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  58 //    [number of implementors     ]
  59 //    [implementors               ] klassOop[2]
  60 //    [fields                     ]
  61 //    [constants                  ]
  62 //    [class loader               ]
  63 //    [protection domain          ]
  64 //    [signers                    ]
  65 //    [source file name           ]
  66 //    [inner classes              ]
  67 //    [static field size          ]
  68 //    [nonstatic field size       ]
  69 //    [static oop fields size     ]
  70 //    [nonstatic oop maps size    ]
  71 //    [has finalize method        ]
  72 //    [deoptimization mark bit    ]
  73 //    [initialization state       ]
  74 //    [initializing thread        ]
  75 //    [Java vtable length         ]
  76 //    [oop map cache (stack maps) ]
  77 //    [EMBEDDED Java vtable             ] size in words = vtable_len
  78 //    [EMBEDDED static oop fields       ] size in words = static_oop_fields_size
  79 //    [         static non-oop fields   ] size in words = static_field_size - static_oop_fields_size
  80 //    [EMBEDDED nonstatic oop-map blocks] size in words = nonstatic_oop_map_size
  81 //
  82 //    The embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks are short pairs (offset, length) indicating
  83 //    where oops are located in instances of this klass.
  86 // forward declaration for class -- see below for definition
  87 class SuperTypeClosure;
  88 class JNIid;
  89 class jniIdMapBase;
  90 class BreakpointInfo;
  91 class fieldDescriptor;
  92 class DepChange;
  93 class nmethodBucket;
  94 class PreviousVersionNode;
  95 class JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap;
  97 // This is used in iterators below.
  98 class FieldClosure: public StackObj {
  99 public:

 213   objArrayOop     _methods_default_annotations;
 215   //
 216   // End of the oop block.
 217   //
 219   // Name of source file containing this klass, NULL if not specified.
 220   Symbol*         _source_file_name;
 221   // the source debug extension for this klass, NULL if not specified.
 222   Symbol*         _source_debug_extension;
 223   // Generic signature, or null if none.
 224   Symbol*         _generic_signature;
 225   // Array name derived from this class which needs unreferencing
 226   // if this class is unloaded.
 227   Symbol*         _array_name;
 229   // Number of heapOopSize words used by non-static fields in this klass
 230   // (including inherited fields but after header_size()).
 231   int             _nonstatic_field_size;
 232   int             _static_field_size;    // number words used by static fields (oop and non-oop) in this klass
 233   int             _static_oop_field_size;// number of static oop fields in this klass
 234   int             _nonstatic_oop_map_size;// size in words of nonstatic oop map blocks
 235   bool            _is_marked_dependent;  // used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
 236   bool            _rewritten;            // methods rewritten.
 237   bool            _has_nonstatic_fields; // for sizing with UseCompressedOops
 238   bool            _should_verify_class;  // allow caching of preverification
 239   u2              _minor_version;        // minor version number of class file
 240   u2              _major_version;        // major version number of class file
 241   ClassState      _init_state;           // state of class
 242   Thread*         _init_thread;          // Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recusive initialization)
 243   int             _vtable_len;           // length of Java vtable (in words)
 244   int             _itable_len;           // length of Java itable (in words)
 245   ReferenceType   _reference_type;       // reference type
 246   OopMapCache*    volatile _oop_map_cache;   // OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
 247   JNIid*          _jni_ids;              // First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
 248   jmethodID*      _methods_jmethod_ids;  // jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none
 249   int*            _methods_cached_itable_indices;  // itable_index cache for JNI invoke corresponding to methods idnum, or NULL
 250   nmethodBucket*  _dependencies;         // list of dependent nmethods
 251   nmethod*        _osr_nmethods_head;    // Head of list of on-stack replacement nmethods for this class
 252   BreakpointInfo* _breakpoints;          // bpt lists, managed by methodOop
 253   int             _nof_implementors;     // No of implementors of this interface (zero if not an interface)

