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rev 7121 : imported patch 8013903

  47             case "bug7198834Test":
  48                 bug7198834Test();
  49                 break;
  51             case "tzNameTest":
  52                 tzNameTest(args[1]);
  53                 break;
  55             case "bug8001440Test":
  56                 bug8001440Test();
  57                 break;
  59             case "bug8010666Test":
  60                 bug8010666Test();
  61                 break;
  63             case "bug8013086Test":
  64                 bug8013086Test(args[1], args[2]);
  65                 break;

  67             default:
  68                 throw new RuntimeException("Test method '"+methodName+"' not found.");
  69         }
  70     }
  72     static void getPlatformLocale(Locale.Category cat) {
  73         Locale defloc = Locale.getDefault(cat);
  74         System.out.printf("%s,%s\n", defloc.getLanguage(), defloc.getCountry());
  75     }
  77     static void adapterTest(String expected, String lang, String ctry) {
  78         Locale testLocale = new Locale(lang, ctry);
  79         String preference = System.getProperty("java.locale.providers", "");
  80         LocaleProviderAdapter lda = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatProvider.class, testLocale);
  81         LocaleProviderAdapter.Type type = lda.getAdapterType();
  82         System.out.printf("testLocale: %s, got: %s, expected: %s\n", testLocale, type, expected);
  83         if (!type.toString().equals(expected)) {
  84             throw new RuntimeException("Returned locale data adapter is not correct.");
  85         }
  86     }

 178                     } else {
 179                         throw new RuntimeException("Windows Host" +
 180                             " LocaleProviderAdapter was not selected for" +
 181                             " English locale.");
 182                     }
 183                 }
 184             } catch (ParseException pe) {
 185                 throw new RuntimeException("Parsing Windows version failed: "+pe.toString());
 186             }
 187         }
 188     }
 190     static void bug8013086Test(String lang, String ctry) {
 191         try {
 192             // Throws a NullPointerException if the test fails.
 193             System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("z", new Locale(lang, ctry)).parse("UTC"));
 194         } catch (ParseException pe) {
 195             // ParseException is fine in this test, as it's not "UTC"
 196 }
 197     }

 198 }

  47             case "bug7198834Test":
  48                 bug7198834Test();
  49                 break;
  51             case "tzNameTest":
  52                 tzNameTest(args[1]);
  53                 break;
  55             case "bug8001440Test":
  56                 bug8001440Test();
  57                 break;
  59             case "bug8010666Test":
  60                 bug8010666Test();
  61                 break;
  63             case "bug8013086Test":
  64                 bug8013086Test(args[1], args[2]);
  65                 break;
  67             case "bug8013903Test":
  68                 bug8013903Test();
  69                 break;
  71             default:
  72                 throw new RuntimeException("Test method '"+methodName+"' not found.");
  73         }
  74     }
  76     static void getPlatformLocale(Locale.Category cat) {
  77         Locale defloc = Locale.getDefault(cat);
  78         System.out.printf("%s,%s\n", defloc.getLanguage(), defloc.getCountry());
  79     }
  81     static void adapterTest(String expected, String lang, String ctry) {
  82         Locale testLocale = new Locale(lang, ctry);
  83         String preference = System.getProperty("java.locale.providers", "");
  84         LocaleProviderAdapter lda = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatProvider.class, testLocale);
  85         LocaleProviderAdapter.Type type = lda.getAdapterType();
  86         System.out.printf("testLocale: %s, got: %s, expected: %s\n", testLocale, type, expected);
  87         if (!type.toString().equals(expected)) {
  88             throw new RuntimeException("Returned locale data adapter is not correct.");
  89         }
  90     }

 182                     } else {
 183                         throw new RuntimeException("Windows Host" +
 184                             " LocaleProviderAdapter was not selected for" +
 185                             " English locale.");
 186                     }
 187                 }
 188             } catch (ParseException pe) {
 189                 throw new RuntimeException("Parsing Windows version failed: "+pe.toString());
 190             }
 191         }
 192     }
 194     static void bug8013086Test(String lang, String ctry) {
 195         try {
 196             // Throws a NullPointerException if the test fails.
 197             System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("z", new Locale(lang, ctry)).parse("UTC"));
 198         } catch (ParseException pe) {
 199             // ParseException is fine in this test, as it's not "UTC"
 200 }
 201     }
 203     static void bug8013903Test() {
 204         if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")) {
 205             Date sampleDate = new Date(0x10000000000L);
 206             String fallbackResult = "Heisei 16.Nov.03 (Wed) AM 11:53:47";
 207             String jreResult = "\u5e73\u6210 16.11.03 (\u6c34) \u5348\u524d 11:53:47";
 208             Locale l = new Locale("ja", "JP", "JP");
 209             SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("GGGG yyyy.MMM.dd '('E')' a hh:mm:ss", l);
 210             String result = sdf.format(sampleDate);
 211             System.out.println(result);
 212             if (LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapterPreference()
 213                 .contains(LocaleProviderAdapter.Type.JRE)) {
 214                 if (!jreResult.equals(result)) {
 215                     throw new RuntimeException("Format failed. result: \"" +
 216                         result + "\", expected: \"" + jreResult);
 217                 }
 218             } else {
 219                 // should be FALLBACK, as Windows HOST does not return
 220                 // display names
 221                 if (!fallbackResult.equals(result)) {
 222                     throw new RuntimeException("Format failed. result: \"" +
 223                         result + "\", expected: \"" + fallbackResult);
 224                 }
 225             }
 226         }
 227     }
 228 }