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@@ -105,1274 +105,5 @@
 matter ever).
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.
-// Move constants to the right.
-Node *CMoveNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  if( in(0) && remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape) ) return this;
-  // Don't bother trying to transform a dead node
-  if( in(0) && in(0)->is_top() )  return NULL;
-  assert( !phase->eqv(in(Condition), this) &&
-          !phase->eqv(in(IfFalse), this) &&
-          !phase->eqv(in(IfTrue), this), "dead loop in CMoveNode::Ideal" );
-  if( phase->type(in(Condition)) == Type::TOP )
-    return NULL; // return NULL when Condition is dead
-  if( in(IfFalse)->is_Con() && !in(IfTrue)->is_Con() ) {
-    if( in(Condition)->is_Bool() ) {
-      BoolNode* b  = in(Condition)->as_Bool();
-      BoolNode* b2 = b->negate(phase);
-      return make( phase->C, in(Control), phase->transform(b2), in(IfTrue), in(IfFalse), _type );
-    }
-  }
-  return NULL;
-// Helper function to check for CMOVE identity.  Shared with PhiNode::Identity
-Node *CMoveNode::is_cmove_id( PhaseTransform *phase, Node *cmp, Node *t, Node *f, BoolNode *b ) {
-  // Check for Cmp'ing and CMove'ing same values
-  if( (phase->eqv(cmp->in(1),f) &&
-       phase->eqv(cmp->in(2),t)) ||
-      // Swapped Cmp is OK
-      (phase->eqv(cmp->in(2),f) &&
-       phase->eqv(cmp->in(1),t)) ) {
-    // Give up this identity check for floating points because it may choose incorrect
-    // value around 0.0 and -0.0
-    if ( cmp->Opcode()==Op_CmpF || cmp->Opcode()==Op_CmpD )
-      return NULL;
-    // Check for "(t==f)?t:f;" and replace with "f"
-    if( b->_test._test == BoolTest::eq )
-      return f;
-    // Allow the inverted case as well
-    // Check for "(t!=f)?t:f;" and replace with "t"
-    if( b->_test._test == BoolTest::ne )
-      return t;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-// Conditional-move is an identity if both inputs are the same, or the test
-// true or false.
-Node *CMoveNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  if( phase->eqv(in(IfFalse),in(IfTrue)) ) // C-moving identical inputs?
-    return in(IfFalse);         // Then it doesn't matter
-  if( phase->type(in(Condition)) == TypeInt::ZERO )
-    return in(IfFalse);         // Always pick left(false) input
-  if( phase->type(in(Condition)) == TypeInt::ONE )
-    return in(IfTrue);          // Always pick right(true) input
-  // Check for CMove'ing a constant after comparing against the constant.
-  // Happens all the time now, since if we compare equality vs a constant in
-  // the parser, we "know" the variable is constant on one path and we force
-  // it.  Thus code like "if( x==0 ) {/*EMPTY*/}" ends up inserting a
-  // conditional move: "x = (x==0)?0:x;".  Yucko.  This fix is slightly more
-  // general in that we don't need constants.
-  if( in(Condition)->is_Bool() ) {
-    BoolNode *b = in(Condition)->as_Bool();
-    Node *cmp = b->in(1);
-    if( cmp->is_Cmp() ) {
-      Node *id = is_cmove_id( phase, cmp, in(IfTrue), in(IfFalse), b );
-      if( id ) return id;
-    }
-  }
-  return this;
-// Result is the meet of inputs
-const Type *CMoveNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  if( phase->type(in(Condition)) == Type::TOP )
-    return Type::TOP;
-  return phase->type(in(IfFalse))->meet_speculative(phase->type(in(IfTrue)));
-// Make a correctly-flavored CMove.  Since _type is directly determined
-// from the inputs we do not need to specify it here.
-CMoveNode *CMoveNode::make( Compile *C, Node *c, Node *bol, Node *left, Node *right, const Type *t ) {
-  switch( t->basic_type() ) {
-  case T_INT:     return new (C) CMoveINode( bol, left, right, t->is_int() );
-  case T_FLOAT:   return new (C) CMoveFNode( bol, left, right, t );
-  case T_DOUBLE:  return new (C) CMoveDNode( bol, left, right, t );
-  case T_LONG:    return new (C) CMoveLNode( bol, left, right, t->is_long() );
-  case T_OBJECT:  return new (C) CMovePNode( c, bol, left, right, t->is_oopptr() );
-  case T_ADDRESS: return new (C) CMovePNode( c, bol, left, right, t->is_ptr() );
-  case T_NARROWOOP: return new (C) CMoveNNode( c, bol, left, right, t );
-  default:
-    ShouldNotReachHere();
-    return NULL;
-  }
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.
-// Check for conversions to boolean
-Node *CMoveINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  // Try generic ideal's first
-  Node *x = CMoveNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
-  if( x ) return x;
-  // If zero is on the left (false-case, no-move-case) it must mean another
-  // constant is on the right (otherwise the shared CMove::Ideal code would
-  // have moved the constant to the right).  This situation is bad for Intel
-  // and a don't-care for Sparc.  It's bad for Intel because the zero has to
-  // be manifested in a register with a XOR which kills flags, which are live
-  // on input to the CMoveI, leading to a situation which causes excessive
-  // spilling on Intel.  For Sparc, if the zero in on the left the Sparc will
-  // zero a register via G0 and conditionally-move the other constant.  If the
-  // zero is on the right, the Sparc will load the first constant with a
-  // 13-bit set-lo and conditionally move G0.  See bug 4677505.
