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  93   product(bool, UseBlockCopy, false,                                        \
  94           "Use special cpu instructions for block copy")                    \
  95                                                                             \
  96   product(intx, BlockCopyLowLimit, 2048,                                    \
  97           "Minimum size in bytes when block copy will be used")             \
  98                                                                             \
  99   develop(bool, UseV8InstrsOnly, false,                                     \
 100           "Use SPARC-V8 Compliant instruction subset")                      \
 101                                                                             \
 102   product(bool, UseNiagaraInstrs, false,                                    \
 103           "Use Niagara-efficient instruction subset")                       \
 104                                                                             \
 105   develop(bool, UseCASForSwap, false,                                       \
 106           "Do not use swap instructions, but only CAS (in a loop) on SPARC")\
 107                                                                             \
 108   product(uintx,  ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance, 0,                          \
 109           "Distance to prefetch source array in arracopy")                  \
 110                                                                             \
 111   product(uintx,  ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance, 0,                          \
 112           "Distance to prefetch destination array in arracopy")             \
 113                                                                             \
 114   develop(intx, V8AtomicOperationUnderLockSpinCount,    50,                 \
 115           "Number of times to spin wait on a v8 atomic operation lock")     \

  93   product(bool, UseBlockCopy, false,                                        \
  94           "Use special cpu instructions for block copy")                    \
  95                                                                             \
  96   product(intx, BlockCopyLowLimit, 2048,                                    \
  97           "Minimum size in bytes when block copy will be used")             \
  98                                                                             \
  99   develop(bool, UseV8InstrsOnly, false,                                     \
 100           "Use SPARC-V8 Compliant instruction subset")                      \
 101                                                                             \
 102   product(bool, UseNiagaraInstrs, false,                                    \
 103           "Use Niagara-efficient instruction subset")                       \
 104                                                                             \
 105   develop(bool, UseCASForSwap, false,                                       \
 106           "Do not use swap instructions, but only CAS (in a loop) on SPARC")\
 107                                                                             \
 108   product(uintx,  ArraycopySrcPrefetchDistance, 0,                          \
 109           "Distance to prefetch source array in arracopy")                  \
 110                                                                             \
 111   product(uintx,  ArraycopyDstPrefetchDistance, 0,                          \
 112           "Distance to prefetch destination array in arracopy")             \
