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1476   }
1479   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1480   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1481   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes for Pipelines-----------------\n");
1482   declare_pipe_classes(fp);
1484   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1485   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1486   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes derived from MachNode----------\n");
1487   _instructions.reset();
1488   InstructForm *instr;
1489   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1490     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
1491     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
1493     // Build class definition for this instruction
1494     fprintf(fp,"\n");
1495     fprintf(fp,"class %sNode : public %s { \n",
1496             instr->_ident, instr->mach_base_class() );
1497     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1498     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *_opnd_array[%d];\n", instr->num_opnds() );
1499     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1500       fprintf(fp, "  GrowableArray<Label*> _index2label;\n");
1501     }
1502     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1503     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *opnd_array(uint operand_index) const { assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\"); return _opnd_array[operand_index]; }\n");
1504     fprintf(fp,"  void      set_opnd_array(uint operand_index, MachOper *operand) { assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\"); _opnd_array[operand_index] = operand; }\n");
1505     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1506     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1507       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           add_case_label(int index_num, Label* blockLabel) {\n");
1508       fprintf(fp,"                                          _index2label.at_put_grow(index_num, blockLabel);}\n");
1509     }
1510     if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1511       fprintf(fp,"  const RegMask  *_cisc_RegMask;\n");
1512     }
1514     out_RegMask(fp);                      // output register mask
1515     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           rule() const { return %s_rule; }\n",
1516             instr->_ident);

1549       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1550     }
1552     // virtual functions for encode and format
1553     //
1554     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1555     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1556     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1557       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1558     }
1560     // virtual function for getting the size of an instruction
1561     if ( instr->_size ) {
1562        fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1563     }
1565     // Return the top-level ideal opcode.
1566     // Use MachNode::ideal_Opcode() for nodes based on MachNode class
1567     // if the ideal_Opcode == Op_Node.
1568     if ( strcmp("Node", instr->ideal_Opcode(_globalNames)) != 0 ||
1569          strcmp("MachNode", instr->mach_base_class()) != 0 ) {
1570       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            ideal_Opcode() const { return Op_%s; }\n",
1571             instr->ideal_Opcode(_globalNames) );
1572     }
1574     // Allow machine-independent optimization, invert the sense of the IF test
1575     if( instr->is_ideal_if() ) {
1576       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           negate() { \n");
1577       // Identify which operand contains the negate(able) ideal condition code
1578       int   idx = 0;
1579       instr->_components.reset();
1580       for( Component *comp; (comp = instr->_components.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1581         // Check that component is an operand
1582         Form *form = (Form*)_globalNames[comp->_type];
1583         OperandForm *opForm = form ? form->is_operand() : NULL;
1584         if( opForm == NULL ) continue;
1586         // Lookup the position of the operand in the instruction.
1587         if( opForm->is_ideal_bool() ) {
1588           idx = instr->operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef);
1589           assert( idx != NameList::Not_in_list, "Did not find component in list that contained it.");

1615     // If there is an explicit peephole rule, build it
1616     if ( instr->peepholes() != NULL ) {
1617       fprintf(fp,"  virtual MachNode      *peephole(Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile *C);\n");
1618     }
1620     // Output the declaration for number of relocation entries
1621     if ( instr->reloc(_globalNames) != 0 ) {
1622       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            reloc()   const;\n");
1623     }
1625     if (instr->alignment() != 1) {
1626       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            alignment_required()   const { return %d; }\n", instr->alignment());
1627       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            compute_padding(int current_offset)   const;\n");
1628     }
1630     // Starting point for inputs matcher wants.
1631     // Use MachNode::oper_input_base() for nodes based on MachNode class
1632     // if the base == 1.
1633     if ( instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames) != 1 ||
1634          strcmp("MachNode", instr->mach_base_class()) != 0 ) {
1635       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           oper_input_base() const { return %d; }\n",
1636             instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
1637     }
1639     // Make the constructor and following methods 'public:'
1640     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1642     // Constructor
1643     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1644       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() : _index2label(MinJumpTableSize*2) { ", instr->_ident);
1645     } else {
1646       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() { ", instr->_ident);
1647       if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1648         fprintf(fp,"_cisc_RegMask = NULL; ");
1649       }
1650     }
1652     fprintf(fp," _num_opnds = %d; _opnds = _opnd_array; ", instr->num_opnds());
1654     bool node_flags_set = false;