-  if( phase->type(in(IfFalse)) == TypeInt::ZERO && !(phase->type(in(IfTrue)) == TypeInt::ZERO) ) {
-    if( in(Condition)->is_Bool() ) {
-      BoolNode* b  = in(Condition)->as_Bool();
-      BoolNode* b2 = b->negate(phase);
-      return make( phase->C, in(Control), phase->transform(b2), in(IfTrue), in(IfFalse), _type );
-    }
-  }
-  // Now check for booleans
-  int flip = 0;
-  // Check for picking from zero/one
-  if( phase->type(in(IfFalse)) == TypeInt::ZERO && phase->type(in(IfTrue)) == TypeInt::ONE ) {
-    flip = 1 - flip;
-  } else if( phase->type(in(IfFalse)) == TypeInt::ONE && phase->type(in(IfTrue)) == TypeInt::ZERO ) {
-  } else return NULL;
-  // Check for eq/ne test
-  if( !in(1)->is_Bool() ) return NULL;
-  BoolNode *bol = in(1)->as_Bool();
-  if( bol->_test._test == BoolTest::eq ) {
-  } else if( bol->_test._test == BoolTest::ne ) {
-    flip = 1-flip;
-  } else return NULL;
-  // Check for vs 0 or 1
-  if( !bol->in(1)->is_Cmp() ) return NULL;
-  const CmpNode *cmp = bol->in(1)->as_Cmp();
-  if( phase->type(cmp->in(2)) == TypeInt::ZERO ) {
-  } else if( phase->type(cmp->in(2)) == TypeInt::ONE ) {
-    // Allow cmp-vs-1 if the other input is bounded by 0-1
-    if( phase->type(cmp->in(1)) != TypeInt::BOOL )
-      return NULL;
-    flip = 1 - flip;
-  } else return NULL;
-  // Convert to a bool (flipped)
-  // Build int->bool conversion
-#ifndef PRODUCT
-  if( PrintOpto ) tty->print_cr("CMOV to I2B");
-  Node *n = new (phase->C) Conv2BNode( cmp->in(1) );
-  if( flip )
-    n = new (phase->C) XorINode( phase->transform(n), phase->intcon(1) );
-  return n;
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.
-// Check for absolute value
-Node *CMoveFNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  // Try generic ideal's first
-  Node *x = CMoveNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
-  if( x ) return x;
-  int  cmp_zero_idx = 0;        // Index of compare input where to look for zero
-  int  phi_x_idx = 0;           // Index of phi input where to find naked x
-  // Find the Bool
-  if( !in(1)->is_Bool() ) return NULL;
-  BoolNode *bol = in(1)->as_Bool();
-  // Check bool sense
-  switch( bol->_test._test ) {
-  case BoolTest::lt: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = IfTrue;  break;
-  case BoolTest::le: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = IfFalse; break;
-  case BoolTest::gt: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = IfTrue;  break;
-  case BoolTest::ge: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = IfFalse; break;
-  default:           return NULL;                           break;
-  }
-  // Find zero input of CmpF; the other input is being abs'd
-  Node *cmpf = bol->in(1);
-  if( cmpf->Opcode() != Op_CmpF ) return NULL;
-  Node *X = NULL;
-  bool flip = false;
-  if( phase->type(cmpf->in(cmp_zero_idx)) == TypeF::ZERO ) {
-    X = cmpf->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx);
-  } else if (phase->type(cmpf->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx)) == TypeF::ZERO) {
-    // The test is inverted, we should invert the result...
-    X = cmpf->in(cmp_zero_idx);
-    flip = true;
-  } else {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // If X is found on the appropriate phi input, find the subtract on the other
-  if( X != in(phi_x_idx) ) return NULL;
-  int phi_sub_idx = phi_x_idx == IfTrue ? IfFalse : IfTrue;
-  Node *sub = in(phi_sub_idx);
-  // Allow only SubF(0,X) and fail out for all others; NegF is not OK
-  if( sub->Opcode() != Op_SubF ||
-      sub->in(2) != X ||
-      phase->type(sub->in(1)) != TypeF::ZERO ) return NULL;
-  Node *abs = new (phase->C) AbsFNode( X );
-  if( flip )
-    abs = new (phase->C) SubFNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(abs));
-  return abs;
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.
-// Check for absolute value
-Node *CMoveDNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  // Try generic ideal's first
-  Node *x = CMoveNode::Ideal(phase, can_reshape);
-  if( x ) return x;
-  int  cmp_zero_idx = 0;        // Index of compare input where to look for zero
-  int  phi_x_idx = 0;           // Index of phi input where to find naked x
-  // Find the Bool
-  if( !in(1)->is_Bool() ) return NULL;
-  BoolNode *bol = in(1)->as_Bool();
-  // Check bool sense
-  switch( bol->_test._test ) {
-  case BoolTest::lt: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = IfTrue;  break;
-  case BoolTest::le: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = IfFalse; break;
-  case BoolTest::gt: cmp_zero_idx = 2; phi_x_idx = IfTrue;  break;
-  case BoolTest::ge: cmp_zero_idx = 1; phi_x_idx = IfFalse; break;
-  default:           return NULL;                           break;
-  }
-  // Find zero input of CmpD; the other input is being abs'd
-  Node *cmpd = bol->in(1);
-  if( cmpd->Opcode() != Op_CmpD ) return NULL;
-  Node *X = NULL;
-  bool flip = false;
-  if( phase->type(cmpd->in(cmp_zero_idx)) == TypeD::ZERO ) {
-    X = cmpd->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx);
-  } else if (phase->type(cmpd->in(3 - cmp_zero_idx)) == TypeD::ZERO) {
-    // The test is inverted, we should invert the result...