 265   // embedded Java vtable follows here
 266   // embedded Java itables follows here
 267   // embedded static fields follows here
 268   // embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks follows here
 270   friend class instanceKlassKlass;
 271   friend class SystemDictionary;
 273  public:
 274   bool has_nonstatic_fields() const        { return _has_nonstatic_fields; }
 275   void set_has_nonstatic_fields(bool b)    { _has_nonstatic_fields = b; }
 277   // field sizes
 278   int nonstatic_field_size() const         { return _nonstatic_field_size; }
 279   void set_nonstatic_field_size(int size)  { _nonstatic_field_size = size; }
 281   int static_field_size() const            { return _static_field_size; }
 282   void set_static_field_size(int size)     { _static_field_size = size; }
 284   int static_oop_field_size() const        { return _static_oop_field_size; }
 285   void set_static_oop_field_size(int size) { _static_oop_field_size = size; }
 287   // Java vtable
 288   int  vtable_length() const               { return _vtable_len; }
 289   void set_vtable_length(int len)          { _vtable_len = len; }
 291   // Java itable
 292   int  itable_length() const               { return _itable_len; }
 293   void set_itable_length(int len)          { _itable_len = len; }
 295   // array klasses
 296   klassOop array_klasses() const           { return _array_klasses; }
 297   void set_array_klasses(klassOop k)       { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_array_klasses, (oop) k); }
 299   // methods
 300   objArrayOop methods() const              { return _methods; }
 301   void set_methods(objArrayOop a)          { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_methods, (oop) a); }
 302   methodOop method_with_idnum(int idnum);
 304   // method ordering
 305   typeArrayOop method_ordering() const     { return _method_ordering; }

 643   objArrayOop compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots, TRAPS);
 644   bool compute_is_subtype_of(klassOop k);
 645   bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
 646   klassOop java_super() const              { return super(); }
 647   int oop_size(oop obj)  const             { return size_helper(); }
 648   int klass_oop_size() const               { return object_size(); }
 649   bool oop_is_instance_slow() const        { return true; }
 651   // Iterators
 652   void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
 653   void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
 654   void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, TRAPS), TRAPS);
 656   void methods_do(void f(methodOop method));
 657   void array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
 658   void with_array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
 659   bool super_types_do(SuperTypeClosure* blk);
 661   // Casting from klassOop
 662   static instanceKlass* cast(klassOop k) {

