments() {
 188         return !getAttachments().isEmpty();

 189     }
 191     public @Nullable String getPayloadLocalPart() {
 192         soapBodyFirstChild();
 193         return payloadLocalName;
 194     }
 196     public String getPayloadNamespaceURI() {
 197         soapBodyFirstChild();
 198         return payloadNamespace;
 199     }
 201     public boolean hasPayload() {
 202         return soapBodyFirstChild() != null;

 203     }
 205     private void addAttributes(Element e, NamedNodeMap attrs) {
 206         if(attrs == null)
 207             return;
 208         String elPrefix = e.getPrefix();
 209         for(int i=0; i < attrs.getLength();i++) {
 210             Attr a = (Attr)attrs.item(i);
 211             //check if attr is ns declaration
 212             if("xmlns".equals(a.getPrefix()) || "xmlns".equals(a.getLocalName())) {
 213                 if(elPrefix == null && a.getLocalName().equals("xmlns")) {
 214                     // the target element has already default ns declaration, dont' override it
 215                     continue;
 216                 } else if(elPrefix != null && "xmlns".equals(a.getPrefix()) && elPrefix.equals(a.getLocalName())) {
 217                     //dont bind the prefix to ns again, its already in the target element.
 218                     continue;
 219                 }
 220                 e.setAttributeNS(a.getNamespaceURI(),a.getName(),a.getValue());
 221                 continue;
 222             }

 309         }
 310         return null;
 311     }
 313     /** @deprecated */
 314     public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(Bridge<T> bridge) throws JAXBException {
 315         access();
 316         if (payload != null)
 317             return bridge.unmarshal(payload,hasAttachments()? new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(getAttachments()) : null);
 318         return null;
 319     }
 320     public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(XMLBridge<T> bridge) throws JAXBException {
 321         access();
 322         if (payload != null)
 323             return bridge.unmarshal(payload,hasAttachments()? new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(getAttachments()) : null);
 324         return null;
 325     }
 327     public XMLStreamReader readPayload() throws XMLStreamException {
 328         return soapBodyFirstChildReader();

 329     }
 331     public void writePayloadTo(XMLStreamWriter sw) throws XMLStreamException {
 332         access();
 333         try {
 334             for (Element part : bodyParts)
 335                 DOMUtil.serializeNode(part, sw);
 336         } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
 337             throw new WebServiceException(e);
 338         }
 339     }
 341     public void writeTo(XMLStreamWriter writer) throws XMLStreamException {
 342         try {
 343             writer.writeStartDocument();
 344             if (!parsedMessage) {
 345                 DOMUtil.serializeNode(sm.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope(), writer);
 346             } else {
 347                 SOAPEnvelope env = sm.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
 348                 DOMUtil.writeTagWithAttributes(env, writer);

 495         try {
 496             if (!parsedMessage) {
 497                 return new SAAJMessage(readAsSOAPMessage());
 498             } else {
 499                 SOAPMessage msg = soapVersion.getMessageFactory().createMessage();
 500                 SOAPBody newBody = msg.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getBody();
 501                 for (Element part : bodyParts) {
 502                     Node n = newBody.getOwnerDocument().importNode(part, true);
 503                     newBody.appendChild(n);
 504                 }
 505                 addAttributes(newBody, bodyAttrs);
 506                 return new SAAJMessage(getHeaders(), getAttachments(), msg, soapVersion);
 507             }
 508         } catch (SOAPException e) {
 509             throw new WebServiceException(e);
 510         }
 511     }
 512     private static final AttributesImpl EMPTY_ATTS = new AttributesImpl();
 513     private static final LocatorImpl NULL_LOCATOR = new LocatorImpl();
 515     protected static class SAAJAttachment implements AttachmentEx {
 517         final AttachmentPart ap;
 519         String contentIdNoAngleBracket;
 521         public SAAJAttachment(AttachmentPart part) {
 522             this.ap = part;
 523         }
 525         /**
 526          * Content ID of the attachment. Uniquely identifies an attachment.
 527          */
 528         public String getContentId() {
 529             if (contentIdNoAngleBracket == null) {
 530                 contentIdNoAngleBracket = ap.getContentId();
 531                 if (contentIdNoAngleBracket != null && contentIdNoAngleBracket.charAt(0) == '<')
 532                     contentIdNoAngleBracket = contentIdNoAngleBracket.substring(1, contentIdNoAngleBracket.length()-1);
 533             }
 534             return contentIdNoAngleBracket;
 535         }

