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1403     log->print(" idx='%d' ", head->_idx);
1404     if (loop->_irreducible) log->print("irreducible='1' ");
1405     if (head->is_Loop()) {
1406       if (head->as_Loop()->is_inner_loop()) log->print("inner_loop='1' ");
1407       if (head->as_Loop()->is_partial_peel_loop()) log->print("partial_peel_loop='1' ");
1408     }
1409     if (head->is_CountedLoop()) {
1410       CountedLoopNode* cl = head->as_CountedLoop();
1411       if (cl->is_pre_loop())  log->print("pre_loop='%d' ",  cl->main_idx());
1412       if (cl->is_main_loop()) log->print("main_loop='%d' ", cl->_idx);
1413       if (cl->is_post_loop()) log->print("post_loop='%d' ",  cl->main_idx());
1414     }
1415     log->end_head();
1416     if( loop->_child ) log_loop_tree(root, loop->_child, log);
1417     log->tail("loop");
1418     if( loop->_next  ) log_loop_tree(root, loop->_next, log);
1419   }
1420 }
1422 //=============================================================================
1423 //------------------------------PhaseIdealLoop---------------------------------
1424 // Create a PhaseLoop.  Build the ideal Loop tree.  Map each Ideal Node to
1425 // its corresponding LoopNode.  If 'optimize' is true, do some loop cleanups.
1426 PhaseIdealLoop::PhaseIdealLoop( PhaseIterGVN &igvn, const PhaseIdealLoop *verify_me, bool do_split_ifs )
1427   : PhaseTransform(Ideal_Loop),
1428     _igvn(igvn),
1429     _dom_lca_tags(C->comp_arena()) {
1430   // Reset major-progress flag for the driver's heuristics
1431   C->clear_major_progress();
1433 #ifndef PRODUCT
1434   // Capture for later assert
1435   uint unique = C->unique();
1436   _loop_invokes++;
1437   _loop_work += unique;
1438 #endif
1440   // True if the method has at least 1 irreducible loop
1441   _has_irreducible_loops = false;
1443   _created_loop_node = false;
1445   Arena *a = Thread::current()->resource_area();
1446   VectorSet visited(a);
1447   // Pre-grow the mapping from Nodes to IdealLoopTrees.
1448>unique(), NULL);
1449   memset(_nodes.adr(), 0, wordSize * C->unique());
1451   // Pre-build the top-level outermost loop tree entry
1452   _ltree_root = new IdealLoopTree( this, C->root(), C->root() );
1453   // Do not need a safepoint at the top level
1454   _ltree_root->_has_sfpt = 1;
1456   // Empty pre-order array
1457   allocate_preorders();
1459   // Build a loop tree on the fly.  Build a mapping from CFG nodes to
1460   // IdealLoopTree entries.  Data nodes are NOT walked.
1461   build_loop_tree();
1462   // Check for bailout, and return
1463   if (C->failing()) {
1464     return;
1465   }
1467   // No loops after all
1468   if( !_ltree_root->_child ) C->set_has_loops(false);
1470   // There should always be an outer loop containing the Root and Return nodes.
1471   // If not, we have a degenerate empty program.  Bail out in this case.
1472   if (!has_node(C->root())) {

1473     C->clear_major_progress();
1474     C->record_method_not_compilable("empty program detected during loop optimization");

1475     return;
1476   }
1478   // Nothing to do, so get out
1479   if( !C->has_loops() && !do_split_ifs && !verify_me) {
1480     _igvn.optimize();           // Cleanup NeverBranches
1481     return;
1482   }
1484   // Set loop nesting depth
1485   _ltree_root->set_nest( 0 );
1487   // Split shared headers and insert loop landing pads.
1488   // Do not bother doing this on the Root loop of course.
1489   if( !verify_me && _ltree_root->_child ) {
1490     if( _ltree_root->_child->beautify_loops( this ) ) {
1491       // Re-build loop tree!
1492       _ltree_root->_child = NULL;
1493       _nodes.clear();
1494       reallocate_preorders();
1495       build_loop_tree();
1496       // Check for bailout, and return
1497       if (C->failing()) {
1498         return;
1499       }
1500       // Reset loop nesting depth
1501       _ltree_root->set_nest( 0 );
1503       C->print_method("After beautify loops", 3);
1504     }
1505   }
1507   // Build Dominators for elision of NULL checks & loop finding.
1508   // Since nodes do not have a slot for immediate dominator, make
1509   // a persistent side array for that info indexed on node->_idx.
1510   _idom_size = C->unique();
1511   _idom      = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY( Node*, _idom_size );
1512   _dom_depth = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY( uint,  _idom_size );
1513   _dom_stk   = NULL; // Allocated on demand in recompute_dom_depth
1514   memset( _dom_depth, 0, _idom_size * sizeof(uint) );
1516   Dominators();

1518   // As a side effect, Dominators removed any unreachable CFG paths
1519   // into RegionNodes.  It doesn't do this test against Root, so
1520   // we do it here.
1521   for( uint i = 1; i < C->root()->req(); i++ ) {
1522     if( !_nodes[C->root()->in(i)->_idx] ) {    // Dead path into Root?
1523       _igvn.hash_delete(C->root());
1524       C->root()->del_req(i);
1525       _igvn._worklist.push(C->root());
1526       i--;                      // Rerun same iteration on compressed edges
1527     }
1528   }
1530   // Given dominators, try to find inner loops with calls that must
1531   // always be executed (call dominates loop tail).  These loops do
1532   // not need a separate safepoint.
1533   Node_List cisstack(a);
1534   _ltree_root->check_safepts(visited, cisstack);

1536   // Walk the DATA nodes and place into loops.  Find earliest control
1537   // node.  For CFG nodes, the _nodes array starts out and remains
1538   // holding the associated IdealLoopTree pointer.  For DATA nodes, the
1539   // _nodes array holds the earliest legal controlling CFG node.
1541   // Allocate stack with enough space to avoid frequent realloc
1542   int stack_size = (C->unique() >> 1) + 16; // (unique>>1)+16 from Java2D stats
1543   Node_Stack nstack( a, stack_size );
1545   visited.Clear();
1546   Node_List worklist(a);
1547   // Don't need C->root() on worklist since
1548   // it will be processed among C->top() inputs
1549   worklist.push( C->top() );
1550   visited.set( C->top()->_idx ); // Set C->top() as visited now
1551   build_loop_early( visited, worklist, nstack, verify_me );
1553   // Given early legal placement, try finding counted loops.  This placement
1554   // is good enough to discover most loop invariants.
1555   if( !verify_me )
1556     _ltree_root->counted_loop( this );
1558   // Find latest loop placement.  Find ideal loop placement.
1559   visited.Clear();
1560   init_dom_lca_tags();
1561   // Need C->root() on worklist when processing outs
1562   worklist.push( C->root() );
1563   NOT_PRODUCT( C->verify_graph_edges(); )
1564   worklist.push( C->top() );
1565   build_loop_late( visited, worklist, nstack, verify_me );