 663     Klass* kp = k->klass_part();
 664     assert(kp->null_vtbl() || kp->oop_is_instance_slow(), "cast to instanceKlass");
 665     return (instanceKlass*) kp;
 666   }
 668   // Sizing (in words)
 669   static int header_size()            { return align_object_offset(oopDesc::header_size() + sizeof(instanceKlass)/HeapWordSize); }
 670   int object_size() const             { return object_size(align_object_offset(vtable_length()) + align_object_offset(itable_length()) + static_field_size() + nonstatic_oop_map_size()); }
 671   static int vtable_start_offset()    { return header_size(); }
 672   static int vtable_length_offset()   { return oopDesc::header_size() + offset_of(instanceKlass, _vtable_len) / HeapWordSize; }
 673   static int object_size(int extra)   { return align_object_size(header_size() + extra); }
 675   intptr_t* start_of_vtable() const        { return ((intptr_t*)as_klassOop()) + vtable_start_offset(); }
 676   intptr_t* start_of_itable() const        { return start_of_vtable() + align_object_offset(vtable_length()); }
 677   int  itable_offset_in_words() const { return start_of_itable() - (intptr_t*)as_klassOop(); }
 679   // Static field offset is an offset into the Heap, should be converted by
 680   // based on UseCompressedOop for traversal
 681   HeapWord* start_of_static_fields() const {
 682     return (HeapWord*)(start_of_itable() + align_object_offset(itable_length()));
 683   }
 685   intptr_t* end_of_itable() const          { return start_of_itable() + itable_length(); }
 687   int offset_of_static_fields() const {
 688     return (intptr_t)start_of_static_fields() - (intptr_t)as_klassOop();
 689   }
 691   OopMapBlock* start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() const {
 692     return (OopMapBlock*) (start_of_static_fields() + static_field_size());
 693   }
 695   // Allocation profiling support
 696   juint alloc_size() const            { return _alloc_count * size_helper(); }
 697   void set_alloc_size(juint n)        {}
 699   // Use this to return the size of an instance in heap words:
 700   int size_helper() const {
 701     return layout_helper_to_size_helper(layout_helper());
 702   }
 704   // This bit is initialized in classFileParser.cpp.
 705   // It is false under any of the following conditions:
 706   //  - the class is abstract (including any interface)
 707   //  - the class has a finalizer (if !RegisterFinalizersAtInit)
 708   //  - the class size is larger than FastAllocateSizeLimit
 709   //  - the class is java/lang/Class, which cannot be allocated directly
 710   bool can_be_fastpath_allocated() const {
 711     return !layout_helper_needs_slow_path(layout_helper());
 712   }
 714   // Java vtable/itable
 715   klassVtable* vtable() const;        // return new klassVtable wrapper
 716   inline methodOop method_at_vtable(int index);
 717   klassItable* itable() const;        // return new klassItable wrapper
 718   methodOop method_at_itable(klassOop holder, int index, TRAPS);
 720   // Garbage collection
 721   void oop_follow_contents(oop obj);
 722   void follow_static_fields();
 723   void adjust_static_fields();
 724   int  oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj);
 725   bool object_is_parsable() const { return _init_state != unparsable_by_gc; }
 726        // Value of _init_state must be zero (unparsable_by_gc) when klass field is set.
 728   void follow_weak_klass_links(
 729     BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* keep_alive);
 730   void release_C_heap_structures();
 732   // Parallel Scavenge and Parallel Old
 735 #ifndef SERIALGC
 736   // Parallel Scavenge
 737   void push_static_fields(PSPromotionManager* pm);
 739   // Parallel Old
 740   void follow_static_fields(ParCompactionManager* cm);
 741   void copy_static_fields(ParCompactionManager* cm);
 742   void update_static_fields();
 743 #endif // SERIALGC
 745   // Naming
 746   const char* signature_name() const;
 748   // Iterators
 749   int oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
 750     return oop_oop_iterate_v(obj, blk);
 751   }
 753   int oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
 754     return oop_oop_iterate_v_m(obj, blk, mr);
 755   }
 757 #define InstanceKlass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix)      \
 758   int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk);           \
 759   int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix##_m(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk,        \
 760                                       MemRegion mr);
 765 #ifndef SERIALGC
 766 #define InstanceKlass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_BACKWARDS_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix) \
 767   int  oop_oop_iterate_backwards##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk);
 771 #endif // !SERIALGC
 773   void iterate_static_fields(OopClosure* closure);
 774   void iterate_static_fields(OopClosure* closure, MemRegion mr);
 776 private:
 777   // initialization state
 778 #ifdef ASSERT
 779   void set_init_state(ClassState state);
 780 #else
 781   void set_init_state(ClassState state) { _init_state = state; }
 782 #endif
 783   void set_rewritten()                  { _rewritten = true; }
 784   void set_init_thread(Thread *thread)  { _init_thread = thread; }
 786   u2 idnum_allocated_count() const      { return _idnum_allocated_count; }
 787   // The RedefineClasses() API can cause new method idnums to be needed
 788   // which will cause the caches to grow. Safety requires different
 789   // cache management logic if the caches can grow instead of just
 790   // going from NULL to non-NULL.
 791   bool idnum_can_increment() const      { return has_been_redefined(); }
 792   jmethodID* methods_jmethod_ids_acquire() const
 793          { return (jmethodID*)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_methods_jmethod_ids); }
 794   void release_set_methods_jmethod_ids(jmethodID* jmeths)
 795          { OrderAccess::release_store_ptr(&_methods_jmethod_ids, jmeths); }

 909 class JNIid: public CHeapObj {
 910   friend class VMStructs;
 911  private:
 912   klassOop           _holder;
 913   JNIid*             _next;
 914   int                _offset;
 915 #ifdef ASSERT
 916   bool               _is_static_field_id;
 917 #endif
 919  public:
 920   // Accessors
 921   klassOop holder() const         { return _holder; }
 922   int offset() const              { return _offset; }
 923   JNIid* next()                   { return _next; }
 924   // Constructor
 925   JNIid(klassOop holder, int offset, JNIid* next);
 926   // Identifier lookup
 927   JNIid* find(int offset);

 929   // Garbage collection support
 930   oop* holder_addr() { return (oop*)&_holder; }
 931   void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
 932   static void deallocate(JNIid* id);
 933   // Debugging
 934 #ifdef ASSERT
 935   bool is_static_field_id() const { return _is_static_field_id; }
 936   void set_is_static_field_id()   { _is_static_field_id = true; }
 937 #endif
 938   void verify(klassOop holder);
 939 };
 942 // If breakpoints are more numerous than just JVMTI breakpoints,
 943 // consider compressing this data structure.
 944 // It is currently a simple linked list defined in methodOop.hpp.
 946 class BreakpointInfo;

