
Print this page
rev 3265 : projectcreator

@@ -23,13 +23,11 @@
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.TreeSet;
+import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
 import java.util.Vector;
 public class WinGammaPlatformVC7 extends WinGammaPlatform {
     String projectVersion() {return "7.10";};

@@ -40,583 +38,147 @@
         System.out.println("    Writing .vcproj file: "+projectFileName);
         // If we got this far without an error, we're safe to actually
         // write the .vcproj file
         printWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(projectFileName));
-        printWriter.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1251\"?>");
-        startTag(
-            "VisualStudioProject",
-            new String[] {
-                "ProjectType", "Visual C++",
-                "Version", projectVersion(),
-                "Name", projectName,
+      printWriter
+      .println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"windows-1251\"?>");
+      startTag("VisualStudioProject", new String[] { "ProjectType",
+            "Visual C++", "Version", projectVersion(), "Name", projectName,
                 "ProjectGUID", "{8822CB5C-1C41-41C2-8493-9F6E1994338B}",
-                "SccProjectName", "",
-                "SccLocalPath", ""
-            }
-            );
+            "SccProjectName", "", "SccLocalPath", "" });
-        tag("Platform", new String[] {"Name", (String) BuildConfig.getField(null, "PlatformName")});
-        endTag("Platforms");
+      tag("Platform",
+            new String[] { "Name",
+            (String) BuildConfig.getField(null, "PlatformName") });
+      endTag();
-        for (Iterator i = allConfigs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-            writeConfiguration((BuildConfig);
+      for (BuildConfig cfg : allConfigs) { 
+         writeConfiguration(cfg);
-        endTag("Configurations");
+      endTag();
-        endTag("VisualStudioProject");
+      endTag();
         System.out.println("    Done.");
-    abstract class NameFilter {
-                protected String fname;
-        abstract boolean match(FileInfo fi);
-        String  filterString() { return ""; }
-        String name() { return this.fname;}
-        @Override
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        public int hashCode() {
-            final int prime = 31;
-            int result = 1;
-            result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
-            result = prime * result + ((fname == null) ? 0 : fname.hashCode());
-            return result;
-        }
-        @Override
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-            if (this == obj)
-                return true;
-            if (obj == null)
-                return false;
-            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
-                return false;
-            NameFilter other = (NameFilter) obj;
-            if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType()))
-                return false;
-            if (fname == null) {
-                if (other.fname != null)
-                    return false;
-            } else if (!fname.equals(other.fname))
-                return false;
-            return true;
-        }
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        private WinGammaPlatformVC7 getOuterType() {
-            return WinGammaPlatformVC7.this;
-        }
-    }
-    class DirectoryFilter extends NameFilter {
-        String dir;
-        int baseLen, dirLen;
-        DirectoryFilter(String dir, String sbase) {
-            this.dir = dir;
-            this.baseLen = sbase.length();
-            this.dirLen = dir.length();
-            this.fname = dir;
-        }
-        DirectoryFilter(String fname, String dir, String sbase) {
-            this.dir = dir;
-            this.baseLen = sbase.length();
-            this.dirLen = dir.length();
-            this.fname = fname;
-        }
-        boolean match(FileInfo fi) {
-            int lastSlashIndex = fi.full.lastIndexOf('/');
-            String fullDir = fi.full.substring(0, lastSlashIndex);
-            return fullDir.endsWith(dir);
-        }
-        @Override
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        public int hashCode() {
-            final int prime = 31;
-            int result = super.hashCode();
-            result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