1567   // clear out the dead code
1568   while(_deadlist.size()) {
1569     igvn.remove_globally_dead_node(_deadlist.pop());
1570   }
1572 #ifndef PRODUCT
1573   C->verify_graph_edges();
1574   if( verify_me ) {             // Nested verify pass?
1575     // Check to see if the verify mode is broken
1576     assert(C->unique() == unique, "non-optimize mode made Nodes? ? ?");
1577     return;
1578   }
1579   if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
1580 #endif
1582   if (ReassociateInvariants) {
1583     // Reassociate invariants and prep for split_thru_phi
1584     for (LoopTreeIterator iter(_ltree_root); !iter.done(); {
1585       IdealLoopTree* lpt = iter.current();
1586       if (!lpt->is_counted() || !lpt->is_inner()) continue;
1588       lpt->reassociate_invariants(this);
1590       // Because RCE opportunities can be masked by split_thru_phi,
1591       // look for RCE candidates and inhibit split_thru_phi
1592       // on just their loop-phi's for this pass of loop opts
1593       if( SplitIfBlocks && do_split_ifs ) {
1594         if (lpt->policy_range_check(this)) {

1662   if (C->log() != NULL) {
1663     log_loop_tree(_ltree_root, _ltree_root, C->log());
1664   }
1665 }
1667 #ifndef PRODUCT
1668 //------------------------------print_statistics-------------------------------
1669 int PhaseIdealLoop::_loop_invokes=0;// Count of PhaseIdealLoop invokes
1670 int PhaseIdealLoop::_loop_work=0; // Sum of PhaseIdealLoop x unique
1671 void PhaseIdealLoop::print_statistics() {
1672   tty->print_cr("PhaseIdealLoop=%d, sum _unique=%d", _loop_invokes, _loop_work);
1673 }
1675 //------------------------------verify-----------------------------------------
1676 // Build a verify-only PhaseIdealLoop, and see that it agrees with me.
1677 static int fail;                // debug only, so its multi-thread dont care
1678 void PhaseIdealLoop::verify() const {
1679   int old_progress = C->major_progress();
1680   ResourceMark rm;
1681   PhaseIdealLoop loop_verify( _igvn, this, false );
1682   VectorSet visited(Thread::current()->resource_area());
1684   fail = 0;
1685   verify_compare( C->root(), &loop_verify, visited );
1686   assert( fail == 0, "verify loops failed" );
1687   // Verify loop structure is the same
1688   _ltree_root->verify_tree(loop_verify._ltree_root, NULL);
1689   // Reset major-progress.  It was cleared by creating a verify version of
1690   // PhaseIdealLoop.
1691   for( int i=0; i<old_progress; i++ )
1692     C->set_major_progress();
1693 }
1695 //------------------------------verify_compare---------------------------------
1696 // Make sure me and the given PhaseIdealLoop agree on key data structures
1697 void PhaseIdealLoop::verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify, VectorSet &visited ) const {
1698   if( !n ) return;
1699   if( visited.test_set( n->_idx ) ) return;
1700   if( !_nodes[n->_idx] ) {      // Unreachable
1701     assert( !loop_verify->_nodes[n->_idx], "both should be unreachable" );

2121       // is a member of some outer enclosing loop.  Since there are no
2122       // shared headers (I've split them already) I only need to go up
2123       // at most 1 level.
2124       while( l && l->_head == m ) // Successor heads loop?
2125         l = l->_parent;         // Move up 1 for me
2126       // If this loop is not properly parented, then this loop
2127       // has no exit path out, i.e. its an infinite loop.
2128       if( !l ) {
2129         // Make loop "reachable" from root so the CFG is reachable.  Basically
2130         // insert a bogus loop exit that is never taken.  'm', the loop head,
2131         // points to 'n', one (of possibly many) fall-in paths.  There may be
2132         // many backedges as well.
2134         // Here I set the loop to be the root loop.  I could have, after
2135         // inserting a bogus loop exit, restarted the recursion and found my
2136         // new loop exit.  This would make the infinite loop a first-class
2137         // loop and it would then get properly optimized.  What's the use of
2138         // optimizing an infinite loop?
2139         l = _ltree_root;        // Oops, found infinite loop

2141         // Insert the NeverBranch between 'm' and it's control user.
2142         NeverBranchNode *iff = new (C, 1) NeverBranchNode( m );
2143         _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(iff);
2144         set_loop(iff, l);
2145         Node *if_t = new (C, 1) CProjNode( iff, 0 );
2146         _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(if_t);
2147         set_loop(if_t, l);
2149         Node* cfg = NULL;       // Find the One True Control User of m
2150         for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = m->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
2151           Node* x = m->fast_out(j);
2152           if (x->is_CFG() && x != m && x != iff)
2153             { cfg = x; break; }
2154         }
2155         assert(cfg != NULL, "must find the control user of m");
2156         uint k = 0;             // Probably cfg->in(0)
2157         while( cfg->in(k) != m ) k++; // But check incase cfg is a Region
2158         cfg->set_req( k, if_t ); // Now point to NeverBranch
2160         // Now create the never-taken loop exit
2161         Node *if_f = new (C, 1) CProjNode( iff, 1 );
2162         _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(if_f);
2163         set_loop(if_f, l);
2164         // Find frame ptr for Halt.  Relies on the optimizer
2165         // V-N'ing.  Easier and quicker than searching through
2166         // the program structure.
2167         Node *frame = new (C, 1) ParmNode( C->start(), TypeFunc::FramePtr );
2168         _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(frame);
2169         // Halt & Catch Fire
2170         Node *halt = new (C, TypeFunc::Parms) HaltNode( if_f, frame );
2171         _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(halt);
2172         set_loop(halt, l);
2173         C->root()->add_req(halt);

2174         set_loop(C->root(), _ltree_root);
2175       }
2176     }
2177     // Weeny check for irreducible.  This child was already visited (this
2178     // IS the post-work phase).  Is this child's loop header post-visited
2179     // as well?  If so, then I found another entry into the loop.