-    X = cmpd->in(cmp_zero_idx);
-    flip = true;
-  } else {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // If X is found on the appropriate phi input, find the subtract on the other
-  if( X != in(phi_x_idx) ) return NULL;
-  int phi_sub_idx = phi_x_idx == IfTrue ? IfFalse : IfTrue;
-  Node *sub = in(phi_sub_idx);
-  // Allow only SubD(0,X) and fail out for all others; NegD is not OK
-  if( sub->Opcode() != Op_SubD ||
-      sub->in(2) != X ||
-      phase->type(sub->in(1)) != TypeD::ZERO ) return NULL;
-  Node *abs = new (phase->C) AbsDNode( X );
-  if( flip )
-    abs = new (phase->C) SubDNode(sub->in(1), phase->transform(abs));
-  return abs;
-// If input is already higher or equal to cast type, then this is an identity.
-Node *ConstraintCastNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  return phase->type(in(1))->higher_equal_speculative(_type) ? in(1) : this;
-// Take 'join' of input and cast-up type
-const Type *ConstraintCastNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  if( in(0) && phase->type(in(0)) == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-const Type* ft = phase->type(in(1))->filter_speculative(_type);
-#ifdef ASSERT
-  // Previous versions of this function had some special case logic,
-  // which is no longer necessary.  Make sure of the required effects.
-  switch (Opcode()) {
-  case Op_CastII:
-    {
-      const Type* t1 = phase->type(in(1));
-      if( t1 == Type::TOP )  assert(ft == Type::TOP, "special case #1");
-      const Type* rt = t1->join_speculative(_type);
-      if (rt->empty())       assert(ft == Type::TOP, "special case #2");
-      break;
-    }
-  case Op_CastPP:
-    if (phase->type(in(1)) == TypePtr::NULL_PTR &&
-        _type->isa_ptr() && _type->is_ptr()->_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull)
-      assert(ft == Type::TOP, "special case #3");
-    break;
-  }
-#endif //ASSERT
-  return ft;
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
-// control copies
-Node *ConstraintCastNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape){
-  return (in(0) && remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape)) ? this : NULL;
-// Throw away cast after constant propagation
-Node *ConstraintCastNode::Ideal_DU_postCCP( PhaseCCP *ccp ) {
-  const Type *t = ccp->type(in(1));
-  ccp->hash_delete(this);
-  set_type(t);                   // Turn into ID function
-  ccp->hash_insert(this);
-  return this;
-// If not converting int->oop, throw away cast after constant propagation
-Node *CastPPNode::Ideal_DU_postCCP( PhaseCCP *ccp ) {
-  const Type *t = ccp->type(in(1));
-  if (!t->isa_oop_ptr() || ((in(1)->is_DecodeN()) && Matcher::gen_narrow_oop_implicit_null_checks())) {
-    return NULL; // do not transform raw pointers or narrow oops
-  }
-  return ConstraintCastNode::Ideal_DU_postCCP(ccp);
-// If input is already higher or equal to cast type, then this is an identity.
-Node *CheckCastPPNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  // Toned down to rescue meeting at a Phi 3 different oops all implementing
-  // the same interface.  CompileTheWorld starting at 502,
-  return (phase->type(in(1)) == phase->type(this)) ? in(1) : this;
-// Take 'join' of input and cast-up type, unless working with an Interface
-const Type *CheckCastPPNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  if( in(0) && phase->type(in(0)) == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const Type *inn = phase->type(in(1));
-  if( inn == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;  // No information yet
-  const TypePtr *in_type   = inn->isa_ptr();
-  const TypePtr *my_type   = _type->isa_ptr();
-  const Type *result = _type;
-  if( in_type != NULL && my_type != NULL ) {
-    TypePtr::PTR   in_ptr    = in_type->ptr();
-    if( in_ptr == TypePtr::Null ) {
-      result = in_type;
-    } else if( in_ptr == TypePtr::Constant ) {
-      // Casting a constant oop to an interface?
-      // (i.e., a String to a Comparable?)
-      // Then return the interface.
-      const TypeOopPtr *jptr = my_type->isa_oopptr();
-      assert( jptr, "" );
-      result =  (jptr->klass()->is_interface() || !in_type->higher_equal(_type))
-        ? my_type->cast_to_ptr_type( TypePtr::NotNull )
-        : in_type;
-    } else {
-      result =  my_type->cast_to_ptr_type( my_type->join_ptr(in_ptr) );
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-  //
-  // Remove this code after overnight run indicates no performance
-  // loss from not performing JOIN at CheckCastPPNode
-  //
-  // const TypeInstPtr *in_oop = in->isa_instptr();
-  // const TypeInstPtr *my_oop = _type->isa_instptr();
-  // // If either input is an 'interface', return destination type
-  // assert (in_oop == NULL || in_oop->klass() != NULL, "");
-  // assert (my_oop == NULL || my_oop->klass() != NULL, "");
-  // if( (in_oop && in_oop->klass()->is_interface())
-  //   ||(my_oop && my_oop->klass()->is_interface()) ) {
-  //   TypePtr::PTR  in_ptr = in->isa_ptr() ? in->is_ptr()->_ptr : TypePtr::BotPTR;
-  //   // Preserve cast away nullness for interfaces
-  //   if( in_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull && my_oop && my_oop->_ptr == TypePtr::BotPTR ) {
-  //     return my_oop->cast_to_ptr_type(TypePtr::NotNull);
-  //   }
-  //   return _type;
-  // }
-  //
-  // // Neither the input nor the destination type is an interface,
-  //
-  // // history: JOIN used to cause weird corner case bugs
-  // //          return (in == TypeOopPtr::NULL_PTR) ? in : _type;
-  // // JOIN picks up NotNull in common instance-of/check-cast idioms, both oops.
