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rev 48922 : [mq]: 8198385

 108         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jkey);                            \
 109     } else ((void) 0)
 111 /* Third party may overwrite these values. */
 112 #ifndef VENDOR
 113 #define VENDOR "Oracle Corporation"
 114 #endif
 115 #ifndef VENDOR_URL
 116 #define VENDOR_URL "http://java.oracle.com/"
 117 #endif
 118 #ifndef VENDOR_URL_BUG
 119 #define VENDOR_URL_BUG "http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/"
 120 #endif
 122 #ifdef JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR /* Third party may NOT overwrite this. */
 123   #error "ERROR: No override of JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR is allowed"
 124 #else
 125   #define JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR "Oracle Corporation"
 126 #endif
 128 static int fmtdefault; // boolean value
 129 jobject fillI18nProps(JNIEnv *env, jobject props, char *baseKey,
 130                       char *platformDispVal, char *platformFmtVal,
 131                       jmethodID putID, jmethodID getPropID) {
 132     jstring jVMBaseVal = NULL;
 134     GETPROP(props, baseKey, jVMBaseVal);
 135     if (jVMBaseVal) {
 136         // user specified the base property.  there's nothing to do here.
 137         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMBaseVal);
 138     } else {
 139         char buf[64];
 140         jstring jVMVal = NULL;
 141         const char *baseVal = "";
 143         /* user.xxx base property */
 144         if (fmtdefault) {
 145             if (platformFmtVal) {
 146                 PUTPROP(props, baseKey, platformFmtVal);
 147                 baseVal = platformFmtVal;
 148             }
 149         } else {
 150             if (platformDispVal) {
 151                 PUTPROP(props, baseKey, platformDispVal);
 152                 baseVal = platformDispVal;
 153             }
 154         }
 156         /* user.xxx.display property */
 157         jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.display", baseKey);
 158         GETPROP(props, buf, jVMVal);
 159         if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 160             if (platformDispVal && (strcmp(baseVal, platformDispVal) != 0)) {
 161                 PUTPROP(props, buf, platformDispVal);
 162             }
 163         } else {
 164             (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMVal);
 165         }
 167         /* user.xxx.format property */
 168         jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.format", baseKey);
 169         GETPROP(props, buf, jVMVal);
 170         if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 171             if (platformFmtVal && (strcmp(baseVal, platformFmtVal) != 0)) {
 172                 PUTPROP(props, buf, platformFmtVal);
 173             }
 174         } else {

 385     /* This is a sun. property as it is currently only set for Gnome and
 386      * Windows desktops.
 387      */
 388     if (sprops->desktop != NULL) {
 389         PUTPROP(props, "sun.desktop", sprops->desktop);
 390     }
 392     /*
 393      * unset "user.language", "user.script", "user.country", and "user.variant"
 394      * in order to tell whether the command line option "-DXXXX=YYYY" is
 395      * specified or not.  They will be reset in fillI18nProps() below.
 396      */
 397     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.language");
 398     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.script");
 399     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.country");
 400     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.variant");
 401     REMOVEPROP(props, "file.encoding");
 403     ret = JVM_InitProperties(env, props);
 405     /* Check the compatibility flag */
 406     GETPROP(props, "sun.locale.formatasdefault", jVMVal);
 407     if (jVMVal) {
 408         const char * val = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jVMVal, 0);
 409         CHECK_NULL_RETURN(val, NULL);
 410         fmtdefault = !strcmp(val, "true");
 411         (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jVMVal, val);
 412         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMVal);
 413     }
 415     /* reconstruct i18n related properties */
 416     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.language", sprops->display_language,
 417         sprops->format_language, putID, getPropID);
 418     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.script",
 419         sprops->display_script, sprops->format_script, putID, getPropID);
 420     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.country",
 421         sprops->display_country, sprops->format_country, putID, getPropID);
 422     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.variant",
 423         sprops->display_variant, sprops->format_variant, putID, getPropID);
 424     GETPROP(props, "file.encoding", jVMVal);
 425     if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 426 #ifdef MACOSX
 427         /*
 428          * Since sun_jnu_encoding is now hard-coded to UTF-8 on Mac, we don't
 429          * want to use it to overwrite file.encoding
 430          */
 431         PUTPROP(props, "file.encoding", sprops->encoding);
 432 #else
 433         if (fmtdefault) {
 434             PUTPROP(props, "file.encoding", sprops->encoding);
 435         } else {
 436             PUTPROP(props, "file.encoding", sprops->sun_jnu_encoding);
 437         }
 438 #endif
 439     } else {
 440         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMVal);
 441     }
 443     return ret;
 444 }
 446 /*
 447  * The following three functions implement setter methods for
 448  * java.lang.System.{in, out, err}. They are natively implemented
 449  * because they violate the semantics of the language (i.e. set final
 450  * variable).
 451  */
 453 Java_java_lang_System_setIn0(JNIEnv *env, jclass cla, jobject stream)
 454 {
 455     jfieldID fid =
 456         (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env,cla,"in","Ljava/io/InputStream;");
 457     if (fid == 0)