  58 //    [number of implementors     ]
  59 //    [implementors               ] klassOop[2]
  60 //    [fields                     ]
  61 //    [constants                  ]
  62 //    [class loader               ]
  63 //    [protection domain          ]
  64 //    [signers                    ]
  65 //    [source file name           ]
  66 //    [inner classes              ]
  67 //    [static field size          ]
  68 //    [nonstatic field size       ]
  69 //    [static oop fields size     ]
  70 //    [nonstatic oop maps size    ]
  71 //    [has finalize method        ]
  72 //    [deoptimization mark bit    ]
  73 //    [initialization state       ]
  74 //    [initializing thread        ]
  75 //    [Java vtable length         ]
  76 //    [oop map cache (stack maps) ]
  77 //    [EMBEDDED Java vtable             ] size in words = vtable_len

  78 //    [EMBEDDED nonstatic oop-map blocks] size in words = nonstatic_oop_map_size
  79 //
  80 //    The embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks are short pairs (offset, length) indicating
  81 //    where oops are located in instances of this klass.
  84 // forward declaration for class -- see below for definition
  85 class SuperTypeClosure;
  86 class JNIid;
  87 class jniIdMapBase;
  88 class BreakpointInfo;
  89 class fieldDescriptor;
  90 class DepChange;
  91 class nmethodBucket;
  92 class PreviousVersionNode;
  93 class JvmtiCachedClassFieldMap;
  95 // This is used in iterators below.
  96 class FieldClosure: public StackObj {
  97 public:

 211   objArrayOop     _methods_default_annotations;
 213   //
 214   // End of the oop block.
 215   //
 217   // Name of source file containing this klass, NULL if not specified.
 218   Symbol*         _source_file_name;
 219   // the source debug extension for this klass, NULL if not specified.
 220   Symbol*         _source_debug_extension;
 221   // Generic signature, or null if none.
 222   Symbol*         _generic_signature;
 223   // Array name derived from this class which needs unreferencing
 224   // if this class is unloaded.
 225   Symbol*         _array_name;
 227   // Number of heapOopSize words used by non-static fields in this klass
 228   // (including inherited fields but after header_size()).
 229   int             _nonstatic_field_size;
 230   int             _static_field_size;    // number words used by static fields (oop and non-oop) in this klass
 231   int             _static_oop_field_count;// number of static oop fields in this klass
 232   int             _nonstatic_oop_map_size;// size in words of nonstatic oop map blocks
 233   bool            _is_marked_dependent;  // used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
 234   bool            _rewritten;            // methods rewritten.
 235   bool            _has_nonstatic_fields; // for sizing with UseCompressedOops
 236   bool            _should_verify_class;  // allow caching of preverification
 237   u2              _minor_version;        // minor version number of class file
 238   u2              _major_version;        // major version number of class file
 239   ClassState      _init_state;           // state of class
 240   Thread*         _init_thread;          // Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recusive initialization)
 241   int             _vtable_len;           // length of Java vtable (in words)
 242   int             _itable_len;           // length of Java itable (in words)
 243   ReferenceType   _reference_type;       // reference type
 244   OopMapCache*    volatile _oop_map_cache;   // OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
 245   JNIid*          _jni_ids;              // First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
 246   jmethodID*      _methods_jmethod_ids;  // jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none
 247   int*            _methods_cached_itable_indices;  // itable_index cache for JNI invoke corresponding to methods idnum, or NULL
 248   nmethodBucket*  _dependencies;         // list of dependent nmethods
 249   nmethod*        _osr_nmethods_head;    // Head of list of on-stack replacement nmethods for this class
 250   BreakpointInfo* _breakpoints;          // bpt lists, managed by methodOop
 251   int             _nof_implementors;     // No of implementors of this interface (zero if not an interface)