-  // // JOIN does not preserve NotNull in other cases, e.g. RawPtr vs InstPtr
-  // const Type *join = in->join(_type);
-  // // Check if join preserved NotNull'ness for pointers
-  // if( join->isa_ptr() && _type->isa_ptr() ) {
-  //   TypePtr::PTR join_ptr = join->is_ptr()->_ptr;
-  //   TypePtr::PTR type_ptr = _type->is_ptr()->_ptr;
-  //   // If there isn't any NotNull'ness to preserve
-  //   // OR if join preserved NotNull'ness then return it
-  //   if( type_ptr == TypePtr::BotPTR  || type_ptr == TypePtr::Null ||
-  //       join_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull || join_ptr == TypePtr::Constant ) {
-  //     return join;
-  //   }
-  //   // ELSE return same old type as before
-  //   return _type;
-  // }
-  // // Not joining two pointers
-  // return join;
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.  Strip out
-// control copies
-Node *CheckCastPPNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape){
-  return (in(0) && remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape)) ? this : NULL;
-Node* DecodeNNode::Identity(PhaseTransform* phase) {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return in(1);
-  if (in(1)->is_EncodeP()) {
-    // (DecodeN (EncodeP p)) -> p
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  }
-  return this;
-const Type *DecodeNNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  if (t == TypeNarrowOop::NULL_PTR) return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
-  assert(t->isa_narrowoop(), "only  narrowoop here");
-  return t->make_ptr();
-Node* EncodePNode::Identity(PhaseTransform* phase) {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return in(1);
-  if (in(1)->is_DecodeN()) {
-    // (EncodeP (DecodeN p)) -> p
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  }
-  return this;
-const Type *EncodePNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  if (t == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) return TypeNarrowOop::NULL_PTR;
-  assert(t->isa_oop_ptr(), "only oopptr here");
-  return t->make_narrowoop();
-Node *EncodeNarrowPtrNode::Ideal_DU_postCCP( PhaseCCP *ccp ) {
-  return MemNode::Ideal_common_DU_postCCP(ccp, this, in(1));
-Node* DecodeNKlassNode::Identity(PhaseTransform* phase) {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return in(1);
-  if (in(1)->is_EncodePKlass()) {
-    // (DecodeNKlass (EncodePKlass p)) -> p
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  }
-  return this;
-const Type *DecodeNKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  assert(t != TypeNarrowKlass::NULL_PTR, "null klass?");
-  assert(t->isa_narrowklass(), "only narrow klass ptr here");
-  return t->make_ptr();
-Node* EncodePKlassNode::Identity(PhaseTransform* phase) {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return in(1);
-  if (in(1)->is_DecodeNKlass()) {
-    // (EncodePKlass (DecodeNKlass p)) -> p
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  }
-  return this;
-const Type *EncodePKlassNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  assert (t != TypePtr::NULL_PTR, "null klass?");
-  assert(UseCompressedClassPointers && t->isa_klassptr(), "only klass ptr here");
-  return t->make_narrowklass();
-Node *Conv2BNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return in(1);
-  if( t == TypeInt::ZERO ) return in(1);
-  if( t == TypeInt::ONE ) return in(1);
-  if( t == TypeInt::BOOL ) return in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *Conv2BNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == TypeInt::ZERO ) return TypeInt::ZERO;
-  if( t == TypePtr::NULL_PTR ) return TypeInt::ZERO;
-  const TypePtr *tp = t->isa_ptr();
-  if( tp != NULL ) {
-    if( tp->ptr() == TypePtr::AnyNull ) return Type::TOP;
-    if( tp->ptr() == TypePtr::Constant) return TypeInt::ONE;
-    if (tp->ptr() == TypePtr::NotNull)  return TypeInt::ONE;
-    return TypeInt::BOOL;
-  }
-  if (t->base() != Type::Int) return TypeInt::BOOL;
-  const TypeInt *ti = t->is_int();
-  if( ti->_hi < 0 || ti->_lo > 0 ) return TypeInt::ONE;
-  return TypeInt::BOOL;
-// The conversions operations are all Alpha sorted.  Please keep it that way!
-const Type *ConvD2FNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::DOUBLE ) return Type::FLOAT;
-  const TypeD *td = t->is_double_constant();
-  return TypeF::make( (float)td->getd() );
-// Float's can be converted to doubles with no loss of bits.  Hence
-// converting a float to a double and back to a float is a NOP.
-Node *ConvD2FNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  return (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvF2D) ? in(1)->in(1) : this;
-const Type *ConvD2INode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::DOUBLE ) return TypeInt::INT;
-  const TypeD *td = t->is_double_constant();
-  return TypeInt::make( SharedRuntime::d2i( td->getd() ) );
-// If converting to an int type, skip any rounding nodes
-Node *ConvD2INode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_RoundDouble )
-    set_req(1,in(1)->in(1));
-  return NULL;
-// Int's can be converted to doubles with no loss of bits.  Hence
-// converting an integer to a double and back to an integer is a NOP.
