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rev 3227 : 7157695: Add windows implementation of socket interface
Summary: Add imlp using winsock and changing some types.

 573   static void  free_thread_local_storage(int index);
 575   // General allocation (must be MT-safe)
 576   static void* malloc  (size_t size);
 577   static void* realloc (void *memblock, size_t size);
 578   static void  free    (void *memblock);
 579   static bool  check_heap(bool force = false);      // verify C heap integrity
 580   static char* strdup(const char *);  // Like strdup
 582 #ifndef PRODUCT
 583   static julong num_mallocs;         // # of calls to malloc/realloc
 584   static julong alloc_bytes;         // # of bytes allocated
 585   static julong num_frees;           // # of calls to free
 586   static julong free_bytes;          // # of bytes freed
 587 #endif
 589   // SocketInterface (ex HPI SocketInterface )
 590   static int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
 591   static int socket_close(int fd);
 592   static int socket_shutdown(int fd, int howto);
 593   static int recv(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags);
 594   static int send(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags);
 595   static int raw_send(int fd, char* buf, size_t nBytes, uint flags);
 596   static int timeout(int fd, long timeout);
 597   static int listen(int fd, int count);
 598   static int connect(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t len);
 599   static int bind(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t len);
 600   static int accept(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t* len);
 601   static int recvfrom(int fd, char* buf, size_t nbytes, uint flags,
 602                       struct sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen);
 603   static int get_sock_name(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, socklen_t* len);
 604   static int sendto(int fd, char* buf, size_t len, uint flags,
 605                     struct sockaddr* to, socklen_t tolen);
 606   static int socket_available(int fd, jint* pbytes);
 608   static int get_sock_opt(int fd, int level, int optname,
 609                           char* optval, socklen_t* optlen);
 610   static int set_sock_opt(int fd, int level, int optname,
 611                           const char* optval, socklen_t optlen);
 612   static int get_host_name(char* name, int namelen);
 614   static struct hostent* get_host_by_name(char* name);
 616   // Printing 64 bit integers
 617   static const char* jlong_format_specifier();
 618   static const char* julong_format_specifier();
 620   // Support for signals (see JVM_RaiseSignal, JVM_RegisterSignal)
 621   static void  signal_init();
 622   static void  signal_init_pd();
 623   static void  signal_notify(int signal_number);
 624   static void* signal(int signal_number, void* handler);
 625   static void  signal_raise(int signal_number);
 626   static int   signal_wait();
 627   static int   signal_lookup();
 628   static void* user_handler();
 629   static void  terminate_signal_thread();
 630   static int   sigexitnum_pd();

 573   static void  free_thread_local_storage(int index);
 575   // General allocation (must be MT-safe)
 576   static void* malloc  (size_t size);
 577   static void* realloc (void *memblock, size_t size);
 578   static void  free    (void *memblock);
 579   static bool  check_heap(bool force = false);      // verify C heap integrity
 580   static char* strdup(const char *);  // Like strdup
 582 #ifndef PRODUCT
 583   static julong num_mallocs;         // # of calls to malloc/realloc
 584   static julong alloc_bytes;         // # of bytes allocated
 585   static julong num_frees;           // # of calls to free
 586   static julong free_bytes;          // # of bytes freed
 587 #endif
 589   // SocketInterface (ex HPI SocketInterface )
 590   static int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
 591   static int socket_close(int fd);
 592   static int socket_shutdown(int fd, int howto);
 593   static int recv(int fd, char* buf, int nBytes, int flags);
 594   static int send(int fd, char* buf, int nBytes, int flags);
 595   static int raw_send(int fd, char* buf, int nBytes, int flags);
 596   static int timeout(int fd, long timeout);
 597   static int listen(int fd, int count);
 598   static int connect(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, int len);
 599   static int bind(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, int len);
 600   static int accept(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, int* len);
 601   static int recvfrom(int fd, char* buf, int nbytes, int flags,
 602                       struct sockaddr* from, int* fromlen);
 603   static int get_sock_name(int fd, struct sockaddr* him, int* len);
 604   static int sendto(int fd, char* buf, int len, int flags,
 605                     struct sockaddr* to, int tolen);
 606   static int socket_available(int fd, jint* pbytes);
 608   static int get_sock_opt(int fd, int level, int optname,
 609                           char* optval, int* optlen);
 610   static int set_sock_opt(int fd, int level, int optname,
 611                           const char* optval, int optlen);
 612   static int get_host_name(char* name, int namelen);
 614   static struct hostent* get_host_by_name(char* name);
 616   // Printing 64 bit integers
 617   static const char* jlong_format_specifier();
 618   static const char* julong_format_specifier();
 620   // Support for signals (see JVM_RaiseSignal, JVM_RegisterSignal)
 621   static void  signal_init();
 622   static void  signal_init_pd();
 623   static void  signal_notify(int signal_number);
 624   static void* signal(int signal_number, void* handler);
 625   static void  signal_raise(int signal_number);
 626   static int   signal_wait();
 627   static int   signal_lookup();
 628   static void* user_handler();
 629   static void  terminate_signal_thread();
 630   static int   sigexitnum_pd();