 108         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jkey);                            \
 109     } else ((void) 0)
 111 /* Third party may overwrite these values. */
 112 #ifndef VENDOR
 113 #define VENDOR "Oracle Corporation"
 114 #endif
 115 #ifndef VENDOR_URL
 116 #define VENDOR_URL "http://java.oracle.com/"
 117 #endif
 118 #ifndef VENDOR_URL_BUG
 119 #define VENDOR_URL_BUG "http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/"
 120 #endif
 122 #ifdef JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR /* Third party may NOT overwrite this. */
 123   #error "ERROR: No override of JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR is allowed"
 124 #else
 125   #define JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VENDOR "Oracle Corporation"
 126 #endif

 128 jobject fillI18nProps(JNIEnv *env, jobject props, char *baseKey,
 129                       char *platformDispVal, char *platformFmtVal,
 130                       jmethodID putID, jmethodID getPropID) {
 131     jstring jVMBaseVal = NULL;
 133     GETPROP(props, baseKey, jVMBaseVal);
 134     if (jVMBaseVal) {
 135         // user specified the base property.  there's nothing to do here.
 136         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMBaseVal);
 137     } else {
 138         char buf[64];
 139         jstring jVMVal = NULL;
 140         const char *baseVal = "";
 142         /* user.xxx base property */

 143         if (platformDispVal) {
 144             PUTPROP(props, baseKey, platformDispVal);
 145             baseVal = platformDispVal;
 146         }

 148         /* user.xxx.display property */
 149         jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.display", baseKey);
 150         GETPROP(props, buf, jVMVal);
 151         if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 152             if (platformDispVal && (strcmp(baseVal, platformDispVal) != 0)) {
 153                 PUTPROP(props, buf, platformDispVal);
 154             }
 155         } else {
 156             (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMVal);
 157         }
 159         /* user.xxx.format property */
 160         jio_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.format", baseKey);
 161         GETPROP(props, buf, jVMVal);
 162         if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 163             if (platformFmtVal && (strcmp(baseVal, platformFmtVal) != 0)) {
 164                 PUTPROP(props, buf, platformFmtVal);
 165             }
 166         } else {

 377     /* This is a sun. property as it is currently only set for Gnome and
 378      * Windows desktops.
 379      */
 380     if (sprops->desktop != NULL) {
 381         PUTPROP(props, "sun.desktop", sprops->desktop);
 382     }
 384     /*
 385      * unset "user.language", "user.script", "user.country", and "user.variant"
 386      * in order to tell whether the command line option "-DXXXX=YYYY" is
 387      * specified or not.  They will be reset in fillI18nProps() below.
 388      */
 389     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.language");
 390     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.script");
 391     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.country");
 392     REMOVEPROP(props, "user.variant");
 393     REMOVEPROP(props, "file.encoding");
 395     ret = JVM_InitProperties(env, props);

 397     /* reconstruct i18n related properties */
 398     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.language", sprops->display_language,
 399         sprops->format_language, putID, getPropID);
 400     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.script",
 401         sprops->display_script, sprops->format_script, putID, getPropID);
 402     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.country",
 403         sprops->display_country, sprops->format_country, putID, getPropID);
 404     fillI18nProps(env, props, "user.variant",
 405         sprops->display_variant, sprops->format_variant, putID, getPropID);
 406     GETPROP(props, "file.encoding", jVMVal);
 407     if (jVMVal == NULL) {
 408 #ifdef MACOSX
 409         /*
 410          * Since sun_jnu_encoding is now hard-coded to UTF-8 on Mac, we don't
 411          * want to use it to overwrite file.encoding
 412          */
 413         PUTPROP(props, "file.encoding", sprops->encoding);
 414 #else

 415         PUTPROP(props, "file.encoding", sprops->sun_jnu_encoding);

 416 #endif
 417     } else {
 418         (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jVMVal);
 419     }
 421     return ret;
 422 }
 424 /*
 425  * The following three functions implement setter methods for
 426  * java.lang.System.{in, out, err}. They are natively implemented
 427  * because they violate the semantics of the language (i.e. set final
 428  * variable).
 429  */
 431 Java_java_lang_System_setIn0(JNIEnv *env, jclass cla, jobject stream)
 432 {
 433     jfieldID fid =
 434         (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env,cla,"in","Ljava/io/InputStream;");
 435     if (fid == 0)

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