-Node *ConvD2INode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  return (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2D) ? in(1)->in(1) : this;
-const Type *ConvD2LNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::DOUBLE ) return TypeLong::LONG;
-  const TypeD *td = t->is_double_constant();
-  return TypeLong::make( SharedRuntime::d2l( td->getd() ) );
-Node *ConvD2LNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  // Remove ConvD2L->ConvL2D->ConvD2L sequences.
-  if( in(1)       ->Opcode() == Op_ConvL2D &&
-      in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvD2L )
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-// If converting to an int type, skip any rounding nodes
-Node *ConvD2LNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_RoundDouble )
-    set_req(1,in(1)->in(1));
-  return NULL;
-const Type *ConvF2DNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::FLOAT ) return Type::DOUBLE;
-  const TypeF *tf = t->is_float_constant();
-  return TypeD::make( (double)tf->getf() );
-const Type *ConvF2INode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP )       return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::FLOAT ) return TypeInt::INT;
-  const TypeF *tf = t->is_float_constant();
-  return TypeInt::make( SharedRuntime::f2i( tf->getf() ) );
-Node *ConvF2INode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  // Remove ConvF2I->ConvI2F->ConvF2I sequences.
-  if( in(1)       ->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2F &&
-      in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvF2I )
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-// If converting to an int type, skip any rounding nodes
-Node *ConvF2INode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_RoundFloat )
-    set_req(1,in(1)->in(1));
-  return NULL;
-const Type *ConvF2LNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP )       return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::FLOAT ) return TypeLong::LONG;
-  const TypeF *tf = t->is_float_constant();
-  return TypeLong::make( SharedRuntime::f2l( tf->getf() ) );
-Node *ConvF2LNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  // Remove ConvF2L->ConvL2F->ConvF2L sequences.
-  if( in(1)       ->Opcode() == Op_ConvL2F &&
-      in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvF2L )
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-// If converting to an int type, skip any rounding nodes
-Node *ConvF2LNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_RoundFloat )
-    set_req(1,in(1)->in(1));
-  return NULL;
-const Type *ConvI2DNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt *ti = t->is_int();
-  if( ti->is_con() ) return TypeD::make( (double)ti->get_con() );
-  return bottom_type();
-const Type *ConvI2FNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt *ti = t->is_int();
-  if( ti->is_con() ) return TypeF::make( (float)ti->get_con() );
-  return bottom_type();
-Node *ConvI2FNode::Identity(PhaseTransform *phase) {
-  // Remove ConvI2F->ConvF2I->ConvI2F sequences.
-  if( in(1)       ->Opcode() == Op_ConvF2I &&
-      in(1)->in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2F )
-    return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *ConvI2LNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt *ti = t->is_int();
-  const Type* tl = TypeLong::make(ti->_lo, ti->_hi, ti->_widen);
-  // Join my declared type against my incoming type.
-  tl = tl->filter(_type);
-  return tl;
-#ifdef _LP64
-static inline bool long_ranges_overlap(jlong lo1, jlong hi1,
-                                       jlong lo2, jlong hi2) {
-  // Two ranges overlap iff one range's low point falls in the other range.
-  return (lo2 <= lo1 && lo1 <= hi2) || (lo1 <= lo2 && lo2 <= hi1);
-Node *ConvI2LNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  const TypeLong* this_type = this->type()->is_long();
-  Node* this_changed = NULL;
-  // If _major_progress, then more loop optimizations follow.  Do NOT
-  // remove this node's type assertion until no more loop ops can happen.
-  // The progress bit is set in the major loop optimizations THEN comes the
-  // call to IterGVN and any chance of hitting this code.  Cf. Opaque1Node.
-  if (can_reshape && !phase->C->major_progress()) {
-    const TypeInt* in_type = phase->type(in(1))->isa_int();
-    if (in_type != NULL && this_type != NULL &&
-        (in_type->_lo != this_type->_lo ||
-         in_type->_hi != this_type->_hi)) {
-      // Although this WORSENS the type, it increases GVN opportunities,
-      // because I2L nodes with the same input will common up, regardless
-      // of slightly differing type assertions.  Such slight differences
-      // arise routinely as a result of loop unrolling, so this is a
-      // post-unrolling graph cleanup.  Choose a type which depends only
-      // on my input.  (Exception:  Keep a range assertion of >=0 or <0.)
-      jlong lo1 = this_type->_lo;
-      jlong hi1 = this_type->_hi;
-      int   w1  = this_type->_widen;
-      if (lo1 != (jint)lo1 ||
-          hi1 != (jint)hi1 ||
-          lo1 > hi1) {
-        // Overflow leads to wraparound, wraparound leads to range saturation.
-        lo1 = min_jint; hi1 = max_jint;
-      } else if (lo1 >= 0) {
-        // Keep a range assertion of >=0.
-        lo1 = 0;        hi1 = max_jint;
-      } else if (hi1 < 0) {
-        // Keep a range assertion of <0.
-        lo1 = min_jint; hi1 = -1;
-      } else {
-        lo1 = min_jint; hi1 = max_jint;
-      }
-      const TypeLong* wtype = TypeLong::make(MAX2((jlong)in_type->_lo, lo1),
-                                             MIN2((jlong)in_type->_hi, hi1),
-                                             MAX2((int)in_type->_widen, w1));
-      if (wtype != type()) {
-        set_type(wtype);
-        // Note: this_type still has old type value, for the logic below.
-        this_changed = this;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#ifdef _LP64
-  // Convert ConvI2L(AddI(x, y)) to AddL(ConvI2L(x), ConvI2L(y)) ,
-  // but only if x and y have subranges that cannot cause 32-bit overflow,
-  // under the assumption that x+y is in my own subrange this->type().
