1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 #
  27 # English diagnostic messages (and fragments) for Sun's XML parser.
  28 #
  29 # P-NNN ... parser messages
  30 # F-NNN ... message fragments (sometimes associated with more
  31 #       than one message, but usually just with one)
  32 # V-NNN ... validation related messages
  33 #
  34 # Most messages can be produced in only one way.
  35 #
  38 #
  39 # Generic parsing messages, not specific to validation
  40 #
  41 P-000 = No parser input source!
  42 P-001 = Illegal character at end of document, &#x{0};
  43 P-002 = Expansion of entity "&{0};" is not well formed
  44 P-003 = Premature end of input
  45 # {0} - F000-F009, F011, F021.
  46 P-004 = Missing whitespace {0}
  47 P-005 = Only whitespace allowed {0}
  49     #
  50     # unadorned "missing whitespace", with P-004 only
  51     #
  52     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F000)
  53     F-000 = after element name declaration
  54     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F001)
  55     F-001 = between attribute name and type
  56     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F002)
  57     F-002 = after NOTATION type name
  58     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F003)
  59     F-003 = between attribute type and default value
  60     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F004)
  61     F-004 = after #FIXED
  62     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F005)
  63     F-005 = after <!ENTITY declaration
  64     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F006)
  65     F-006 = after % in parameter entity declaration
  66     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F007)
  67     F-007 = after entity name
  68     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F008)
  69     F-008 = before SYSTEM literal URI
  70     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F009)
  71     F-009 = after PUBLIC keyword
  72     # F-010 ... identifier can be reused
  73     # Concatenated with P-004 (P-004 + F011)
  74     F-011 = after notation name
  75     # F-012 ... identifier can be reused
  76     # F-013 ... identifier can be reused
  78     #
  79     # in declaration, in "S Name", with P-004 and P-005
  80     #
  81     F-014 = before name in <!DOCTYPE declaration
  82     # Concatenated with P-005 (P-005 + F015)
  83     F-015 = before name in <!ELEMENT declaration
  84     # Concatenated with P-005 (P-005 + F016)
  85     F-016 = before name in <!ATTLIST declaration
  86     # Concatenated with P-005 (P-005 + F017)
  87     F-017 = before name in <!ENTITY declaration
  88     # Concatenated with P-005 (P-005 + F018)
  89     F-018 = before NDATA notation name in <!ENTITY declaration
  90     # Concatenated with P-005 (P-005 + F019)
  91     F-019 = before name in <!NOTATION declaration
  93 # {0} - character
  94 P-006 = Name tokens must not start with "{0}" characters
  95 P-007 = Value must be quoted
  96 # {0} - character, {1} - F020-F023, F028-F032, {2} - xml entity name e.g.: Next character must be ">" terminating <!ENTITY...> declaration "%HTML.Version"
  97 P-008 = Next character must be "{0}" {1} {2}
  99     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F020)
 100     F-020 = terminating reference to entity
 101     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F021)
 102     F-021 = terminating reference to parameter entity
 103     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F022)
 104     F-022 = terminating comment
 105     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F023)
 106     F-023 = in XML Declaration
 107     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F024)
 108     F-024 = terminating internal DTD subset
 109     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F025)
 110     F-025 = terminating <!DOCTYPE ...> declaration
 111     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F026)
 112     F-026 = after attribute name
 113     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F027)
 114     F-027 = terminating element
 115     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F028)
 116     F-028 = starting content model for element
 117     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F029)
 118     F-029 = starting list of attribute NOTATIONS
 119     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F030)
 120     F-030 = beginning condition DTD subset
 121     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F031)
 122     F-031 = terminating <!ENTITY ...> declaration
 123     # Concatenated with P-008 (P-008 + F032)
 124     F-032 = terminating <!NOTATION ...> declaration
 126 P-009 = Illegal character or entity reference syntax
 128 P-010 = Only external parameter entities may use "%{0};" in entity values
 129 P-011 = Illegal parameter entity reference syntax
 130 P-012 = Use "&lt;" for "<" in attribute values
 131 P-013 = Illegal reference to external entity "&{0};" in attribute
 132 P-014 = Reference to undefined entity "&{0};"
 133 # {0} - F033-F035
 134 P-015 = Expecting quoted value for {0}
 136     # Concatenated with P-015 (P-015 + F033)
 137     F-033 = PUBLIC identifier
 138     # Concatenated with P-015 (P-015 + F034)
 139     F-034 = SYSTEM identifier
 140     # {0} - attribute name. Concatenated with P-015 (P-015 + F033)