2180     while( is_postvisited(l->_head) ) {
2181       // found irreducible
2182       l->_irreducible = 1; // = true
2183       l = l->_parent;
2184       _has_irreducible_loops = true;
2185       // Check for bad CFG here to prevent crash, and bailout of compile
2186       if (l == NULL) {
2187         C->record_method_not_compilable("unhandled CFG detected during loop optimization");
2188         return pre_order;
2189       }
2190     }

2192     // This Node might be a decision point for loops.  It is only if
2193     // it's children belong to several different loops.  The sort call
2194     // does a trivial amount of work if there is only 1 child or all
2195     // children belong to the same loop.  If however, the children
2196     // belong to different loops, the sort call will properly set the
2197     // _parent pointers to show how the loops nest.
2198     //
2199     // In any case, it returns the tightest enclosing loop.
2200     innermost = sort( l, innermost );
2201   }
2203   // Def-use info will have some dead stuff; dead stuff will have no
2204   // loop decided on.
2206   // Am I a loop header?  If so fix up my parent's child and next ptrs.
2207   if( innermost && innermost->_head == n ) {
2208     assert( get_loop(n) == innermost, "" );
2209     IdealLoopTree *p = innermost->_parent;
2210     IdealLoopTree *l = innermost;

2236       } else if( n->is_Allocate() && n->as_Allocate()->_is_scalar_replaceable ) {
2237         // Disable loop optimizations if the loop has a scalar replaceable
2238         // allocation. This disabling may cause a potential performance lost
2239         // if the allocation is not eliminated for some reason.
2240         innermost->_allow_optimizations = false;
2241         innermost->_has_call = 1; // = true
2242       }
2243     }
2244   }
2246   // Flag as post-visited now
2247   set_postvisited(n);
2248   return pre_order;
2249 }
2252 //------------------------------build_loop_early-------------------------------
2253 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2254 // First pass computes the earliest controlling node possible.  This is the
2255 // controlling input with the deepest dominating depth.
2256 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_early( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack, const PhaseIdealLoop *verify_me ) {
2257   while (worklist.size() != 0) {
2258     // Use local variables nstack_top_n & nstack_top_i to cache values
2259     // on nstack's top.
2260     Node *nstack_top_n = worklist.pop();
2261     uint  nstack_top_i = 0;
2262 //while_nstack_nonempty:
2263     while (true) {
2264       // Get parent node and next input's index from stack's top.
2265       Node  *n = nstack_top_n;
2266       uint   i = nstack_top_i;
2267       uint cnt = n->req(); // Count of inputs
2268       if (i == 0) {        // Pre-process the node.
2269         if( has_node(n) &&            // Have either loop or control already?
2270             !has_ctrl(n) ) {          // Have loop picked out already?
2271           // During "merge_many_backedges" we fold up several nested loops
2272           // into a single loop.  This makes the members of the original
2273           // loop bodies pointing to dead loops; they need to move up
2274           // to the new UNION'd larger loop.  I set the _head field of these
2275           // dead loops to NULL and the _parent field points to the owning
2276           // loop.  Shades of UNION-FIND algorithm.
2277           IdealLoopTree *ilt;
2278           while( !(ilt = get_loop(n))->_head ) {
2279             // Normally I would use a set_loop here.  But in this one special
2280             // case, it is legal (and expected) to change what loop a Node
2281             // belongs to.
2282   >_idx, (Node*)(ilt->_parent) );
2283           }
2284           // Remove safepoints ONLY if I've already seen I don't need one.
2285           // (the old code here would yank a 2nd safepoint after seeing a
2286           // first one, even though the 1st did not dominate in the loop body
2287           // and thus could be avoided indefinitely)
2288           if( !verify_me && ilt->_has_sfpt && n->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint &&
2289               is_deleteable_safept(n)) {
2290             Node *in = n->in(TypeFunc::Control);
2291             lazy_replace(n,in);       // Pull safepoint now
2292             // Carry on with the recursion "as if" we are walking
2293             // only the control input
2294             if( !visited.test_set( in->_idx ) ) {
2295               worklist.push(in);      // Visit this guy later, using worklist
2296             }
2297             // Get next node from nstack:
2298             // - skip n's inputs processing by setting i > cnt;
2299             // - we also will not call set_early_ctrl(n) since
2300             //   has_node(n) == true (see the condition above).
2301             i = cnt + 1;
2302           }
2303         }
2304       } // if (i == 0)
2306       // Visit all inputs
2307       bool done = true;       // Assume all n's inputs will be processed
2308       while (i < cnt) {

2391       d1 = dom_depth(n1);
2392       d2 = dom_depth(n2);
2393     }
2394   }
2395   return n1;
2396 }
2398 //------------------------------compute_idom-----------------------------------
2399 // Locally compute IDOM using dom_lca call.  Correct only if the incoming
2400 // IDOMs are correct.
2401 Node *PhaseIdealLoop::compute_idom( Node *region ) const {
2402   assert( region->is_Region(), "" );
2403   Node *LCA = NULL;
2404   for( uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++ ) {
2405     if( region->in(i) != C->top() )
2406       LCA = dom_lca( LCA, region->in(i) );
2407   }
2408   return LCA;
2409 }
2411 //------------------------------get_late_ctrl----------------------------------
2412 // Compute latest legal control.
2413 Node *PhaseIdealLoop::get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early ) {
2414   assert(early != NULL, "early control should not be NULL");


2416   // Compute LCA over list of uses

2417   Node *LCA = NULL;
2418   for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax && LCA != early; i++) {
2419     Node* c = n->fast_out(i);
2420     if (_nodes[c->_idx] == NULL)
2421       continue;                 // Skip the occasional dead node
2422     if( c->is_Phi() ) {         // For Phis, we must land above on the path
2423       for( uint j=1; j<c->req(); j++ ) {// For all inputs
2424         if( c->in(j) == n ) {   // Found matching input?
2425           Node *use = c->in(0)->in(j);

2426           LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );

2427         }
2428       }
2429     } else {
2430       // For CFG data-users, use is in the block just prior
2431       Node *use = has_ctrl(c) ? get_ctrl(c) : c->in(0);
2432       LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );

2433     }
2434   }


2436   // if this is a load, check for anti-dependent stores
2437   // We use a conservative algorithm to identify potential interfering
2438   // instructions and for rescheduling the load.  The users of the memory
2439   // input of this load are examined.  Any use which is not a load and is
2440   // dominated by early is considered a potentially interfering store.
2441   // This can produce false positives.
2442   if (n->is_Load() && LCA != early) {
2443     Node_List worklist;
2445     Node *mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
2446     for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = mem->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
2447       Node* s = mem->fast_out(i);
2448       worklist.push(s);
2449     }
2450     while(worklist.size() != 0 && LCA != early) {
2451       Node* s = worklist.pop();
2452       if (s->is_Load()) {
2453         continue;
2454       } else if (s->is_MergeMem()) {
2455         for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {

2559 }
2561 //------------------------------clear_dom_lca_tags------------------------------
2562 // Tag could be a node's integer index, 32bits instead of 64bits in some cases
2563 // Intended use does not involve any growth for the array, so it could
2564 // be of fixed size.
2565 void PhaseIdealLoop::clear_dom_lca_tags() {
2566   uint limit = C->unique() + 1;
2567 limit, NULL );
2568   _dom_lca_tags.clear();
2569 #ifdef ASSERT
2570   for( uint i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) {
2571     assert(_dom_lca_tags[i] == NULL, "Must be distinct from each node pointer");
2572   }
2573 #endif // ASSERT
2574 }
2576 //------------------------------build_loop_late--------------------------------
2577 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2578 // Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
2579 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack, const PhaseIdealLoop *verify_me ) {
2580   while (worklist.size() != 0) {
2581     Node *n = worklist.pop();
2582     // Only visit once
2583     if (visited.test_set(n->_idx)) continue;
2584     uint cnt = n->outcnt();
2585     uint   i = 0;
2586     while (true) {
2587       assert( _nodes[n->_idx], "no dead nodes" );
2588       // Visit all children
2589       if (i < cnt) {
2590         Node* use = n->raw_out(i);
2591         ++i;
2592         // Check for dead uses.  Aggressively prune such junk.  It might be
2593         // dead in the global sense, but still have local uses so I cannot
2594         // easily call 'remove_dead_node'.
2595         if( _nodes[use->_idx] != NULL || use->is_top() ) { // Not dead?
2596           // Due to cycles, we might not hit the same fixed point in the verify
2597           // pass as we do in the regular pass.  Instead, visit such phis as
2598           // simple uses of the loop head.
2599           if( use->in(0) && (use->is_CFG() || use->is_Phi()) ) {
2600             if( !visited.test(use->_idx) )
2601               worklist.push(use);
2602           } else if( !visited.test_set(use->_idx) ) {
2603             nstack.push(n, i); // Save parent and next use's index.
2604             n   = use;         // Process all children of current use.
2605             cnt = use->outcnt();
2606             i   = 0;
2607           }
2608         } else {
2609           // Do not visit around the backedge of loops via data edges.
2610           // push dead code onto a worklist
2611           _deadlist.push(use);
2612         }
2613       } else {
2614         // All of n's children have been processed, complete post-processing.
2615         build_loop_late_post(n, verify_me);
2616         if (nstack.is_empty()) {
2617           // Finished all nodes on stack.
2618           // Process next node on the worklist.
2619           break;
2620         }
2621         // Get saved parent node and next use's index. Visit the rest of uses.
2622         n   = nstack.node();
2623         cnt = n->outcnt();
2624         i   = nstack.index();
2625         nstack.pop();
2626       }
2627     }
2628   }
2629 }
2631 //------------------------------build_loop_late_post---------------------------
2632 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2633 // Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
2634 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *verify_me ) {
2636   if (n->req() == 2 && n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && !C->major_progress()) {
2637     _igvn._worklist.push(n);  // Maybe we'll normalize it, if no more loops.
2638   }
2640   // CFG and pinned nodes already handled
2641   if( n->in(0) ) {
2642     if( n->in(0)->is_top() ) return; // Dead?
2644     // We'd like +VerifyLoopOptimizations to not believe that Mod's/Loads
2645     // _must_ be pinned (they have to observe their control edge of course).
2646     // Unlike Stores (which modify an unallocable resource, the memory
2647     // state), Mods/Loads can float around.  So free them up.
2648     bool pinned = true;
2649     switch( n->Opcode() ) {
2650     case Op_DivI:
2651     case Op_DivF:
2652     case Op_DivD:
2653     case Op_ModI:
2654     case Op_ModF:
2655     case Op_ModD:
2656     case Op_LoadB:              // Same with Loads; they can sink

2697 #ifdef ASSERT
2698     for (DUIterator i1 = n->outs(); n->has_out(i1); i1++) {
2699       assert( _nodes[n->out(i1)->_idx] == NULL, "all uses must also be dead");
2700     }
2701 #endif
2702>_idx, 0);     // This node is useless
2703     _deadlist.push(n);
2704     return;
2705   }
2706   assert(LCA != NULL && !LCA->is_top(), "no dead nodes");
2708   Node *legal = LCA;            // Walk 'legal' up the IDOM chain
2709   Node *least = legal;          // Best legal position so far
2710   while( early != legal ) {     // While not at earliest legal
2711     // Find least loop nesting depth
2712     legal = idom(legal);        // Bump up the IDOM tree
2713     // Check for lower nesting depth
2714     if( get_loop(legal)->_nest < get_loop(least)->_nest )
2715       least = legal;
2716   }

2718   // Try not to place code on a loop entry projection
2719   // which can inhibit range check elimination.
2720   if (least != early) {
2721     Node* ctrl_out = least->unique_ctrl_out();
2722     if (ctrl_out && ctrl_out->is_CountedLoop() &&
2723         least == ctrl_out->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) {
2724       Node* least_dom = idom(least);
2725       if (get_loop(least_dom)->is_member(get_loop(least))) {
2726         least = least_dom;
2727       }
2728     }
2729   }
2731 #ifdef ASSERT
2732   // If verifying, verify that 'verify_me' has a legal location
2733   // and choose it as our location.
2734   if( verify_me ) {
2735     Node *v_ctrl = verify_me->get_ctrl_no_update(n);
2736     Node *legal = LCA;
2737     while( early != legal ) {   // While not at earliest legal
2738       if( legal == v_ctrl ) break;  // Check for prior good location
2739       legal = idom(legal)      ;// Bump up the IDOM tree
2740     }
2741     // Check for prior good location
2742     if( legal == v_ctrl ) least = legal; // Keep prior if found
2743   }
2744 #endif
2746   // Assign discovered "here or above" point
2747   least = find_non_split_ctrl(least);
2748   set_ctrl(n, least);
2750   // Collect inner loop bodies
2751   IdealLoopTree *chosen_loop = get_loop(least);
2752   if( !chosen_loop->_child )   // Inner loop?
2753     chosen_loop->_body.push(n);// Collect inner loops
2754 }

1403     log->print(" idx='%d' ", head->_idx);
1404     if (loop->_irreducible) log->print("irreducible='1' ");
1405     if (head->is_Loop()) {
1406       if (head->as_Loop()->is_inner_loop()) log->print("inner_loop='1' ");
1407       if (head->as_Loop()->is_partial_peel_loop()) log->print("partial_peel_loop='1' ");
1408     }
1409     if (head->is_CountedLoop()) {
1410       CountedLoopNode* cl = head->as_CountedLoop();
1411       if (cl->is_pre_loop())  log->print("pre_loop='%d' ",  cl->main_idx());
1412       if (cl->is_main_loop()) log->print("main_loop='%d' ", cl->_idx);
1413       if (cl->is_post_loop()) log->print("post_loop='%d' ",  cl->main_idx());
1414     }
1415     log->end_head();
1416     if( loop->_child ) log_loop_tree(root, loop->_child, log);
1417     log->tail("loop");
1418     if( loop->_next  ) log_loop_tree(root, loop->_next, log);
1419   }
1420 }
1422 //=============================================================================
1423 //----------------------------build_and_optimize-------------------------------
1424 // Create a PhaseLoop.  Build the ideal Loop tree.  Map each Ideal Node to
1425 // its corresponding LoopNode.  If 'optimize' is true, do some loop cleanups.
1426 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize(bool do_split_ifs) {
1427   int old_progress = C->major_progress();