-            result = prime * result + baseLen;
-            result = prime * result + ((dir == null) ? 0 : dir.hashCode());
-            result = prime * result + dirLen;
-            return result;
-        }
-        @Override
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
-            if (this == obj)
-                return true;
-            if (!super.equals(obj))
-                return false;
-            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
-                return false;
-            DirectoryFilter other = (DirectoryFilter) obj;
-            if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType()))
-                return false;
-            if (baseLen != other.baseLen)
-                return false;
-            if (dir == null) {
-                if (other.dir != null)
-                    return false;
-            } else if (!dir.equals(other.dir))
-                return false;
-            if (dirLen != other.dirLen)
-                return false;
-            return true;
-        }
-        // eclipse auto-generated
-        private WinGammaPlatformVC7 getOuterType() {
-            return WinGammaPlatformVC7.this;
-        }
-    }
-    class TerminatorFilter extends NameFilter {
-        TerminatorFilter(String fname) {
-            this.fname = fname;
-        }
-        boolean match(FileInfo fi) {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    class SpecificNameFilter extends NameFilter {
-        String pats[];
-        SpecificNameFilter(String fname, String[] pats) {
-            this.fname = fname;
-            this.pats = pats;
-        }
-        boolean match(FileInfo fi) {
-            for (int i=0; i<pats.length; i++) {
-                if (fi.attr.shortName.matches(pats[i])) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    class SpecificPathFilter extends NameFilter {
-        String pats[];
-        SpecificPathFilter(String fname, String[] pats) {
-            this.fname = fname;
-            this.pats = pats;
-        }
-        boolean match(FileInfo fi) {
-            for (int i=0; i<pats.length; i++) {
-                if (fi.full.matches(pats[i])) {
-                    return true;
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    class ContainerFilter extends NameFilter {
-        Vector children;
-        ContainerFilter(String fname) {
-            this.fname = fname;
-            children = new Vector();
-        }
-        boolean match(FileInfo fi) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        Iterator babies() { return children.iterator(); }
-        void add(NameFilter f) {
-            children.add(f);
-        }
-    }
-    void writeCustomToolConfig(Vector configs, String[] customToolAttrs) {
-        for (Iterator i = configs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+   void writeCustomToolConfig(Vector<BuildConfig> configs, String[] customToolAttrs) {
+      for (BuildConfig cfg : configs) { 
-                     new String[] {
-                         "Name",  (String)
-                     }
-                     );
+               new String[] { "Name", (String) cfg.get("Name") });
             tag("Tool", customToolAttrs);
-            endTag("FileConfiguration");
+         endTag();
-    // here we define filters, which define layout of what can be seen in 'Solution View' of MSVC
-    // Basically there are two types of entities - container filters and real filters
-    //   - container filter just provides a container to group together real filters
-    //   - real filter can select elements from the set according to some rule, put it into XML
-    //     and remove from the list
-    Vector<NameFilter> makeFilters(TreeSet<FileInfo> files) {
-        Vector<NameFilter> rv = new Vector<NameFilter>();
-        String sbase = Util.normalize(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "SourceBase")+"/src/");
-        String currentDir = "";
-        DirectoryFilter container = null;
-        for(FileInfo fileInfo : files) {
-            if (!fileInfo.full.startsWith(sbase)) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            int lastSlash = fileInfo.full.lastIndexOf('/');
-            String dir = fileInfo.full.substring(sbase.length(), lastSlash);
-            if(dir.equals("share/vm")) {
-                // skip files directly in share/vm - should only be precompiled.hpp which is handled below
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (!dir.equals(currentDir)) {