 141     F-035 = attribute value {0}
 143 P-016 = Illegal character in PUBLIC identifier:  "{0}"
 144 P-017 = End of entity while processing comment
 145 P-018 = Processing instruction target is missing
 146 P-019 = XML declaration may only begin entities
 148 P-020 = Illegal processing instruction target:  "{0}"
 149 P-021 = End of input inside processing instruction
 150 P-022 = Illegal processing instruction name, or missing whitespace
 151 P-023 = Illegal character "&#x{0};" ({1}) at end of XML Declaration
 152 P-024 = Expected "{0}=..."
 153 P-025 = XML version "{0}" should be declared
 154 P-026 = Illegal XML version string "{0}"
 155 P-027 = XML version "{0}" is recognized, but not "{1}"
 156 P-028 = Internal DTD subset must not have "<![..." constructs
 157 P-029 = Standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no", not "{0}"
 159 P-030 = Whitespace required before attributes
 160 P-031 = Attribute names must not start with "{0}" characters
 161 P-032 = Attribute "{0}" already appeared in this tag
 162 P-033 = Illegal xml:lang value "{0}"
 163 P-034 = Expected "</{0}>" to terminate element starting on line {1}
 164 P-035 = End of entity not allowed; an end tag is missing
 165 P-036 = ">" must terminate <!ELEMENT {0} ...> declaration, not "{1}"
 166 P-037 = Sequence content model must not contain "{0}"
 167 P-038 = Choice content model must not contain "{0}"
 168 P-039 = No content model may contain "{0}"
 170 P-040 = Need right parenthesis or "{1}" in content model, not "{0}"
 171 P-041 = Need right parenthesis, ",", or "|" in content model, not "{0}"
 172 # {0} - element name, {1} - character as a hex number
 173 P-042 = Illegal mixed content model for "{0}", next char = &#x{1};
 174 # {0} - element name, {1} - character e.g.: Mixed content model for "doc" must end with ")*", not "*".
 175 P-043 = Mixed content model for "{0}" must end with ")*", not "{1}"
 176 P-044 = Either an attribute declaration or ">" is expected, not "{0}"
 177 # {0} - attribute name, {1} - character e.g.: Illegal type (starts with "p") for attribute "xml:space"
 178 P-045 = Illegal type (starts with "{1}") for attribute "{0}"
 179 P-046 = Need keyword in conditional DTD section
 180 P-047 = Unterminated conditional DTD section
 181 P-048 = Only INCLUDE and IGNORE are allowed, not "{0}"
 182 P-049 = Illegal decimal character reference
 184 P-050 = Illegal hexadecimal character reference
 185 P-051 = Illegal XML character &#x{0};
 186 P-052 = Internal entity "&{0};" has characters after content
 187 P-053 = Unparsed entities such as "&{0};" must not be included
 188 P-054 = Using original entity definition for "&{0};"
 189 P-055 = Relative URI "{0}"; can not be resolved without a document URI
 190 P-056 = URI "{0}" has a fragment ID
 191 P-057 = Need "?>" to terminate XML declaration
 192 P-058 = External entity "&{0};" has characters after content
 193 P-059 = External parameter entity "%{0};" has characters after markup
 195 P-060 = Illegal character "{0}" in encoding name
 196 P-061 = Declared encoding "{0}" does not match actual one "{1}"; \
 197     this might not be an error
 198 P-062 = Notation must be PUBLIC or SYSTEM
 199 P-063 = Using first definition of notation "{0}"
 200 P-064 = Premature end of parameter entity "%{0};"
 201 P-065 = Entity Resolver did not provide SYSTEM id; may affect relative URIs
 202 # P-066 ... ID available
 203 P-067 = Document root element is missing
 204 P-068 = Notation name is required
 205 P-069 = Expansion of entity "{0}" is recursive
 207 P-070 = Malformed second part of surrogate pair:  &#x{0};
 208 P-071 = Illegal XML character:  &#x{0};
 209 P-072 = Character data cannot have "]]>"
 210 # Character data section starts with "<![CDATA[" and is terminated with "]]>" with text in between. No change needed.
