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rev 47480 : [mq]: 8176841

  60     @Override
  61     public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicID, String systemID) throws IOException, SAXException {
  62         // avoid HTTP traffic to unicode.org
  63         if (systemID.startsWith(CLDRConverter.LDML_DTD_SYSTEM_ID)) {
  64             return new InputSource((new File(CLDRConverter.LOCAL_LDML_DTD)).toURI().toString());
  65         }
  66         return null;
  67     }
  69     @Override
  70     public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
  71         switch (qName) {
  72         //
  73         // Generic information
  74         //
  75         case "identity":
  76             // ignore this element - it has language and territory elements that aren't locale data
  77             pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
  78             break;
  79         case "type":
  80             if ("calendar".equals(attributes.getValue("key"))) {
  81                 pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, CLDRConverter.CALENDAR_NAME_PREFIX + attributes.getValue("type"));
  82             } else {
  83                 pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
  84             }

  85             break;
  87         case "language":
  88         case "script":
  89         case "territory":
  90         case "variant":
  91             // for LocaleNames
  92             // copy string
  93             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
  94                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_NAME_PREFIX +
  95                 (qName.equals("variant") ? "%%" : "") +
  96                 attributes.getValue("type"));
  97             break;

  99         //
 100         // Currency information
 101         //
 102         case "currency":
 103             // for CurrencyNames
 104             // stash away "type" value for nested <symbol>
 105             pushKeyContainer(qName, attributes, attributes.getValue("type"));
 106             break;
 107         case "symbol":
 108             // for CurrencyNames
 109             // need to get the key from the containing <currency> element
 110             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, CLDRConverter.CURRENCY_SYMBOL_PREFIX
 111                                                + getContainerKey());
 112             break;
 114         // Calendar or currency
 115         case "displayName":
 116             {
 117                 if (currentContainer.getqName().equals("field")) {
 118                     pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,

 498             break;
 499         case "defaultNumberingSystem":
 500             // default numbering system if multiple numbering systems are used.
 501             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, "DefaultNumberingSystem");
 502             break;
 503         case "symbols":
 504             // for FormatData
 505             // look up numberingSystems
 506             symbols: {
 507                 String script = attributes.getValue("numberSystem");
 508                 if (script == null) {
 509                     // Has no script. Just ignore.
 510                     pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 511                     break;
 512                 }
 514                 // Use keys as <script>."NumberElements/<symbol>"
 515                 currentNumberingSystem = script + ".";
 516                 String digits = CLDRConverter.handlerNumbering.get(script);
 517                 if (digits == null) {
 518                     throw new InternalError("null digits for " + script);
 519                 }
 520                 if (Character.isSurrogate(digits.charAt(0))) {
 521                     // DecimalFormatSymbols doesn't support supplementary characters as digit zero.
 522                     pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 523                     break;
 524                 }
 525                 // in case digits are in the reversed order, reverse back the order.
 526                 if (digits.charAt(0) > digits.charAt(digits.length() - 1)) {
 527                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(digits);
 528                     digits = sb.reverse().toString();
 529                 }
 530                 // Check if the order is sequential.
 531                 char c0 = digits.charAt(0);
 532                 for (int i = 1; i < digits.length(); i++) {
 533                     if (digits.charAt(i) != c0 + i) {
 534                         pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 535                         break symbols;
 536                     }
 537                 }
 538                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 539                 List<String> numberingScripts = (List<String>) get("numberingScripts");
 540                 if (numberingScripts == null) {
 541                     numberingScripts = new ArrayList<>();
 542                     put("numberingScripts", numberingScripts);
 543                 }
 544                 numberingScripts.add(script);
 545                 put(currentNumberingSystem + "NumberElements/zero", digits.substring(0, 1));
 546                 pushContainer(qName, attributes);
 547             }
 548             break;
 549         case "decimal":
 550             // for FormatData
 551             // copy string for later assembly into NumberElements
 552             if (currentContainer.getqName().equals("symbols")) {
 553                 pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, currentNumberingSystem + "NumberElements/decimal");
 554             } else {
 555                 pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 556             }
 557             break;

 920                         target = target.substring(0, target.indexOf('.'))+"."+tmp[0];
 921                     }
 922                     CLDRConverter.aliases.put(src.replaceFirst("^gregorian.", ""),
 923                                               target.replaceFirst("^gregorian.", ""));
 924                 }
 925             }
 926         } else if (currentContainer instanceof Entry) {
 927                 Entry<?> entry = (Entry<?>) currentContainer;
 928                 Object value = entry.getValue();
 929                 if (value != null) {
 930                     String key = entry.getKey();
 931                     // Tweak for MonthNames for the root locale, Needed for
 932                     // SimpleDateFormat.format()/parse() roundtrip.
 933                     if (id.equals("root") && key.startsWith("MonthNames")) {
 934                         value = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.US).getShortMonths();
 935                     }
 936                     put(entry.getKey(), value);
 937                 }
 938             }
 939         }