-  // This assumption is based on a constraint (i.e., type assertion)
-  // established in Parse::array_addressing or perhaps elsewhere.
-  // This constraint has been adjoined to the "natural" type of
-  // the incoming argument in(0).  We know (because of runtime
-  // checks) - that the result value I2L(x+y) is in the joined range.
-  // Hence we can restrict the incoming terms (x, y) to values such
-  // that their sum also lands in that range.
-  // This optimization is useful only on 64-bit systems, where we hope
-  // the addition will end up subsumed in an addressing mode.
-  // It is necessary to do this when optimizing an unrolled array
-  // copy loop such as x[i++] = y[i++].
-  // On 32-bit systems, it's better to perform as much 32-bit math as
-  // possible before the I2L conversion, because 32-bit math is cheaper.
-  // There's no common reason to "leak" a constant offset through the I2L.
-  // Addressing arithmetic will not absorb it as part of a 64-bit AddL.
-  Node* z = in(1);
-  int op = z->Opcode();
-  if (op == Op_AddI || op == Op_SubI) {
-    Node* x = z->in(1);
-    Node* y = z->in(2);
-    assert (x != z && y != z, "dead loop in ConvI2LNode::Ideal");
-    if (phase->type(x) == Type::TOP)  return this_changed;
-    if (phase->type(y) == Type::TOP)  return this_changed;
-    const TypeInt*  tx = phase->type(x)->is_int();
-    const TypeInt*  ty = phase->type(y)->is_int();
-    const TypeLong* tz = this_type;
-    jlong xlo = tx->_lo;
-    jlong xhi = tx->_hi;
-    jlong ylo = ty->_lo;
-    jlong yhi = ty->_hi;
-    jlong zlo = tz->_lo;
-    jlong zhi = tz->_hi;
-    jlong vbit = CONST64(1) << BitsPerInt;
-    int widen =  MAX2(tx->_widen, ty->_widen);
-    if (op == Op_SubI) {
-      jlong ylo0 = ylo;
-      ylo = -yhi;
-      yhi = -ylo0;
-    }
-    // See if x+y can cause positive overflow into z+2**32
-    if (long_ranges_overlap(xlo+ylo, xhi+yhi, zlo+vbit, zhi+vbit)) {
-      return this_changed;
-    }
-    // See if x+y can cause negative overflow into z-2**32
-    if (long_ranges_overlap(xlo+ylo, xhi+yhi, zlo-vbit, zhi-vbit)) {
-      return this_changed;
-    }
-    // Now it's always safe to assume x+y does not overflow.
-    // This is true even if some pairs x,y might cause overflow, as long
-    // as that overflow value cannot fall into [zlo,zhi].
-    // Confident that the arithmetic is "as if infinite precision",
-    // we can now use z's range to put constraints on those of x and y.
-    // The "natural" range of x [xlo,xhi] can perhaps be narrowed to a
-    // more "restricted" range by intersecting [xlo,xhi] with the
-    // range obtained by subtracting y's range from the asserted range
-    // of the I2L conversion.  Here's the interval arithmetic algebra:
-    //    x == z-y == [zlo,zhi]-[ylo,yhi] == [zlo,zhi]+[-yhi,-ylo]
-    //    => x in [zlo-yhi, zhi-ylo]
-    //    => x in [zlo-yhi, zhi-ylo] INTERSECT [xlo,xhi]
-    //    => x in [xlo MAX zlo-yhi, xhi MIN zhi-ylo]
-    jlong rxlo = MAX2(xlo, zlo - yhi);
-    jlong rxhi = MIN2(xhi, zhi - ylo);
-    // And similarly, x changing place with y:
-    jlong rylo = MAX2(ylo, zlo - xhi);
-    jlong ryhi = MIN2(yhi, zhi - xlo);
-    if (rxlo > rxhi || rylo > ryhi) {
-      return this_changed;  // x or y is dying; don't mess w/ it
-    }
-    if (op == Op_SubI) {
-      jlong rylo0 = rylo;
-      rylo = -ryhi;
-      ryhi = -rylo0;
-    }
-    Node* cx = phase->transform( new (phase->C) ConvI2LNode(x, TypeLong::make(rxlo, rxhi, widen)) );
-    Node* cy = phase->transform( new (phase->C) ConvI2LNode(y, TypeLong::make(rylo, ryhi, widen)) );
-    switch (op) {
-    case Op_AddI:  return new (phase->C) AddLNode(cx, cy);
-    case Op_SubI:  return new (phase->C) SubLNode(cx, cy);
-    default:       ShouldNotReachHere();
-    }
-  }
-#endif //_LP64
-  return this_changed;
-const Type *ConvL2DNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong *tl = t->is_long();
-  if( tl->is_con() ) return TypeD::make( (double)tl->get_con() );
-  return bottom_type();
-const Type *ConvL2FNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong *tl = t->is_long();
-  if( tl->is_con() ) return TypeF::make( (float)tl->get_con() );
-  return bottom_type();
-Node *ConvL2INode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  // Convert L2I(I2L(x)) => x
-  if (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L)  return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *ConvL2INode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong *tl = t->is_long();
-  if (tl->is_con())
-    // Easy case.
-    return TypeInt::make((jint)tl->get_con());
-  return bottom_type();
-// Return a node which is more "ideal" than the current node.
