/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.oracle.graal.lir.asm; import static com.oracle.graal.api.code.ValueUtil.*; import java.util.*; import com.oracle.graal.api.code.*; import com.oracle.graal.api.meta.*; import com.oracle.graal.asm.*; import com.oracle.graal.debug.*; import com.oracle.graal.graph.*; import com.oracle.graal.lir.*; public class TargetMethodAssembler { private static class ExceptionInfo { public final int codeOffset; public final LabelRef exceptionEdge; public ExceptionInfo(int pcOffset, LabelRef exceptionEdge) { this.codeOffset = pcOffset; this.exceptionEdge = exceptionEdge; } } public final AbstractAssembler asm; public final CompilationResult compilationResult; public final TargetDescription target; public final CodeCacheProvider runtime; public final FrameMap frameMap; /** * The object that emits code for managing a method's frame. If null, no frame is used by the * method. */ public final FrameContext frameContext; private List exceptionInfoList; public TargetMethodAssembler(TargetDescription target, CodeCacheProvider runtime, FrameMap frameMap, AbstractAssembler asm, FrameContext frameContext, CompilationResult compilationResult) { this.target = target; this.runtime = runtime; this.frameMap = frameMap; this.asm = asm; this.compilationResult = compilationResult; this.frameContext = frameContext; } public void setFrameSize(int frameSize) { compilationResult.setFrameSize(frameSize); } private static final CompilationResult.Mark[] NO_REFS = {}; public CompilationResult.Mark recordMark(Object id) { return compilationResult.recordMark(asm.codeBuffer.position(), id, NO_REFS); } public CompilationResult.Mark recordMark(Object id, CompilationResult.Mark... references) { return compilationResult.recordMark(asm.codeBuffer.position(), id, references); } public void blockComment(String s) { compilationResult.addAnnotation(new CompilationResult.CodeComment(asm.codeBuffer.position(), s)); } public CompilationResult finishTargetMethod(Object name, boolean isStub) { // Install code, data and frame size compilationResult.setTargetCode(asm.codeBuffer.close(false), asm.codeBuffer.position()); // Record exception handlers if they exist if (exceptionInfoList != null) { for (ExceptionInfo ei : exceptionInfoList) { int codeOffset = ei.codeOffset; compilationResult.recordExceptionHandler(codeOffset, ei.exceptionEdge.label().position()); } } Debug.metric("TargetMethods").increment(); Debug.metric("CodeBytesEmitted").add(compilationResult.getTargetCodeSize()); Debug.metric("SafepointsEmitted").add(compilationResult.getSafepoints().size()); Debug.metric("DataPatches").add(compilationResult.getDataReferences().size()); Debug.metric("ExceptionHandlersEmitted").add(compilationResult.getExceptionHandlers().size()); Debug.log("Finished target method %s, isStub %b", name, isStub); return compilationResult; } public void recordExceptionHandlers(int pcOffset, LIRFrameState info) { if (info != null) { if (info.exceptionEdge != null) { if (exceptionInfoList == null) { exceptionInfoList = new ArrayList<>(4); } exceptionInfoList.add(new ExceptionInfo(pcOffset, info.exceptionEdge)); } } } public void recordImplicitException(int pcOffset, LIRFrameState info) { // record an implicit exception point if (info != null) { compilationResult.recordSafepoint(pcOffset, info.debugInfo()); assert info.exceptionEdge == null; } } public void recordDirectCall(int posBefore, int posAfter, InvokeTarget callTarget, LIRFrameState info) { DebugInfo debugInfo = info != null ? info.debugInfo() : null; compilationResult.recordCall(posBefore, posAfter - posBefore, callTarget, debugInfo, true); } public void recordIndirectCall(int posBefore, int posAfter, InvokeTarget callTarget, LIRFrameState info) { DebugInfo debugInfo = info != null ? info.debugInfo() : null; compilationResult.recordCall(posBefore, posAfter - posBefore, callTarget, debugInfo, false); } public void recordSafepoint(int pos, LIRFrameState info) { // safepoints always need debug info DebugInfo debugInfo = info.debugInfo(); compilationResult.recordSafepoint(pos, debugInfo); } public AbstractAddress recordDataReferenceInCode(Constant data, int alignment, boolean inlined) { assert data != null; int pos = asm.codeBuffer.position(); Debug.log("Data reference in code: pos = %d, data = %s", pos, data.toString()); compilationResult.recordDataReference(pos, data, alignment, inlined); return asm.getPlaceholder(); } /** * Returns the integer value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit integer value, * including long constants that fit into the 32-bit range. */ public int asIntConst(Value value) { assert (value.getKind().getStackKind() == Kind.Int || value.getKind() == Kind.Long) && isConstant(value); Constant constant = (Constant) value; assert !runtime.needsDataPatch(constant) : constant + " should be in a DataPatch"; long c = constant.asLong(); if (!NumUtil.isInt(c)) { throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(); } return (int) c; } /** * Returns the float value of any constant that can be represented by a 32-bit float value */ public float asFloatConst(Value value) { assert (value.getKind().getStackKind() == Kind.Float && isConstant(value)); Constant constant = (Constant) value; assert !runtime.needsDataPatch(constant) : constant + " should be in a DataPatch"; return constant.asFloat(); } /** * Returns the long value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit long value */ public long asLongConst(Value value) { assert (value.getKind().getStackKind() == Kind.Long && isConstant(value)); Constant constant = (Constant) value; assert !runtime.needsDataPatch(constant) : constant + " should be in a DataPatch"; return constant.asLong(); } /** * Returns the double value of any constant that can be represented by a 64-bit float value */ public double asDoubleConst(Value value) { assert (value.getKind().getStackKind() == Kind.Double && isConstant(value)); Constant constant = (Constant) value; assert !runtime.needsDataPatch(constant) : constant + " should be in a DataPatch"; return constant.asDouble(); } /** * Returns the address of a float constant that is embedded as a data references into the code. */ public AbstractAddress asFloatConstRef(Value value) { return asFloatConstRef(value, 4); } public AbstractAddress asFloatConstRef(Value value, int alignment) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Float && isConstant(value); return recordDataReferenceInCode((Constant) value, alignment, false); } /** * Returns the address of a double constant that is embedded as a data references into the code. */ public AbstractAddress asDoubleConstRef(Value value) { return asDoubleConstRef(value, 8); } public AbstractAddress asDoubleConstRef(Value value, int alignment) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Double && isConstant(value); return recordDataReferenceInCode((Constant) value, alignment, false); } /** * Returns the address of a long constant that is embedded as a data references into the code. */ public AbstractAddress asLongConstRef(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Long && isConstant(value); return recordDataReferenceInCode((Constant) value, 8, false); } public AbstractAddress asIntAddr(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Int; return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asLongAddr(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Long; return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asObjectAddr(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Object; return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asFloatAddr(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Float; return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asDoubleAddr(Value value) { assert value.getKind() == Kind.Double; return asAddress(value); } public AbstractAddress asAddress(Value value) { assert isStackSlot(value); StackSlot slot = asStackSlot(value); return asm.makeAddress(frameMap.registerConfig.getFrameRegister(), frameMap.offsetForStackSlot(slot)); } }