 940     }

  60     @Override
  61     public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicID, String systemID) throws IOException, SAXException {
  62         // avoid HTTP traffic to unicode.org
  63         if (systemID.startsWith(CLDRConverter.LDML_DTD_SYSTEM_ID)) {
  64             return new InputSource((new File(CLDRConverter.LOCAL_LDML_DTD)).toURI().toString());
  65         }
  66         return null;
  67     }
  69     @Override
  70     public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
  71         switch (qName) {
  72         //
  73         // Generic information
  74         //
  75         case "identity":
  76             // ignore this element - it has language and territory elements that aren't locale data
  77             pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
  78             break;
  80         // for LocaleNames
  81         // copy string
  82         case "localeSeparator":
  83             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
  84                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_SEPARATOR);
  85             break;
  86         case "localeKeyTypePattern":
  87             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
  88                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_KEYTYPE);
  89             break;
  91         case "language":
  92         case "script":
  93         case "territory":
  94         case "variant":
  95             // for LocaleNames
  96             // copy string
  97             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
  98                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_NAME_PREFIX +
  99                 (qName.equals("variant") ? "%%" : "") +
 100                 attributes.getValue("type"));
 101             break;
 103         case "key":
 104             // for LocaleNames
 105             // copy string
 106             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
 107                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_KEY_PREFIX +
 108                 convertOldKeyName(attributes.getValue("type")));
 109             break;
 111         case "type":
 112             // for LocaleNames/CalendarNames
 113             // copy string
 114             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,
 115                 CLDRConverter.LOCALE_TYPE_PREFIX +
 116                 convertOldKeyName(attributes.getValue("key")) + "." +
 117                 attributes.getValue("type"));
 119             break;
 121         //
 122         // Currency information
 123         //
 124         case "currency":
 125             // for CurrencyNames
 126             // stash away "type" value for nested <symbol>
 127             pushKeyContainer(qName, attributes, attributes.getValue("type"));
 128             break;
 129         case "symbol":
 130             // for CurrencyNames
 131             // need to get the key from the containing <currency> element
 132             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, CLDRConverter.CURRENCY_SYMBOL_PREFIX
 133                                                + getContainerKey());
 134             break;
 136         // Calendar or currency
 137         case "displayName":
 138             {
 139                 if (currentContainer.getqName().equals("field")) {
 140                     pushStringEntry(qName, attributes,

 520             break;
 521         case "defaultNumberingSystem":
 522             // default numbering system if multiple numbering systems are used.
 523             pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, "DefaultNumberingSystem");
 524             break;
 525         case "symbols":
 526             // for FormatData
 527             // look up numberingSystems
 528             symbols: {
 529                 String script = attributes.getValue("numberSystem");
 530                 if (script == null) {
 531                     // Has no script. Just ignore.
 532                     pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 533                     break;
 534                 }
 536                 // Use keys as <script>."NumberElements/<symbol>"
 537                 currentNumberingSystem = script + ".";
 538                 String digits = CLDRConverter.handlerNumbering.get(script);
 539                 if (digits == null) {

 540                     pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 541                     break;
 542                 }

 544                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 545                 List<String> numberingScripts = (List<String>) get("numberingScripts");
 546                 if (numberingScripts == null) {
 547                     numberingScripts = new ArrayList<>();
 548                     put("numberingScripts", numberingScripts);
 549                 }
 550                 numberingScripts.add(script);
 551                 put(currentNumberingSystem + "NumberElements/zero", digits.substring(0, 1));
 552                 pushContainer(qName, attributes);
 553             }
 554             break;
 555         case "decimal":
 556             // for FormatData
 557             // copy string for later assembly into NumberElements
 558             if (currentContainer.getqName().equals("symbols")) {
 559                 pushStringEntry(qName, attributes, currentNumberingSystem + "NumberElements/decimal");
 560             } else {
 561                 pushIgnoredContainer(qName);
 562             }
 563             break;

 926                         target = target.substring(0, target.indexOf('.'))+"."+tmp[0];
 927                     }
 928                     CLDRConverter.aliases.put(src.replaceFirst("^gregorian.", ""),
 929                                               target.replaceFirst("^gregorian.", ""));
 930                 }
 931             }
 932         } else if (currentContainer instanceof Entry) {
 933             Entry<?> entry = (Entry<?>) currentContainer;
 934             Object value = entry.getValue();
 935             if (value != null) {
 936                 String key = entry.getKey();
 937                 // Tweak for MonthNames for the root locale, Needed for
 938                 // SimpleDateFormat.format()/parse() roundtrip.
 939                 if (id.equals("root") && key.startsWith("MonthNames")) {
 940                     value = new DateFormatSymbols(Locale.US).getShortMonths();
 941                 }
 942                 put(entry.getKey(), value);
 943             }
 944         }
 945     }
 947     public String convertOldKeyName(String key) {
 948         // TODO: This should not be hard coded. Instead, obtained from "alias"
 949         // attribute in each "key" element. 
 950         switch (key) {
 951             case "calendar":
 952                 return "ca";
 953             case "currency":
 954                 return "cu";
 955             case "collation":
 956                 return "co";
 957             case "numbers":
 958                 return "nu";
 959             case "timezone":
 960                 return "tz";
 961             default:
 962                 return key;
 963         }
 964     }
 965 }
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