-// Blow off prior masking to int
-Node *ConvL2INode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  Node *andl = in(1);
-  uint andl_op = andl->Opcode();
-  if( andl_op == Op_AndL ) {
-    // Blow off prior masking to int
-    if( phase->type(andl->in(2)) == TypeLong::make( 0xFFFFFFFF ) ) {
-      set_req(1,andl->in(1));
-      return this;
-    }
-  }
-  // Swap with a prior add: convL2I(addL(x,y)) ==> addI(convL2I(x),convL2I(y))
-  // This replaces an 'AddL' with an 'AddI'.
-  if( andl_op == Op_AddL ) {
-    // Don't do this for nodes which have more than one user since
-    // we'll end up computing the long add anyway.
-    if (andl->outcnt() > 1) return NULL;
-    Node* x = andl->in(1);
-    Node* y = andl->in(2);
-    assert( x != andl && y != andl, "dead loop in ConvL2INode::Ideal" );
-    if (phase->type(x) == Type::TOP)  return NULL;
-    if (phase->type(y) == Type::TOP)  return NULL;
-    Node *add1 = phase->transform(new (phase->C) ConvL2INode(x));
-    Node *add2 = phase->transform(new (phase->C) ConvL2INode(y));
-    return new (phase->C) AddINode(add1,add2);
-  }
-  // Disable optimization: LoadL->ConvL2I ==> LoadI.
-  // It causes problems (sizes of Load and Store nodes do not match)
-  // in objects initialization code and Escape Analysis.
-  return NULL;
-const Type *CastX2PNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  if (t->base() == Type_X && t->singleton()) {
-    uintptr_t bits = (uintptr_t) t->is_intptr_t()->get_con();
-    if (bits == 0)   return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
-    return TypeRawPtr::make((address) bits);
-  }
-  return CastX2PNode::bottom_type();
-static inline bool fits_in_int(const Type* t, bool but_not_min_int = false) {
-  if (t == Type::TOP)  return false;
-  const TypeX* tl = t->is_intptr_t();
-  jint lo = min_jint;
-  jint hi = max_jint;
-  if (but_not_min_int)  ++lo;  // caller wants to negate the value w/o overflow
-  return (tl->_lo >= lo) && (tl->_hi <= hi);
-static inline Node* addP_of_X2P(PhaseGVN *phase,
-                                Node* base,
-                                Node* dispX,
-                                bool negate = false) {
-  if (negate) {
-    dispX = new (phase->C) SubXNode(phase->MakeConX(0), phase->transform(dispX));
-  }
-  return new (phase->C) AddPNode(phase->C->top(),
-                          phase->transform(new (phase->C) CastX2PNode(base)),
-                          phase->transform(dispX));
-Node *CastX2PNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  // convert CastX2P(AddX(x, y)) to AddP(CastX2P(x), y) if y fits in an int
-  int op = in(1)->Opcode();
-  Node* x;
-  Node* y;
-  switch (op) {
-  case Op_SubX:
-    x = in(1)->in(1);
-    // Avoid ideal transformations ping-pong between this and AddP for raw pointers.
-    if (phase->find_intptr_t_con(x, -1) == 0)
-      break;
-    y = in(1)->in(2);
-    if (fits_in_int(phase->type(y), true)) {
-      return addP_of_X2P(phase, x, y, true);
-    }
-    break;
-  case Op_AddX:
-    x = in(1)->in(1);
-    y = in(1)->in(2);
-    if (fits_in_int(phase->type(y))) {
-      return addP_of_X2P(phase, x, y);
-    }
-    if (fits_in_int(phase->type(x))) {
-      return addP_of_X2P(phase, y, x);
-    }
-    break;
-  }
-  return NULL;
-Node *CastX2PNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  if (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CastP2X)  return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *CastP2XNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  if (t->base() == Type::RawPtr && t->singleton()) {
-    uintptr_t bits = (uintptr_t) t->is_rawptr()->get_con();
-    return TypeX::make(bits);
-  }
-  return CastP2XNode::bottom_type();
-Node *CastP2XNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
-  return (in(0) && remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape)) ? this : NULL;
-Node *CastP2XNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  if (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_CastX2P)  return in(1)->in(1);
-  return this;
-// Remove redundant roundings
-Node *RoundFloatNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  assert(Matcher::strict_fp_requires_explicit_rounding, "should only generate for Intel");
-  // Do not round constants
-  if (phase->type(in(1))->base() == Type::FloatCon)  return in(1);
-  int op = in(1)->Opcode();
-  // Redundant rounding
-  if( op == Op_RoundFloat ) return in(1);
-  // Already rounded
-  if( op == Op_Parm ) return in(1);
-  if( op == Op_LoadF ) return in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *RoundFloatNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  return phase->type( in(1) );
-// Remove redundant roundings.  Incoming arguments are already rounded.
-Node *RoundDoubleNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  assert(Matcher::strict_fp_requires_explicit_rounding, "should only generate for Intel");
-  // Do not round constants
-  if (phase->type(in(1))->base() == Type::DoubleCon)  return in(1);
-  int op = in(1)->Opcode();
-  // Redundant rounding
-  if( op == Op_RoundDouble ) return in(1);
-  // Already rounded
-  if( op == Op_Parm ) return in(1);
-  if( op == Op_LoadD ) return in(1);
-  if( op == Op_ConvF2D ) return in(1);
-  if( op == Op_ConvI2D ) return in(1);
-  return this;
-const Type *RoundDoubleNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  return phase->type( in(1) );
-// Do not allow value-numbering
-uint Opaque1Node::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
-uint Opaque1Node::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
-  return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
-// If _major_progress, then more loop optimizations follow.  Do NOT remove
-// the opaque Node until no more loop ops can happen.  Note the timing of
-// _major_progress; it's set in the major loop optimizations THEN comes the
-// call to IterGVN and any chance of hitting this code.  Hence there's no
-// phase-ordering problem with stripping Opaque1 in IGVN followed by some
-// more loop optimizations that require it.