 263   // embedded Java vtable follows here
 264   // embedded Java itables follows here
 265   // embedded static fields follows here
 266   // embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks follows here
 268   friend class instanceKlassKlass;
 269   friend class SystemDictionary;
 271  public:
 272   bool has_nonstatic_fields() const        { return _has_nonstatic_fields; }
 273   void set_has_nonstatic_fields(bool b)    { _has_nonstatic_fields = b; }
 275   // field sizes
 276   int nonstatic_field_size() const         { return _nonstatic_field_size; }
 277   void set_nonstatic_field_size(int size)  { _nonstatic_field_size = size; }
 279   int static_field_size() const            { return _static_field_size; }
 280   void set_static_field_size(int size)     { _static_field_size = size; }
 282   int static_oop_field_count() const        { return _static_oop_field_count; }
 283   void set_static_oop_field_count(int size) { _static_oop_field_count = size; }
 285   // Java vtable
 286   int  vtable_length() const               { return _vtable_len; }
 287   void set_vtable_length(int len)          { _vtable_len = len; }
 289   // Java itable
 290   int  itable_length() const               { return _itable_len; }
 291   void set_itable_length(int len)          { _itable_len = len; }
 293   // array klasses
 294   klassOop array_klasses() const           { return _array_klasses; }
 295   void set_array_klasses(klassOop k)       { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_array_klasses, (oop) k); }
 297   // methods
 298   objArrayOop methods() const              { return _methods; }
 299   void set_methods(objArrayOop a)          { oop_store_without_check((oop*) &_methods, (oop) a); }
 300   methodOop method_with_idnum(int idnum);
 302   // method ordering
 303   typeArrayOop method_ordering() const     { return _method_ordering; }

 641   objArrayOop compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots, TRAPS);
 642   bool compute_is_subtype_of(klassOop k);
 643   bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
 644   klassOop java_super() const              { return super(); }
 645   int oop_size(oop obj)  const             { return size_helper(); }
 646   int klass_oop_size() const               { return object_size(); }
 647   bool oop_is_instance_slow() const        { return true; }
 649   // Iterators
 650   void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
 651   void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
 652   void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, TRAPS), TRAPS);
 654   void methods_do(void f(methodOop method));
 655   void array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
 656   void with_array_klasses_do(void f(klassOop k));
 657   bool super_types_do(SuperTypeClosure* blk);
 659   // Casting from klassOop
 660   static instanceKlass* cast(klassOop k) {
 661     assert(k->is_klass(), "must be");
 662     Klass* kp = k->klass_part();
 663     assert(kp->null_vtbl() || kp->oop_is_instance_slow(), "cast to instanceKlass");
 664     return (instanceKlass*) kp;
 665   }
 667   // Sizing (in words)
 668   static int header_size()            { return align_object_offset(oopDesc::header_size() + sizeof(instanceKlass)/HeapWordSize); }
 669   int object_size() const             { return object_size(align_object_offset(vtable_length()) + align_object_offset(itable_length()) + nonstatic_oop_map_size()); }
 670   static int vtable_start_offset()    { return header_size(); }
 671   static int vtable_length_offset()   { return oopDesc::header_size() + offset_of(instanceKlass, _vtable_len) / HeapWordSize; }
 672   static int object_size(int extra)   { return align_object_size(header_size() + extra); }
 674   intptr_t* start_of_vtable() const        { return ((intptr_t*)as_klassOop()) + vtable_start_offset(); }
 675   intptr_t* start_of_itable() const        { return start_of_vtable() + align_object_offset(vtable_length()); }
 676   int  itable_offset_in_words() const { return start_of_itable() - (intptr_t*)as_klassOop(); }

 678   intptr_t* end_of_itable() const          { return start_of_itable() + itable_length(); }
 680   address static_field_addr(int offset);

 682   OopMapBlock* start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() const {
 683     return (OopMapBlock*)(start_of_itable() + align_object_offset(itable_length()));
 684   }
 686   // Allocation profiling support
 687   juint alloc_size() const            { return _alloc_count * size_helper(); }
 688   void set_alloc_size(juint n)        {}
 690   // Use this to return the size of an instance in heap words:
 691   int size_helper() const {
 692     return layout_helper_to_size_helper(layout_helper());
 693   }
 695   // This bit is initialized in classFileParser.cpp.
 696   // It is false under any of the following conditions:
 697   //  - the class is abstract (including any interface)
 698   //  - the class has a finalizer (if !RegisterFinalizersAtInit)
 699   //  - the class size is larger than FastAllocateSizeLimit
 700   //  - the class is java/lang/Class, which cannot be allocated directly
 701   bool can_be_fastpath_allocated() const {
 702     return !layout_helper_needs_slow_path(layout_helper());
 703   }
 705   // Java vtable/itable
 706   klassVtable* vtable() const;        // return new klassVtable wrapper
 707   inline methodOop method_at_vtable(int index);
 708   klassItable* itable() const;        // return new klassItable wrapper
 709   methodOop method_at_itable(klassOop holder, int index, TRAPS);
 711   // Garbage collection
 712   void oop_follow_contents(oop obj);