1889           if (rlr && strncmp(rlr->_opType, "Cmp", 3) == 0)
1890             offset = 2;
1891       }
1892       // Special hack for ideal CMoveP; ideal type depends on inputs
1893       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { const Type *t = in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type(); return (req() <= oper_input_base()+%d) ? t : t->meet(in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type()); } // CMoveP\n",
1894         offset, offset+1, offset+1);
1895     }
1896     else if( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild && !strcmp(instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"CMoveN") ) {
1897       int offset = 1;
1898       // Special special hack to see if the Cmp? has been incorporated in the conditional move
1899       MatchNode *rl = instr->_matrule->_rChild->_lChild;
1900       if( rl && !strcmp(rl->_opType, "Binary") ) {
1901           MatchNode *rlr = rl->_rChild;
1902           if (rlr && strncmp(rlr->_opType, "Cmp", 3) == 0)
1903             offset = 2;
1904       }
1905       // Special hack for ideal CMoveN; ideal type depends on inputs
1906       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { const Type *t = in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type(); return (req() <= oper_input_base()+%d) ? t : t->meet(in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type()); } // CMoveN\n",
1907         offset, offset+1, offset+1);
1908     }
1909     else if( instr->needs_base_oop_edge(_globalNames) ) {
1910       // Special hack for ideal AddP.  Bottom type is an oop IFF it has a
1911       // legal base-pointer input.  Otherwise it is NOT an oop.
1912       fprintf(fp,"  const Type *bottom_type() const { return AddPNode::mach_bottom_type(this); } // AddP\n");
1913     }
1914     else if (instr->is_tls_instruction()) {
1915       // Special hack for tlsLoadP
1916       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; } // tlsLoadP\n");
1917     }
1918     else if ( instr->is_ideal_if() ) {
1919       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; } // matched IfNode\n");
1920     }
1921     else if ( instr->is_ideal_membar() ) {
1922       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::MEMBAR; } // matched MemBar\n");
1923     }
1925     // Check where 'ideal_type' must be customized
1926     /*
1927     if ( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild &&
1928         (  strcmp("ConvF2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0
1929         || strcmp("ConvD2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0 ) ) {
1930       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           ideal_reg() const { return Compile::current()->matcher()->base2reg[Type::Int]; }\n");
1931     }*/
1933     // Analyze machine instructions that either USE or DEF memory.

1476   }
1479   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1480   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1481   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes for Pipelines-----------------\n");
1482   declare_pipe_classes(fp);
1484   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1485   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1486   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes derived from MachNode----------\n");
1487   _instructions.reset();
1488   InstructForm *instr;
1489   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1490     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
1491     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
1493     // Build class definition for this instruction
1494     fprintf(fp,"\n");
1495     fprintf(fp,"class %sNode : public %s { \n",
1496             instr->_ident, instr->mach_base_class(_globalNames) );
1497     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1498     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *_opnd_array[%d];\n", instr->num_opnds() );
1499     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1500       fprintf(fp, "  GrowableArray<Label*> _index2label;\n");
1501     }
1502     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1503     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *opnd_array(uint operand_index) const { assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\"); return _opnd_array[operand_index]; }\n");
1504     fprintf(fp,"  void      set_opnd_array(uint operand_index, MachOper *operand) { assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\"); _opnd_array[operand_index] = operand; }\n");
1505     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1506     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1507       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           add_case_label(int index_num, Label* blockLabel) {\n");
1508       fprintf(fp,"                                          _index2label.at_put_grow(index_num, blockLabel);}\n");
1509     }
1510     if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1511       fprintf(fp,"  const RegMask  *_cisc_RegMask;\n");
1512     }
1514     out_RegMask(fp);                      // output register mask
1515     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           rule() const { return %s_rule; }\n",
1516             instr->_ident);

1549       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1550     }
1552     // virtual functions for encode and format
1553     //
1554     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1555     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1556     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1557       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1558     }
1560     // virtual function for getting the size of an instruction
1561     if ( instr->_size ) {
1562        fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           size(PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");
1563     }
1565     // Return the top-level ideal opcode.
1566     // Use MachNode::ideal_Opcode() for nodes based on MachNode class
1567     // if the ideal_Opcode == Op_Node.
1568     if ( strcmp("Node", instr->ideal_Opcode(_globalNames)) != 0 ||
1569          strcmp("MachNode", instr->mach_base_class(_globalNames)) != 0 ) {
1570       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            ideal_Opcode() const { return Op_%s; }\n",
1571             instr->ideal_Opcode(_globalNames) );
1572     }
1574     // Allow machine-independent optimization, invert the sense of the IF test
1575     if( instr->is_ideal_if() ) {
1576       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           negate() { \n");
1577       // Identify which operand contains the negate(able) ideal condition code
1578       int   idx = 0;
1579       instr->_components.reset();
1580       for( Component *comp; (comp = instr->_components.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1581         // Check that component is an operand
1582         Form *form = (Form*)_globalNames[comp->_type];
1583         OperandForm *opForm = form ? form->is_operand() : NULL;
1584         if( opForm == NULL ) continue;
1586         // Lookup the position of the operand in the instruction.
1587         if( opForm->is_ideal_bool() ) {
1588           idx = instr->operand_position(comp->_name, comp->_usedef);
1589           assert( idx != NameList::Not_in_list, "Did not find component in list that contained it.");