-                currentDir = dir;
-                if (container != null && !rv.contains(container)) {
-                    rv.add(container);
-                }
-                // remove "share/vm/" from names
-                String name = dir;
-                if (dir.startsWith("share/vm/")) {
-                    name = dir.substring("share/vm/".length(), dir.length());
-                }
-                DirectoryFilter newfilter = new DirectoryFilter(name, dir, sbase);
-                int i = rv.indexOf(newfilter);
-                if(i == -1) {
-                    container = newfilter;
-                } else {
-                    // if the filter already exists, reuse it
-                    container = (DirectoryFilter) rv.get(i);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (container != null && !rv.contains(container)) {
-            rv.add(container);
-        }
-        ContainerFilter generated = new ContainerFilter("Generated");
-        ContainerFilter c1Generated = new ContainerFilter("C1");
-        c1Generated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("C++ Interpreter Generated", new String[] {".*compiler1/generated/jvmtifiles/bytecodeInterpreterWithChecks.+"}));
-        c1Generated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("jvmtifiles", new String[] {".*compiler1/generated/jvmtifiles/.*"}));
-        generated.add(c1Generated);
-        ContainerFilter c2Generated = new ContainerFilter("C2");
-        c2Generated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("C++ Interpreter Generated", new String[] {".*compiler2/generated/jvmtifiles/bytecodeInterpreterWithChecks.+"}));
-        c2Generated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("adfiles", new String[] {".*compiler2/generated/adfiles/.*"}));
-        c2Generated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("jvmtifiles", new String[] {".*compiler2/generated/jvmtifiles/.*"}));
-        generated.add(c2Generated);
-        ContainerFilter coreGenerated = new ContainerFilter("Core");
-        coreGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("C++ Interpreter Generated", new String[] {".*core/generated/jvmtifiles/bytecodeInterpreterWithChecks.+"}));
-        coreGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("jvmtifiles", new String[] {".*core/generated/jvmtifiles/.*"}));
-        generated.add(coreGenerated);
-        ContainerFilter tieredGenerated = new ContainerFilter("Tiered");
-        tieredGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("C++ Interpreter Generated", new String[] {".*tiered/generated/jvmtifiles/bytecodeInterpreterWithChecks.+"}));
-        tieredGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("adfiles", new String[] {".*tiered/generated/adfiles/.*"}));
-        tieredGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("jvmtifiles", new String[] {".*tiered/generated/jvmtifiles/.*"}));
-        generated.add(tieredGenerated);
-        ContainerFilter kernelGenerated = new ContainerFilter("Kernel");
-        kernelGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("C++ Interpreter Generated", new String[] {".*kernel/generated/jvmtifiles/bytecodeInterpreterWithChecks.+"}));
-        kernelGenerated.add(new SpecificPathFilter("jvmtifiles", new String[] {".*kernel/generated/jvmtifiles/.*"}));
-        generated.add(kernelGenerated);
-        rv.add(generated);
-        rv.add(new SpecificNameFilter("Precompiled Header", new String[] {"precompiled.hpp"}));
-        // this one is to catch files not caught by other filters
-        rv.add(new TerminatorFilter("Source Files"));
-        return rv;
-    }
     void writeFiles(Vector<BuildConfig> allConfigs) {
-        Hashtable allFiles = computeAttributedFiles(allConfigs);
-        Vector allConfigNames = new Vector();
-        for (Iterator i = allConfigs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-            allConfigNames.add(((BuildConfig)"Name"));
-        }
-        TreeSet sortedFiles = sortFiles(allFiles);
+      // This code assummes there are no config specific includes.
+      String sourceBase = BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "SourceBase");
-        for (Iterator i = makeFilters(sortedFiles).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-            doWriteFiles(sortedFiles, allConfigNames, (NameFilter);
-        }
+      // Use first config for all global absolute includes.