1429   // Reset major-progress flag for the driver's heuristics
1430   C->clear_major_progress();
1432 #ifndef PRODUCT
1433   // Capture for later assert
1434   uint unique = C->unique();
1435   _loop_invokes++;
1436   _loop_work += unique;
1437 #endif
1439   // True if the method has at least 1 irreducible loop
1440   _has_irreducible_loops = false;
1442   _created_loop_node = false;
1444   Arena *a = Thread::current()->resource_area();
1445   VectorSet visited(a);
1446   // Pre-grow the mapping from Nodes to IdealLoopTrees.
1447>unique(), NULL);
1448   memset(_nodes.adr(), 0, wordSize * C->unique());
1450   // Pre-build the top-level outermost loop tree entry
1451   _ltree_root = new IdealLoopTree( this, C->root(), C->root() );
1452   // Do not need a safepoint at the top level
1453   _ltree_root->_has_sfpt = 1;
1455   // Empty pre-order array
1456   allocate_preorders();
1458   // Build a loop tree on the fly.  Build a mapping from CFG nodes to
1459   // IdealLoopTree entries.  Data nodes are NOT walked.
1460   build_loop_tree();
1461   // Check for bailout, and return
1462   if (C->failing()) {
1463     return;
1464   }
1466   // No loops after all
1467   if( !_ltree_root->_child && !_verify_only ) C->set_has_loops(false);
1469   // There should always be an outer loop containing the Root and Return nodes.
1470   // If not, we have a degenerate empty program.  Bail out in this case.
1471   if (!has_node(C->root())) {
1472     if (!_verify_only) {
1473       C->clear_major_progress();
1474       C->record_method_not_compilable("empty program detected during loop optimization");
1475     }
1476     return;
1477   }
1479   // Nothing to do, so get out
1480   if( !C->has_loops() && !do_split_ifs && !_verify_me && !_verify_only ) {
1481     _igvn.optimize();           // Cleanup NeverBranches
1482     return;
1483   }
1485   // Set loop nesting depth
1486   _ltree_root->set_nest( 0 );
1488   // Split shared headers and insert loop landing pads.
1489   // Do not bother doing this on the Root loop of course.
1490   if( !_verify_me && !_verify_only && _ltree_root->_child ) {
1491     if( _ltree_root->_child->beautify_loops( this ) ) {
1492       // Re-build loop tree!
1493       _ltree_root->_child = NULL;
1494       _nodes.clear();
1495       reallocate_preorders();
1496       build_loop_tree();
1497       // Check for bailout, and return
1498       if (C->failing()) {
1499         return;
1500       }
1501       // Reset loop nesting depth
1502       _ltree_root->set_nest( 0 );
1504       C->print_method("After beautify loops", 3);
1505     }
1506   }
1508   // Build Dominators for elision of NULL checks & loop finding.
1509   // Since nodes do not have a slot for immediate dominator, make
1510   // a persistent side array for that info indexed on node->_idx.
1511   _idom_size = C->unique();
1512   _idom      = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY( Node*, _idom_size );
1513   _dom_depth = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY( uint,  _idom_size );
1514   _dom_stk   = NULL; // Allocated on demand in recompute_dom_depth
1515   memset( _dom_depth, 0, _idom_size * sizeof(uint) );
1517   Dominators();
1519   if (!_verify_only) {
1520     // As a side effect, Dominators removed any unreachable CFG paths
1521     // into RegionNodes.  It doesn't do this test against Root, so
1522     // we do it here.
1523     for( uint i = 1; i < C->root()->req(); i++ ) {
1524       if( !_nodes[C->root()->in(i)->_idx] ) {    // Dead path into Root?
1525         _igvn.hash_delete(C->root());
1526         C->root()->del_req(i);
1527         _igvn._worklist.push(C->root());
1528         i--;                      // Rerun same iteration on compressed edges
1529       }
1530     }
1532     // Given dominators, try to find inner loops with calls that must
1533     // always be executed (call dominates loop tail).  These loops do
1534     // not need a separate safepoint.
1535     Node_List cisstack(a);
1536     _ltree_root->check_safepts(visited, cisstack);
1537   }
1539   // Walk the DATA nodes and place into loops.  Find earliest control
1540   // node.  For CFG nodes, the _nodes array starts out and remains
1541   // holding the associated IdealLoopTree pointer.  For DATA nodes, the
1542   // _nodes array holds the earliest legal controlling CFG node.
1544   // Allocate stack with enough space to avoid frequent realloc
1545   int stack_size = (C->unique() >> 1) + 16; // (unique>>1)+16 from Java2D stats
1546   Node_Stack nstack( a, stack_size );
1548   visited.Clear();
1549   Node_List worklist(a);
1550   // Don't need C->root() on worklist since
1551   // it will be processed among C->top() inputs
1552   worklist.push( C->top() );
1553   visited.set( C->top()->_idx ); // Set C->top() as visited now
1554   build_loop_early( visited, worklist, nstack );
1556   // Given early legal placement, try finding counted loops.  This placement
1557   // is good enough to discover most loop invariants.
1558   if( !_verify_me && !_verify_only )
1559     _ltree_root->counted_loop( this );
1561   // Find latest loop placement.  Find ideal loop placement.
1562   visited.Clear();
1563   init_dom_lca_tags();
1564   // Need C->root() on worklist when processing outs
1565   worklist.push( C->root() );
1566   NOT_PRODUCT( C->verify_graph_edges(); )
1567   worklist.push( C->top() );
1568   build_loop_late( visited, worklist, nstack );
1570   if (_verify_only) {
1571     // restore major progress flag
1572     for (int i = 0; i < old_progress; i++)
1573       C->set_major_progress();
1574     assert(C->unique() == unique, "verification mode made Nodes? ? ?");
1575     assert(_igvn._worklist.size() == 0, "shouldn't push anything");
1576     return;
1577   }
1579   // clear out the dead code
1580   while(_deadlist.size()) {
1581     _igvn.remove_globally_dead_node(_deadlist.pop());
1582   }
1584 #ifndef PRODUCT
1585   C->verify_graph_edges();
1586   if( _verify_me ) {             // Nested verify pass?
1587     // Check to see if the verify mode is broken
1588     assert(C->unique() == unique, "non-optimize mode made Nodes? ? ?");
1589     return;
1590   }
1591   if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
1592 #endif
1594   if (ReassociateInvariants) {
1595     // Reassociate invariants and prep for split_thru_phi
1596     for (LoopTreeIterator iter(_ltree_root); !iter.done(); {
1597       IdealLoopTree* lpt = iter.current();
1598       if (!lpt->is_counted() || !lpt->is_inner()) continue;
1600       lpt->reassociate_invariants(this);
1602       // Because RCE opportunities can be masked by split_thru_phi,
1603       // look for RCE candidates and inhibit split_thru_phi
1604       // on just their loop-phi's for this pass of loop opts
1605       if( SplitIfBlocks && do_split_ifs ) {
1606         if (lpt->policy_range_check(this)) {