 713   int  oop_adjust_pointers(oop obj);
 714   bool object_is_parsable() const { return _init_state != unparsable_by_gc; }
 715        // Value of _init_state must be zero (unparsable_by_gc) when klass field is set.
 717   void follow_weak_klass_links(
 718     BoolObjectClosure* is_alive, OopClosure* keep_alive);
 719   void release_C_heap_structures();
 721   // Parallel Scavenge and Parallel Old

 724   // Naming
 725   const char* signature_name() const;
 727   // Iterators
 728   int oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosure* blk) {
 729     return oop_oop_iterate_v(obj, blk);
 730   }
 732   int oop_oop_iterate_m(oop obj, OopClosure* blk, MemRegion mr) {
 733     return oop_oop_iterate_v_m(obj, blk, mr);
 734   }
 736 #define InstanceKlass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix)      \
 737   int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk);           \
 738   int  oop_oop_iterate##nv_suffix##_m(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk,        \
 739                                       MemRegion mr);
 744 #ifndef SERIALGC
 745 #define InstanceKlass_OOP_OOP_ITERATE_BACKWARDS_DECL(OopClosureType, nv_suffix) \
 746   int  oop_oop_iterate_backwards##nv_suffix(oop obj, OopClosureType* blk);
 750 #endif // !SERIALGC

 752 private:
 753   // initialization state
 754 #ifdef ASSERT
 755   void set_init_state(ClassState state);
 756 #else
 757   void set_init_state(ClassState state) { _init_state = state; }
 758 #endif
 759   void set_rewritten()                  { _rewritten = true; }
 760   void set_init_thread(Thread *thread)  { _init_thread = thread; }
 762   u2 idnum_allocated_count() const      { return _idnum_allocated_count; }
 763   // The RedefineClasses() API can cause new method idnums to be needed
 764   // which will cause the caches to grow. Safety requires different
 765   // cache management logic if the caches can grow instead of just
 766   // going from NULL to non-NULL.
 767   bool idnum_can_increment() const      { return has_been_redefined(); }
 768   jmethodID* methods_jmethod_ids_acquire() const
 769          { return (jmethodID*)OrderAccess::load_ptr_acquire(&_methods_jmethod_ids); }
 770   void release_set_methods_jmethod_ids(jmethodID* jmeths)
 771          { OrderAccess::release_store_ptr(&_methods_jmethod_ids, jmeths); }

 885 class JNIid: public CHeapObj {
 886   friend class VMStructs;
 887  private:
 888   klassOop           _holder;
 889   JNIid*             _next;
 890   int                _offset;
 891 #ifdef ASSERT
 892   bool               _is_static_field_id;
 893 #endif
 895  public:
 896   // Accessors
 897   klassOop holder() const         { return _holder; }
 898   int offset() const              { return _offset; }
 899   JNIid* next()                   { return _next; }
 900   // Constructor
 901   JNIid(klassOop holder, int offset, JNIid* next);
 902   // Identifier lookup
 903   JNIid* find(int offset);
 905   bool find_local_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
 906     return instanceKlass::cast(holder())->find_local_field_from_offset(offset(), true, fd);
 907   }
 909   // Garbage collection support
 910   oop* holder_addr() { return (oop*)&_holder; }
 911   void oops_do(OopClosure* f);
 912   static void deallocate(JNIid* id);
 913   // Debugging
 914 #ifdef ASSERT
 915   bool is_static_field_id() const { return _is_static_field_id; }
 916   void set_is_static_field_id()   { _is_static_field_id = true; }
 917 #endif
 918   void verify(klassOop holder);
 919 };
 922 // If breakpoints are more numerous than just JVMTI breakpoints,
 923 // consider compressing this data structure.
 924 // It is currently a simple linked list defined in methodOop.hpp.
 926 class BreakpointInfo;

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