-Node *Opaque1Node::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
-  return phase->C->major_progress() ? this : in(1);
-// A node to prevent unwanted optimizations.  Allows constant folding.  Stops
-// value-numbering, most Ideal calls or Identity functions.  This Node is
-// specifically designed to prevent the pre-increment value of a loop trip
-// counter from being live out of the bottom of the loop (hence causing the
-// pre- and post-increment values both being live and thus requiring an extra
-// temp register and an extra move).  If we "accidentally" optimize through
-// this kind of a Node, we'll get slightly pessimal, but correct, code.  Thus
-// it's OK to be slightly sloppy on optimizations here.
-// Do not allow value-numbering
-uint Opaque2Node::hash() const { return NO_HASH; }
-uint Opaque2Node::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
-  return (&n == this);          // Always fail except on self
-const Type *MoveL2DNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong *tl = t->is_long();
-  if( !tl->is_con() ) return bottom_type();
-  JavaValue v;
-  v.set_jlong(tl->get_con());
-  return TypeD::make( v.get_jdouble() );
-const Type *MoveI2FNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt *ti = t->is_int();
-  if( !ti->is_con() )   return bottom_type();
-  JavaValue v;
-  v.set_jint(ti->get_con());
-  return TypeF::make( v.get_jfloat() );
-const Type *MoveF2INode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP )       return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::FLOAT ) return TypeInt::INT;
-  const TypeF *tf = t->is_float_constant();
-  JavaValue v;
-  v.set_jfloat(tf->getf());
-  return TypeInt::make( v.get_jint() );
-const Type *MoveD2LNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
-  const Type *t = phase->type( in(1) );
-  if( t == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
-  if( t == Type::DOUBLE ) return TypeLong::LONG;
-  const TypeD *td = t->is_double_constant();
-  JavaValue v;
-  v.set_jdouble(td->getd());
-  return TypeLong::make( v.get_jlong() );
-const Type* CountLeadingZerosINode::Value(PhaseTransform* phase) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt* ti = t->isa_int();
-  if (ti && ti->is_con()) {
-    jint i = ti->get_con();
-    // HD, Figure 5-6
-    if (i == 0)
-      return TypeInt::make(BitsPerInt);
-    int n = 1;
-    unsigned int x = i;
-    if (x >> 16 == 0) { n += 16; x <<= 16; }
-    if (x >> 24 == 0) { n +=  8; x <<=  8; }
-    if (x >> 28 == 0) { n +=  4; x <<=  4; }
-    if (x >> 30 == 0) { n +=  2; x <<=  2; }
-    n -= x >> 31;
-    return TypeInt::make(n);
-  }
-  return TypeInt::INT;
-const Type* CountLeadingZerosLNode::Value(PhaseTransform* phase) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong* tl = t->isa_long();
-  if (tl && tl->is_con()) {
-    jlong l = tl->get_con();
-    // HD, Figure 5-6
-    if (l == 0)
-      return TypeInt::make(BitsPerLong);
-    int n = 1;
-    unsigned int x = (((julong) l) >> 32);
-    if (x == 0) { n += 32; x = (int) l; }
-    if (x >> 16 == 0) { n += 16; x <<= 16; }
-    if (x >> 24 == 0) { n +=  8; x <<=  8; }
-    if (x >> 28 == 0) { n +=  4; x <<=  4; }
-    if (x >> 30 == 0) { n +=  2; x <<=  2; }
-    n -= x >> 31;
-    return TypeInt::make(n);
-  }
-  return TypeInt::INT;
-const Type* CountTrailingZerosINode::Value(PhaseTransform* phase) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeInt* ti = t->isa_int();
-  if (ti && ti->is_con()) {
-    jint i = ti->get_con();
-    // HD, Figure 5-14
-    int y;
-    if (i == 0)
-      return TypeInt::make(BitsPerInt);
-    int n = 31;
-    y = i << 16; if (y != 0) { n = n - 16; i = y; }
-    y = i <<  8; if (y != 0) { n = n -  8; i = y; }
-    y = i <<  4; if (y != 0) { n = n -  4; i = y; }
-    y = i <<  2; if (y != 0) { n = n -  2; i = y; }
-    y = i <<  1; if (y != 0) { n = n -  1; }
-    return TypeInt::make(n);
-  }
-  return TypeInt::INT;
-const Type* CountTrailingZerosLNode::Value(PhaseTransform* phase) const {
-  const Type* t = phase->type(in(1));
-  if (t == Type::TOP) return Type::TOP;
-  const TypeLong* tl = t->isa_long();
-  if (tl && tl->is_con()) {
-    jlong l = tl->get_con();
-    // HD, Figure 5-14
-    int x, y;
-    if (l == 0)
-      return TypeInt::make(BitsPerLong);
-    int n = 63;
-    y = (int) l; if (y != 0) { n = n - 32; x = y; } else x = (((julong) l) >> 32);
-    y = x << 16; if (y != 0) { n = n - 16; x = y; }
-    y = x <<  8; if (y != 0) { n = n -  8; x = y; }
-    y = x <<  4; if (y != 0) { n = n -  4; x = y; }
-    y = x <<  2; if (y != 0) { n = n -  2; x = y; }
-    y = x <<  1; if (y != 0) { n = n -  1; }
-    return TypeInt::make(n);
-  }
-  return TypeInt::INT;