1674   if (C->log() != NULL) {
1675     log_loop_tree(_ltree_root, _ltree_root, C->log());
1676   }
1677 }
1679 #ifndef PRODUCT
1680 //------------------------------print_statistics-------------------------------
1681 int PhaseIdealLoop::_loop_invokes=0;// Count of PhaseIdealLoop invokes
1682 int PhaseIdealLoop::_loop_work=0; // Sum of PhaseIdealLoop x unique
1683 void PhaseIdealLoop::print_statistics() {
1684   tty->print_cr("PhaseIdealLoop=%d, sum _unique=%d", _loop_invokes, _loop_work);
1685 }
1687 //------------------------------verify-----------------------------------------
1688 // Build a verify-only PhaseIdealLoop, and see that it agrees with me.
1689 static int fail;                // debug only, so its multi-thread dont care
1690 void PhaseIdealLoop::verify() const {
1691   int old_progress = C->major_progress();
1692   ResourceMark rm;
1693   PhaseIdealLoop loop_verify( _igvn, this );
1694   VectorSet visited(Thread::current()->resource_area());
1696   fail = 0;
1697   verify_compare( C->root(), &loop_verify, visited );
1698   assert( fail == 0, "verify loops failed" );
1699   // Verify loop structure is the same
1700   _ltree_root->verify_tree(loop_verify._ltree_root, NULL);
1701   // Reset major-progress.  It was cleared by creating a verify version of
1702   // PhaseIdealLoop.
1703   for( int i=0; i<old_progress; i++ )
1704     C->set_major_progress();
1705 }
1707 //------------------------------verify_compare---------------------------------
1708 // Make sure me and the given PhaseIdealLoop agree on key data structures
1709 void PhaseIdealLoop::verify_compare( Node *n, const PhaseIdealLoop *loop_verify, VectorSet &visited ) const {
1710   if( !n ) return;
1711   if( visited.test_set( n->_idx ) ) return;
1712   if( !_nodes[n->_idx] ) {      // Unreachable
1713     assert( !loop_verify->_nodes[n->_idx], "both should be unreachable" );

2133       // is a member of some outer enclosing loop.  Since there are no
2134       // shared headers (I've split them already) I only need to go up
2135       // at most 1 level.
2136       while( l && l->_head == m ) // Successor heads loop?
2137         l = l->_parent;         // Move up 1 for me
2138       // If this loop is not properly parented, then this loop
2139       // has no exit path out, i.e. its an infinite loop.
2140       if( !l ) {
2141         // Make loop "reachable" from root so the CFG is reachable.  Basically
2142         // insert a bogus loop exit that is never taken.  'm', the loop head,
2143         // points to 'n', one (of possibly many) fall-in paths.  There may be
2144         // many backedges as well.
2146         // Here I set the loop to be the root loop.  I could have, after
2147         // inserting a bogus loop exit, restarted the recursion and found my
2148         // new loop exit.  This would make the infinite loop a first-class
2149         // loop and it would then get properly optimized.  What's the use of
2150         // optimizing an infinite loop?
2151         l = _ltree_root;        // Oops, found infinite loop
2153         if (!_verify_only) {
2154           // Insert the NeverBranch between 'm' and it's control user.
2155           NeverBranchNode *iff = new (C, 1) NeverBranchNode( m );
2156           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(iff);
2157           set_loop(iff, l);
2158           Node *if_t = new (C, 1) CProjNode( iff, 0 );
2159           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(if_t);
2160           set_loop(if_t, l);
2162           Node* cfg = NULL;       // Find the One True Control User of m
2163           for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = m->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
2164             Node* x = m->fast_out(j);
2165             if (x->is_CFG() && x != m && x != iff)
2166               { cfg = x; break; }
2167           }
2168           assert(cfg != NULL, "must find the control user of m");
2169           uint k = 0;             // Probably cfg->in(0)
2170           while( cfg->in(k) != m ) k++; // But check incase cfg is a Region
2171           cfg->set_req( k, if_t ); // Now point to NeverBranch
2173           // Now create the never-taken loop exit
2174           Node *if_f = new (C, 1) CProjNode( iff, 1 );
2175           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(if_f);
2176           set_loop(if_f, l);
2177           // Find frame ptr for Halt.  Relies on the optimizer
2178           // V-N'ing.  Easier and quicker than searching through
2179           // the program structure.
2180           Node *frame = new (C, 1) ParmNode( C->start(), TypeFunc::FramePtr );
2181           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(frame);
2182           // Halt & Catch Fire
2183           Node *halt = new (C, TypeFunc::Parms) HaltNode( if_f, frame );
2184           _igvn.register_new_node_with_optimizer(halt);
2185           set_loop(halt, l);
2186           C->root()->add_req(halt);
2187         }
2188         set_loop(C->root(), _ltree_root);
2189       }
2190     }
2191     // Weeny check for irreducible.  This child was already visited (this
2192     // IS the post-work phase).  Is this child's loop header post-visited
2193     // as well?  If so, then I found another entry into the loop.
2194     if (!_verify_only) {
2195       while( is_postvisited(l->_head) ) {
2196         // found irreducible
2197         l->_irreducible = 1; // = true
2198         l = l->_parent;
2199         _has_irreducible_loops = true;
2200         // Check for bad CFG here to prevent crash, and bailout of compile
2201         if (l == NULL) {
2202           C->record_method_not_compilable("unhandled CFG detected during loop optimization");
2203           return pre_order;
2204         }
2205       }
2206     }
2208     // This Node might be a decision point for loops.  It is only if
2209     // it's children belong to several different loops.  The sort call
2210     // does a trivial amount of work if there is only 1 child or all
2211     // children belong to the same loop.  If however, the children
2212     // belong to different loops, the sort call will properly set the
2213     // _parent pointers to show how the loops nest.
2214     //
2215     // In any case, it returns the tightest enclosing loop.
2216     innermost = sort( l, innermost );
2217   }
2219   // Def-use info will have some dead stuff; dead stuff will have no
2220   // loop decided on.
2222   // Am I a loop header?  If so fix up my parent's child and next ptrs.
2223   if( innermost && innermost->_head == n ) {
2224     assert( get_loop(n) == innermost, "" );
2225     IdealLoopTree *p = innermost->_parent;
2226     IdealLoopTree *l = innermost;