 625                                                 public String getValue() {
 626                                                         return mh.getValue();
 627                                                 }
 628                                         };
 629                                 }
 631                                 public void remove() {
 632                                         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
 633                                 }
 634                         };
 635                 }
 636     }
 638     /**
 639      * {@link AttachmentSet} for SAAJ.
 640      *
 641      * SAAJ wants '&lt;' and '>' for the content ID, but {@link AttachmentSet}
 642      * doesn't. S this class also does the conversion between them.
 643      */
 644     protected static class SAAJAttachmentSet implements AttachmentSet {
 646         private Map<String, Attachment> attMap;
 647         private Iterator attIter;
 649         public SAAJAttachmentSet(SOAPMessage sm) {
 650             attIter = sm.getAttachments();
 651         }
 653         /**
 654          * Gets the attachment by the content ID.
 655          *
 656          * @return null
 657          *         if no such attachment exist.
 658          */
 659         public Attachment get(String contentId) {
 660             // if this is the first time then create the attachment Map
 661             if (attMap == null) {
 662                 if (!attIter.hasNext())
 663                     return null;
 664                 attMap = createAttachmentMap();

 687             }
 688             return attMap.values().iterator();
 689         }
 691         private Map<String, Attachment> createAttachmentMap() {
 692             HashMap<String, Attachment> map = new HashMap<String, Attachment>();
 693             while (attIter.hasNext()) {
 694                 AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart);
 695                 map.put(ap.getContentId(), new SAAJAttachment(ap));
 696             }
 697             return map;
 698         }
 700         public void add(Attachment att) {
 701             attMap.put('<'+att.getContentId()+'>', att);
 702         }
 703     }
 705     public SOAPVersion getSOAPVersion() {
 706         return soapVersion;
 707     }
 709     private XMLStreamReader soapBodyFirstChildReader;
 711     /**
 712      * This allow the subclass to retain the XMLStreamReader.
 713      */
 714     protected XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(SOAPElement soapElement) {
 715         return null;
 716     }
 718     protected XMLStreamReader createXMLStreamReader(SOAPElement soapElement) {
 719         DOMStreamReader dss = new DOMStreamReader();
 720         dss.setCurrentNode(soapElement);
 721         return dss;
 722     }
 724     protected XMLStreamReader soapBodyFirstChildReader() {
 725         if (soapBodyFirstChildReader != null) return soapBodyFirstChildReader;
 726         soapBodyFirstChild();
 727         if (soapBodyFirstChild != null) {
 728             soapBodyFirstChildReader = getXMLStreamReader(soapBodyFirstChild);
 729             if (soapBodyFirstChildReader == null) soapBodyFirstChildReader =
 730                 createXMLStreamReader(soapBodyFirstChild);
 731             if (soapBodyFirstChildReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_DOCUMENT) {
 732                 try {
 733                     while(soapBodyFirstChildReader.getEventType() != XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT)
 734               ;
 735                 } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
 736                     throw new RuntimeException(e);
 737                 }
 738             }
 739             return soapBodyFirstChildReader;
 740         } else {
 741             payloadLocalName = null;
 742             payloadNamespace = null;
 743             return null;
 744         }
 745     }
 747     private SOAPElement soapBodyFirstChild;
 749     SOAPElement soapBodyFirstChild() {
 750         if (soapBodyFirstChild != null) return soapBodyFirstChild;
 751         try {
 752             boolean foundElement = false;
 753             for (Node n = sm.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild(); n != null && !foundElement; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
 754                 if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
 755                     foundElement = true;
 756                     if (n instanceof SOAPElement) {
 757                         soapBodyFirstChild = (SOAPElement) n;
 758                         payloadLocalName = soapBodyFirstChild.getLocalName();
 759                         payloadNamespace = soapBodyFirstChild.getNamespaceURI();
 760                         return soapBodyFirstChild;
 761                     }
 762                 }
 763             }
 764             if(foundElement) for(Iterator i = sm.getSOAPBody().getChildElements(); i.hasNext();){
 765                 Object o =;
 766                 if (o instanceof SOAPElement) {
 767                     soapBodyFirstChild = (SOAPElement)o;
 768                     payloadLocalName = soapBodyFirstChild.getLocalName();
 769                     payloadNamespace = soapBodyFirstChild.getNamespaceURI();
 770                     return soapBodyFirstChild;
 771                 }
 772             }
 773         } catch (SOAPException e) {
 774             throw new RuntimeException(e);
 775         }
 776         return soapBodyFirstChild;
 777     }
 778 }