1615     // If there is an explicit peephole rule, build it
1616     if ( instr->peepholes() != NULL ) {
1617       fprintf(fp,"  virtual MachNode      *peephole(Block *block, int block_index, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_, int &deleted, Compile *C);\n");
1618     }
1620     // Output the declaration for number of relocation entries
1621     if ( instr->reloc(_globalNames) != 0 ) {
1622       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            reloc()   const;\n");
1623     }
1625     if (instr->alignment() != 1) {
1626       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            alignment_required()   const { return %d; }\n", instr->alignment());
1627       fprintf(fp,"  virtual int            compute_padding(int current_offset)   const;\n");
1628     }
1630     // Starting point for inputs matcher wants.
1631     // Use MachNode::oper_input_base() for nodes based on MachNode class
1632     // if the base == 1.
1633     if ( instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames) != 1 ||
1634          strcmp("MachNode", instr->mach_base_class(_globalNames)) != 0 ) {
1635       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           oper_input_base() const { return %d; }\n",
1636             instr->oper_input_base(_globalNames));
1637     }
1639     // Make the constructor and following methods 'public:'
1640     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");
1642     // Constructor
1643     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1644       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() : _index2label(MinJumpTableSize*2) { ", instr->_ident);
1645     } else {
1646       fprintf(fp,"  %sNode() { ", instr->_ident);
1647       if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1648         fprintf(fp,"_cisc_RegMask = NULL; ");
1649       }
1650     }
1652     fprintf(fp," _num_opnds = %d; _opnds = _opnd_array; ", instr->num_opnds());
1654     bool node_flags_set = false;

1889           if (rlr && strncmp(rlr->_opType, "Cmp", 3) == 0)
1890             offset = 2;
1891       }
1892       // Special hack for ideal CMoveP; ideal type depends on inputs
1893       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { const Type *t = in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type(); return (req() <= oper_input_base()+%d) ? t : t->meet(in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type()); } // CMoveP\n",
1894         offset, offset+1, offset+1);
1895     }
1896     else if( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild && !strcmp(instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType,"CMoveN") ) {
1897       int offset = 1;
1898       // Special special hack to see if the Cmp? has been incorporated in the conditional move
1899       MatchNode *rl = instr->_matrule->_rChild->_lChild;
1900       if( rl && !strcmp(rl->_opType, "Binary") ) {
1901           MatchNode *rlr = rl->_rChild;
1902           if (rlr && strncmp(rlr->_opType, "Cmp", 3) == 0)
1903             offset = 2;
1904       }
1905       // Special hack for ideal CMoveN; ideal type depends on inputs
1906       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { const Type *t = in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type(); return (req() <= oper_input_base()+%d) ? t : t->meet(in(oper_input_base()+%d)->bottom_type()); } // CMoveN\n",
1907         offset, offset+1, offset+1);
1908     }

1909     else if (instr->is_tls_instruction()) {
1910       // Special hack for tlsLoadP
1911       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; } // tlsLoadP\n");
1912     }
1913     else if ( instr->is_ideal_if() ) {
1914       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::IFBOTH; } // matched IfNode\n");
1915     }
1916     else if ( instr->is_ideal_membar() ) {
1917       fprintf(fp,"  const Type            *bottom_type() const { return TypeTuple::MEMBAR; } // matched MemBar\n");
1918     }
1920     // Check where 'ideal_type' must be customized
1921     /*
1922     if ( instr->_matrule && instr->_matrule->_rChild &&
1923         (  strcmp("ConvF2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0
1924         || strcmp("ConvD2I",instr->_matrule->_rChild->_opType)==0 ) ) {
1925       fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           ideal_reg() const { return Compile::current()->matcher()->base2reg[Type::Int]; }\n");
1926     }*/
1928     // Analyze machine instructions that either USE or DEF memory.

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