2252       } else if( n->is_Allocate() && n->as_Allocate()->_is_scalar_replaceable ) {
2253         // Disable loop optimizations if the loop has a scalar replaceable
2254         // allocation. This disabling may cause a potential performance lost
2255         // if the allocation is not eliminated for some reason.
2256         innermost->_allow_optimizations = false;
2257         innermost->_has_call = 1; // = true
2258       }
2259     }
2260   }
2262   // Flag as post-visited now
2263   set_postvisited(n);
2264   return pre_order;
2265 }
2268 //------------------------------build_loop_early-------------------------------
2269 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2270 // First pass computes the earliest controlling node possible.  This is the
2271 // controlling input with the deepest dominating depth.
2272 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_early( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack ) {
2273   while (worklist.size() != 0) {
2274     // Use local variables nstack_top_n & nstack_top_i to cache values
2275     // on nstack's top.
2276     Node *nstack_top_n = worklist.pop();
2277     uint  nstack_top_i = 0;
2278 //while_nstack_nonempty:
2279     while (true) {
2280       // Get parent node and next input's index from stack's top.
2281       Node  *n = nstack_top_n;
2282       uint   i = nstack_top_i;
2283       uint cnt = n->req(); // Count of inputs
2284       if (i == 0) {        // Pre-process the node.
2285         if( has_node(n) &&            // Have either loop or control already?
2286             !has_ctrl(n) ) {          // Have loop picked out already?
2287           // During "merge_many_backedges" we fold up several nested loops
2288           // into a single loop.  This makes the members of the original
2289           // loop bodies pointing to dead loops; they need to move up
2290           // to the new UNION'd larger loop.  I set the _head field of these
2291           // dead loops to NULL and the _parent field points to the owning
2292           // loop.  Shades of UNION-FIND algorithm.
2293           IdealLoopTree *ilt;
2294           while( !(ilt = get_loop(n))->_head ) {
2295             // Normally I would use a set_loop here.  But in this one special
2296             // case, it is legal (and expected) to change what loop a Node
2297             // belongs to.
2298   >_idx, (Node*)(ilt->_parent) );
2299           }
2300           // Remove safepoints ONLY if I've already seen I don't need one.
2301           // (the old code here would yank a 2nd safepoint after seeing a
2302           // first one, even though the 1st did not dominate in the loop body
2303           // and thus could be avoided indefinitely)
2304           if( !_verify_only && !_verify_me && ilt->_has_sfpt && n->Opcode() == Op_SafePoint &&
2305               is_deleteable_safept(n)) {
2306             Node *in = n->in(TypeFunc::Control);
2307             lazy_replace(n,in);       // Pull safepoint now
2308             // Carry on with the recursion "as if" we are walking
2309             // only the control input
2310             if( !visited.test_set( in->_idx ) ) {
2311               worklist.push(in);      // Visit this guy later, using worklist
2312             }
2313             // Get next node from nstack:
2314             // - skip n's inputs processing by setting i > cnt;
2315             // - we also will not call set_early_ctrl(n) since
2316             //   has_node(n) == true (see the condition above).
2317             i = cnt + 1;
2318           }
2319         }
2320       } // if (i == 0)
2322       // Visit all inputs
2323       bool done = true;       // Assume all n's inputs will be processed
2324       while (i < cnt) {

2407       d1 = dom_depth(n1);
2408       d2 = dom_depth(n2);
2409     }
2410   }
2411   return n1;
2412 }
2414 //------------------------------compute_idom-----------------------------------
2415 // Locally compute IDOM using dom_lca call.  Correct only if the incoming
2416 // IDOMs are correct.
2417 Node *PhaseIdealLoop::compute_idom( Node *region ) const {
2418   assert( region->is_Region(), "" );
2419   Node *LCA = NULL;
2420   for( uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++ ) {
2421     if( region->in(i) != C->top() )
2422       LCA = dom_lca( LCA, region->in(i) );
2423   }
2424   return LCA;
2425 }
2427 bool PhaseIdealLoop::verify_dominance(Node* n, Node* use, Node* LCA, Node* early) {
2428   bool had_error = false;
2429 #ifdef ASSERT
2430   if (early != C->root()) {
2431     // Make sure that there's a dominance path from use to LCA
2432     Node* d = use;
2433     while (d != LCA) {
2434       d = idom(d);
2435       if (d == C->root()) {
2436         tty->print_cr("*** Use %d isn't dominated by def %s", use->_idx, n->_idx);
2437         n->dump();
2438         use->dump();
2439         had_error = true;
2440         break;
2441       }
2442     }
2443   }
2444 #endif
2445   return had_error;
2446 }
2449 Node* PhaseIdealLoop::compute_lca_of_uses(Node* n, Node* early, bool verify) {
2450   // Compute LCA over list of uses
2451   bool had_error = false;
2452   Node *LCA = NULL;
2453   for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax && LCA != early; i++) {
2454     Node* c = n->fast_out(i);
2455     if (_nodes[c->_idx] == NULL)
2456       continue;                 // Skip the occasional dead node
2457     if( c->is_Phi() ) {         // For Phis, we must land above on the path
2458       for( uint j=1; j<c->req(); j++ ) {// For all inputs
2459         if( c->in(j) == n ) {   // Found matching input?
2460           Node *use = c->in(0)->in(j);
2461           if (_verify_only && use->is_top()) continue;
2462           LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );
2463           if (verify) had_error = verify_dominance(n, use, LCA, early) || had_error;
2464         }
2465       }
2466     } else {
2467       // For CFG data-users, use is in the block just prior
2468       Node *use = has_ctrl(c) ? get_ctrl(c) : c->in(0);
2469       LCA = dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl( LCA, use, n );
2470       if (verify) had_error = verify_dominance(n, use, LCA, early) || had_error;
2471     }
2472   }
2473   assert(!had_error, "bad dominance");
2474   return LCA;
2475 }
2477 //------------------------------get_late_ctrl----------------------------------
2478 // Compute latest legal control.
2479 Node *PhaseIdealLoop::get_late_ctrl( Node *n, Node *early ) {
2480   assert(early != NULL, "early control should not be NULL");
2482   Node* LCA = compute_lca_of_uses(n, early);
2483 #ifdef ASSERT
2484   if (LCA == C->root() && LCA != early) {
2485     // def doesn't dominate uses so print some useful debugging output
2486     compute_lca_of_uses(n, early, true);
2487   }
2488 #endif
2490   // if this is a load, check for anti-dependent stores
2491   // We use a conservative algorithm to identify potential interfering
2492   // instructions and for rescheduling the load.  The users of the memory
2493   // input of this load are examined.  Any use which is not a load and is
2494   // dominated by early is considered a potentially interfering store.
2495   // This can produce false positives.
2496   if (n->is_Load() && LCA != early) {
2497     Node_List worklist;
2499     Node *mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
2500     for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = mem->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
2501       Node* s = mem->fast_out(i);
2502       worklist.push(s);
2503     }
2504     while(worklist.size() != 0 && LCA != early) {
2505       Node* s = worklist.pop();
2506       if (s->is_Load()) {
2507         continue;
2508       } else if (s->is_MergeMem()) {
2509         for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {

2613 }
2615 //------------------------------clear_dom_lca_tags------------------------------
2616 // Tag could be a node's integer index, 32bits instead of 64bits in some cases
2617 // Intended use does not involve any growth for the array, so it could
2618 // be of fixed size.
2619 void PhaseIdealLoop::clear_dom_lca_tags() {
2620   uint limit = C->unique() + 1;
2621 limit, NULL );
2622   _dom_lca_tags.clear();
2623 #ifdef ASSERT
2624   for( uint i = 0; i < limit; ++i ) {
2625     assert(_dom_lca_tags[i] == NULL, "Must be distinct from each node pointer");
2626   }
2627 #endif // ASSERT
2628 }
2630 //------------------------------build_loop_late--------------------------------
2631 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2632 // Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
2633 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late( VectorSet &visited, Node_List &worklist, Node_Stack &nstack ) {
2634   while (worklist.size() != 0) {
2635     Node *n = worklist.pop();
2636     // Only visit once
2637     if (visited.test_set(n->_idx)) continue;
2638     uint cnt = n->outcnt();
2639     uint   i = 0;
2640     while (true) {
2641       assert( _nodes[n->_idx], "no dead nodes" );
2642       // Visit all children
2643       if (i < cnt) {
2644         Node* use = n->raw_out(i);
2645         ++i;
2646         // Check for dead uses.  Aggressively prune such junk.  It might be
2647         // dead in the global sense, but still have local uses so I cannot
2648         // easily call 'remove_dead_node'.
2649         if( _nodes[use->_idx] != NULL || use->is_top() ) { // Not dead?
2650           // Due to cycles, we might not hit the same fixed point in the verify
2651           // pass as we do in the regular pass.  Instead, visit such phis as
2652           // simple uses of the loop head.
2653           if( use->in(0) && (use->is_CFG() || use->is_Phi()) ) {
2654             if( !visited.test(use->_idx) )
2655               worklist.push(use);
2656           } else if( !visited.test_set(use->_idx) ) {
2657             nstack.push(n, i); // Save parent and next use's index.
2658             n   = use;         // Process all children of current use.
2659             cnt = use->outcnt();
2660             i   = 0;
2661           }
2662         } else {
2663           // Do not visit around the backedge of loops via data edges.
2664           // push dead code onto a worklist
2665           _deadlist.push(use);
2666         }
2667       } else {
2668         // All of n's children have been processed, complete post-processing.
2669         build_loop_late_post(n);
2670         if (nstack.is_empty()) {
2671           // Finished all nodes on stack.
2672           // Process next node on the worklist.
2673           break;
2674         }
2675         // Get saved parent node and next use's index. Visit the rest of uses.
2676         n   = nstack.node();
2677         cnt = n->outcnt();
2678         i   = nstack.index();
2679         nstack.pop();
2680       }
2681     }
2682   }
2683 }
2685 //------------------------------build_loop_late_post---------------------------
2686 // Put Data nodes into some loop nest, by setting the _nodes[]->loop mapping.
2687 // Second pass finds latest legal placement, and ideal loop placement.
2688 void PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post( Node *n ) {
2690   if (n->req() == 2 && n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && !C->major_progress() && !_verify_only) {
2691     _igvn._worklist.push(n);  // Maybe we'll normalize it, if no more loops.
2692   }
2694   // CFG and pinned nodes already handled
2695   if( n->in(0) ) {
2696     if( n->in(0)->is_top() ) return; // Dead?
2698     // We'd like +VerifyLoopOptimizations to not believe that Mod's/Loads
2699     // _must_ be pinned (they have to observe their control edge of course).
2700     // Unlike Stores (which modify an unallocable resource, the memory
2701     // state), Mods/Loads can float around.  So free them up.
2702     bool pinned = true;
2703     switch( n->Opcode() ) {
2704     case Op_DivI:
2705     case Op_DivF:
2706     case Op_DivD:
2707     case Op_ModI:
2708     case Op_ModF:
2709     case Op_ModD:
2710     case Op_LoadB:              // Same with Loads; they can sink

2751 #ifdef ASSERT
2752     for (DUIterator i1 = n->outs(); n->has_out(i1); i1++) {
2753       assert( _nodes[n->out(i1)->_idx] == NULL, "all uses must also be dead");
2754     }
2755 #endif
2756>_idx, 0);     // This node is useless
2757     _deadlist.push(n);
2758     return;
2759   }
2760   assert(LCA != NULL && !LCA->is_top(), "no dead nodes");
2762   Node *legal = LCA;            // Walk 'legal' up the IDOM chain
2763   Node *least = legal;          // Best legal position so far
2764   while( early != legal ) {     // While not at earliest legal
2765     // Find least loop nesting depth
2766     legal = idom(legal);        // Bump up the IDOM tree
2767     // Check for lower nesting depth
2768     if( get_loop(legal)->_nest < get_loop(least)->_nest )
2769       least = legal;
2770   }
2771   assert(early == legal || legal != C->root(), "bad dominance of inputs");
2773   // Try not to place code on a loop entry projection
2774   // which can inhibit range check elimination.
2775   if (least != early) {
2776     Node* ctrl_out = least->unique_ctrl_out();
2777     if (ctrl_out && ctrl_out->is_CountedLoop() &&
2778         least == ctrl_out->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)) {
2779       Node* least_dom = idom(least);
2780       if (get_loop(least_dom)->is_member(get_loop(least))) {
2781         least = least_dom;
2782       }
2783     }
2784   }
2786 #ifdef ASSERT
2787   // If verifying, verify that 'verify_me' has a legal location
2788   // and choose it as our location.
2789   if( _verify_me ) {
2790     Node *v_ctrl = _verify_me->get_ctrl_no_update(n);
2791     Node *legal = LCA;
2792     while( early != legal ) {   // While not at earliest legal
2793       if( legal == v_ctrl ) break;  // Check for prior good location
2794       legal = idom(legal)      ;// Bump up the IDOM tree
2795     }
2796     // Check for prior good location
2797     if( legal == v_ctrl ) least = legal; // Keep prior if found
2798   }
2799 #endif
2801   // Assign discovered "here or above" point
2802   least = find_non_split_ctrl(least);
2803   set_ctrl(n, least);
2805   // Collect inner loop bodies
2806   IdealLoopTree *chosen_loop = get_loop(least);
2807   if( !chosen_loop->_child )   // Inner loop?
2808     chosen_loop->_body.push(n);// Collect inner loops
2809 }

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