+      BuildConfig baseConfig = allConfigs.firstElement();
+      Vector<String> rv = new Vector<String>();
-        startTag("Filter",
-                 new String[] {
-                     "Name", "Resource Files",
-                     "Filter", "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;cnt;rtf;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
+      // Then use first config for all relative includes 
+      Vector<String> ri = new Vector<String>();        
+      baseConfig.collectRelevantVectors(ri, "RelativeSrcInclude");
+      for (String f : ri) {
+         rv.add(sourceBase + Util.sep + f);
-                 );
-        endTag("Filter");
-        endTag("Files");
-    }
+      baseConfig.collectRelevantVectors(rv, "AbsoluteSrcInclude");     
-    void doWriteFiles(TreeSet allFiles, Vector allConfigNames, NameFilter filter) {
-        startTag("Filter",
-                 new String[] {
-                     "Name",,
-                     "Filter", filter.filterString()
-                 }
-                 );
-        if (filter instanceof ContainerFilter) {
-            Iterator i = ((ContainerFilter)filter).babies();
-            while (i.hasNext()) {
-                doWriteFiles(allFiles, allConfigNames, (NameFilter);
-            }
+      handleIncludes(rv, allConfigs);     
-        } else {
-            Iterator i = allFiles.iterator();
-            while (i.hasNext()) {
-                FileInfo fi = (FileInfo);
-                if (!filter.match(fi)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                startTag("File",
-                         new String[] {
-                             "RelativePath", fi.full.replace('/', '\\')
-                         }
-                         );
-                FileAttribute a = fi.attr;
-                if (a.pchRoot) {
-                    writeCustomToolConfig(allConfigNames,
-                                          new String[] {
-                                              "Name", "VCCLCompilerTool",
-                                              "UsePrecompiledHeader", "1"
-                                          });
-                }
-                if (a.noPch) {
-                    writeCustomToolConfig(allConfigNames,
-                                          new String[] {
-                                              "Name", "VCCLCompilerTool",
-                                              "UsePrecompiledHeader", "0"
-                                          });
-                }
-                if (a.configs != null) {
-                    for (Iterator j=allConfigNames.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
-                        String cfg = (String);
-                        if (!a.configs.contains(cfg)) {
-                            startTag("FileConfiguration",
-                                     new String[] {
-                                         "Name", cfg,
-                                         "ExcludedFromBuild", "TRUE"
-                                     });
-                            endTag("FileConfiguration");
+      startTag("Filter", new String[] { "Name", "Resource Files", "Filter",
+      "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;cnt;rtf;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" });
+      endTag();
-                        }
-                    }
+      endTag();
-                endTag("File");
-                // we not gonna look at this file anymore
-                i.remove();
+   // Will visit file tree for each include
+   private void handleIncludes(Vector<String> includes, Vector<BuildConfig> allConfigs) {
+      for (String path : includes)  {
+         FileTreeCreatorVC7 ftc = new FileTreeCreatorVC7(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path) , allConfigs, this);
+         try {
+            ftc.writeFileTree();
+         } catch (IOException e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
-        endTag("Filter");
     void writeConfiguration(BuildConfig cfg) {
-        startTag("Configuration",
-                 new String[] {
-                     "Name", cfg.get("Name"),
+      startTag("Configuration", new String[] { "Name", cfg.get("Name"),
                      "OutputDirectory",  cfg.get("OutputDir"),
                      "IntermediateDirectory",  cfg.get("OutputDir"),
-                     "ConfigurationType", "2",
-                     "UseOfMFC", "0",
-                     "ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage", "FALSE"
-                 }
-                 );
+            "ConfigurationType", "2", "UseOfMFC", "0",
+            "ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage", "FALSE" });
         tagV("Tool", cfg.getV("CompilerFlags"));
-        tag("Tool",
-            new String[] {
-                "Name", "VCCustomBuildTool"
-            }
-            );
+      tag("Tool", new String[] { "Name", "VCCustomBuildTool" });
         tagV("Tool", cfg.getV("LinkerFlags"));
             new String[] {
-               "Name", "VCPostBuildEventTool",
-                "Description", BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PostbuildDescription"),
-                //Caution: String.replace(String,String) is available from JDK5 onwards only
-                "CommandLine", cfg.expandFormat(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PostbuildCommand").replace
-                   ("\t", "&#x0D;&#x0A;"))
-            }
-            );
-        tag("Tool",
-            new String[] {
-                "Name", "VCPreBuildEventTool"
-            }
-            );
-        tag("Tool",
-            new String[] {
-                "Name", "VCPreLinkEventTool",
-                "Description", BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PrelinkDescription"),
-                //Caution: String.replace(String,String) is available from JDK5 onwards only
-                "CommandLine", cfg.expandFormat(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PrelinkCommand").replace
-                   ("\t", "&#x0D;&#x0A;"))
-            }
-            );
-        tag("Tool",
-            new String[] {
-                "Name", "VCResourceCompilerTool",
-                // XXX???