 211 P-073 = EOF while parsing <![CDATA[ section
 212 P-074 = Illegal Unicode surrogate pair:  &#x{0}; &#x{1};
 213 P-075 = Unsupported encoding: "{0}" (line number may be too low)
 214 P-076 = Character conversion error: "{0}" (line number may be too low)
 215 P-077 = Maximum symbol length ({0} characters) exceeded
 216 P-078 = No messages for locale "{0}" are available
 217 P-079 = The content beginning "<{1}" is not legal markup \
 218     Perhaps the "{1}" (&#{0};) character should be a letter
 220 P-080 = Parameter entity references must not appear within \
 221     markup declarations in the internal DTD subset
 222 P-081 = Incomplete Unicode surrogate pair:  &#x{0}
 224 P-082 = Trying to access null attributes
 225 P-083 = Illegal stack state
 226 P-084 = Undeclared namespace prefix of element "{0}"
 227 P-085 = DTD detected
 228 P-086 = Illegal namespace prefix "{0}"; prefix "xml" cannot be bound to any namespace other than its usual namespace
 230 #
 231 # Validation messages, won't normally show up unless validation is
 232 # being performed.  Note that V-022 relates to a spec bug:  there
 233 # are both a WFC and VC on undefined PEs.  If that's a WVC violation
 234 # there's no need for the VC, ever; and "standalone" would then affect
 235 # WF-ness.  For the moment this assumes it's to be a VC not a WFC
 236 #
 237 V-000 = Validation is disabled
 238 V-001 = Valid documents must have a <!DOCTYPE declaration
 239 V-002 = This document is standalone, so it must not refer to "&{0};"
 240 V-003 = Undeclared notation "{0}" is used by an <!ENTITY...> declaration
 241 V-004 = Undeclared notation "{0}" is used by an <!ATTLIST...> declaration
 242 V-005 = Element type "{0}" is not declared
 243 V-006 = Root element type is "{0}", but was declared to be "{1}"
 244 V-007 = Attribute "{0}" is not declared for element "{1}"
 245 V-008 = Attribute "{0}" of element "{1}" must only have value "{2}"
 246 # {0} - probably attribute name.
 247 V-009 = Attribute value for "{0}" is #REQUIRED
 249 V-010 = This document is standalone, \
 250     so attribute "{0}" must not be defaulted
 251 V-011 = This document is standalone, \
 252     so element "{0}" must not have ignorable whitespace
 253 V-012 = Element "{0}" was already declared
 254 V-013 = Parameter entities must not contain partial declarations
 255 # {0} - element name
 256 V-014 = Parameter entity nesting error in content model for "{0}"
 257 V-015 = Mixed content model repeats element "{0}"
 258 V-016 = This element already has an ID attribute, "{0}"
 259 V-017 = ID attribute "{0}" must not be #FIXED
 260 V-018 = ID attribute "{0}" must not be defaulted
 261 V-019 = This document is standalone; this attribute needs to be pre-normalized
 263 V-020 = Parameter entities must not contain partial conditional DTD sections
 264 V-021 = Parameter entities must not contain partial comments
 265 V-022 = Reference to undefined parameter entity "%{0};"
 266 V-023 = This document is standalone; this ignorable CDATA whitespace is forbidden
 267 V-024 = No element has an ID attribute with value "{0}"
 268 V-025 = ID values must be XML names; "{0}" is not a name
 269 V-026 = Another element already has an ID attribute with value "{0}"
 270 V-027 = IDREF/IDREFS values must be XML names; "{0}" is not a name
 271 V-028 = NMTOKEN/NMTOKENS values must be XML name tokens; "{0}" is not one
 272 V-029 = Value "{0}" is not one of the enumerated values for this attribute
 274 V-030 = Attribute value "{0}" does not name a notation
 275 V-031 = Attribute value "{0}" does not name an unparsed entity
 276 V-032 = NMTOKENS attributes must have at least one value
 277 # Empty content model is a special type of XML element. I?d leave the message in English as is (also libraries from outside of Oracle use this exact message) but the word EMPTY can be translated.
 278 V-033 = Empty content models must have no content
 279 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
 280 #V-034 = Element "{0}" does not allow "{1}" -- {2}
 281 # {0} - xml element name, {1} - xml element name e.g. Element "servlet-mapping" allows no further input; "url-pattern" is not allowed.
 282 V-035 = Element "{0}" allows no further input; "{1}" is not allowed
 283 # Usage not found. TODO Remove
 284 #V-036 = Element "{0}" does not allow "{1}" here
 285 V-037 = Element "{0}" does not allow text
 286 V-038 = Element "{0}" requires additional elements
 287 V-039 = IDREFS attributes must have at least one value
 289 V-040 = ENTITIES attributes must have at least one value