-                "PreprocessorDefinitions", "NDEBUG",
-                "Culture", "1033"
-            }
-            );
+            "Name",
+            "VCPostBuildEventTool",
+            "Description",
+            BuildConfig
+            .getFieldString(null, "PostbuildDescription"),
+            // Caution: String.replace(String,String) is available
+            // from JDK5 onwards only
+            "CommandLine",
+            cfg.expandFormat(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null,
+                  "PostbuildCommand").replace("\t",
+                        "&#x0D;&#x0A;")) });
+      tag("Tool", new String[] { "Name", "VCPreBuildEventTool" });
             new String[] {
-                "Name", "VCMIDLTool",
-                "PreprocessorDefinitions", "NDEBUG",
-                "MkTypLibCompatible", "TRUE",
-                "SuppressStartupBanner", "TRUE",
-                "TargetEnvironment", "1",
-                "TypeLibraryName", cfg.get("OutputDir") + Util.sep + "vm.tlb",
-                "HeaderFileName", ""
-            }
-            );
-        endTag("Configuration");
-    }
-    int indent;
-    private void startTagPrim(String name,
-            String[] attrs,
-            boolean close) {
-        startTagPrim(name, attrs, close, true);
-    }
-    private void startTagPrim(String name,
-                              String[] attrs,
-                              boolean close,
-                              boolean newline) {
-        doIndent();
-        printWriter.print("<"+name);
-        indent++;
-        if (attrs != null && attrs.length > 0) {
-            for (int i=0; i<attrs.length; i+=2) {
-                printWriter.print(" " + attrs[i]+"=\""+attrs[i+1]+"\"");
-                if (i < attrs.length - 2) {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (close) {
-            indent--;
-            printWriter.print(" />");
-        } else {
-                printWriter.print(">");
-        }
-        if(newline) {
-                printWriter.println();
-        }
-    }
-    void startTag(String name, String... attrs) {
-        startTagPrim(name, attrs, false);
-    }
+            "Name",
+            "VCPreLinkEventTool",
+            "Description",
+            BuildConfig.getFieldString(null, "PrelinkDescription"),
+            // Caution: String.replace(String,String) is available
+            // from JDK5 onwards only
+            "CommandLine",
+            cfg.expandFormat(BuildConfig.getFieldString(null,
+                  "PrelinkCommand").replace("\t", "&#x0D;&#x0A;")) });
+      tag("Tool", new String[] { "Name", "VCResourceCompilerTool",
+            "PreprocessorDefinitions", "NDEBUG", "Culture", "1033" });
+      tag("Tool", new String[] { "Name", "VCMIDLTool",
+            "PreprocessorDefinitions", "NDEBUG", "MkTypLibCompatible",
+            "TRUE", "SuppressStartupBanner", "TRUE", "TargetEnvironment",
+            "1", "TypeLibraryName",
+            cfg.get("OutputDir") + Util.sep + "vm.tlb", "HeaderFileName",
+      "" });
-    void startTagV(String name, Vector attrs) {
-        String s[] = new String [attrs.size()];
-         for (int i=0; i<attrs.size(); i++) {
-             s[i] = (String)attrs.elementAt(i);
-         }
-        startTagPrim(name, s, false);
+      endTag();
-    void endTag(String name) {
-        indent--;
-        doIndent();
-        printWriter.println("</"+name+">");
-    }
-    void tag(String name, String... attrs) {
-        startTagPrim(name, attrs, true);
-    }
-    void tagData(String name, String data) {
-        doIndent();
-        printWriter.print("<"+name+">");
-        printWriter.print(data);
-        printWriter.println("</"+name+">");
-    }
-    void tagData(String name, String data, String... attrs) {
-        startTagPrim(name, attrs, false, false);
-        printWriter.print(data);
-        printWriter.println("</"+name+">");
-        indent--;
-    }
-    void tagV(String name, Vector attrs) {
-         String s[] = new String [attrs.size()];
-         for (int i=0; i<attrs.size(); i++) {
-             s[i] = (String)attrs.elementAt(i);
-         }
-         startTagPrim(name, s, true);
-    }
-    void doIndent() {
-        for (int i=0; i<indent; i++) {
-            printWriter.print("  ");
-        }
-    }
     protected String getProjectExt() {
         return ".vcproj";